■PORT OF WELLINGTON. HIGH WATEB. ITo-day—9h 35m a.m.; 9h 5Sm p.m. l'o-niorro\v—lOli 19m a,m.;,10h 42m p.m. ARRIVALS. Ootober 12~jri?aherf, s.s. (4 p.m.),, 1090 tons, ißtorgan, from Westport Ootober 12—Wainui, s.s. (6 p.m.), 684 ions, iScwell, from Picton Ootober 12—Tutanekni, s.s. (6.50 p.m.), 881 ■■fans, Bollons, from Cook Strait lighthouses " October 12—Montrose, 5.5. (7.15 p.m.), 4452 . tons, Steven, from Auckland October 12—Breeze, 5.3. (11.45 p.m.), 553 tons, Venn, from Wangwnii October 13— Nikau, s.s. (7 a.m.), 248 tons, Kearj-, from \elson October 13—Maori, s.s. (7.45 a.m.), 3412 tons, 'jCamerou, from Ljttelton DEPARTURES. October 12—D,romnna, s.s. (3.H) p.m.), 3350 iSon;;, Sterling, for Sydney ! October 12—Wootton, s.s. (4.10 p.m.), 151 •tons, Larsen, for Lyttelton October 12—Hnweip, s.s. (7 p.m.), 174 tons, Mi:Kin;ion, tor Patea October 12—Nqa'io, s.a. (7.30 p.m.), 1203"tons. Hay, for Nelson October 12—Jl.iroroa, s.s. (7.45 p.m.), 2523 ions, Irwin, for Lyttelton EXPECTED ARRIVALS, * Kapuni, Patea. 13th Dof.-et. Dunedin. loth Kennedy, Foxton, 13th : Echo, Blenheim, 13th Ngaio, Nelson, 14th Mararoa, Lyttelton, 14th ■Kapiti. Wangar.ui, 14th • Coriuna, New Plymouth. 14th 'Kahika, New- Plymouth, 14th ,-iWainui, Picton, 14th ' -Alexander, Nelson, 14th f-AVairau, Blenheim, 15th »VNikau. Nelson, 15th ' ■Maori, Lyttelto, 15th ■ i'Hawera, Eatea, 15th ; tKoromiko, Auckland, 15tb , f-Komata, Westporfc, lßth SMahia, Auckland, 16th • f-Tahiti, Sydney, 16th i'.Waiknwa. Nevrastle, 16th - 3>util;i, Gisborne, 16tb' iluirhani, Auckland, 16th iKurow, Auckland, 17th VTCatoa, Bluff, lTtti •'.Paparoa, Picton, 18th -"Wakatu, Lyttelton and Kaikoura, IStb 'Invercargill, Wangaaui, 18th ; ?Ructiine, Auckland, 33th Auckland, 19th PROJECTED DEPARTURES, .Wainui, P"icton, 13th'Waori, Lyttelton, 13th Sikau, Nelson, 13Mi ■ . • Wairau, Blenheim, 13th ■ •Xgahere, Picton, 13th ■Kakapo, Greymouth. 13th . VfUlimaroa, Sydney. 13th :'Pa!obna," Melb6urne. 13th Sport-Auckland, lyttelton and Dunedio.lS'tb V'Ngakut.a, Greymouth, 13th ' A'gaio, Nelson, 14* ■■Mararoa, Lytlglton. 14th 'Echo, Blenheim, 14th Ovapuni, Patea. 14th Eiihika, Dunedin, 14th 'Alexander, Westport, 14th :■ ■Kapiti, Wanganui, 14th 'Corinna, Dunedin, 14th Kennedy, Lyttelton, 14th '■Montrose, Lyttelton, 14th Wakatu, Lyttelton and Kaikoura, loth •■Hawera, Patea, 16th Koroniiko. Lyttelton, 16th ( Invercarglll, Wanganui, 16th PutiUi, East Coast, 17th Corinthic, Southampton and London, yla Montevideo, 17th Tahiti, San Francisco, 17th ■Katoa,' Auckland, 17th Komata. Westport, 18th Ma'uia, lyttelton, 19th Durham, Lytteltonl 19th. ' Panaroa, Southampton and London, via Panama, 21st THE INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE, MoeraU, left Sydney 12th October; due at Auckland 16th Ootober; sails 19th October lor. [Sydney. ■ . . . ■ i Taloona, leaves Wellington 13th October for JMeTbourne. - * "Manuka, left? Auckland 12th October; due ijst Sydney 16th October; sails 19th October for Wellington. ■ TJlimaroa, leaves Wellington 13th October for Eydnuy; due Syrtney 17th October; sails 31st ©"ctober for Auckland. Tahiti, left Sydney 12th October for Wei-' iingfcon, Rarotonja, Papeete, and San FranCisco; due at Wellington 16th October; sails \il7tU October for San Francisco. ; #■'■•" OVERSEAS VESSELS. '■■ Kiasara left Vancouver 23rd September ; JBue at Auckland 13th October. (TT.S.S. Co.) I Maunganui, left San Francisco 6th October; fi3ue at Wellington 27th October. (U.S.S. Co.). ' Hauraki, left San Francisco Ist October; '-due at Auckland 23rd October; due Wellington '£9th October. Ruahine, left Southampton 31st Augusti ; now at Auckland; due, at Wellington 19th ■(October. (N.Z.S. Co.) Trelyop, left Montreal 6th October; due at ■JAuckland 20th November; due at Wellington C27th November. (N.Z.S. Co.) Durham, left Liverpool 19th August; now lot Auckland; due at Wellington on 16th QetoSber. ■ (F. and.'S.) ' - ' , Middlesex, left) Liverpool 16th September; iflue at Auckland 26th October; due Wellington :2nd November. (F. and S.) , Olaki, left New York 21st September; due ;at Auckland 26th October; due at Wellington *Znd November. (F. and S.) Mahia, left Liverpool 2nd September; now »t Aucklaud; due at Wellington 16th (S.S. and A. Co.) . ' \ Matakana. left Liverpool 30th September; due L«fc Auckland 7th November; due at Wellington 'fl4th November. (S.S. and A. Co.) Tninui, loft Southampton 21st September; due ;*t Wellington 29th October. (S.S. and A.) - Canadian Explorer, left Montreal 26th July; 'due at Bluff from Australia 18th October; due iafc Wellington 25th October. (Murray, Roberts.) Canadian Conqueror, left Montreal 9th September: due at Wellington from Australia, via Dunedin, and Lyttelton, Ist December. '<Murray, Roberts). , Canadian Transporter, left Vancouver 18th September; due at Auckland 16th October. (Murray, Roberts.) Canadian Challenger, left Montreal 29th Sepiamber; due on the Now Zealand coast from .'Australia about middle of December. (Murray, tltoberts.) . Port Denison, left London 22nd September; ■ ■ jSuo at Dunedin 30th October. (C. and D.) Las Veg'as, left San Fraurisco 19th September; due at Auckland 15th October; due at /Wellington 24th October. (Burns, Philp, and ■PO.)) ■ ';,:. BY TELEGRAPH. ".. .. ' SYDNEY, 12th October \ Sailed—Tahiti (1.15 p.m.), for Wellington; Hoeraki (3.30 p.m.), for Auckland AUCKLAND, 12th October Arrived—Eawatlri (7 p.m.), from Newcastle; ,'Canopus (7 p.m.), frorei Westport ;■ Fiona (8 .■p.m.), from Newcastle ' Sailed—Kaiapoi (6 p.m.), for Westport; Port papier (7 p.m.), for London , AUCKLAND, 13th £ctober Arrived—Niagara (6 a.m.), from Vaßcouver NEW PLYMOUTH, 12th October : Sailed—Kahika (6 p.m.), for Nelson ■ - LYTTEIrTON, 12th Ootober J Sailed—Opihi (4.35 p.m.), for Auckland j LYTTELTON, 13th October 'Arrived—John (9.35 p.m. yesterday), from .'SVanganui • BERTHAGE LIST. I Montrose—Queen's Wharf. No. 1 north. ! Port Auckland—Queen's Wharf, No. 1 south. Blenheim—Queen's Wharf. No. 8. Nifcau—Queen's Wharf, No. 10. Wairau—Queen's Wharf. No. 11 FiOho—Queen's Wharf, No. 13. ■Wainui—Queen's Wharf. No. 14. Paloona—Queen's Wharf, No. 16. Marama—Clyde Quay Wharf, No. «, ] Maori- -Forry Wharf, No. 2. - I Tutanekai—Ferry Wharf, No. 3. Uuakuta—Eailway Wharf, No.. 3. Efceze—Glasgow Wharf, No. 2. Corinthic—King's Wharf, No. 2. i Tfouhere—King's Wharf, No. 2. ; Kiikapo— King's Wharf. No. 3. Coronation—Pipitea Wharf, No. 1. ■ ; Kninii—Thorndon Wharf. / iTivercaralll—On Slip. ■Ripplo-^On Slip. Futurist—On Slip. Policrua,—ln Stream. Tskanuna—ln Stream Ko^amond—ln Stream \ EinemoA—ln Stream. PASSENOEKS FOR SYDNEY. Tho TJlimaroa, which left Wellington to-day br fiydDcTi ten!: the following passengers:— lalcon: Misses FUher, Simpson, Marquia, Falck Koi," Hepburn, t). fisher, Lusk, IMrgesi? (2), I'uikiiii'tcn, MiHtOD,, P.iterson, Moller, MiU!i"Tbill,' nnilarrt. Slack, Murray. Sinetto, ".-'.riow llarpon Whistler, Tucker, Mitchelson, iobinson, Davica (2), McGibbeny, Shiel, Mulkno. Drinker, Ithimes, Mesdames Lewis and child, ralck, v;ilson ami child, Hold, WerraJl, Simpson. Utham, Patiirallti, Koia, Burgess, At. Jcins, Totkl, iun., Ef-wmonU, Dixon, Miller and .
boy, Benson and 2 children, Boult and 2 children, Clifton, Rieg, BrutOn, Talbot, Heay and infant, HcJlard, Perry, McGlbueny, Colgar and 2 children, Rhimes, Graham, Messrs. Walsh, Rose, Withers, Newstead, Hooper, Bedwell, Summers, Johnson, Burgess, Andrews, Barnett, Short, Chapman, Houston, Hriee, Ilavire, Hicks, Isaaos, Lewis, Falck, Wilsoo, Brodie, Winter, Worrall, Parr, Pnqiialin, Hnmmond, Jloale, Dixon, Ileager, Power, Wright, O'Sullivan, Tate, Youns, Miller, Ingram, Dixon, Kenny, Cootc, Hai-ilie, Cnpnons, Benson, Waugh, Tunnicli/re, Clifton, EifiK, Bmtou, Talbot, Jlaster Burgess, Bishop whyte, Ilev. Wardell; 65 steerage. • NAVrTA AT AUCKLAND. The Union Company's steamer Navua arrived at Auckland yesterday from Tonga, Samoa, and Suva with '61 saloon and 6 steerage passengers. The vessel is to sail from Auckland for Suva, Samoa, and Tonga at 11 o'clock nest Monday morning. TAHITI SAIXS FOR WEM.INGTOJT. The Union Company's R.M.B. Tahiti left Sydney at 1.15 pirn, yesterday for Wellington, where she is due on Monday morning. The vessel is to sail from Wellington next Tuesday afternoon for Earotouga, Papeete, and San Francisco. DORSET LOADING FOR HOME. Tho linsr Dorset is due at Wellington this afttmooon from Dunedin to continue Homeward loaditi',' to the krciicj- of the New Zealand Shipping Company. She is to leave hero on Monday afternoon for Gisborne; Hick's Jiay, and Auckland, to conutlete her cargo for' London. LINERS TO BE OIL-BURNEES. Th- Ruohinc. which arrived at Auckland last Tuesday from Xondon. is to bo converted into an oil-burner when slie returns to England. Tho Kemncra is at present at Home undergoing alterations to make her also an oilburning vessel. ' The C. and D. liner Port Napier left Auet land last evening for London, via Montevideo.
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Evening Post, Volume CIV, Issue 90, 13 October 1922, Page 6
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1,225SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume CIV, Issue 90, 13 October 1922, Page 6
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