!'£;■ ■ PORT OF WELLINGTON. % '■''■ ;•;/. HIGH WATER. '.;' .: To-day—oil 20"tai a.m.;' Oh -45m p.m. ■' To-morrow —1U 10m a;m.; Ih 35m p.m. ■^ '• ARRIVALS. ■ ■■•■.■/..■■ Miiy.27—Patcena, s.s. (5.55 p.m.), 1212-tons, :.->. Sewell,"from Picton ' ' ?■;./. 'Jiay 27—Inyercargill, s.s. (11.15 p.m.), 224 l.:: tpns, Eden, from l'icton . f: .May SfM-Ripple,' a.s. (1.5 a.m.), 370 toDS, ■^ Carlson, from Gisborne '■ May 28—Ruru, s.s. (3.45 a.m.), 158 tons, I:,..'Fletcher, from Napier '':!■■•'. May 28—Alexander, s.s. (4.10 a.m.), 377 tons, r Wildman. from Picton ;i May 28—Kaitoa, s.s. (5.30 a.m.), 305 tons,' -■;-'. Wildman, from. Nelson ■ . . . :. Kay 28—Calm, s.s. (7.35 a.m.), 890 tons, ;-- llriiidwood,.froin Lyttelton .•'■■. -■: May 28—Wanganui, schooner (9.30 a.m.), 35a ::'■ 'aas. from Orafton . ■!■■■. DEPARTURES. V£b< 27—Koitodm; s.s. v (6.10 p.m.), 1994 tons, i' . Bold, for Westport l'.'v'May 27—Nikau, s.s. (7.20 p.m.), 248 tons, '/■. Hay, for. Nelson - * i\. . May 27—Mtiori, ■ s>.s. (7.55 p.m.), 3412 tons, i'-'r: Cameron, for Lyttelton ,: . . ■ :'■•'■ May 27—May/Hoiyard. auxiliary schooner i:.' (10.20 p.m.), 64 tons, Smith, for Hlenheini ';' .May 27—Kcwhaj, s.s. (11.10 p.m.),. 792 tons, •;!'■'.'■■iaunay, for Picton • :••'■' May 27—Huia, s.s. .(11.35 p.m.). 127 tons, >- Kadford, for Wanganui 'V., May 28—Kittawa; s.s. (12.5 a.m.), 1247 tons, •: '. /Kicholson, for .Greymo'utli • V EXPECTED ARRIVALS. ... Kapiti, Wanganui, 28tli : Echo, Blenheim, 2Sth ' ;.v; ■ Blenheim. Sounds, 28th .; -Hawera, Paten, 2Sfn * ■'■■ , Maori, Lyttelton, 29th . ■:. ' K.a;>um. Pat-a, -2!)tli ■\:■■■ :. Rosamond, V»est Coast, 20th i~"■' lonic, London, 29th ■ •■ . Waitangi, Patea, 29th "/'.•' Pateena, Nelson and Picton,. 29th ; ■'■.' Kaitoa, 'Nelson, 30th . ■ Kokiri; Greymouth, 30th '-'■" Opawa, Picton, 30th •'• Kennedy, Foxton, SOtli May Howard, Blenheim, 30th • '-■■ Zealcndic, Auckland, 31st . \ v ' Waihora, Newcastle, 31st " . . Wakatti, Lyttelton and Kaikoura, 31ft I? iTivircargill, Wanganui and Picton, 31st Ccrinna," Xew Plymouth, aist ilaiiourika, Whangnrei and Napier, 31st it:'-' Paloona, Melbourne, via ports, Ist ... Chepadoe, New York, Ist .:' . Canadian Exporter,- Australian ports, 2nd ;-;; Kipple, East Coast, 3rd . PROJECTED DEPARTURES. .'.,'■ Opawa, Picton, 28th ":'-'■ Poherua, Westport, 28th i Kennedy, Eoxton, 28th . r ,-.'■■. Koutunui, Gisborno, 28th :.■■;■-' Pabeena, Picton,. end Kcleon, 28tb .-■':' Wa'hine, Lyttelton, 28th ■ ..: Invercarsill. Wanganui. 29th ■:■■.'.■ Kienheim, Westhaven,' 2Sth ' ' ' Karninc,' Greymouth, 29th. '--■. iJiokoia, Napier, Gisborne, Tokomiru Bay, '/ (»nd Auckland, 29th \ ;, Ripple, East' Coast, 29th •. ;': Waimate, London,'29th ■■■ •■'■■• . ■ . Nikau, Nelson, 29th V : Jjaori; Lyttelton, 20tli- ■ :;A Alexander, Nelson and West Coast, 29t8 ■>■. vlnvercarglll, Wanganui, 29th' , $■"; 'Kupiti, Wanganui, 29th '■'■■-':'■ Ituru, Gisborne," 29th ' . ' -' Echo, lenheim, 29th ■ .;. ' Ha-wera, Pateb,: 31st ' : ■ '.. itapuni, Patea ( :SlstM-,. ;. . May Howard, 31st . Coriaca, southern ports, 31st
"■ «V TELEdfIAPH. ■;;. , ■Southampton; 2qth May. 'Arrived — Athenic, from Wellington :: - .' ''■• 'NEW' TORE, 26th May Sailed— City of Winchester, for New Zea- ', land ports ':. ■■.•/■-■■•■ : " :■-' ■ ' SYDNEY,: 27th May Arrived—Atua, from- Auckland^ v : . ■:■■/ Sailed—KiverinaM3 p.m.), for Auckland :■ V , :, AUCKLAND, 27th May . Sailed—lonio (5p.m.), for Wellington Arrived—Papardii ' (midnight), from Liverpool ; ' NEW PLYMOUTH, 27th May 'Arrived—Coriapa (7 p.m.), from Wellington ■ ■■■'■.•■■■■■:■ PICTON, 27th May Sailed—Alexander (10 p.m.), for Wellington : " _ ••'.-■' KAIKOUEA, 27th May :-■ Arrived—W»k»tu (10 a.m.), from Wellington . LYTTBLTON, 27th May' 1 . , Arrived—Monowal (1.3p u,m.), from Welling- • ton . . ■ ' Sailad— Kumara, for Port Chalmers; Tutanekai, for Oamara TIMARU, 27th May. ■ •'.' Arrived—Woodarita, from Newcastle, empty, ;, to load meat for Home 1 PICTON, 28th May. Arrived— Kowhai (7.30 a.m.), from Wellington ■' ■..'■• NELSON, 28th May Arrived—Nikau (8 a.m.), .from Wellington, ; f BMTHAGE IIST. Waikawa—Queen's Wharf, No. 1. ■■ Hippie—Queens Wharf, No. 2. ■-,-•■ Waverley—Queen's Wharf, No. 3. Kennedy—Queen's Wharf, No. 7.. Lily—Queen's Wharf, No. 8 Baden Powell-^Quecn's Wharf, No. 9. ' Kaitoa-Queen's-Wharf, No, 10. Opawa—Queen's/Wharf, No. 11. ■, Pateena—-Queen's Wharf, No. 12; Wairau—Queen's Wharf, No. 13. : Jn'vercargill—Queen's -Wharf, No. 13. Dredge—Queen's, Wharf, No. 14. Wahine—Ferry Wharf. .' Vacroa—Kailway Wiiarf. Nsahere—Glasgow Wharf. ■ '•■■ Waimate—Glaugow... Wharf. Kuru-Glasgow Wharfv ' Alexa—King's Wharf. . ■! . . ... Pqherua—King's Wharf. Port Nicholson—King's Wharf. Alexander—Pipitea Wharf. Calm—Lamhton Wharf. Pbiloiuel-fhornaon Wharf. : Firebrand—Thoriuloll Wharf. - Tikapuna—ln i,Stream.'.. Araokura—lo iStreim. Aratajiu—ln Stream. Karamu—Miraraar Wharf. Koutunui—Miramar Wharf. V Inga—On Slip,.,;. . . , ■ PEKSONAI,. Tlio death is announced of Mr. (iabriel Kosslyn Koss, providorc for the Northern iStcamsliip Comiiany. Prior to holding the .. position of providore, Mr. Boss served as chief steward on the [company's, boats, and by his 1 tact and courtesy made himself very popular. NISHMAHA AT LYTTELTON. The Nisiimaha, 1 which arrived at Lyttelton oh Tuesday morning from New York, is on. her maiden voyage. She \b a line type of 'irargo steamer, beiu;< commodious!}' fitted for the "accommodation ot officers and crew (Bays the Cliristchiirch Sun). ISnilt by the Stunifer Shipbuilding Company; 'Vancouver, for the ' ■■ ITnitert'States 'Shipping' Board, she, was completed in October last, and is being operated ■ by the V. S. and. A., Line. The.lceland and Xokatiiy, which were recently at Lyttelton. l;elong to the some company. Her gross tonn:ii:c is t.Q"fi. net 3720 tons, with a displace mcht of 10,000 tens. -She is to be employed s.olely in the New York.-Austrnlasian trade, and ' henceforth willVyisit. Lyttelton twice a year.' The Nishmahat'is'in coramiind of Captain R. C. O'lirien. and the crew, oil- Americans, numher 43. The general eargo'inclufles 42 motorcars, niotor-cycles. machinery, and n considerable quantity" ot (iraper.V In ndditiom slie has 111,001) cases of benzine, Kiisoliue. and Biqtiii spirits, 15,000 cases of which will be landed at Lytteltou. From Lyttelton will proceed to Timarui Dunedin, Melbourne, Sydney, and Newcastle, to continue discharge, • and 'will afterwards load ore at New Caledonia for ihe return trip to New York. The-Shaw, Savill.'und Albion Company advlsus that the liner Wnlwera'is to leave-New-castli" on Wednesday for Wellington to load ' fur Home. The vessel h' due nt Wellington on the /7tli June, and will subsequently <pro- ■- cecu to Lyttelton to (111 up, sailing from the latter wort for London, via Panama, on the 26th Jiine. ■•' ; . ; - A fleet of about 30,000 deadweight tons of cx-Oeraian steamers and barques has been pur- • chased from the United Stives Shipping Hoard by ' a New York syndicate bunded by Victor S^ Vox. according to just received" in . Svdhey from Sow,."Y6.rk,-which report that, seven '-'" former German ships' have been iicquired from the Government-.". It v/as added that they would be operated -mainly in the coal trades between America and Europe. 'The Consoli-. ■■•''drted • Maritime Lines, Inc., was recently or- ' (.' New. York w(th an authorised capl ' tai of 10,000.000 dollars for the purpose of •irmiiriiis- tliese thips and ether vessels with '■ tiiilHi the corporation proposes to start a ."c'lieral cargo Hue "Worn New York. liKltimore. ' «'id I'liiladelpliiu. If the purchases are com- : piHcd; the 'company: will, inaugiirate services '" to the ltivcr .Hate section of South America to the French. Atlantic and .Mediterranean PS'> Black Sea.pdrts'.' ■■'""'■"." ■'he New Zealand Sliippins-Company-s liner "" -.imat-e arrived 'at' . Wellington yesterday wHY; and berthed at : -'tl.q Glasgow ■VharJ i\ "comjilete. loadiiiß for, Home. The ■ r-cssct will sail for London, via. Panama, to■jnorrow afternoon. :••".- . v'", '- lor Wrrr'nrt :lv:W t putscugcre.-,.. 1? The vessel •Kill ixiunl to Wdliuston. , . J
It la expected tiiut the C. and D. line'i Port Nicholson will leave Wellington on Wednesday next for Picton to load for iioma. Cue back at. Wellington on the 6th ,lune the vessel will sail four days later for London, via Panama ' * Tile Commonwealth and Dominion liner Port Curtis is now on the loading berth at New York.» Sim is expected to sail early in June for New Zealand and Australian ports. The F. and S. liner Durham, due at Auckland on the 10th June from Australia, will load at Auckland, ToKomaru Day, Timaru, and Wellington for New York. . The vessel is expected to get away from Wellington on the 4th July for New York, via Panama. The Surrey, dmrat Napier oi> the 10th June, will also' load for New York at Napier.i Lyttelton, and Wellington, sailing finally on the 27th June. The Union Company's steamer Arahura is now timed to leave Napier for Gisborne and Auckland at 8 o'clock to-morrow night, instead of to-night. The V- S. and A. Line- steamer Clicpadoe left Auckland yesterday for .Napier-and Wellington. The vessel is due at Wellington on Tuesday next, and will sail on Thursday for The Stella is to leave Dunedin to-morrow with cargo for Wellington. , She is due here on Monday, and will sail on the following day with, general cargo for tue.Wei*. Coast. According ,to a . cable message, the City of Winchester left New York on the 21st Jiay with general cargo for New Zealand ports. *" Livorpool .cargo is to be loaded in New Zealand in tlie latter part of' June by the F. and S. liner ' Westmoreland and Argyllshire. The former vessel is due at Whangarei on the 21st June from Australia, and the latter at the same port on 23rd June.
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Evening Post, Volume XCIX, Issue 126, 28 May 1920, Page 6
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1,345SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume XCIX, Issue 126, 28 May 1920, Page 6
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