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After a conference with the Towft Clerk and Electrical Engineer this morning the Mayer (Mr. T. M. Wilford) has authorised the chief tramway officers of the City Ctouflril (Mms». S. Bich*rdpon and M. Cable) to meet the executive of th* Tramways Union tonight, if possible, and consider the proposals with a view to having tewnnmendations re»dy for the Tramway* Committee, as (won &b possible. "If the twA executives," Mr. Wilford told a Pout Reporter today, "can come to ft determination and make recommendations that will satisfy ate committee, there is no nmm why the matter in dispute should nob be settled at ofloe." Propowb vrith regard to the overhead wiremen .will be discussed rwxfc Monday, and it to Intended to ask Mr. W. C. Noot, on bohfclf of the «ir*men, to be present with a view to reaching a settlement, The State schools in the Wellington educational district, which have been closed for the mid-term holidays, were reopened to-day. Custom* revenue to the amount of £23,466 4s Id, and beer duty totalling ! £214 14s. were collated at Wellington I during the week ended Saturday Taut. I For the corresponding wwk %t last year i the figures were Customs ffewtitte £18,819 Mi 3d, btef duty £240 11s Id. Steady demand continue* fop the «yorkers' home section* at Island Bay. 'i\>. day there is only one aeetifin available in that block. Th* area *l TuftA-ille ;>, at present under survey. an«l it will be Borne little time yet before ihe land is available for applicants. Details in connection with the townplanning scheme for th* improvement f»f the locality about Haininsj-strwL are being wMled and 1 the Mayor \Mf. T. M. Wilford) hopes to have sufficient )mv> terial lo lay before the Council at> its next meeting on Thursday week, for the Council to discuss pteliminßries in committee. During the month of July, 17620« of gold was won from the goldfl#Ws of Southland. Japan even© cloth* !n can de nil, reseda., sky blue, saxo blue, na.vy, fovtn, pink, roee, red, heliotrope, grey, brown, and green, at i&id a ywd. Kirkcaldie and Skins, Ltd,— Advt^ J " *

It is not expected that any Judge ot the Supreme Court will be in Wellington during this week. It b estimated (report* the Levin Chttmicle) th»t at present Levin is sending fi-om on« thoti#and to fifteen huhdred twaeh eftm lo the Wellington market every week,

The buildtog twde in Hokitika is v«sry brisk at the present time. Timtirn. too is rpported to be in a specially HmViJig TOftdiUort &t prewfit. Buildings &rp gohig tip in both business wid resU deaiitil ftntl tvudtemen declare that bwriness is in & healthier fctote w\to\ ever previously. Building operation* are active on the' eastern (tide of the harbour. A number of hoittes are being built in Day's Bay, Roha Bay, and Mtaril*i, and the traction of others \m bwft d«ddetl \jpon. This morning the Feny Company's hew steamer Awawa honk ftom town a full load ci timber for Day* Bay. Fi*h h yew pl«ntitnl in Wellington harbour at* the present time, and (Tome very large hauls are belhg made, liarly one €vetiing hwt w^k the flaheemen ! lvm S •* ?«»* Bay brought «p to the beach at Mttiitfti tmsr 2600 fieh, nrin. wpwiy wwehtni, all in tne cast of th& net, and wo or three smaller lots were Fteandew are m*pw in the harbour and * tew which w«6 obtained by the East. nwdutely w ld mt! Bhilling w two shilling* each. The U\mt Depanment report* lunt the immigrant! wHo arrived by the Bm-. J?ey and the T«lnui w*re ol a v«y gflo <l with the eweplion of *\joni halt a doscr. mm mntimto to m number of twelve were found imitatoe ■pofU.iww withbut delay, and In addhjon work wae t'ountl for eeveria married tovmlei, fen d uNOu N0 motor experts. Mott of the skilkel labour, including carpenter*, joiners, and cfcbinetmakers were placed before tl» pa«senger» left the uteamer. Iliose not yet auecawMly placed Include a. store. mm and shop afrnktants, New Zealand mniten, Recording to cormpondence received by Mr, w. A. Boadoe, Canadian Trade Oommiwiionei' i» *!w! w Zealand, »in great vefiiiest in Western Oanadft. Mt, D, Buvm, ci Patrick Bun» and Co., tho Canadian meat d*fcpibut&r#, has written lo Mr. Beddoe, dwCTibing New Zealand mutton sent to Bntiah &>lambl& «« of "vevy fine quality. When the time come« when New zeaiftnd will have & direct trftne. port&tion service, there should be tt, great btttinege don« betwoeti our const cities wtd your counti'y. We otrreeU*«6 expect to be in a. pwitioii to handle qu&ntitiefi of all kind* of meat and pro* duee if price« hold *» they have bwn in the pwst few yenrs." According to a map to be issued by the Mwiire Department, there is virtually only one portion of New Zealand with mote than IOOm of rain per yeai 1 ; A. strip of land on the West Coast Df the South l«land, running from jttrt below Westport to the bottom of the island west of th© Alp«. SmAll <mm» nea,r Ea*t Cape and Mount Egmont tun the "wfld West OoMt" clohc. the ramfftll east of the Alp* i?, naturally, much lower, the east of tho Soulh Island, including Nelson, being under the 40in mark. Canterbury proper had less tha-n 30in, Chrifltchurch Jt^lf only 24in, and Invercargill under fiOin. The only portion of New Zealand with le*s than 20in a year ie n ht-gc area of Central Otaßp. In the North Island there h a higher general average. Auckland comeiL in under ?oin. and Wellington has but 60in. The tainfall avemgee tip to IOOm on the Tflnttee to the rear of the capital city. San Francisco ha« a big population of Chineae, and extraordinary endm-out* ftre made to smuggle opium into that port. Almoet every chip that ew««» the Atlantic nu a consignment of contraband poppy juice hidden &wa.y «otne« where (writes out Sftn Francisco abi'mpondent). It hae been t'ouud ntoved in hollow biwio leg«, in the inaii> bunk*, behind bofl«r«, a-nd other supposed secret places. A corps of Customs ofßciiil» is employed here especially to prevent the bringing in ©f opi'tim. «inee the be« ginning of the year £!&0,000 \\oilh of ihe «swnce hrn been «eized n't the port. There i» now *18U,000 wortli in the hands of the Custom* authorities. It will oil be destroyed by boiling and poured down the aflwew. Notwithstanding the quantities «etaed, opium ie still pnrchtottbie in gfth Franckco, showing there ta a leak somewhere. It i« announced that the Chief of the Federal Secret Service Department it coming here from Wa*hlng« ton to give hi« personal attention to the problem of checkmating the wily Chine*© •muggier*. A wnTeapondent, algning himself "DiegHSted Header," writee, complaining of ineonfti*tfeneie* in dur rop&rt of tho Auckland -Wellington match on Saturday in the Sports Edition, He finds an inconsistency in the statement that "Auck« I land outet*yed and outplayed tl» local representatives," and that "nobody would have put a cent on Auckland* t thaaweft at half-time. " Our correspondent evidently faik to «nderet*nd the meaning of the word "outplayed," It wa« exactly the fact that m lmlMlthe nobody would have gi\*en much for A«eklttnd'« chance, and that half-an-liour later Auckland were easily in the lead and having All tire game, which *howcd that the local WipretKsnlaUvM were "outstayed and outplayed." We cannot find in the report a third quotation of our corre«pttoo«iit thai "Wellington had the best qf the Bcrams through the greater part of the game," but it would be quite consistent and in accord with pwt experience for a team to win in the ecrum and be "outplayed" elsewhcro in the field. As «. matter of fact, thcta \v»e very little to ehoa«e between the packa in t-hp scrums on Saturday's play. Dor comment on this poinfc \v«i eirtetly •^curate, being based on a record of the actual (scums. "Making the beginning under the (inoperative Commonwealth," wae lht> subject chosen by Profesaor Mills for his address given under the auspices ol Oio Trades and Labour Council at the Upem House last evening. Sketching the proem of evolution In the relatTonchip of labour to the implements of •industry, Profeseor Mills averred that the only solution of the niobium of monopolies was to be foand in public ownewhip. Unless it waa to be beaten the community could never stop until it had m«de a public enterprise out of every •ingfe pntat« monopoly, I'ublic ownership involved public manngeiwnt, find the best result* could only l<e wcttrt".! when All the worker* \vcie equally interested and cheerfully co-oporntMt .it what w«.i being d«m«>. When the \\\-\\* p\f weie masl«r« of the Uovnmm«iil- rtvl the Goverwinciit mviriu' <jf the uo!--lective inductiial cntetpi'i.'t-. theiuquality for all would tie paired. A qivMtinner, at the ediicltminii cf the awdte^, sought, vithmit 6i»oi.eA«, to R»)k tho hpe*ket to e^plßin \\lij> it xvnn tlml \vl\iio he (ProfeFjn)i' Mil)*) *tat<'d ll'ht )is \\o*i!d be able lo vitiftu the Hift'eviMi* labour organiettioiis, throughout the dominion in » month, a-iul apppaled (ot {«nde iw that putpMßv, thiti the Fwlerfttion of Labour had appointed a iuprt«MJttttive to follow him round and "expowa the hollowne* of the unity scheme?" Mr. 1). M'Laren, M.I 1 ., presided over & large ftttendanue. Tills aftwiwon the Tnenibw^ of tne Reform League nit being entertained to tea by Mr. Maflwy and the Oppoailion Party at the Gallery «I l r »ac Arti. AV'hituiorc 'Street,

Several mr.tteivs relating to the recent Induwtrial Exhibition will be discussed at the meeting of the Wellington Provincial Indtifltoial Association* to^nKo* Irow evening. The erection of a «choolhou*e for boys in Hawkestcffle-ntreet. under the control of the Marist Brothei'B* i» to be proceeded with immediately. The building, which will be in wood, had Been designed by Mr. «J. S. Swan. It is to aewnfflodate two hundred bt>ys, a\nd will be ready for occupation in January. An ettflfih-v conducted by Mes«r«, A. It Vile and O. L, Stewart, of the Wellington Education Bt&td, wa« held concerning the uW-rttction of the KAiwaiwai School by fire. According to the evidence obtained a " social " had been held in the hall adjoining the school on the night prior to the fire, and there ««* the probability of a'upftrk from the copper alighting under the school. A paper bag cookery claas ha* been established in coflttsetion with th€ Napier Technical School. The school authorities mitfe arranged to «t«ti> »h«tpp« shearing elapses nt Twyford for * period of frofti *ix to eight weeks, atid" Mr. J. M'Arley, of Mffstertofl, is fco conduct th^m. He has been guaranteed a- minimum fee of £6 per week for the course. Mi 1 . W. K» Qriffln htt« guaranteed £50 of the amount required to pay for holding (he cla&e*. At a meeting of the Ashburtofl County Council, speaking on the quality of the timber being used for bridge 'decking, 51 f. frfedlandef said it had been proved thsfe a g*eat deal- of the timbof imported to the Dominion «w being jarrah was actually aaotfier class of iimber that bore » wiefflWdnce', bub real jan-ah timber could J« tested by beini? placed in water. While the real jarrah would" »\n\t, ths sabetittite would float on the surface. Mo* Donee hay« been toviitd In a deep cutting {owards the" southern mouth of the new Chain flills railway tttnnel (tel«sitvphs a Cunedin correspondent), One large thigh bone, in thorough preservation, has been unearthed from » ( cat 50ft below tlte snrf«k?e, and it 'is expected" that when th# catting t i* opened out to it« fall width #oltte ifl« teiestiHg and t>o«ibly important find will cotn«' to light, 'ihs moa to which thia big bone belonged probably lay down tiiera over & thousand yeans ago, foi 1 it 'a all «oli<J gtound" thereabouts. A deputation from the Eastbourne borough Council will «eet represents* tives of the Wellißgtefl Ferry Company in w&itirtg o« lh» H»ft»ttt VmrA with fef^i-ent 1*?1 *? to Ihti fetry e«fvke. The council ha* ask«d for ceftain facilities at tto«a B»y, which th« company will «itdoflVdiw to gfaflfc conditionally upon the f/arbotif Board* meeting it *ith referenco to convenience at the wharf, Accordingly the tiHit«J deputation will ■wait on the , board on 2?tb September and l«y its view* before that body. It would* ftppeaf that if anything like tins original jpfrtiis are to be adhered to, th* tipper Hiitt Town Board is goidg tn expefietics some difficulty in erecting the new Tottn Board offices tor £500, the maximum amount anthorifeed by the fittepay«rsi When teflders W«re first cttlled the prices quoted tvere in excess of the limit sot, and the plans were accordingly ' madifle'd, And f r«sh" tenders culled. These closed last week, and httvo been found' to be ao nearer the mink than on the first occasion, and iion& of them could be accepted. The lowest was for 5650. The position will be Mtfisulefed at a meeting of the board next fliyrsd&y. There is an agitation in, the district to hate the work carried out" by day labour. Wild pig« are stated to be causing the death of a number of young lambs in «ome localities in the Wairarapa this season (sspya a local paper). A scarcity of f6otl d five's the wild pig from his usual haunts in the -hills to fresh fields ftettrei* eivi!ifi»ttofl. The young lamb provides that which he requires. He gradually operates in a paddock u&ed for lambing purposes, which skirts the dense b ««>T of the hills, and not too far away, so that in case of alarm he ca-n quickly scurry away to his "mud bed" amid the supplejacks and "gay' gee/ His' modus operandi is to watch for a neW'bortt lamb, and before it lt<i« the strength to get on its teg*, rush forward, chaw th« mother away, afid commence hi« tfieal off the little help* teg* fnit& Savettty-one ye&n ago yegtwday (6th in«t,'), says the Marlborouah Express, the good ship Blenheim sailed from the Clyde with thre© hufldfed iftinigrftnt# boufftl fof Wellington. To-day only ten of th*«e pl&neeri *f# alr?«— four in the Wairarapa) twa in Turakina, two in Wellington, one in Feilding, and one in the Upper ffutb. Strange to relate, oiie of the tefl, Aif. Jaffles Srow«, cel«brateu yesterda-y his seventy-eighth birthday. Hie sister (Mrs. Martin, of the Upper Hutt), the youngest passenger then, being one year and eight months, is still alive, and hid elder brother, M*< George Brown, of Bullerstreet, alao. Th" Blenheim arrived in Porfc Nicholson on Christmas Eve, the panfengefg lauding on PetoftC beach two days later., As a result of a recent visit to Wellington and Christchtirch to ascertain whnt is being done in th« 8« cities in tile wtty 61 street cleaning, the Dttne* din City Engineer (Mr, w. D. B. M' Curdie) will recommend to hit couaoil that instead of sweeping the mud and the dust from the city streets into heaps a£ at present, » patrol c*tt be obtained fdr coping witli the nuisance. tTndar this system (says the Otago Daily Time?), tiw mud *nd dust will be swept into bags carried by the cart, and as each bog l« filled it wilt be placed on ttie side of the street for romoval by tbo ordinary df»y#, Mr. M'Curdie mUt that this !« ths general practice followed In American cities, and consider* Ife the be«b way io deal with the ruiisimee irt Dutiedirt, • After » lapses of fourteen years the rwditorsr ia the estate of Johnson Bros,, formerly fruiterers and restaurant' keeper* at Waihi. have now decided to facilitate 1 the discharge of the bankrupts. When 'Johnson Bros, failed In 1867 they were only able, to pay ll^d in the £. artd thi'jr creditors, not being satteflM with this demanded thafc they ■should furiiish a further fis in the & before they would ('onsent id relieve them of their respfrnsibility. In this determination the creditor held' firm, and the matter w** nob revived until this week, when the bankrupts, at (the meeting held in the official ftsslgnee'a office, 6#ered an extra 2s 6d in the fi in settlement. The cwdit-ors prewnfc agreed to arcept this on the terms stated, and the bankrupts are now looking forward to their rektiM>. Rending pii'fsifi abroad? Then for-»-i'id thrwJgh the Jf. Z. Exprew Comnni.y, Go'xJs entrnsbed to us aro Jiaiidied t}&rn>\i])y, forwarded quickly, delivered .flfkfciy. Afld flllAfg« ttre always reMonabie.— Advt. tl,]? difficult to tell exactly the pos«ibiiific* -of wujf. Ona day's tievi will be "to-ij hop.jfal; till! nest terf toj and even if i!ir» pfvinf, cfiflis jmsew, it sCdms'nufc & »mi* ii* o e . tinto bt'fwo ii tfreftt iUtMopeaH: r'i-nliit =sljii!{,-« rtf «AorUl. The Dominion lvi» wjven }j©r b.iMltvliifj, tifld she c&n o«ly fl'.vck ijvciUi. fn tlio iiivnnrimc commeV" ciol (?Mt}n>f]*B s^SfS or, and Wellington liuti'H will 111* itit9re*tet' to know thae C. .'■j.r>i!j!, Lu\., Vuka^tPCt, httte }itsb latklod n sliiiifrieii! 1 at ili latest shades of grey fii'lc Ihh- lift<c ' are in fffeat <.lc« iiiiiii'l; f!ii> rj'Ci'.ifv is gcod. fttitt the prico' 2? ii' r I'uir. Urcy swede tflovoa are 1 also t.» lam! nf i* lid ntid 5s 6d pur ptiir, re« liable makes in good .«hndes. A prompt c'jidt'tion is adriwabk 09 the .quantity is limited.-~Advt.

Of the thirty-eight white owl* which arrived in Hastings- for release oft their mMfl of destruction amongst small bird*, one has since died, Three or four have escaped from their cag«s before their acclimatisation period expired, and they s«ein to have found their Wings very quickly, as they were soon 1 after perched on the top of a pine tree. Sparrows have been introduced into their cages and short work was made of them, whilut a mitiah put up a very little- better fight against theso feathered teforitiefi. It is not dented (e&ys a- local paper) that the owls will probably levy a- toll on the native bird*, but, on the other hand, it it contended that tho industries iwid prosperity at an entire district cannot be allowed to aufier for mere sentiment. It is also pointed out that there are very few native bird« in th«te parfe, and that the number of owl* released k small. A visitor making a first acquaintance with Upper Hutt would surely find some diififlulty in locating the cotffthouse, if life went in search of it. It is littfe more than it dlied, ami except for a »igir on a window »fc the rear of th© btaldrtig there i« nothing whatever to indicate that it fc thfr local "palace 1 of justice." The building is old And dilapidated, the timbers have auffered more of lee* from the woYifi, and it is considered hardly safe to open a window, for thft fear that the window may be acting a# a main support. The JtMtic* Department, however, has recognised the urgent need for » ttevt structure, and it ie stated that th« erection of a- courthouse in brick will be taken in hand o-lmost immediately. Officers of the department have already been investigating, and it i« understood that the present site in Station-street will not be utilised. It i# probable that a site on the main street will be found. A ftmark&ble visitation of luck came to two young nwft fs the land ballot at Marten on Thursday last. On* of th« young men, practically a newcomer to the Dominion, arrived in Wanganui » little white ago, and, when, discussing hie prosepctg with s friend here, the latter suggested that her should try his luck iA the land ballot of the Retaruke block. The jroang man bethought himself of an English friend in another part of the Dominion 1 , aHd they decided to enter. Neither had seen the land in question, and neither would have been any wiser hud h# seen it, bnt A acting on the advice of th« Wangantif friend, who is also a farmer (but who had not «c» the land, though he had procured a plan and a few hints], the young ( men entered for two adjoining sections. Strange to say, o»t of * very large number of applicants, they wet* lucky in the ballot, "I wotrid gite £1000 to be in their shoes," said a farms* yesterday. "They have secured the pick oi the block."

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 62, 11 September 1911, Page 6

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 62, 11 September 1911, Page 6

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 62, 11 September 1911, Page 6


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