HIGH WATER. To-<lay— Oh 25r0 a.m.; Oh 65m p.m. To-morrow— lh 20m a.m.; Hi 49m p.m. ARRIVALS. Jlarch 28— Wairoa, s.s. (2.30 p.m.), 49 to&e, Cook, from Auckland. March 28— Begutas, e.g. (10.20 pan.), sßu lons, from tVestport, Miircli as— Pateena. s.s. (11.30 p.m.). 1212 t<slis, J. ti. Watson, from Nelson, and Picton. Passengers — 74 *aloou and 14 steerage. March 28— riadfotd, s.k. (11.45 p.m.), 1888 Wnn,.Todd, from Suva via Auckland. March 20— Eaerjjy, s.«. (4 a.m.), €0 tons, Sfkford, from Cook Btnute. March 29— Komata, t.s. (4.15 a.m.), 1994 tdiis, aiawßon, from Westport. March 2*9— fldlii. 6.6. (».2o a.&.J, 127 tons, Blu-t, fr<WU Motueka. March 3fc-itabtt, e.i. (8.36 a.m.), 3899 tons, AldwelL, from Lytteltou. Passengers: Saloon — Misses. Bishop, Dfeanan. Wood (2)< Wilson. Keyds,. EittSelJ, Mitchell, LoSiab, Stickling, ifosking, AVilliamson, Whyte, Toms, Bates, Holder, Meedames Haymau and child, Grelg afld 2 children, Graham and bbft Jofia&Sn attd child, Hothersull, Clements, Samuel and t-Hild, Tebchemaker. White-Parsons, Bloomfleld afld 2 children, Reid, Moqfe, Allen. Johns, SCott, Rogers, ¥(kiqiihsxr, ThOma*, Marihlrt, McOregor, Wilson, McFarlane, Hou. Wigram, JfeSsrs. Pltttan, Nuttall. Teschemaker, Allan, Phillips, Hothersall, Rutherford, Parbottle* Iludson, Watson^ Plttmtacr, Brl«ted, Bi&hop, Bteele. field, Bryce, AVestinacott, Brurrible, bating, Booth, Milton, FuUer, Irvine, Milne, Moore, Btedn, I'rrtAer, Scott. Kennedy (2), Wtogrove, Stepheneon, Farquhar, AVhite, Park, Mtnhire, VenualL McGregor, fookes, We«tgdett, Fuizer, Mofirlane, Jenkins, Bryce, McMahon, Allen, dftble,, Rrysdale, Herron, Keller. BUtos, Crabtrrt, fiutcheson. Murray, Cfoxton, Barker, Campbell, Seagar, Reidy, Mount, Murrity, Jenkinson, Keene, Wood, forster; 06 ifieetage. March 29— Moeraki, s.s. (7.25 a.m.), 4392 tons. Rolls, from Melbourne and Hobarfc via southern, ports.. Passengers i Saloott— Mis«es Handley, Embling. Harrison, Searr, Wicks, Levy, Allan, Hobinson, Haisland, Mesdames Hamilton', flajmor, Wells, Wicks, Wright and idfant, Blftke, Sotlthwick, Messrs. Cheshire, WeUs, Nutfcall, leuton, Watkins, Richards, Aiigus. Rottildyv fill soil, Alliln, Beauchanip; JUUlton; 26 steerage. March 29— Hawera, s.s. (7.25 a.m.), 200 tons, J&cksou, from Patea. March 29— Blenheim, s.s. (8 a.m.), 120 tons, Wilkinson, from Blenheim. March 29— Karovt, e,s. (8.23 a.m.), 2345 tons, Motley, from Lyttelton. March 29— H.M.S. Encounter, second-class t#ifl-S»e"rf CfUisef a.m.X? 5800 tons, 12,500 h.p., 24 gutts, Captain Colomb, from Sydflcy. March 29— Mana, As. (8.40 a.m.), 134 tons, Mclntosh, from Patettj March 29— Tirawera, s.e. (10 a.m.), 2003 totis, McLean, from Auckland, Napier, and dlEborne. BassCflgers : Saloon— Ml»se& Buller, Sik)tt, Nelson, Hodge, Bolton, Cooper, Sehafter, Mesdames Candler, Luke and child. Messrs. Scarce, Buller, Newman, 8811, t)(nii6tt, Prime, Ifaulkuor; IS steerage. o^ArtUb^ Marti 28— Arapawa. s.s t (3.15 p.m.), 268 tons, Corby, for Wangdnui. I Mardti 2ft— Kodnya, b.Bj (3.3D p.m.), 10£fl j tone, Pryde, for (it6ynfdiithi \ March 28— Kikatf, * t s. (6.2^0 p.m.), 248 tone, Hay, for Nelson and Motueka. March 28— Moana, s.s. (G. 5 p.nQ f 391 d tons, Collins, for Lyttelton, ibinedm, Bluff, HoDart, and Melbourne. March, 23— Mararoa, s v s. (8.10 p.mj, 2598 tofts, Claiming, for Lyttefcttrit. March 28— Ofta*a, t.S. (6 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. March 28— Victoria, Sjs. (11,40 p.m.), 2969 tons, fint-wlsle, for Napier, Gisbofne, Aucklflnd, and Sydney. 1 March 26— Queen of the Sotiti,. b.s. (mldnigiit), 198 tons', Harvey, for Poxtoii. March 28— KSttoii, s.s. (midnight), 1863 tons, Sarlow, for Wesfpoft. March 39— Lrfd^apura, s.e 4 (6.2 ft a.m.), 8645 tons, Craven, for" Gieboirrie. March SS— VfaAtn&wk, s.s. (6.20 a.m.), 6734 tona, Burton-Holmes', for London. March 29— Falcon, schttaner <9.80 a.m.), 95 t<tos, Wafcchlin, tot HaWeloek. March 29— PAteena, s.ii. (noon), 1212 tons, Watsou, for Plfiton arid Ndsoni Passengert Saloon : For Picton,— Misses €lib«m, Wertheim, O'Ronll, Jeffries, Oram, 3le*dames Mlddletori, CtmpbelL Strickland, Townsrville, Baillie, Qab-^ bltis, MB6E.W. Baillie, Qabbittey Wllliginß, ITiys, Boss, Tanner, Storey, Powell, Banning, Alleit lV>r Nelson— Mfcs Dimdnt, Mesdames Cdwati', Brown, Allen,' Nutting, Salmoud, Messrs. Seaton, Cowan, KdftOn, McMahon, Handel, Homer Hudson, O'Brfan, Godley, Stewart, Lindsay. Olasgow, Brown,, Sierwrlght. EXPECTED ARRIVALS AVaimea, Nelson and Pictoii, 29th Kurow, Lytteltoft, 2Mb Hawera, Patea, 2WtIl Komata, Westport, 2Bth Maori, Lyttelton, 2Bth Mana, Patea, 29th Blenheim. Blenheim, 29th Huia, Motueka, 2!)h Ngatoro, er«iymouth, 29th Arahura, Neltoii direct, 30th MapourlKa, Nelson and Wesfe Coast, 30th Aorangi, Sail VrscttcitMO; 30th Kapuni, Lyttelton, 30th Mangapapii, Kaiamea, 30th Aorere, Patea, 30th . MarArOa, Lytteltofl, Sfffh Nlka^, Nekon and Motuekn, 30th Kiripaka, tatea, 30th . Arapawa, Wariganai, SOch Stormbird, Wdngaimi, 30th Opawa, BteuheJni, 'iQtfi Navua, AVastport, 80£h Poherua, Gr^nlduth, 30th , Kaitoa, Nelson, 3lßt Ripple, Gisboitte, 31st MobdWai, frtitietlin und Lyttelton, 31st Manaroa, Have Jock, 3Ut Queen of the (Wnfctl, foiton, 31st Wakatu, Lyttelton and Kaikoura, 31st ' i Keffiueru, London, lsb ttosamoud, Ouehungu, Ist j Te Anau, southern ports, Ist ' Rtfserld, New Yofk via Auckland, ltt > Mokoia, northern iiorts, 2nd . PRdiIECTED DEPARTURES ' Indiapufa, disbdme, 2flth Moeniki, Sydtfey, 29th Atkmika, Ban FJfanetsco, 29th . ■ 31aori, Lyfctelton," 29th 1 Blenheim, BlefihtUn. 2"9fh ■ Waimana, London^ 29th Kurow, Picton, 29frh » Hawera, Patea, 20 Ui Mana, Patea, 29ttl Arahura, PleWu, Nel bod, and West Coasfcj Waimea, Nelsori and West Coast, 23th Pateena ( Picton, and Nekon, 29fcti Haurofo, Westport, 28* Hula, Motueka, 20th Hohndale, Picton, 29th Otakl, London, S9th , j Mararoa, Lyttelton, 30th Opawa, Blenheim, ".Oth Arapuwa, Wanganui, 30th ' Aorere, Patea, 30th Maagauapa, Weetporfc and Earamea, 80th KJripaka, Patea,, 30th Haupiri, Picton and Bast Coast, 30tQ j Nikau, N^lbou -and Motueku ( 30th i Aofangi, Sydney, 30th ! Tarawera* tXiaedin, 39th » Manaroa, Havelock, ls£ AVakatu, Kaikoura nnd Lyttelton, Ist Rosamond, Nelson, New Plymouth, anfi-Ohe-nunga, Ist Monowai northern ports, l*t Te Anau, New Plj mouth and AYest Coast, Ist Queen Of the Sotftli, Fotfou, Ist Stormbtrd, Wanjatnui, Is Kapuni, I'atea, Ist I Tainui, AVaitara 4ind Mokau, Ist Kaitoa, Nelson and West Coast, Ist j Komata, Westport, 'Ist ' i Navua, AVestport. 2nd ■ j Kipple, Napier and Gisborflej 2nd i Mapoufika, Nelson and AVest Coast. 2nd ' Mokoia, Lyttelton and Dunedm, 2nd oversea vessels j BTEAMBR3 BOUND FOR WELLINGTON. | Aorangl, left San Francisco Oth March, via' Papeete and Rarotongtt; due to-inorrbw. Kia Ofa, left Loudou Bth February, via Auckland: due about 80th March., Kemuera, left London loth February, via Capetown and Hobart; duo about Ist April. Roseric, left New York 30th tJecember, via Australia and Aitcklaiid: due about Ist April. Hurunul, left London 25th January, via Auckland; due about 2nd April. « Indraburah, lefb London 2oth January, via Auetrulian 1 ports and Auckland; due about the. 3rd April, Wakahui, left Bt. John 19th January, Via Australian ports; due about 4th April. Kattenturm, left New Yoik'2lst January, via Australian ports and Auckland: due abdut tb« 7th April. Surrey, left tiVei-booi s£h February, via SVdnej, Newcilitle, and Auckland; due about the 15th Aptil. Nerehana, left London 9th February; via Australian ports, Auckland, urd Napier; due about 16th April. . Corintaic, left Plymouth 4tir March, via T^nerifle, Capetown, and Hobart; due about the 19th April. Anglo Boliviiiu, left New York early in .March \U Australian pOHi and Auckfilfid : due about, (he 2Wh April. Oruii, leit London t'lii March, via Auckland; due about Ist Ma.v Kaiamea, left St. Joint (3ew BrUnsWitk) tin* Ffbniaiy: due here about 2nd May. Aualo-Eoliviun. !eH New York. 12th February, via Aushaiiun. jwrts and Auckland; due about 7l!i Mii;.. Kent, left Liverpool 21»t Febmary, via Sydlltv iiod Amklaud: due dlJoUt loth Muy. Hnheafelt!. lrft >*vw York 7th Jluich, \ia 'Atif-traliuti r if 'ith und AiKhlaufl; dua aIK/ut thi ai#t» >l»/.
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Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 76, 29 March 1912, Page 6
Word Count
1,178SHIPPING. PORT OF WELLINGTON. Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 76, 29 March 1912, Page 6
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