The KESULT of the GREAT STRIKE in GREAT BRITAIN LATE DELIVERIES MUST BE CLEARED SUBSTANTIAL PRICE CONCESSIONS IN November 22nd FOR TEN DAYS tO December 2nd j Liberal Price Concessions for Cash only FOR TEN DAYS November 22siid on FOOTWEAR on CLOTHING.& MEICIEEY All our delayed shipments, together with our enormous regular stock of LADIES', CHILDREN'S AND MEN'S BOOTS and SHOES offered now AT 10 Per Cent. DISCOUNT. A Manufacturer's Set of SAMPLE FOOTWEAR, worth In all £3OO, going at 20 Per Cent, or 4/- in the £ DISCOUNT. UNDERWEAR and MERCERY of every description offered now at 15 Per Cent, or 3/- in the £ DSSCOUNT. WALK-OVER FOOTWEAR. Thoroughly reliable Footwear, shapely and neat, offered now at 19% Discount. IN PATENT LEATHER. "The Fenway" Patent Leather Boots— ln open and closed fronts At 32/6, less 10% "The Junior" Patent Leather Boots— Open front, full toe At 32/6, less 10% "The Louvre" Patent Leather BootsClosed front, wide welts At 32/6, less 10% "The Bond Street" Patent Leather 800t — Light sole At 32/6, less 10% "The Astoria" Patent Leather Boot — Closed front, close welt At 32/6, less 10% IN GLACE KID. "The Banker Plam" Glace Kid Bals—No cap At 31/6, less 10% "The Prince" Cun-metal Calf Bals —Full toes At 31/6, less 10% "The Baylstone" Box Calf— Open fronts, one full-swing- last At 31/6, less 1i "The Washington" Glace Kid Bals— Full round toes, light welted soles At 31/6, less 10% WALK-OVER TAN BOOTS. "The Fenway" Russia Calf— Closed front boots, medium toe, swing last At 31/6 less 10% "The Eureka" Willow Calf— Closed front boots, medium toe, light shade At 31/6 les? 10% "The Crad", Willow Calf —Open front boots, round toe, swing last At 32/6, less 10% "The Echo" Russia Calf— Closed front boot, full round toe, swing- last At 31/6, less 10% THE NON-TREAD-OVER FOOTWEAR. We are sole agents in Wellington for this superb Footwear, and every pair will be found good and serviceable. ' IN TAN GLACE KID. "The Dover" Tan Glace Kid Lace. Boot — Medium toe At 25/6, less 10% "The Durban" Tan Glace Kid Lace Boot —Medium toe At 25/6, loss ,10% "The Stanhope" Tan Glace Kid Lace. Boot —Open front, dark shade . At 24/6, less 10% "The Leiber" Tan Willow Bals —Open and closed fronts, full round toe, dark shade At. 22/6, less 10%' "The Dudley" Tan Willow Calf— Open and closed front boots, wide welts, riiedium toes At 30/-, less 10% "The Rand" Black Box Calf —Open and closed front boots, full toe, linen lined, double soles At 26/6, less 10% "The Alma" Black Box Calf —Open and closed front, medium toe At 25/6, less 10% "The Winslow" Black Box Calf Lace Boot —Full round toe, linen lined, welted I At 23/6, less 10% "The Clenham" Black Box Calf Lace Boots —Same style as "Winslow," but with medium pointed toe At 23/6, less 10% "The Wyndham"— Same style as "Glenham," but with round toe At 23/6, less 10% "The Windemere" Black Box Calf Lace Boots —Full round toes, welted At 21/6, less 10% "The Hampton" Black Box, Calf— Open fronts, medium round toes, linen lined, double soles At 25/6, less 10% "The New Custom" Black Glace Kid Lace Boots— Full round toes, welted At 26/6, less.lo% "The New Curb"— Same style as "New Custom," but with medium toes At 26/6, less 10% "The Bennington" Black Glace Kid Lace Ots —Pointed toes, leather lined At 25/6, less II "The Regent" Black Clace Kid Lace Boots —Full swing- toe At 23/6, less 10% "The Medus" Black Box Calf —Open fronts, lace boots, the latest last / . At 28/6, less 10% "The Argus" Black Glace Kid Lace Boots —Medium toe, linen lined, light 'welt At 23/6 less 10% "The Clarion" Brack Clace Kid Lace Boots —Extra wide welt, lig-ht single sole At 26/6, less 10% "The Allova" Black Glace Kid Lace Bodts —Latest last At 26/6, less 10% "The Aramac"— Same , style as "Allova," but witjh open fronts At 26/6 less 10% "The Brompton" Black Clace Kid and wide fitting- At 28/6, less 10% "The Viscount" Patent Colt Lace BootsDull kid leg, medium toes At 29/6, less 10',„ "The Pericles" Black Glace Kid Lace Boots —Full round toes, wide welt At 26/6, less 10% NON-TREAD-OVER FOOTWEAR. LOW SHOES. "The Cardiac" Black Clace Kid— Open front'shoe, medium toe At 24/6, less. 10% "The Dalby" Black Box Calf —Open front shoes, full round toe, wide welts' ■ ' At 25/6, less 10% "The Conway" Black Box Calf— Open front shoe, full round toe, double sole At 26/6, less 10% "The Fltzroy" Black Box Calf— Open front shoe, wide welt, medium toe At 24/6, less 10% "The Cyclops" Black Glaco Kid— Open front shoe, full medium toe At 26/6, less 10% "The Esk" Black Box Calf— Open front shoe the latest last At 25/6, less 10% "The Borriloff" Black Clace Kid and Box Calf —Open or closed front shoes, verv full toe At 24/6, less 10% "The Haldane" Black Clace Kid and Box Calf —Open or closed front shoes, very full toe At 24/6, less 10% "The Rocklands" Black Box Calf— Open front shoes, full round toes, light welt At 24/6, less 10% Note.— When, ordering through post, please mention the name of the line you require. IN BLACK. boots, lig'ht double sole, linen lined / At 26/6, less 10% "The Acesis" Black Clace Kid Lace Boots -r-Light soles, welted, linen lined ' At 23/6, less 10% THE "FOOT-HAVEN" FOOTWEAR. We are sole agents for Wellington of this comfortable Footwear. LOW SHOES. "The Panmure" Black Box Calf— Open front shoes, swing- last, light welt At 22/6, less 10% "The Bolivar" Black Clace— Open front shoes, full round toes, light welt , ' At 25/6, less 10% "The Tallyrand" Black Box Calf Brogue Shoe— Light, double soles At 27/6, less, 10% SPECIAL CLEARANCE LOTS. "S. & M." SHOES—IN TAN. About iso .pairs of the "S. and M." American'Shoes —Round, medium, and . pointed toes.. Usual price, 28/6 To clear at 21/"S. & M." AMERICAN BO GTS. "The Cambridge" Black Clace Bals Round toes. Usual price, 31/G To clear at 25/6 "The 62"—Glace Bals— Medium toes Usual price, 31/6 To clear at 25/6 ice, 31/6 T ODDMENTS. tans; sizes 7 and 8 only. Usual prices, 22/6 to 30/To clear at 20%, or 4/- in the £ discount TENNIS SHOES. White Canvas and Doe Skin— At 9/6, 10/6, 14/6, 15/6, 19/6, less 10% TENNIS BOOTS. White Chrome, and Rubber Soles— At 13/9, 15/9, 22/6, less 10% Tan Willow— At 22/6, less 10% 100 pairs Tennis Shoes—Samples— Sizes 7 and 8 only Marked 20% off usual prices "FRENCH'S" AMERICAN BOOTS. 40 pairs all sizes and shapes, in Box Ci and Clace Kid. Usual price, 32/6. Clearing Price, 26/6 "F.S.U." AMERICAN BOOTS. 20 pairs. High-grade Box Calf and Clace "BARRY" AMERICAN BOOTS. Full, round toes. Usual price, 27/6 To clear at 22/6 LADIES' FOOTWEAR t CLEARANCE OF ABOUT 1000 PAIRS. Sample Boots, Shoes, and Slippers for women and children, and these we are offering at Special Clearance Prices as under s—--12/6 to 25/6 Clearing Price, all at 6/6 per pair at a low figure, and will sell as under :- 18 pairs Bronze Langtry Shoes— Usual price, 17/0. Clearing Price, 14/9 12 pans Tan Willow Calf Lace Boots Usual price, 21/- Clearing Price, 17/6 23 pairs Tan Clace Tab Shoes With buckle. Usual price, 13/9 Clearing Price, 11/6 8 pairs 'Black Glace Bals— Usual price, 19/G Clearing Price, 16/6 6 pairs Tan Clace Bals —Usual price, 23/6 Clearing Price, 19/6 14 pairs Tan Willow Calf Derby Shoe—- ' For golf wear. Usual price, 21/6 Clearing Price, 16/6 19. pairs Black Glace 1-Bar Shoe— Usual price, 13/9 Clearing Price, 11/6 11 pairs Tan Afda Shoes —Usual price, 15/6 Clearing Price, 12/6 4 pairs Tan Clace Kid Open-front Bals—- . Usual price, 23/6 Clearing Price, 18/6 12 pairs Black Box Calf Bals— Usual price, 18/6 Clearing Price, 15/6 12 pairs Black Box Calf Shoes— Usual price, 14/6 Clearing Price, 11/6 23 pairs Clace Lace Boots —Usual price, 16/9 Clearing Price, 13/6 40 pairs Box Calf Lace Boots— Usual price, 25/6 Clearing Price, 15/6 15 pairs Black Glaco 4-Strap Shoes ~ Usual price, 13/6 Clearing Price, iO/G 17 pairs Bronze Kid 1-Bar Shoes— Usual price, 15/6 Clearing Price, 13/6 11 pairs Black Clace Kid Oxford ShoesUsual price, 21/O Clearing Price, 17/6 LADIES* BOOTS & SHOES 'The For del I" Black Glace Lace (Com* fort) Shoe— No cap, flat heels At 16/6, less 10% 'The Dyrlm" Black Glaco (Comfort) Lace Shoes— No cap, flat hcols Lace Shoes— Bronze toes, no cap, flat heels At 19/6, less 10% "The Dunholm" Patent Derby BansPointed, swing last, short front At 29/6, (CSS 10% "The Mentone" Patent Button Boot Medium toes, welt, short front ':'' At 29/6, less 10% "The Studholm" Patent Lace BootsMedium toes, welt, short front At 29/6, less 10% "The Penelope" Glace Kid Derby ShoePointed toe, swing last, short front At 22/6, Boss 10% "The Kosee-Toe" Black Glaco Kid. ShoesMedium toe At 21/6, less 10% "The Cygnet" Black Glace Derby ShoesMedium toe, welt At 21/6, less 10%, toe, swing last, matt kid in quarters At 26/6, less t'o% "The Princeton" Black Box Calf Bate— Medium round toes, welt ' At 23/6, less 10% "The Barbicon" Black Clace Button Shoe —Medium toe At 16/6, less 10% "The Conway" Black Glace Kid Tie Shoe —No cap, full round toe At 17/6, less 10% "The Cleveland" Patent Col'; Derby Shoe —Long shape, medium toe, welt , I At 2S/6, ICSS 10% "The Athens" Patent Colt Derby Shoe — Full round toe, welt At 26/6, less 10%, Wing cap, and patent leather bow At 22/6, less Vi" "The Marquis" Patent Colt Tie Shoe— Full swing toe At 19/6, loss 10% "The Athol" Patent Colt Derby Shoe— Medium toe, short front, welt At 25/6, less 10% "The Luxford" Patent Lace Shoe—Full round toe, matt kid quarters At 26/6, less 10% "The San-Toy" Dorothy Dodtf Patent "The Gem" Dorothy Dodd Patent Oxford ftont, pump i j ; At 28/6, less I*% ; Kid Derby. ;Shoe— Plain front At 24/6, loss 10% Shoe— Patent cap, medium toe ■ •• ■ ■ At2i/6, less 10% "The Foothaven" Black Glace Kid Derby and Oxford • Shoos— Pointed, medium, and round toes At 22/6, less 10% Swing last, welted At 21/-, less 10% x- im oiviuy last, .welted At. 21/-, less 10% "The Dalton" Patent Colt Court ShoeBuckle and bow At 24/6, less 10% "The Milton" Patent Colt Gibson Tie Shoe —No cap At 22/6, less 10% "The Herbert" Black Clace Kid Langtry Shoe— Bow and buckle _. . At 22/6, less 10% pointed toe, pump At 18/6, less 10% "The Severn" Black Glace Kid Langtry Tie Shoe— Cubah heels At 23/6. less 1 bar, gold buckle, Cuban heels At 22/6. l6Si Shoe— Cuban heels • At 21/-, less 10% "The Parisian" Black Suede Court ShoePearl buckle . At 29/6, less 10% -Pearl buckle. At 25/ QUEEN SHOES. Clace Kid 1-Bar Shoe— Bow and buckle, Cuban heels At 15/6, less 10% Clace Kid 1-Bar-r-Bow and buckle, Cuban heels At 24/6, less 10% Glace Kid I'Bar— Medium toes, brilliant buckles At 17/6, less 10% Clace strap, round toe, brilliant buckle At 21/-, less 10% Clace Kid 1-Bar— Pointed toes At 12/6, less 10% Clace Kid 1-Bar— Broad toes, flat heels At 12/6, less 10% "The Bedford" Black Glace Court ShoeMedium Cuban, heel, round toe, ' At 13/6, less 1«% "The Stirling" Black Clace Kid Court Shoe —Pbinted toe, high'heel At 16/6, 108$ 10% "The Retford" Black Clace Kid Court Shoe— Low wood heels, bow 4 , At 10/6, less 10% At 13/6, less 10% LAMBTON QUAY WELLINGTON.
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Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 123, 21 November 1911, Page 3
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1,911Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 123, 21 November 1911, Page 3
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