At a recent meeting of the New Zealand Wool Committee, consideration was given to the question of the be offered at the various sales throughout the Dominion for the remainder of the season. The committee collected figures from the various Woolbrokera* Associations which show that the quantity now available for the March sales is estimated at 105,635 bales, made up as follows : Auckland 12,000, Napier (and Gisborne) 13,890, Wanganui 13,000, Wellington 20.000, Christchurch .10,000, Timaru 7000, Dnnedin 21,000, Invercavgill 8745; total, 105,635. In some instances the above figures may be slightly reduced by wool shipped Home on owner's account. It is estimated that there will be about 7000 bales available for the sale at Dunedin on the 4th April—this is the last sale'on the roster arranged with wool-tuyers. The Woo] Committee adhered to its previous decision not to limit the quantity which may be offered at the sales to be held during March and the remainder o£ the season.
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 9
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 9
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