The president (Mr. F. Meadowcroft) presided over a meeting of the Executive Committee of the S.P.C.A. on Monday last. A report submitted by the inspector showed that a number of cases of cruelty had been investigated since the previous meeting. In most of the cases cruelty was caused through neglect of horses, and the necessary steps had been taken to secure better treatment for the animals. In consequence .of reports received of fowls being kept in miserable conditions about the city the inspector reported that he/was making inspection of places where fowls are kept. In one case of cruelty to ducks it had been found necessary to prosecute the offender, who was "fined £1 and costs. The organiser reported having collected subscriptions and donations totalling £32 1& 6d. which sum included £10 from Mrs. A. S G.- Carlvon £2 2s from Mr. R. F." Caryosso. £1 Is each fram Mesdaines Seville, Robinson, Wilford. and Bacchus, and Messrs R W. Gibbs, R. W. Bothamley,' Hadfield" and jSTewman. Henry Ben'y .and Co., Cunatd Shipping Co.. D.1.C.. Ltd., and JBX Irom Menn. Ccok and Cook.
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 9
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 9
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