The eighth annual meeting of the Wellington United Friendly Societies' Medical .Institute was held last week, and was largely attended by delegates. The president, Bro. C. P. M'Kenzie, presided. The board's report stated that the steps taken in 1916 in forming the institute had been fully justified, and that the institute had come to stay. The balance-sheet showed that the;fin-, ances were in a very strong position. Fifteen meetings of the committee and ten meetings of the board had been held during the past year, and the board noted the splendid attendance of delegates. The new medical agreement contained fresh clauses which would be of benefit to members. In "urgent" cases the • medical officers had no fixed time of attendance, and were required to attend immediately, if available. The area of attendance had been increased from six to seven miles from the dispensaryj a continuous medical service was provided for Sundays and statutory holidays, and free medical certificates for occupation and workers' compensation for accidents had been provided for in addition to those required for lodge purposes. There were 29 lodges, courts, and tents affiliated with the institute, with a total membership of over 3000. It was regretted that the hospital scheme submitted by the institute on a compulsory basis of Is 6d per quarter per member was rejected by the majority of the bodies affiliated with the institute. Special mention was made of the valuable work done by the secretary, Bro. W. M'Laughlin, during the year. The following are the medical officers for the next term.of three years :— Doctors R. I. Diggle, E. Walter Rich, ards, and E. W. Smyth. The following officers were appointed for the current' year:—Bpesident, Bro. C. ' E. Brian (A.O.F.jT; vice-president, Bro. A. J. Cathie (U.A.0.D.); secretary, Bro. W. M'Laughlin (U.A.0.D.); treasurer, Bro. A. Guise (1.0.0. F., M.U.) ;"board, evecutive officers and Bros. L. Inkster (A.0.F.),H. W. Smith (1.0. R.), and A. J. Ogden; committee, Bros. I. flyman (8.U.0.0.F.),. C. 0. Jorgensen (1.0.0. F., M.U.), E. Anset and J. E. Tullett (A.0.F.), R. Patton,.T. Mollir.son, A. Dockery, P. J Mullins, and,C. ■Beaumont (U.A.O.D.),'J. Barras, A. E. Hodgson, and F. E. Johnson (1.0. R.), K. Devereux (S.D.T.), C. P. M'Kenzie, J. Redican, M. Carroll, and J. M Coleman (H.A.0.8.5.), W. H. Wagstaff (P.A.F.S.), W. Dandy and C. 0. Trill (G.U.0.0.F.), and J. Nind (I:O:O.F., A.C.); auditor, Bro. H. Bolton (F.P.A.). The fortnightly v meeting of Excelsior Lodge, No. 11, U.A.0.D., was held this week, Arch. Druid Bro. Hair presiding over a large attendance. The bards-rep-ort was received, and sick pay amounting to £26 13s 4d and accounts were passed for payment. Bro. " Waterworth' was appointed senior trustee of .the lodge. Five new candidates were initiated. The presentation of a P.DiP. collar and diploma, was made to "P.D P.. Bro. E. A. Cole, by D.P. Bro. MaWhiiiney; No. 2 District. The secretary. Bro. M'LaughlinV reported on the activities of the Medical Institute. - Visitors were present from the following lodges: • Pacific, Newtown, Melrose, Coronation, Holly, Pride of Brooklyn, Mistletoe No. 6, Blenheim, Stratford, Totara No. 3 Island Bay, and Poneke.' After business was concluded the lodge held a sociftl evening.
Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 11
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