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ANNUAL MEETINGS OF HOUSEHOLDERS. ! CITY AND DISTRICT. I The annual meetings of householders in the Wellington Education District ior the purpose of electing school committees ■were hold last evening. Reports are appended :—: — MOUNT COOK. The school was packed and Mr. J. Danks presided. Thf- annual report stated that the boys' school eoirtinued to maintain the position it. gained last jear, the attendance- showing very little diminution. Tho work' performed had beeu sound and good, and the results obtained had been very satisfactory. Reference wan made to .scholarships examinations, it being pointed out by tho headmaster that "on the face of it it does not seem fair that high school and primary school children: should ba placed on an equality in tho examina.tioni for scholarships" only four children attending primary schools in the city gained scholarships whereas 19 in the High Schools' took scholarships. For the first time in the history of the- school three cricket teams had b&en put into the field. The second eleven won the public schools junior championship for two years in succession. Two football teams entered for the public behoola' competitions, the first fifteen coming third, and the juniors winning the junior championship without a, loss. The cadets maintained a high standard of efficiency. Thtj gills' school under Miss Helyer continued to do good work, but attendance had been affected by bad weather and sickness. Mr. Madley was warmly thanked for his generosity iv leasing ground at a nominal ' rent for a school tennis court. Mi«ss Watson' aaid her staff were doing excellent woik in the infants' school. The report . and balance-sheet were adopted, and votes of thanks weie passed to the retiring committee, the staff, and Mr. Madley. The following committee was elected out of 28 candidates: — Messrs. J. Daiike, R. Simpson, W. E. Fuller, J. Lodge, T. Murphy, H. Parsonage, F. Kuch, C. H. Barrett, and D. Hunter. Messrs. Danks and Murphy were reelected chairman and secretary respectively, and Mi 1 . Fuller wae ekcted treasurer. TE ARO.

The chair was occupied by Mr. Georg» Petherick. The report stated that there were 572 names on the books. The attendance for the past quarter had been exceptionally Tegular. With, the exception of an epidemic of measles and fiome cases of mumps the health of. the children' had been good. Disinfectants were regularly used in cleaning the floors, etc. After many years of faithful, service Mibs Ghatwin, the infant mistress, had retired on pension. The reports of th» inspectors for the past year had been entirely satisfactory. Masters Robiitson and Hogan had gained scholarships. The sum of £9 had .been spent hi books far the school library. The headmaster (Mr. C. Watson) had reported to tho committee that the staff was highly efficient and that the school work was well in hand for the time of year. The receipts for the year were- £142 16s lid and expenditure £113 14s lid, leaving a credit balance of £29 2s. In variou* ways the committee lad raised about £21, of which it had 6p©nt £15 15s on sporis, prizes, etc. Dr. Mackenzie urged that the annnal fee of 6d for use of the library should be abolished, iv order to give the poorer children the same opportunity a» the children of well-to-do people. ' The retiring chairman •(Mr. T.. L. Church ward)/ did .not/thinkit wise to do away 'with, the library subscription. The report and balancesheet were adopted. The new committee consists of Messrs. T. L. Churchward, W. J. Lankshear, H. R. Power, C. J. Hill, W. J. Thompson, G. Remington, W. C. Crane, G. E. Brown, and Dr. • Wallace Mackenzie. Messrs. Churchward and Crane were re-elected chairman and secretary respectively. TERRACE. The meeting was attended by a small number of householders. The Rev. W. J. Comrie presided." The annual report showed that the school had been succe£6fui in obtaining two of the fifteen scholarships awarded to the Wellington district. The committee visited the'library during the year and congratulated the headmaster and those helping him on its excellent condition. There are at present 574 volumes in the school library, and 127 volumes in the reference library, for the use ol teachers and senior scholars. The headmaster (MrMacMomin) reported that during- the June quartet- of 1911 the school was visited by an epidemic of measles, which very much reduced the attendance and interfered a good deal with the continuity of school work. On the 31st March, 1912, the roll numbered 671, as compared with 657 on the same day last year. The infant department wa& also growing. The balance-sheet showed a rredit balance of £60 18s 9d, the liabilities amounting to £29 19s 2d. The following committee was elected : —Rev. W. J. Comrie (chairman), Messrs. H. W. Lloyd, H. Van Staveren, J. M. Geddis, Alex. Johnston, 0. A Thomson, A. P. Webster, J. T. Mallard, and S. Martell. MITCHELLTOWN. A large number of people attended the meeting of the Mitehelltown householder*}. Mr. P. Carmody presided. The report presented announced* that the past year had been a record one, the income amounting to £172 15s o^d, an advance oi over £64 ou the previous year. The attendance of the children throughout the year had also been very satisfactory. Two additional tennis • courts had been i laid down/ while representations had been made to the Education Board in [ regard to increased accommodation for tho scholars, the pre«mt state of the 1 school being overcrowded. These, how,nT er ' h *d not been given effect to. There were no Ices than- nineteen nomination* for positions on the committee, the following nine members being selected : — Messrs. W H. Hampton (chairman), D. Mturpby (secretary), P. Cai-mody, A. C..S. French, V. Ridley, J. Dwyer, J M'ladoß, H. M'Carthy, and L E. Cooley". NRWTOWN. Mr. John Castle presided at tho annual meeting, and about ninety " persons attendfld. Tho report of the headmaster (Mr. H, A. Parkiasou) was of a cheerful character. Tb« roll number had increased, and the attendances had been excellent. In athletics the school had douo well. In eports competitions, the b»yo_ were being trained not only iv the j playing of games, but in the proper conducting of themselves in their 6port3. Thu influence of the lesions they received in the-ir jiamcc spiead i'ar beyond the limitf* of the playgiound, and was making itself apparent in tho bearing of the lads after they left the school. in liis report, the chairman of the- outgoing committee. (Mr. John Castle) expressed tno continued confidence of tbe committee in Mr. Parkinson and his abl« staff. Tho committee had proved itself a working body, not one meeting having lapsed for want of a quorum. None of the school propertied had been allowed to iall into di*r»BAir, Tht ikjt&k* &l the

committee were tendered to the parents for their liberal contribution*, and io Wests' Proprietary for a benefit night. Out of seventeen nominations, the following committee was chosen : — Mea>dames Boxall and Webb, ai:d Messrs. J. Castle, R. Brown. A- K. [lornblow, A. Crcoby, S. Phillips, W. Gilbert, and S. Martin. Mr. J. Cattle- was elected chairman aad Mr. IJ. ll.'Lhmchen secretary. KILBIRNIE. There was a small attendant;-* at this meeting. Mr. A. G. Wallace presided. The report stated that despite the fact that much inconvenience had been cauoed by alterations being matle to the school and grounds, the year's work had been carried out with evwv tatisfuction. A concert had been held with the object of raising tumcient funds to make improvements to the grounds, but owing to lack of support had terminated in a fiasco. The Education Board had, however, decided to carry out considerable improvements, such us Mpha.lting, etc. The intended rifle range had, the report continued, not met with the approval of the Defence Department, and it. was arranged to furnish the necessary additions "required by the department. The balance-sheet thowed a credit of between £8 and ,£IQ. The headmaster (Mr. J. H. Worboys) outlined the year's progress, and stated the attendance was 396, an increase since last annual meeting of 27 pupils. The library was stated to be in a good condition, much practical benefit being derived from the large collection of books. The following committee was elected : Messrs. A. G. Wallace (chairman), A. Giblin (secretary), F. Fielder, J. Cheeseman, C. F. Worth, J. Lewis, J. G. Burberry, A. T. Bailey, and Mrs., Bate*. PETONE WEST. The meeting at the Petone West School was well attended, and considerable interest was evinced in the proceedings. The annual reports revealed a satisfactory position both as regards finances and general work. The attendance during the year had been fairly well maintained. The following committee, was elected: Messrs. Maynard, Shardlow, Cotton, Castle, Parker, Leibeziet, Norm, and Head. At a. subsequent meeting of the committee Mr. Castle was re-elected chairman and Mr. Shardlow was elected secretary. PETONE DISTEICT HIGH SCHOOL. As is usually the case, considerable interest was taken in the meeting in connection with tie Petouo Main or District High School. There -was a large attendance of householders. The report showed that ,the number on the. roll at the end of the respective quarters was: June 664, September 680, December 682, March 679. ■ The average attendances were: June 615, September 578 (due to au outbreak of measles), December 638, March 611 (due to a mumps epidemic). At the secondary school th« number on the roll at the beginning of the year was 59, admitted during the year 37, withdrawn 42, leaving roll number at 54. The. average attendance was 50. The report showed batisfactory examination results. The committee stated that .there were -under-, consideration several improvements to the school generally, including up-to-date heating arrangements. The balance-sheet showed that the receipts had. amounted to £386 8s 9d, against an expenditure of £328 8s 6d. The committee, was elected as follows : —Messrs. M'Kenzie, Kirk, Medhurst, M'Donald, Taylor, Townsend, Abrahall, Cox, and List A vote of thanks to retiring members was passed, special reference being made to th« retirement of Mr. Burd, who had acted as secretary . /" LO'WEII.HUTT. 1 About thirty electors attended tht> meeting at the Lower Hutt Main School. Mr. H. Baldwin presided. The annual report submitted by the outgoing committee stated that the ' average attendance had been fairly well maintained, though it was seriously affected earlier in the year by the prevalence of scarlet fever and later by measles. The attendance «it . the secondary school showed an increase. The new Infants' School was opened in September last, and through this the headmaster was better able to supervise the work of the school. Thft school had done very well in all sports," 1 and the headmaster and Mr. Ballachy were* congratulated on the succeea of the school cadets in shooting competitions.- The committee was elected as follows: — Messrs. Baldwin (chairman), J. Anson, D. Fraser, A. Langford, W. Meldriim, C. Palmer, A. Webley (secretary pro tern), W. Henry, and J Doran. The .Rev. H. Barton Ginger moved a vote of thanks to the headmaster (Mr. Yeates) and his staff for the interest taken in the school and the pupil*, and this was carried unanimously., KARORI. The Rev. J. R. Clark presided and. tweuty-iix people were present. Mr. Sunley read the report, which stated that although there had been much increased expenditure, yet a small balance was left over for the new committee. Probably never had there been such activity in educational matters in Karon as during the year just closed. The most important item mentioned was the building, apart from the main school, of an up-to-date infant room, replete with the' latest ideas of ventilation, fixtures, and apparatus* making a complete equipment for a splendid kindergarten. For the girls a long-felt want was supplied by laying down an asphalt tennis court, and for the boye an asphalt ciicket pitch The girls' playground had been extended to twice its former size, necessitating much renewal of fencing. Both boys and girls had been supplied with complete eets of niatei'ial for their games from generous donations to the ecliool funde. The report expressed the committee's unanimous appreciation, of the woik of the headmaster (Mr. Bennett) and of hie eta-ff. At the last December scholarship examination four of the pupils parsed with high marks, and the top boy, Ronald Cathie, who was awarded a board's junior scholarship, stood highest on the list of the Class A schools of Wellington City and suburbs. A unanimous vote of appreciation of the excellent work of the staff was passed . All the remaining membere of tne old committee were re-elected as follows: — < Rev. J R. Clark (chairman), Messrs. E. Sunley (secretary and treasurer), J. A. Frost, E- J. Standen.'B. G/H. Burn; A. Halliday, W. H. Nimmo, H. B. Roberta, T. Brooker. A hearty vote of thanks -was passed to the chairman and to the secretary for their past services. ItOSENEATH. Mr. J. Smith presided over an attendance of about twenty -five. The report stated that the school had progressed very well of late, the attendance of pupils showing that it was the beet on record. The credit balance of £9 le 'Zd indicated that the committee had Avorked economically, considering that at tho beginning of tne year il was minue luijde. Mr. J. Smith, who hat, been on the* committee for the last ten years, did not seek re-election, and regret was expressed by all present that ho was retiring. The following committee wae elected: — Mr. A. E. Khull (chairman), Mr. F. Stott (secretary), Meedames A. Low and A. E. H&rgveave*, M«e«r«. E. Jiksadejn, A. Q^ec ajjd G. Huot..

ISLAND BAY. There was a fair attendance of householders at this meeting, Mi*. W. Rase presiding. The annual report, read by the headmaster (Mr. F. G. A. Stuckey), stated that there were 287 children attending the school, which had acccommodation fur 320. Duijng tha year a. la-boratoiy for instruction in elementary science had be«ii erected t at a cost of about £80. The free book sy6tem was introduced, and the School Journal was also piovided gratis. The committee started the year with a liability of £30. but this had been converted into a credit balance of £6 10«>. The election of a committee resu}t©d as follows: — Metsrs. H. Ivoiy (chairman), W. H. Potts (secretary), W. Roee, J. Osborne. J. Milk, W. J. Hart, J. (Joiider, il. C 4. Hill, and J. Shoreland. WADEBTOWN. Mr. K. Wiffen, chairman of the retiring committee, presided at tho Wadestown meeting, at which there was a Mnall attendance. The report, read by the secretary (Mr. A. .Ross), stated that the number of children on the roll was 155, of whom 151 sat for examination. The inspector's report showed that the fchool maintained a high standard of efficiency. A large proportion of pupils in tho higher standard had obtained proficiency certificates, entitling them, to admission at the secondary institutions. During the year Mr. Ross, first assistant teacher, had been transferred to another school, Mr.' Parkinson being appointed in his place. Correspondence had taken place with the Board in legardi to providing a new sehcel in place of the detached buildings now used, and it was stated that a school would be built as soon as the Education Department made a grant for the purpose. Residents and others subscribed £16 12s for the annual picnic, of which amount £1 3s sd^was unexpended and was handed over to ''• school library fund. The balance-sU showed total receipts £62 Is H\. and a credit balance of £9 3s 3d, <v which £5 odd would be required to ydj the cost of connection with the city water service, for which a contract had been let. The chairman said the large percentage of attendance was attributable in great part to the efficient work of the truant inspector, Mr. Dineen. With regard to accommodation, he had every hope that a grant would be made and that a new school would be started before th© end of the year. The repoit and balance-sheet were adopted. Thanks were voted to the outgoing committee and to the headmaster and staff. Mr. C. R. Joplin (headmaster), in acknowledging the latter vote, emphasised the value of th* proficiency certificates ivon by the a-1 meed scholars. Two years' education i»t ihe secondary institutions, he said, should enable the pupils ,to pass the Junior Civil Service examinations, which would not only open the door to the Government service, but fit them for any walk in life. Creditable work was being done at the College and High School by the pupils admitted from Wadestown. .The following committee were elected : —Messrs. E. Wiffen (chairman), A. Neely, C. A. Mathieson, A. Ross (secretary), C. Gayson, H. Simnicnds," and' A. Swift. . CLYDE-QUAY. About fifty persons were present at Clyde-quay, Mr. D. Robertson presiding. Th-e annual report stated that the work of the school had ' proceeded smoothly during th« year, the promotion of Mr. Caddick being the only change in the staff. The number on the roll for the past year was 738, and the average attendance 647. Owing to the epidemic of ' measles, 'influenza, and whoopingcough, the- average attendance had suffered somewhat. During 1 their monthly visits careful attention had been given to all work necessary to keep the school grounds and buildings in a good state of repair. A high standard -of efficiency had been maintained in.- the field of sport, the school having retained the Duthio Cup for swimming for th© seventh year in succession. .In tennis, the boys' doubles championship was annexed by the school's representatives, who were, also runners-up in the boys' singles and girls' doubles. In December last a successful competitive flower show had been he-Id in the infant school. The committee was of opinion that it was desirable that the show should be an annual one. The committee expressed its thanEs to the Library* Committee of th« City Council for tne very generous way iii which it had enabled the committee, with the hearty eo-.operaiion of Mr. W. T. Grundy, headmaster, and Mr. H. Baillie, City Librarian, to introduce a supply of suitable literature from the Public Library for the free use of tiescholars. The report also stated that Mr. J. Thwaites took charge of the school m the absence of Mr. Grandy, . while substitute as inspector lor- Mr. Tennant. . A vote of thanks to the school staff and retiring committee was parsed. Tho following committee was elected : — Messrs. G. Duthie, J. • Fossette, F. Forsytb (secretary), J. Goudiu, J. Mitchell (treasurer}, D. Robertson (chairman), B. Strong, W. J. Harland, and E. P. Hatch. WELLINGTON SOUTH SCHOOL. About fifty 'householders attended the meeting in the Wellington South School. Mr. J. Chappell presided. The following " committed wae elected : Messrs. R. A. Ferguson, A. B. Duff, W. Harm, S. Howan, C. M. King, Charles Can-, G. J. Startup, i?. C. Watt, and W. Read. The headmaster reported that co far as educational matters were concerned the past year had been uneventful. In their annual report the outgoing committee expressed regret that the work of levelling the ground on the Rintoul-street ■side of • the school had not been accomplished during the term. Mention was also made of the need for more accommodation, and in conclusion the committee recorded its thanks to Messrs. Crengel and Hosie, West's Ltd., and Hayward's Ltd. for medals and services rendered. A meeting ofHhe committee was held subsequently, Mr. A. B. Duff being eleoted chairman and Mr. R. A. Ferguson secretary and .treasurer. Some matters of . general interest touched upon -in the report are published - cinder a separate 1 heading in this issue. _, . MARANTTL 'A fair' attendance of householders assembled at the Maranui School.' The' balance-sheet showed a credit of £10 7e 9d. The committee- started last yeaa: with a credit balance of £46 4s Id, of which £37 odd had previously been allotted for a- tennis, count and material and improvements to the school grounds. These works were completed during the year, and several others are'at present under consideration. The receipts for the year totalled £168 14e 6d and expenditure £158 '6s 9d. Three new teachers were appointed during the year, •one being necessary on account of the •increase in the average attendance. There are. 3so pupils now on the rolls. Entertainments were li**d during the year to raise funds, thankb being due to Mr. J. Matsou (proprietor Kilbirnie Rink), Captain Stevens, Miss Roberts, and the Maranui Social Club for their support- in connectioirwßli these ob^wils. All the ■enteutainments were-successfully carried out. The committee had been a<bly assisted by the teaching staff in every way. The- chief" inspector reported the discipline and tono of the school' as " Good," and the work as progressing favourably. Mr. J. P. Arery attended, and ar-reug?Bttn.t«.£.u-ft jnjtfc iw * " firel tid -

class to be formed for parents and senior scholars, under the direction of Dr. de La tour. The new committee comprises Messrs. D. Caiman (chairman), F. R. Just (secretary), A. Gellatly, J. Matthews, W. S. Bedford, W. H. Nash, W. A. Millar, H. D. Baker, and W. Gentry. MUBITAI. The meeting at the Muritai School was well attended. Mr. J. 1\ Kelly presided. The vcjjoi't fallowed a, very healthy and satisfactory condition of affairs tit the school, and referred at length to improvements in the school grounds ; the addition of books to the library ; the establishment of a School Cricket Club, and the high tone of the school generally. The chairman voiced the appreciation of the committee at the work of the headmaster (Mr. H. Sansou) and the assistant mistress (Miss Haslam). Mr. Saneon expiessed satisfaction at the great interest taken by tho letiring committee in tho welfare of the school. Eleven were nominated for the new committee, and the whole of the old committee, with the exception of one member, who ha© removed from tho diEtrict, was returned to office, and Mr. E. G. F. Zohrab was returned for this vacancy. The committee is 1 now as follows: — Messrs. F. J. Chittey, J. P. Kelly, J. D. Avery, S. Roes, I\ •Wills E. G. F. Zohrab, and R. L. Button. OTHER SCHOOLS. Committees .were elected as fol> lows: — Kaiwarra. — Messrs. W. E. Welle (chairman), G. Flaws (secretary), R. E. Flaws (treasurer), W. Latim^r, J. W. Carrick, C. Futter, and W. Futter. Normandale. — About forty residents attended the meeting at Normandale. The following committee was elected : — Messrs. R. G. Bell (chairman), J. Harm (secretary), H. Adamt, W. Barnes, and W. H. Knight. Korokoro. — Mr. H. Fleet presided at | (he meeting at Korokoro. The report was satisfactory, and the balance-sheet ohowed a credit of 6s 6d. The committee was elected as follows: — Mesera. R. Jones (chairman), H. Scroggs (secretary), J. Flux, H. Fleet, and H. Hayward. A motion of appreciation of the energy displayed and the keen interest taken in the children by the teacher (Mies Killmartin) was carried unanimously. Woreer Bay.— Me«>rfi. A. Gooch (secretary), J. M.'Crea, J. Hull, W. Telford, G. Edwards, C. Bell (chairman), and J. Campbell. Mr. Kircher, who had been secretary for twelve years, and declined to stand again, was heartily thanked for his past services.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 96, 23 April 1912, Page 3

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SCHOOL CONTROL Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 96, 23 April 1912, Page 3

SCHOOL CONTROL Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 96, 23 April 1912, Page 3


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