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\estcrday was a. deadening day in the I-lottSe of RepresenUtivos. It eeemed nlmopt that both puttie* had conspired to make the Budget debate dras; with ihe utmost wearince?. By the time that the House rose a!. 11,80 last night there had bwn nearly eight lioui* of speechmaking oil the Budget Mwe Mr. Massey began the discussion on Tttesd&y even* ing, but the interesting or lively passages did not fill in more than eight minutee (shared principally Tjy Messrs, Massey and Glover, in different degree, of course). Yesterday's orations, except for the comicalities, conscious and un» conscious, of Mr. Glover, were pftrticu* larly dull and distressing. The Opposition may still have much to fire at the Budget, but the batteries are still masked. The debate i§ moribund, tt meets either speedy death or a magic tonic. Another htage in the case between Ann Thirkell, Oriental Bay, plaintiff, and Elizabeth Curtis, Pfrie-street, defendant, for £50 as general damages for the non-completion of an agreement, was reached in the Magistrate's Court' thh morning. The dispute concerned an alleged repudiation of agreement entered into by defendant for the sale and purchase of a dwelling, and Mr. Yon H&ast, who appeared ior defendant, contended that 6» the title was in dispute tho Magistrate had no jurisdiction in the matter. Dr. M'Arthur, S.M., Kaid tnut he was of the opinion that th« quwtinn of titta hk& Wn tightly raited, and )* would decline jurisdiction. ■ Mr, E, J. Fitagibbon appeared for plaintiff. "1 have repeatedly said that I am n-H going to have this Oonrt made a plaw for the settlement of matters that shotilil go before the Bankruptcy Court," *alr\ Dr. M'Arthur. S.M., this morning, during th* *x<imitifl:Uon of % judgment, debtor. "When small -sain riert debtor?, with large families come before ran 1 invariably My 'no order,' but here is a man who owns an interest in a i'ac6hor«e, aiid also admits ownership of property. Before anyone goes in for racing he should first settle up his accounts. If he has Mot the ncccsfcarv cash, he should get rid of his property. Counsel for judgment debtor remarked that to get rid of property at th© pitwnt time ft-a«' easier said than done. Eventually the matter was adjourned. Hard times, according to certain Attstrahans who have returned disgruntled from Canada,, are being experienced in that Dominion. With the approach, of winter and the continuous influx of immigrants, there was every prospect of bitter times. A resident of Wellington, who has just returned from a sojourn in the Northern Dominion, has a somewhat different story to tell of the country's prospects. A generous system of railway construction is opening up huge areas of wheat lands, and clttsei 1 settlement is being promoted to a large degree. Seductive terms and propositions aro made to prospective immigrants, s\ho can acquire 160 acres of excellent land practically for nothing, though certain improvements are to be effected and residential conditions to be observed. Canada's progress to tourist eves appears simply monotonous. The big contract for putting in a new haulage drive at the Kaitangata mine property has been secured by Messrs. William Mundy end William Barclay, and a start was made with the job on Monday (writer the Balclvtha Ftee Press correspondent). The «mtracU>r& are going to work three shifts of three men each on tho work, and the job in expected Io last from 12 to 14 month*. The contract is for a haulage tunnel of 1300 ft long, more or less, with a fall of mie foot in five, and the size of the tunnel will bo approximately 12ft wide at bottom to about 10ft tx\> top, fttirl ?ft hiph without allowing for th« timbering, which will vedute the epa<:e nbowt lft fit least. The .Mtu&Uon ol the new tunnol is up the gully, south cf the old mint working*, and distant abdttt SOO yards from th* mouth of thn present mine. Wh&n rompleted and in use the proposed tunnd will praotically open tip a now mine altogether, and will wotk th» splendid aam of coal revealed by the recent piosp«cthig work. The contTftclors arc going to ufs the boi-itig machine where practicable in preference to hammer and drill boring, fund for that end iht mine management (who &ro sipDlyiiig all niatcri&l, etc., for the con- ] tract) ar* putting in two such machines to be driven by compressed air. The piercing of tho JBig Itill on the Lawrence extension of railway h nt present being prosecuted with a certain show of vigour, although, it will take n long time to recover the ground lost when ths work was so impulsively stopped by the Government about th'-e<* years ago, says the Balcltitha Free Press. Five months ago, when ft fre&h atari was madfe, tt w«» found that the timbering had decayed, and required to bfi renewed, while the compressed air rockdrilling plant had been sent to the Midland Tine, and had to be brought back. A representative of the Prese. who visited r-he tunnel on Saturday, found the hill pieced for 11 rhairts from the Betmmrmt end, \vho« about 30 men are engaged, Working in three shifts of eight hours each. the. only shutdown being on Saturday night at 10 till midnight on Sunday. The length of the tuniwl when completed will be 22 chains, and it is expected that the bottom tunnelling will be got through by Christmas, Vmt after that come* the upptr tier, and the arching in concrete, and at the present rate of progress it will be two yeais before the tunnel is ready for uso. Meanwhile, iv few men are engaged making t^ie approaches from the Lawrence end) and there ta fome formation being done on the Beaumont side &6jfcnd Uie tunnel. Ther* are about 50 men Wri^lojed p0 -Uie .worn aitojieVhifc ~ ,

<fohiißon\ ille ra.tepayc-t'B voted yester* day on two loan proposals one of £3600 for a. petrol gas f<yßi«m, Mid the othear of £800 for erection of municipal office*. Both proposals ivere carried. Pot th-a gse, there were 98 for, 21 against. J?<n« the oiHcf*, 36 for and 40 against. The Primitive Metlwdiet Church fcH Timaru has been condemned by t4«j Building Inspector, at, nwing to tin* ravßgee of the borer, it is in An art* vanned stage of ueea>, *nd i» uwafe to sit, in. Tho ttni'ougli CdtttKul ftt the;? mcet'lns on Monday tright ordered thai} tho church be pulled down vifcbin «iq month. On (ho voyage oi tho Aorangi fromf San Prahcipct) to Wellington, wirel«» crmin-itini^Rtion was kept up with tho Califovnian port &t a distance -of ISOO miles. Tup Maitai '{union was bound from Wellington to Smi Francisco) and I tho Mariposa wdro ft-W Ic flpokon." The Aornngi a-iao got in touch with fcb© W»S6» less Mali/Mi a.t tfuvs, and label' on yr'ikH Wellington, Mr. \V. .7, Meredith, a luwik oi the local Keferecfi' Asocial ton l.&a \fon asked by the Jlnwkea Bay tiupby tinion to control the contest' for th.6 final chttileuge mulch foi 1 ih« l<am Shield, to bo ployed on Satur<?.*y \& tweati the tlo\-ctf. winn«« of the Uftttiftfi'B cnm{K>titi«!, ,w«l Pirates, winnows nt Nftpicr. Mr. Meredith ha* co«c-WiitJ to oflkidte. Of tnp numerous pr.wpngerA on th« atctmer EotorttA— <l\ie in Wellington front London 6a.tly next Monda.y~-&re 131 people who ws coming out under tlic assisted eysvew, Ninoty-eight of them are adulle. Sixteen nthtlte and twelve children wore AorninM&i by rel*. tivcfi in New Ksaland, and ©ighty-twq ndolls and tWGi!ty»ono children w<>t9 approved by the High Comrnißfioner. Tltc assisted pftaeongerß inclmie fotat ifttmeff. forty-four fttrm lfebourers. wventeen wwl five morriwl women coming to rejom tbeir hußbafttle, An iftt«i'c«tiiig solution r>f the SunSny labour tjU'QStioii in dairying dietrictis «•£« offered «.t Uio mcctniß of Chris*church PiwVjtery ou Ttoenay (saj-e the Prees). The Rev. 0. B. Inglie. of Afthburtoh, sMd that ft faTmer"'hftd to marked to him that where seventy cows wew milked ntvd the prodtiot was £700 profit in a year, that nietmt that 1001b was made on Sundays. The farmer euggcet* ed that the money received for Uia4> 1001b of butter should he spent on «n engine and eeparator plaht, and that there would then be no need to go near the dairy factory on Sundays, »o •that the dairy farmer and his family; and employee* could get to church. Tho use of Snnd&v labour would thus be minimised. Mr. Inglie added tlmt there wan no doubt thai the present Byetem of Sunday labour in etairying district* was materialising the people. H* wes Appointed to draw up a report on the general question of Sabbath desecration for presentation to next meeting. A maintenance eats© which c&mfe befoVe Mr. U. W. Bishop, S.M., one day this week (report* Christchurch Star) was not without the humorous element. An order was recently made &gdSmh the husband to contribute a certain amount tpwa-rde his wife's support. .On the morning on which the cwse waft to be heard, the husband «nd wife hRd agwed to let the matter drop, and had decided lhn.t neither party Bhould appear at the coiut. The husband therenpon hiui gone to work Contentedly, bul the wife determined to pteal a march on him. and, notwithstanding het promise, had appeared ftl the court anft obtained the order. Yeftterday Miv Bifihop suspended the order, and eug* geßtecl thoi tm application (should be made t« cancel it. He «aW that he knew the woman of old, «nd had tm« pleftsant recoil eetiona of her volublo loqnffciiy. lie therefore instructed the solicitor for the defendant to get the parties out of court as coon an possible, and explain matter*. evi)feirir.^ Ins sympathy with him in h« unpleasant tflftk. A daim of £100 againet th« Uflbw Steam Ship Company for alleged lots oi \«8?«gf , bmiight by Ltmore Tuttle, was decided in the Sydney court* last week. Plaintiff, who went from Sydney to Sai JfrnncMro on r visit to frtendfi, cauglii the Union Company's boat at TahiU on her return journey, and fch* alleged that the luggage wa* loet on that veute-L In her cMdeitf* «he pt«t«d that included in the property mining were opora cloaks, fiuie, silk rloth«8, traced, cigare, jftweU lery, money, golf jackets, expenei^ hate, etc., the total value being some hundreds of pound*. She wa« subjected to crofis-examination find admitted that ehc had not £150 worth of clothing when ehc left Sydney, that l»r fttr© to San Francisco waa paid by «om» of hei 1 pupils, and that when she jieached Tahiti the aecuoury of the tfreMna*on'H Lodge presented her With £10. A rstewftrdeea m the Union Company* service gave evidence tha.t all the plaintiff had when *h« boarded the steamer at Tahiti wa* a email box and a carryall and a earm hand basket, auu s»h« only complained of having losi a bandbox on the Marrpwa from San Francisco. Tlie jury brought in » terdict fot the Union Company. There were occasion* at the meeting of delegates to th* Wellington Bugby Union last evening when fcpwikere oe* came somewhat heated, and e« a result poreoiialities wpm indulged in. Early in the evening Mr. D. D. Weir woused Mr. S. S. Brown, chairman of tho Man* aguincnt Committe*} o' tho union, of taking more people into the AtWc*io Park "on the hod" thAu »h,vouo elb©. Mr. tirowit deniod tho allegation, aud oened Mr. Weir to mention names. Coatinuihgi Mr. Bmwn said it had been freely nimourwi that iwmbws of a etctw.ll social club wore ge-U-iug into the hark every Saturday "on tJia nod, 1 * There was absolutely no truth In th* rumour. Certainly liw-t. Saturday three guntitftnen luid gftue V> the park a* hi* gue&te, but uthcts who had entered the ground with hba were ».u season ticket holders, and ac such had a tLs;ht t<> re* wrved eeat#. H<i had profeabty robbed the union of about Ss during the eea^on, bat if ho had pot in his claim for money spent in furthering tins intercut of the gamo, he would probably be about £50 better off. Mr. J. V. O'B»\livan depre« cated the atUu'l; on the chairamn, and went on to say that ho could RW ne reason for the nwtlng. SuK«evjuently thsre wafi a sharp dib'oronoe of epiniofi beUveeii Mr. W«if fitid Lhe chairman, iu.<d when the incident rlc«ed the meeti&s proceeded uilh its busintes. Sotoe pointed criticism was paseed on the union's method* in fostering Ungby foot* ball in Wellington. A full report of the discussion ie I'ejiorbwl on page 3 of this i«Mi»». Sending parcels ahroadif Then for* ward through the N.B. Kstpita* Com* pany, Ltd. Goods entrusted to u« are handled earefullv, forwarded quickly, delivered safely. And charge* are al< waye veMonabie.— Advt. It i* difficult to tell exactly the possibinbeft of wnv, One day's news will be morp hopeful; the next Icm bo; mul even if the tirrteht crisis pa%«e», it wems hot &. matter of time before a. great European combat shakes the world. The Dominion has given hPv batHenhip, and the can <mlj> await event*. In the meantime eomtner> ciftl enterprise goes on, nnd Wellington ladiw will be intererted to know th&t 0. Smith, Ltd., Cuba-street have just landed n shipment of the latest fihade« of gt&t silk Imb hoie. Thpse are in great de> innnd i the quality is ifood, and the price 2«« per y>(nr. Grey »w«io sbvrft ar® also to hand at os lid ftntl S* w per pair, re» liable makes in eood ehad^ . A prompt Nclection ie fidvfswjlc ub the quautito a I Umited,irAid^

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 65, 14 September 1911, Page 6

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 65, 14 September 1911, Page 6

LOCAL AND GENERAL Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 65, 14 September 1911, Page 6


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