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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the T. G. Macarthy Trust .was held in the Executive Council room, Government Buildings, to-day, there being prorent His Excellency the GovernorGeneral, Admiral of the Fleet Viscount Jellicoe of Scapa; the Eight Hon. W. F. Massey, Prime Minister; Archbishop Redwood, Hainan Catholic Archbishop of AVellington; the Mayor of Wellington (Mr. R. A. Wright, M.P), The Public Trustee (Mr. J. W. Macdonald), chairman of the Advisor/ Committee, wh also present.

The Public Trustee reported that the net income of "the estate for the year ended 30lh November, 1921, was £13,803, as against £11,507 for tl)e previous year, notwithstanding the fact that the land tax charges aggregated £5507 as against £3101 fpr the' preceding year. As a result of the insertion of newspaper advertisements inviting applications foy grants, 26 new applications had been receiveJ, the total number submitted being 105. Owing to the insufficiency of the information "forwarded by several of * the apI plicants and the failure on their j part to fully comply with the requirements of the form of application, cer- ! taip applications were recommended for exclusion from thip year's distribution, The Public Trustee submitted' the recommendations of the Advisory Committee with respect, to grants for the current year, totalling £6885, and these were approved by the-Board of Governors. Tho grants were as follow :— £ 11. Alexandra Home for Women, Wellington (See No. 94.) 2. All Saints' Children's Home, Palmereton-North , 100 3. Anglican Boys' 'Homes Society, Wellington '75 4. Boys' Institute and S. A. s Rhodes's Home for Boysi Wellington 350 5. Boys' Schopl, Nai Nai 200 6. Brigidine Convent, Carterton 60 7- Brigidine Convent, Foxton 50 8. Brigidine Convent, Pahiatua 50 9. Buick, Thomas Lindsay (for historical research work) .... — 10. -Catholic Convent .(St. Joseph's), Feilding 40 11. Catholic Girls' School, Buckle-street — 12. Catholic Girls' Parish School Thonidon (Beo No. 63.) 13. Catholic Schpol, '■ Northland — 14. Catholic Schools, Wanganui ~— 15. Catholic Primary School, Ohakune '. 40 16. Citizens' Day Nurseries, Wellington 100 17. Convent of Mercy, Marten 40 18. Convent of Mercy, Danielstreet, .Nawtown ..;... 50 19. Convent of Mercy, Palmerston North .....:. 75 20. Convent of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Taihape , — 21. Convent School, Feilding ... — 22. Convent School, Mangaweka 50 23. Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society, Wellington 75 24. Girls' Friendly Society Lodge, Wangamii 50 25. :Girls' Friendly Society "Lodge, Wellington 50 26. Home of Compassion, Island Bay '. 100 27. Home for Destitute and Motherless. Children, Wellington • 100 28. Home for Incurables, Bucklestreet 100 29. Institute Notre, Dame dcs Missions, Lower Hutt — 30. Levin Memorial Home, Wellington (See No. 94.) 31. Maearthy, Home for Convalescent Children,, Welling- r ■ ton ' — 32. Manawatu Willard Children's Home and Orphanage, Palmerston North .'. 100 33. Marist Brothers' School, . Hawkestone-street ' — 34. Marist Brothers' School, Newtown .../„ ■50 35. Maalcrton V.M.C.A — 36. Maternity Hospital, Kensing- . ton.street ;,,. 150 37. Navy League, Wellington 50 38. .N.Z. Academy of Pine Art*,' Wellington 100 39. N.Z. Society for' Protection of Women and Children, Wellington 100 40. Presbyterian Orphanage and Social Service Association, Wellington 200 41. Parochial- School, , Lower Hutt. -„...: '75 42. Paulina Rescue Home for Young Women, Wellington 100 43. Putiki Mie'ion School for . Native Children,' Wanganui — 44. St. Andrew's 11.0. Parochial School, Levin ....'. — 45. St. Anne's School, Newlown 50 46. St. Anthony's Catholic School. Pahiatua 40 47. St. Bride's Ccnvenl, Masterton — 48. SL Catherine's Convent, Kilbirnie ■ ;... .....'. 50 49. St. Francis' Parish School, Island Bay — 50. St. John's Ambulance Association, Wellington 50 51. St. Joseph's Convent 20 52. St. Joseph's School, Jerusalem 20 53. St. Joseph's Orphanage, Upper Hutt 200 54.' St. Joseph's Convent, Ohakune ..,...„..-...;...., ...:.. 50 55. St. Joseph's Convent, Otaki — 56. St. Margaret's Parish School, Taihape 50 57. St. Jhtt-k's Church School, Wellington 50 53. St. Mary's Church Day School, Levin ...:...: 25 59. St. Mary's Convent School, Carterton : 30 ' 60. St. Mary's Convent School, Foxton 30 61. St. Mary's Convent, Wnnganui — 62. St. Mary's Convent, Guild-ford-terraco See No. 63 65. St. Marys College, Guild-ford-torrace 2QO 64. St. Mary's Homes, Karon 80 65. St. Matthew's Parochial School Marton 50 66. St. Michael's Convent, Waverley 50 67. St. Patrick's College, .Wellington , — 6G. St. Patrick's Convent, JHa-n----gnwpkn (Sao No. 22) 69. St. Patrick's School, Killiivnic 60 70. St. Patrick's School, Masterion 50 71 St. Patrick's" Paroohinl School, Piilmerston North 60 72. fit. Paul's Day and Kinder- . garlei!, Day's Bay "' 25 73. S.l. Pelnr's Church Day Schools, Ooiiville 30 74. K(. Pfltuv'fj Mission, "Wellington 75 75. Hi. ■. Stephen's ■ Parochial iSphoo), Marton.. 25 76. Sisters of Compaction, Ran&na —

77. Sisters of Mercy Schopli Dufferin-street -r? 78. Sisters of St. Joseph's Convent, Levin ..^ 25 • 79. Solway College Incorporated, Mastertoh tt •tt Sfar of the Sea Boys' Preparatory College, Seatoua — |"81. Stewart Karitane Hospital, Wanganni 50 82. Taibape Convent School, Taihape. 49 83. The Creche, Buckte«street ... 50 84. The District Nursing Guild of St. John, Wellington ■•• 75 85. The Boyal Life Saving' Society, Wellington 50' - 86. Th.c Royal N.Z. S,ociety for the Health of Women and Children, Wellington 200 87. Society for the Relief of the Aged Needy. Wellington ... 120 88. St. Vincent de Paul Society, Wellington 35 89. Wanganni East School Baths Committee ■—- 90. Wellington Catholic Women's Hostel Board — 91. Wellington Convalescent . - Home, Oriental Bay 100 92. Wellington Education Bd. nil 93. Wellington Free Kinder- " • garten Association IQO. ! 94. Wellington Ladies' Christian Association 250' 95. Wellington Methodist Chctr- - ",. itable and Educational Endowments 100 96. Wellington Philosophical Society (Astrononiical Sec- . tion) 25 97. Wellington Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to 1 Animals ..„. 50 98. Wellington Technical School Board nil 99. Wellington- National Reserve (Residential Nursery) 100 100. Workers' Educational Association, Wellington 50 101. Young Men's Christian Association, Wellington ...'... 50 102. Young Women's Christian • Association, Wellington ... 50 103. Boy Scouts' Organisation, . Wellington 75 IQ4. Wellington Girls' College ■ Preparatory School ' 100 105. British and Foreign Sailors'' Society 150 In addition to the above grants', tbo sum of £1000 was authorised to be paid to the Victoria University College, this boing part of the sum (for the purpose of establishing a School of Economics), which was previously authorised to bij set aside at the rate of £1000 per annum until the sum of £10,000 was' reached. The fund now stands at 07000, exclusive of accumulated interest. Thjs brings the grand total distributed for the year to £6885. ADVISORY COMMITTEE'S OBSERVATIONS In submitting its recommendations, the Advisory Committee had the .following observations and tether recommendations to make:— Applications Nos. 1, 30, and 94: Alex* andra. Home for Women; Levin Memorial Home, Wellington; Ladies' Christian Association.—The committee, as in the past, recommended a grant of £250 between the three allied institutions, to bs paid to the AVeUington branch of thq Ladies' Christian Association. Application No. 4_: Boys' Institute and. S.A- Rhodes Horn* for Boys.—A grant of £350 was recommended to be applied for the charitable and educational purposes of tho institjute. . The committee also recommended that the applicant earmark at least £250 of the grant for the purpose of completing the playground a* an accessory to the hostel and charitable activities of the institution. Application No. 9: Thomas Lindsay Buick.—The committee could not see its way to recommend 'a grant in this case. Applications Nos. 12, 13, 62, and 63: Catholio Girls' Parish School, Thonidon ; Catholic School, Northland; St. Mary's Convent, Gnildford-terrace; St. Mary's College,' Guildford-terrace.—A grant of £200 was recommended for payment to St. Mary's College for the general purposes of the four institutions named. Applications Nos. 14, 20, 55, 61. and 77: Catholio Schools, Wanganui; Convent of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Taihape; St. Joseph's Convent, Otaki; St. Mary's Convent School, Wanganui: . Sisters of Mercy School, Dufferin-streel. —These applicant had not furnished sufficient information and tho comm.itte» recommended that no grant be made ; the applications to be referred back for further information and to be renewed fop ■consideration at tho next allocation of funds, provided the applicants supply tha particulars desired by the committee. Application No. 21: Convent School, FeUding.—The committee considered this application with in that of St. Joseph's Catholic Convent, Feilding, tc which institution a'grant of £40 was ro commended. Applications Nos. 22 and 68: Convent School', Mangaweka; St. Patrick's Con- . vent, Mangaweka.—A grant of £50 between -theso two institutions for their general purposes was recommended. Application No. 37 : The Navy League, Wellington.—Tha commiUeu recommended a grant of £50 to lie devoted to tho .educational activities of the league in the provincial district of WellingUk Applications Nos. -)3 and 7fi: Putiki 'Mission School for Native Children; Sisters of Compassion, Ranana.—lnsufficient information had been supplied by tlicso applicants, and the committee recommended that the applications be declined. They can be renewed next year, provided the applicants furnish detailed informal tion. Application No, 44: St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Parochial School, Levju.—lt was recommended that this application be declined upon the (ground? that, of the total ■ revenue last Year by flubgeripfcion of £126, the M'Carthy UYust contributed £100. If the total are increased, future'applii cation can be made. Application No, 49\ St. Francis's Parish School, Island Bay.—The committee .recommended that this application be Heferred back for further information. Application No. 89: Wanganui Hatt School Baths Committee.—Tjie Adviaqry Committee recommended that this application be declined. The object. "proVision of swimming baths for children' of "Wanganui East," is not considered within tho scope of the trust. Further, the ischool is under the jurisdiction of tho Education Board, which is a. Government institution. The Baths Committee received a Government subsidy of £150 last year. The' total. assets of the committee af, 28th Febniai-y, 1921, were £2036 10s, and the liabilities nil. For the year ending 28th February, 1921, the revenue exceeded the expenditure by £382, and since then this excess has been increased to £1686, nftor providing for capital expenditure of £390. '

Application No. 101: Young Men's Christian Association, Wellington.—Tho • committee i-ecommended a grunt of i 360 to be dcvotod to education purposes for t]ie benefit of the youthful members. Application No. 103.—80y Scouts' organisation, Wellington: The Advisory Committee recommended as follows: —(a) That the sum of £75 be paid for the year 1921 to tho Wellington branch of the organisation, to be expended in and about its educational activities' within the provincial district of Wellington, (b) Jt is <i principle upon which tho Advisory Committee has proceeded to make no contribution to aii institution which is calculated to remove the necessity for obtaining outside subscriptions. Al present, the Wellington branch of this or-*, ganisation has no revenue, and should itjj

hereafter build up a revenue, the appliIcation can lie renewed and reconsidered by the committee.- ------"»! Application No. 105.—British and Foreign Sailors' Society, Wellington: The Committee recommended that this grant be paid over when the Public Trustee is satisfied that operations justify payment towards the society's charitable purjposes. •■ Applications' Nos. 33, 35, and 47: Marist Brothers' School, Hawkestonestreetj Young Men's "Christian Association, :'Masterton; St. Bride's Oon•vent, Maaterton.—The Advisory Committee considered each of these cases pn its merits, perused the balancesheets and other reports submitted, and recommended that, no grants be made "in these cases. , •' , o ■ Applications Nos. 11, 29, 80; 67, .79, 90, 92, and 98 : Catholic Girls' School, Buckle-street; .Institute Notre Dame .'des Missions, Lower Hutt; Star.of the "Sea Boys' Preparatory College/ Sea•toun; St. Patrick's College, Welling"ton; Solway College, Incorporated, "JMasterton; Wellington Catholic Women's Hostel Board ; Wellington Education Board ; Wellington , Technical School Board. —These institutions derive Soneidefable. revenue by charging fees, »nd ,;are -paying concerns in excellent circumstances, whilst two of them are, in addition, Government institutions. ;J?ho committee was of the opinion that applications from such institutions •should not bo entertained, unless; special circumstances are disclosed. The ;fommittee. did .not recommend any grant in these instances. ■'■■■;.■ ''•■'"■ 'She T. G. 'Macarthy'Home for Con--ralescent,.Clnldren.—At. its last meeting lithe Board ;of Governors resolved that 'the papers having reference to this-insti--tution be referred to the new advisory committee for its recommendation on the /application of • the authorities ha,ving charge'of the home for financial assistiiince to help run the home. ;■ The Advisory. Committee, having fully considered this matter, resolved, after. giving in detail its reasons, to recommend that no grant be made. The Board of Governors approved this recommendation.. ;'' ' SCHEDULE OF GRANTS^ ; The Board of Governors also resolved at its last meeting that the complete schedule of grants be referred to the-jiewly-cohstituted! ■ Advisory Committee, ,md that its attention should be specially ■drawn to entries 18 (Missions to Seamen), W (All Saints' Children's Home, Palmer'ston North), 22 (New"Zealand; Academy if Fine Arts), 23 (Royal Life Saving Sotiety), and 24 (St. Vincent de Paul Society). --• ' r The Advisory Committee found that no applications were received: from these institutions last year, and consequently jio recommendation was. made. . .

i ■ In the case of No. 18 (Missions to Seamen), no application was received this year in response to the advertisement; no application has been received1 since ;1913. ..;. :':,:.■. „,.;, „ , „■:■

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Evening Post, Volume CIV, Issue 2, 3 July 1922, Page 7

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BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEET Evening Post, Volume CIV, Issue 2, 3 July 1922, Page 7

BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEET Evening Post, Volume CIV, Issue 2, 3 July 1922, Page 7


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