The Petone Rifle Club has now'completed the several championship and handicap aggregates. .. _.
For the club championship fired over, all ranges from 300, 500, 600, 800, and 900 yards; 18 separate range shoots to. count, some fine scores have been recorded. R. H. Nicholl established a lead fairly early, and held it until the final shoot at 900 yards; here "W. M'lver scored a fine 46 to Nicholl's 36 and' secured the. championship by four points. The following are the leading scorers :— W. M'lver, 7.68 points; R. H. Nicholl, 764; T. Warburton, 749; J. Scott, 748; A. Ballinger, 743; F. Kershaw, 729; C. Hill, 719.
M'lver was heartily congratulated on his fine record, and the win is a very popular one. . ;
For the B division championship, keen interest was shown, and F. Kershaw, by his consistent scpring, was able to place tho M'llvrido Challenge- Cup to his credit. The highest aggregates .were :— F. Kershaw, 729 points; 11. Mockridge, 679; F. Kershaw, jun., 620.
For the C division or junior cup (under 21.years), F. Kershaw, jun.j secured a win with the aggregate score of 620 points, and holds the Jackson Challenge Cup, father and son thus- appropriating two challenge championships. ' For the Flaws Challenge Cup, handicap, open to junior shots, the interest was keen, and F. Kershaw again showed his calibre in steady and consistent scores over all ranges. Tho, competition for the rifle kindly donated by Mrs. J. Liddle, open to the whole club, was very interesting, and, with the help of some handicap, the winner turned up in F. Kershaw. The principal scores were:—F. 'Kershaw, 788 points; W. M'lver, 768; J. Scott, 764----11. H. Niuholl, 764; T. Warburton, 749;. F. Kershaw, -fun., 749; A. BalJinger, 743.
In the grand aggregate (handicap) competition for trophies -donated by President W. H. Ballinger, opeii to the whole club, after an interesting series of short i and long-range matches from 300 to 1000 yards, F. Kersha'w again proved the winner. The following- are the. highest aggregates :—F. Kershaw, 523 points ; T W. Warburton, 897 ;,R.' H. Nicholl, 876; J. Scott, 876; F. Kershaw, iun:, 846: A. ■ Wek, SOO. > j A service.aggregate competition is now in progress, and probably a short-range series will be fired. /These shoots will keep, members in form for the Dominion Rifle Meeting, now pending. The Khrori Defence Club will fire its last long ranpe competition for the championship at Trentham on Saturday at ranges of BCO and 900 yards.
Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 7
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