NELSON, 4th, March. A meeting; of the Nelson Licensing Bench was held on Monday, Mr. T. E. Maunsell, S.M., presiding. The only business was an application for a transfer in connection with the Star and Garter Hotel (Richmond), which was granted.
Advice has been received by Messrs. Griffiii and O'Brien, the Nelson agents for T. J. Pom-part, Ltd., England, that isew Zealand apples are becoming popu lar in Glasgow, and that prospects for New Zealand apples there were satisfactory. This season only one steamer is to take New Zealand apples direct to Glasgow, a vessel leaving about 18th of April. . . ■ .
It is reported that the closing of the Inangahua Bridge on the main road from Nelson tp the Coast will cause a good deal of inconvenience to motor traffic, which will have to detour ten or 15 miles over a road little more than a track in places. The necessity of putting this road in a thorough state of repair in view of the approaching winter is being strongly urged on the Government. A new traffic bridge at Inangahua is in course of construction. In connection with the road trouble, in reply to a telegram from the Hon. W. W. Snodgrass, the Hon. J. G. Coates, Minister of. Public Works, telegraphed: "Your telegram with respect to' Inangahua Bridge and alternate route. Both matters are at present receiving our attention."
|A motor-car containing five young men journeying from Nelson last evening to a dance at Biwaka overturned through the jambing of the steering-gear near the Upper Moutere Inn. All the occupants were thrown out, two of them sustaining bruises and other injuries, necessitating the removal of one of them to the ' Motueka Cottage Hospital, where he recovered sufficiently to enable him to return to Nelson by a service car to-day. The overturned car was considerably "damaged in various ways, but under its own power made the passage back to Nelson this afternoon. The committee formed to provide entertainment for the officers and crew of H.M.S. Dunedin during .her visit here met last evening. The Mayor presided. An excellent programme was arranged, including a visit to Motueka, where the visitors will be the guests of that borough during the day. Arrangements are made for them to visit orchards and hop gardens in the district.
In reference to the Health Department regulations •in connection, with infantile paralysis, Dr. Keith, Acting Health Officer, states that very general misconception exists regarding their application to children and hop-picking. It has been, ruled that the .same restrictions apply to hop-pickers as to the" community; generally. Dr. ■■ Keith explains that this meaiys that not only must children not congregate with other children • they must not congregate with adults either, as adults are the principal carriers. If hop-picking cannot be carried on without such assembling of people then clearly children under 16 caim'ot be taken. Some people seemed to think that if no other children were to be there it was possible to take their own. This' said-Dr. Keith, was not so, unless the conditions were such that there was no assemblage or congregation of people, adults or children.. The restrictions, sard Dr. Keith, were solely in the interests of the children, and were more than ever necessai;y here in view of the large influx of people from the North Island to the hopfields.
A man named Albert Peavd was arrested in : Nelson on warrant on ' a charge of theft of a motor-car on the West Coast. It is alleged that the car was procured on a hire purchase agreement and brought to Nelson from the Coast, being sold here for another car and a sum of money. Accused was brought before Mr T. E. Maunsell, 5,M.., and remanded till Friday next on bail on his own recognisances
Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 9
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