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The Nqrmal School buildings at Kelburn were crowded in every part ofr Saturday afternoon, when.a sale of work was held in aid of the children's grounds, library, etc. Her Excellency Viscountess Jellicoe, who was presented with a bouquet of cinerarias and maidenhair fern by jean Sandman (schopl captain), ppened the sale with a. few sympathetic :Wprds pf appreciatipji of all work that was for the benefit of children. Her' Excejlency's guard of honuor consisted of the Kelburn B6y Scouts, and she was. received by Mr? Morgan, chairman of the school com? ' mitte'e, Miss Maitland (principal), and Siy John tjuke, M.P.,«and Lady Luke; Mr. fyfprgan, ,in a brief speech, said tl?a.t the ' sale' had beeit got up within two months' time, and -iyas tp receive the Government subsidy, se that with the excellent prpvisicn made at each stall it was hoped tp realise a handspme sum. Sir Jphn Luke thanked Lady Jellicoe for her. attendance*' iwjth an appreciatjpn pf her effprts and thcise of ffis Exceljency to help every ' good cause since they had been "in the Dominion. The various stalls, lowers, sweets, produce, needlework', fancy work, variety, Punch and Judy, tea,etc, ,Were ajj well patronised, and an excellent entertainment was. given in the evening organised by Mr. G. F. Wilson. In charge of the different stal|s were' the foljowjngi with assistants: —Sweets, MrsV Priestley, Mrs. Struthers; needlework, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Q. S. Young, and Mrs,. A. Rigg; .book stall, Mrs. R. H. Pope; flowers, and yegetables, Mr. J. Ss M'Kenzie; produce, Messrs. A. J; Paterspn, F. W. Cuthbertspn, Priestley, and Long ; cakes, Sirs. A. -Young; fish-pond, Messrs : G. F... Wil§pn, Finch, Murray, and Kean; afternopn tea, Mrs. Hunter and Hetheringto'n; children's stall, Mrs. W. Wilson. Mr. R. Tait was the secretary. A generous gift was that of unlimited ice creams by Mr. Priestley and • cups for them by Tflv. Long. In ; charge pf the Punch and Judy show was Sjr. R. G. Denton. The prompters are in hopes pf clearing close upon £200 as a result of the bazaar. At the inception to be given at /the) Pipneer Olub tp:mprro.w afternoon, another guest of honour, as vyelj aa Miss Kpsemary, Rees, will be| S'liss Melyffle, of Auckland, Dominion, presidtent of the Wpinen's' National 'Council. All club members are invited to meet these ladies. A successful bazaar, prompted to liquir date the debt on the Convent buildings, was opened by the Mayor (Mr. R. A. Wright,.M'.'P.,) in1 .St. Anne's Hall, Newtown, on Saturday evening. The hall and the. varipys ,'staljs, tastefully decorated \yith flags and greenery, presented a very'pi-etty appearance. In opening t|ie bazaar, the Maypr explained t^e °b: ject of the bazaar. The Sisters pf Mprcy ha 4 been doing gopd work in Newtpwh for the past thirty, years, and dujjfng that time, thousands of children had passed through their hands. , They were dping a noble • werk,, that of educating' the young, and making them good Citizens of the Empire. He was sure help woijld be forthcoming, and he wished them every success. The various stalls and stall-holderg are as. fpllpw:—All Nations, Mesdames'Wylie. and Giles; Zealandia, .stall,\Mesdames Wichliffe and 'Smyth; i'pyjan^, Mrs. Black; Children ef Mary's stall and tea kip^lt, Mesdames Simon,' Hinds, and Norris;, St. JPatrick's stall, Mr. ; M. Mak>ney. On Saturday evening, pupils of. Mr. J. Knpwsley, assisted by the school childreri, contributed a programme of dancing and items. This evening, pupils of Miss Katherine. O'Brien will givo a Russian gopak, hu^moresqußi Dutch dance, sprig and dance, and a butterfly and elfin dance. Mi\. W. H. Giles is carrying, out the. duties of secretary to the^ bazaar. A successful qnd wellTatteridecl inaugural meeting of the Wellington East Qeneral Cprflinittee pf the Millipn Halfcrpwns Fund was held at the Residence of Mrs. Laurence Watkihs, Dufferinstreet, on Friday. • Mrs. Watkins and Mrs. F. I?- Hunt were joint' hostesses, and a large gathering of ladies from all parts of the ' clistrict attended. afternoon tea was served, "Lady Luke,1 president of the executive, aqdresse4 the ladies present, qutlining the 'general principles that should. gpvern their methpds of wprk. She then'called upon the hostesses to outline the suggestions that had been drawn up fpr future wprk. The |iev. C. F. Askew, in an impressive' speech, ppjntecl, put ibat thpge present were taking part in an important wprk-rthat of helping tp erect a magnificent memorial to the gallant dead. Reports presented showed ihat dpnatipps for the fund were already coming in, freely, and that the appeal was .meeting with a response from people of all denomination's. The colour to be worn by the Members pf^ Wellington East District will'be' yeljpw." It was, announced that a generpusly disppsed returned soldier was donating the ye|low buttons that are t? be wprn' by^ all members pf the cpmmittee. Last week a dance was^giveni by th« Wellington Technical College Students' Associatmn at St,: Petei Ja Hall. Excellent arrangements had been inadle to secure the enjoyment of all attending! the dance, and with v a good floor, gopdi music,, etc., an exceedingly pleasant evening was spent.;: The decorations were of lycopodiiium, with cbkmred streamers overhead, and f^atpons of coloured drapery fprm^g a friejse' rpu^d the sides of the room, and, the stage hftdi been cpmfortably furnish«4\ for onlpokers. Spring flpwers'and the' college cplours dfecprated the supper- tables 'm th,e ad^ joining room. The chaperons were La'diy Luke, Mesdames Graham, Hpwell, and Martin. Among others who were pr-esent were the director of the 'College,' Mr. J. Howell, and Mrs. How ell, Messrs. Ballinger., Bolton, and Pascoe, of ffiie College Board, Mr. and Mrs. Richardlspn, Miss Welsby, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Graham, Mr. Martin, Mr- and Mrs. Yiyian Smith. The committee responsible for the al'rangements of the danceiinoludedi Misses Bolt, Campbell, Jones, and Welsby, Messrs. Cooper, Ellis, Field, Hutehinsora, Portmanj and Walls. Miss Jones, was the hon. secretary. i . ■

A partioularly cheerful and happy party was that which took place at. Messrs. Kirkcaldie and Stains's estab: .lishnient last week, in aid of the Plunket Home appeal. The staff of thia firm h|as aided pi'actically every patriotic effort du^ng tjie war period, and has continued, its good work with a fin* energy ever sinca Laflt week's event was' a great success, largely owing to good organisation, backed by. generous help and ei^h'U.siasm of a, large number of employees.^ Dancing went on with gi'eat spirit in tJie large tea looms, bridge was played in the art gallery, and a sumptuous "sit-down" supper was chariningly set out in. another large room. /The work attache^ to the s.upp,er- i,vas largely carried out by the te*-ro°M sta.ff, i.members of which decorated the room with flag?, anid each long table with a flower scheme of either hlpoms in, yellow; or white, bulb, o| anemones, and maidenhair fern. Among thpse present were : j\;lr. and Mrs. John KiFkcaldie, |lr. and Mrs,, Sydney., Miss' MacQvegpr, and Dr. Truby King. jjr. Bloxam was the capable, hon. secretary, and Mr. Page and others formed a manager inent committee. 4|l concerned, are to be congratulated op a highly successful. eveJUߣ. ""

The Seatoun Croquet Club opened the season last week, the ceremony being performed by the Mayoress (Mrs. R. A. Wright), who is, patrpness of the club. Mrs. Wright the club pn winning the A and I* shields presented by Lady Luke for the past seasqn. Afternoon tea «was served in the pavilion, t|ie tables being tastefully decorated in the club'" colours. Tjie results .of the competitions held were as fojlpw:— Gplf croquet, ,' Mrs. Rhodes Williams (Kelburn);. break competition/ .llrs. Brightjng (Hataitai); target competition, .jjlrs. RJiodes Williams (Kelburn). The engagement is' announced of Miss Monica Fulton, only daughter of the late 'Mr.' W H. J. Fulton and. Mrs. Fulton, Kelburn, Wellington, and granddaughter of the late Major-General J. J. Fulton, Madras, India, and of Mr. John Blundell, , Wellington, to Arthur Guy Stratton, 'only son of the late Mr. A. Stratton. and Mrs. Stratton, Alton Priors, LMarlborough, Wilts, England. A dance will be given in the New Century Hall,- Kent-terrace, the comniittee'being Misses E. Middleton, Cplville, Taylor, Messrs. E. Gleeson, C. Haughton, and P. H. Scott, the latter being the hon. secretary. . ■' Mrs. and Miss Massey arrived from jthe Nqrth yesterday, op their return ' from Englandi. A reception is being given at Government House tbjs afternoon" to welcome the Prime Minister; and his wife and daughter. Miss Queenie Olafke-Johnsont has returned by the Niagara from a visit to America, ' .' \Miss D. Donnelly (Seatoun) has left for a visit to Australia. - The annual bazaar of St. Anne's Church, .Northland:, will be opened pn Wednesday*, afternpon at 3. o'clock 'by Mrs. Sprott. Excellent provision in the way of produce, cakes, sweets, and work stalls, with, a special children's' stall and) a jumble stall, has been made. . Visitors wijl be able to obtain afternoon tea aiid supper, also fruit salad. A concert will he' given in the evening. \ ' ■ - The various services at St. Michael's and All Angels. Church, Kelburn,. which has marked, the .opening of the new church came to an end yesterday, when three special' services were well attended. In the evening the church was crowded', and a beautiful service, was he}d. The musio all through, the week has. been a special feature, and has been greatly appreciated. , Last night the anthem, "I. Was. GJad when said unto Me" (Trimnell), was beautifully rendered; Mr. Pankhurst (organist) and the newlyformed chojr are to be congratulated on their good work, and it. is anticipated that the music at the church will be an added pleasure to the new building. The Bishop of Wellington /was , the preacher at the service last avening* An enjoyable afternoon was spent at the Berhampore''Tennis Club's cbuTfs on Saturday, the. occasior being the opening for the season. Mr. E, Bured (sec-r rotary) introduced Mr. Bennett (patron), who congratulated the club pn its strong financial position and ita s lpngthy list of members, and then dedji,re/i the courts opened, and the official set was played) (Misses 6.. Tate, H. Dewburst, andl Messrs/ F. 0. Dewhurst ajtd G. Heap). Mi.'JEtenner presented a trophy, the competition to be decided ujSpn }ater.. Afternoon tea was served by an energetic cojntnittee of ladies. - ■, ; v> At St. MarH's Church recently, Miss Mabel Dagmar Anderson, eecohd. daughter of,Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson, of Adelajde-road, was "married to Mr. Charles' William.' Eludcjing, second son of Mrs. K. Pudding and and the late Mr. Richard Budding, of i,Q\yeT Hutt. The bride was given' away by her father. The bridesmaids were Miss Louie Anderson and Miss Mqna Dudding, Mr. U. H. Hoare w^s pest man, and Mr. A. de Clifton was, groomsman. . The bridegroom, 'best, man, an,d groomsman are all ex-members of the, 9th Battery, . late N.Z.E.F. After tfie cerepipny 'a reception was held at Dustin's! . L^ter Mr. and lilrs. Pudding left, for their home a,t Lower Putt. '.'"..' 1 The staff of Messrs. H- Linney and and Oft., Ltd., of Cuba-street, held a successful dance in the Ponsonby Hajl, Abel Smith-street. The hall was tastefully decorated in violet and lemon (the sfaiff cplpurs). The decorations were in. the capable hands of Mr!.' J. Oallanan. The, chaperons were Mesdame* H. Lin-' ney and'F; Mason. The committee consisted of Messrs. Burke, Allan, Webb, Ferguson, and Anderson. Mr. Wilson was an excellent M.G. It is the intention of Ehe firm to make this an annual function. ' ' Another Tecipe for lemon-cheese1 has. been supplied by a reader :^m ts^itt«r, ilb what* sugar, 6 eggs, grated rhind of two lemons, the, juice of three large ones; put all in a pan, stir until as thick as honey, and sugar ?!' dissolved. Then boil for two minutes exactly. It is important that the stirring is never stopped while th«s stuff js on the fire. Store in small jars, as it d,Qes not keep very well after it ia opened.

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Evening Post, Volume CII, Issue 81, 3 October 1921, Page 9

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WOMEN IN PRINT. Evening Post, Volume CII, Issue 81, 3 October 1921, Page 9

WOMEN IN PRINT. Evening Post, Volume CII, Issue 81, 3 October 1921, Page 9


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