EORT OFWEL.UNGTONI HIGH WATER. ■" 'To-daj—3h 45ni ajn.; ib 10m pjn. "" Xo-inoriow-^h aitm aan.; ah !im p jo, ARRIVALS. May 2—Echo, auxiliary 6cbw (8 pJU-), 9D tons, Jackson, put back.' through stress ol weather. May 2—Calm, s-s. (9.20 p.m.), 981 tons, HcLachlan, from Blnfl, DGnedin, and Oamaru May 2—lnaia, motor ship (11.50 p.m.), 251 .tons, Gibson, from Patea May 3 —Maori, s.s. (7 a.m.), 5412 tons, Ir;win, from Lyttelton March S—tort Caroline, S.S. (8.5 a.m.), 8263 tons.'Eenaut; from Auckland ■May-3—Ngaio, s.s. (9 a.m.), 1203 tons, Wildman, from Nelson DEPARTURES. May 2—Kapnm, s.s. (2^o p.m.), 275 tons, McKinnon, for Piitea - May 2—Echo, auxiliary scow (5 p.m.), 99 tons, Jackson, for Blenheim May 3—Kaitoa, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 310 tons, Martin, for Nelson ■■■•.-..:.■ . . May 2—lnvercargill, s.s. (o.Sf p.m.), 224 tons, Wilkinson, for Waugariui ' ' ■May- 2—Opca.-s-s;, (0.10 .p.m.), 575 tons, MpKenzie-, for" Wanganui • May 2—Nikaii, s.s.'! (8.30" p.m!), 248' tons; [Vasta,- for Nelson May 2—Wahine, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 4436 tons, Sewell, for Lyttelton ■ 'May 2—Regulus, s.s. (11.10 p.m.), 554- tons, Wildman, for Picton, , May .3—Veronica, H.M.S. (7.20 a.m.), . 2700 tons, Commander Cardwell, for Port tfnder.wdb'd. ■■'.. ■■ ■■■.■■ BERTHAGE ■'LIST? ' Karwarra—Queen's Wharf, No. 1. ' Calm—Queen's' Wharf, No. 2. Blenheim—Queen's Wharf, No. 2. Nora Niwn—Queen's Wharf, No. 3. Futurist—Queen's Wharf, No. 3. Hawera—Queen's Wharf, No. 9. Ngaio—Queen's Wharf,-No. 12. . Echo—Queen's Wharf, No. 13. . Wootton—Queen's Wharf, No. 13. Kipple—Queen's Wharf, No. 14. '- Ngihere—Taranaki Street Wharf, No. 2. . Port Carolina—Taranaki Street Wharf, No. !»..'.■•- Chatham—Clyde Quay Wharf, No.'2. Adelaide—Clyde Quay" Wharf, No. 3. ■ Maori—Ferry Wharf. No. 2. Waikawa—Kailway Wharf, No. 3. Corinna—Glasgow Wharf, No. 2. Whakarire—Ulasgow Wharf, No. "3. . Arawa—King's Wharf, No. 3. Repulse—Pipitea Wharf, No. 2. Hopd-^Kpitea Wharf, No.' 3. •Veronica—Lambton- Wharf. Jtanuka—Thorudon Breastwork. Kosamond—Tliorndon Breastwork. I'orest Home—Thorndon Breastwork. : Kurow—Miraroar Wharf. Mararoa—Slip Whalt " . Kaliika-SlipWliarf. ■ ■'■■< ' . Takapuna—lu; Stream. ■..■ 'I: Uineraoa—ln Stream. : ...;' EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Wainui, Pictonf 3rd - .■ , l'ort'WeUinstou, Auckland, Srd l'ort Bowen, Wangauui, 3rd Waverley, Patea, 3rd. PorfPirie, Wansanui, 3rd ' Opa*a, Blenheim, 3rd ' Wahine, Lyttelton, ith' ■■- >'ikau,. Nelson, 4th , Invercargill, Warigaimi, 4th ■' -- Jvarori,; Westport, 4th ': iioraata, Westport, 4tri Kennedy, Foxton, 4th ■ Opihi,-Lyttelton, 4th Jtadnor, Auckland, 4th 'Kipple, East Coast, 4th • l'utiki, Gisborne, sth : Kamo, Grevmouth, sth J'lora, Nesv- Plymouth, sth ' Wairau, Blenheim, 6th 3laori, Lyttelton, 6th ,•' Ngaio, Nelson, nth Wanaka, Auckland, 6th "Wakatu, Lytteiton and Eaikonra, Gtn Echo, Blenheim, :6th . . .-■ Xitoki, Nelson. 6th : .Atua; Lyttelton, 7th ''" <j PROJECTED DEPARTUREi, j. _| Maori, Lyttclton, Srd ■". \', Ngaio, Nelsou, 3rd •' ; . ' Echo, Blenheim, 3rd ■ Coriniia, Pieton, 3rd Arawa, Port Chalmers, stil ■Kaiwarra, New Plymouth, sti) Wuiimi, Picton, sth Flora, Lytteltou, Dth V.'ahine, Lyttelton, sth :' ■■" Niliau, Nelson, sth > Opawa, Blehlieim, sth ' ■ - lnvercarsill,- Wanganui,-5tL Kennedy, Foxton, sth ■ AVavcrley, Patea,. sth Opihi, Nelson, sth Putiki, West Coast, sth- " ■ Kipple,. East. Coast,, oth- . Wanaka, Lyttelton, (ith ■ Port Bowen, Napier, (ith Kurow, Westport, (it3i Port Caroline, Lyttelton; 6th Titoki, West Coast, CtOi . . ■ Wakatu, Kaikoura and Lyttelton, 6ttt Wairan, Blenheim, 6th Atua, Auckland, 7th "' ■ ■■>•.. Port Wenington, LytteHon, Sth THE INTERCOLOMIAL SERVICE. Moeraki, arrived at WeJlingfon on 27th .April from Melbourne; left Wellington 29th April for Lyttelton, Bunedih. (TT.S.S Co) Marama arrived 'at Auckland- 2Sth AprU; U^ha^af d '^g. S fOCo S) ydDey;: d™^ , H lim. a™. a- arrived at Wellington 30th April; left Wellington 2nd May for Sydney; due at Sydney uth'May. '(Huddart-Parker Co.) ■■ • Maheno, arrived at, Sydney. 2Sth April; left f/^"»h -?t May for Aul:kland; *ie at Auckland 6th May. (U.S.S. Co.) OVERSEAS VESSELS. ' Wairuna, left San Francisco on 18th Anril for _ Wellington; due at - Wellington 14th May. (U^.S..C'O.) ", .; , liimutaka, left London 7th Miarci for Port Chalmers, Tiuiarn, Lyttelton, New Plymouth and Nelson; arrived at Colon Ist April- left Panama Ist- April; arrived at, Port Chalmers 23t.1i April. (S.Z.iS. Co.) - Kotorua, left Southampton loth -Inril for Wellington, Fort Chalmers, and Auckland- due at WeiJJugton 15th May. (N.Z.S. Co.) .King Howel, en' route from 'Antwerp to Auckland; due at Auckland 20th May. (t,.Z s Co.) TremeaCow, left St. John 20th April for Hampton Koadsand New Zealand ports. (N.Z. ; IS. Co.) . AtHehic, left' Southampton ' Ist May for Wellington and Lyttelton; due at Wellin"tou Sth June. (Shaw-Savill Co.): City.of Florence, arrived at : Wellington; 2lst 4S.r' (F.SS: CV™. W 1 AP TiI i?^.^. . .'frelevan, '. ieft \N ew York 23rd March for Lyttclton, Tirnani/Duncdiu, and Blutt- arrived' at Lyttelton 2i)th.April. (J\S.N. Co) Trelyon, ieft Ne\ir York 23rd March for Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydney; left Newport.News ,27th March; arrived Aucidanc 2nd ilay; Wellington 9tli May. (l'.S N Co.) - ; i • ' Dorset, left Liverpool on 3rd April for' Auckland, .Wellington, Lyttelton, and Cu&edin- duo ' at^Anckland mh^y; due at Wellington 2(ith Uity of Birmirigliam, left New York - 4th April. for Auckland, Napier, Wellhi"tou Lvttelton, Bunedin, and Australia; due at Auckland 10th May; due at Wellington 20th May.. (F.S.N. Co.) - .'; Tnrakina, left Liverpool on 13th April for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, and Tuncdin; due at Auckland lath May; dve1' at Wellington 20th May;- (F.S.N. Co.) ; l'ort Pirie, left Auckland 14th April ■;for Opua, Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington- due at Wellingtou 3rd May; leaves Wellinijtoa i)th May for London, via , Montevideo anc Las Palmas. (O: and D. Line). Port Wellington, left Liverpool 12th March for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin mid.Blulf; left Fananw.2Sth March; arrived at Auckland 19tli April; due at WeUington 3rd May. (C. and i>.) Eadnov. jart New York 19th March for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru ■ Dunedin, and Bluff; left Panama 20th 'Marcharrived at Auckland 27th April; due at Wellington 4th May. (C. and D. Line). Port Caroline, left Port Kembla 12th Artril lor Auckland, Wellington, and Lvttelton; arrived at Auckland 17th April; arrived at Wellington 3rd May; leaves Wellington Cth May for Lyttelton and Port Chalmers. (C. and U. Line). l'ort Victor, left London on 12th >prU for Auckland, Lyttelton, Napier, and Ne«r Ply: • mouth;, due at Auckland on 23rd May. (6 and ■D. Line). .■. .vCanadian Pioneer, arrived at Wellington 27th April from1 Lyttelton; left Wellington 29th April for Auckland; leaves Auckland 3rd May for New York, Boston, and Montreal. (C.G.M.M.) , . . Canadian Challenger, left Halifax 23rd March- for Auckland and .Australian portsarrived at Newport News 25th March; due ai ■ Auckland 30th May. . (C. and D. Line) Antlnous. left Dunkirk 25th March for Wellington, via ports; due at Wellington about 11th June. (Levin and Co.) West Katan, left San Francisco on the 9th April for Auckland, Wellington, and Melbourne, via Los Angeles and Honolulu; duo at Audkland.,llth May; due Wellington 18th May. (.Burns, Philp and Co.) TUB. AETNA AT PANAMA. According to cable advice received by the Federal Ljne, the Turakina arrived at Panama
again on the 20th April for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Jlunedin. ATHENIC LEAVES SOUTHAMPTON. A cable, message has been received by the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company announcing the departm-e ol the Athenic from Southampton on the afternoon of Ist May with pasteltou. The vessel is due here about the Bth June.. WITH HOME CARGO. The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company ad- ■ vises that the Mahia sailed from London on the 80th April with general cargo for discharge at Auckland and Lyttelton. She is due at Auckland on the 6th June. DORSET FROM LIVERPOOL. The Federal Line has received cable advice intimating that the Dorset left Panama .on I the 22nd April for New Zealand, en route from Liverpool. The vessel is due at Auckland on the 19th May, and at Wellington about 26th May. TREMEADOW FROM ST. JOHN. ' The New Zealand Shipping Company is in receipt of cable advice stating that the Tremeadow left Norfolk on the 30th April tor New Zealand ports, en route from St. John. BY TELEGRAPH, , '. . LONDON, Ist May , Arrived—Otica, from Australia . ■ . . _, ' - HULL, Ist May Arrived—Port Macquarie, from Australia ■.'.' " BOSTON, 29th April . Arrived—East Wind, from Australia NORFOLK, 30th April Sailed—Tremeadow, for Auckland , . .■■'-, COLON, 30th April Arrived—Beech Park, ifrom Mexican ports AUCKLAND, 2nd May Sailed—Ruahiae (2.10 p.m.), for Lyttelton GISBORNE, 2nd May Sailed—PatiM (3.15 p.m.), for Wellington WANGANUI, 2nd May Sailed—Port Bowen (11.10 p.m.), for Wellington " . ' ". 3rd May. Arrived—lnvercargill (7.10 a.m.), from Wei-, lington . ■ • Arrived—Opua (8 a.m.), from Wellington '..-.■' PICTON, 2nd May : Arrived—Wamni (4.15 p.m.), from Welling,t°n. . . I •.■-■■" 3rd May ! Arrived—Regulns (Co a.m.), from Welling-1 ton '. WESTPORT, 2nd May Arrived—Komata (12.35 p.m.), from Wellington , ■ • ••;■ GREYMOUTH, 2nd May Sailed—Kittawa (9 p.m.), for Wellington LYTTELTON,' 2nd May Arrived—Storm and' Opihi, from Timaru ' DUNEDIN, 2nd May . Arrived—Tekoa, from BluS; Waihemo and City of Florence, from Lyttelton
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Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 104, 3 May 1924, Page 6
Word Count
1,349SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 104, 3 May 1924, Page 6
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