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DESEET GOLD- TEA' ■ ... ■ AND ,'.'. ::■■.. :.r;:. v . ENJOY XIFE. .;•. "'V ' ' -'■•-.' SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, a Waitress"; also a Pantryinaid. Apply Marble Bar, 101, yuoa-st. - ■ ■•■• ■ — YVAJS'TKU,- Girl, just left school, Mind »•» Hoy .s. years. fall this, evening....Bl, Iliu-st. ■ ■ --°■. .. VyANTED, Respectable Woman to » » look alter sick person; urgent; jtoup.out. ,Apply_gO,Mari6n-st: .•.'".' V^TANTKU, 20 Hop- pl cker6, wHaTF^ »* mnk, , potatoes, and apples pro viaea Apply Gardner, Uppei- Mcuterc/ -Nelson. ....... \XI AWXJiU, a Lady-like Person' .as' ■ '»■ Lompamon-Help, two adults in. iauuly; maid kept. Apply in. morning, or alter 7.JU p.m., at 21, Ulif ton - terrace! TTTANTED, a Boy, for a fortnight, ablo T T to ride bicycle. Apply A. 'IV Whale, ' Butcher, Kept terrace. 'WANTED, Joiner, to makev?rame:.£.or . '.\ onop VViudow. Wages or would teach to drive car. London .. Motor pCilOOl. ."WANTED, refined Woman for Do"TTiaestic Duties. No .washing.' ',_to 90, Austin-st. "WANTED, Man or Woman to clew loolmlte^ oom weekly- ■Kmpire -Sa; T\7"ANTED, .capable Girl to assist with; T T housework and children. Apply Mrs. Clero, Wade-st... Wadestown, Wellington. ■ ■ ■ • ' TTfAJNTED, smart Girl for Biscuit and" cl^^ onery- Apply •B- /Smith» TTJTANX.KJJ,- 2 good Fur Finishers. a i A's °.-Young Girl to Learn Trade. Apply_^. Tossman, 276, Lambton-qy. TTTARTED, experienced Mid-day 4, Wilhs-st. • " "\\rA^*T^ U ' T°r thS beginning ot T;T March, Women Hoppickers, in parties o£ 3 or 4 preferred. For further' particulars apply to Elliott Fry, Riwaka. W' ANTED, for Custom; House Agent's Office. Office Junior. Slate experience to Box. 800, G.P.O. W ANTED, Manageress,~-Ladieil~Ciu"S and Cake Kitchen. Write J25, Evg. Post. \ W ANTED, Several Carpenters, six months' work to good- tradesmen. Apply Batcheloi- and M'ludoc, Contract, ors, Marton. TS7 ANTED, Ladyhelp, all duties, two .T T adults. Apply Miss Wilson, 43. balamanca-rd. WANTEDTTor 3 adults, capable"GciTeral; references. Mrs. Parker, 149, Molesworth-st, Teh 1541. ' TXT ANTED, Experienced Machinists » » for ladies' wear; also Fancy Workers Apply■-EV-Khouri; ana Co., corner .Ouba^and^^Voiyjan-ste:,- ■ ■ - — -> TfIXPERIENCED Driver wanted for .•V. I'ord iruck. Write for interview, i stating age, to 354, Evg. Post. . TTOP-PICKERS Wanted. "Parties of "3 J.A pr 4 preferred;, women only; comfortable whares found; also milk and vegetables; commence Ist March. W J - Smith, Umukuri, Motueka. •■'. T ADYHELP, ,4; in family, '.with ie(w-J-i oiicos... Apply Mrs. Pyron;-'301; Wil-lis-st, C<IX Good Sellers (either sex), Wanted .*-» tQ.Sell Art Union Tickets; good commission. Call and see results by present sellers This .is your chance. Walsh, next King's Theatre. " YOUTH Wanted, Dairy Farm, . ma" J- chmes, motor-lorry-, £1 week. ;A[V ply 32 Fitzhe-rbert terrace. ' : -" \ 6}TAR Kegistry, 2bH, Quay—Jixporienc►y. Ed Gardener 60s, Steady Youth £2 (drive lorry), Eoliablo Barmaid (references), .Parlourmaid 45s (live out), Hotel looks, Head Waitresses, Couples £182. ■(SCOTTISH. Registry, 208, Quay—Ex" pericnced Bushmen; 16s daily; 'Kit£lßo; lutchonmaids, Housemaid (school) Chef T rf fT Cmn d ( country); FomaioOhef, ( Ladyhelps, Couples. BOARD AMD RESIDENCE. W AN,TED, by mother and daughter,. Board; will furniah own doublo NcTtow Cn.' ltral- ApPly 361 '- -"TO AiNTJii), Board, for elderly lady" Post andy t0 Clty- W"te 328, Evg! . i "W"ANTED, woard lot 2 Young Iw '», 0.i., ,h. and c, piano, tol. eoft washing and mending-donS: tTcl. 24-598 ' W^^P'v, «oard~. by respectable ».» Young Man, handy Courtenay-pl.; TTTANTJiD, Board and Lodging jn roT T fined home by two ladies. Thorn- . don. Write 356, Evg. Post. T3OARD, by working man, handy ■*-* wharves; willing share room. Renly goo, Evg; lost. '... ; ;-;.■_■'.*"...l '.'_ . "OOARD.ictc, required by' Young Lauy,. -*-* homely family, near Lyall Bay. Parttculars to 373, Evg. Post. ' "OOARD-Kesidence Wanted- by Youne •*-».- Man, single- room,- central. "Reply,"" staling terms, to 378, Evg. Post. "OOARD and Residence Required by ■*-»■ business man, single room, Terrace or ,Thorndon locality. , Terms to 351.: iivg. Post. •....'... BOARD and Residence—Vacancy for a \ 146, The Terraca, BAY^ViivTHouse, Day's Bay—Select ' . Apartments. Luncheon and Afternoon Tea-room. Tariff on application Tel. .140, Day's Bay, .; :..,.." .;',. GENT, (single) desires Accommodation at Lower Hutt, private family pro. ferred, quiet, near- station,--" Write : .150.. Evg. Post. ■/ ■' ;;.. .;,. ;.. PLEASANT .Home,. 2 men share.jxiom, ■ board, washing;• piano,' 275-6dr alsoRespectable Girl Boarder, 17s 6d, in»return for companionship nights." 82, Taa-man-st. , ■ . nr W9> orkin B Men want-Board and J- Residence; must be homely, Karon* or Kolburn, single rooms or would share. Write 368, Evg. Post. ..' ; "\7ACANCIES at the Sounds.for guests, i' ' *z Zs Per week; totinis, croquet, iishS ffl ° % 4> pply Chas- Godsiff, Noperu House, St. Omer. .. '....... YOUNG Lady wants Good Board. Musi ,~ be central. Reply,. stating terms... 545, Evg. Post. ■■■•.. '■■■ ■TrOUNG Lody requires Board,, private ■^ family, nice home. Write-.198, ;Eyg.TTOUNG Mail.-wants Board and Resi-" ■*- douco, privato famil'/. city, dotanhed room preferred. Write 333, Kvg. Post.; .: YOUNG Man wants Board,"'Christian ' family, central. Write 376, Evg. O^IDAY Resort. ■_ MarlboTolgh Sounds—Vacancies February and March, retims, croquet, fishing, boatimr, ■^"?o% bathing-beach, good table; tar' iff £2 2j per week., Frank GodsifF,"'St.*

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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 33, 9 February 1925, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 33, 9 February 1925, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 33, 9 February 1925, Page 1


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