t»OnT OP WF.tLINGTON. HIGH WATER. To-day— Oh Mm a. in, ; V'h ism p.m. To-uionow— 7h 50m a.m.; 8h 15m p.m. ARRIVALS. July 28— Jlnna, s.s. (9 p.m.), 134- tons, Gib- , eon. fiom Wnltaua. July 29— Nikau, s.s. (G a.m.), 252 tons, Hay, fiom Nelson, July 20— Muraroa, s,B. (6.80 a.m.), 2598 tons, Mminitift, from Ljteelton. l'assetfgcrs ; Saloon —Misses Hall. Kngland (2), Barrett, Stevens, Barrett, Sparkes, Treehurst, I'oulton, Heßsel- 1 tint^ Dotinellaii. TooEood, Cnrrick, Mitchell, Sleßdttrites Maitland, Silt, Storley and dangh■tcr, O't)onnell, Mitchell. French, Lee, Rev. Fox, Messrs, Somervilie, Hall. Mullrotlatid, Kennedy, Lockhart, Duncan, I'ottei 1 , Darby, Watts, Wallace (2), kogei'soti, Butcher, Bernberry, Henderson, Collins. Little, 'fualley, Mapplebeok, Riordun, Bartdr. Hammond, Grave, jUcQuin, Bain, Wnvdell, Smith, Hitynes, Lee, Qlasson, Kothechild, Young, McKneany, flat 1 - Jnden, Stagpoole, Maxwell, Singleton, Webb, Scott, Morley, Thornton, Scarlet Troubadierb 1,(12): 43 steerage. July 29— Queen of the South, s.s, (8.3S a.m.), 493 tons, Harvey, from Foston DEPARTURES July 28^Bvmcrag, barque (1,25 p.m.), 858 lot! s, Pedersen, for Dunedin, July 28— Mangapapa, s.s. (2,25 p.m.), 164 titons, Fletcher, for Westport and Karnmea, July 28— Aoi'ere, s.s. (4,55 p,tn,), 7? tons, ?!Flsk, for l»atea, July 28— Wakatu, s.s, (8,15 p.m.), 167 tons, 'iWilts, for Kaikoura and Lytteltou. July 28— Wlmmera, s.s. (5,38 p.m.), 3022 tons, (Waller, for Lyttelton ami Dunedin, July 28— Manuka, s.s. (5.60 p.m.), 4605 tons, tiNevifle, for Sydney direct. July 28— Waverley, s.s. (8 p.m.), 157 tons, Turvißi for Nelson and West Coast, July 28— Ktrtoaka, s,s. (0,), 133 tons, 'Wctntoeh, for Patea. July 28 — Mtiia, s.s, (7 p.m.), 127 tons, Burt, tot Wangnnni, Jtily 28— Maori, s.s. (8 p.m.), 3389 tons, Aidywell, for Lyttelton, Passengers ; Saloon— ('Misses Mac)<enzte, Boyle, frost, Williams, Bar«si«fct (2), Foden, Mesdatties Stringer, Buckley, tdlitchie. Lystmr, Barnett, Cloodmaii, Wooller, Buchanan, Captain Strang, Hon, T, 'SlackeMie, Hon. Mr, Smith, Bey. Dean RegMiauß, Messrs, Craigie, M.P., Hardy, M.1., i^osworthy, M.P.," Witty, M,P,, Mabat, Long, ■"McDonald, Seifert. Limant, Johnston, -Brieroe, rßnsser, Beid. Latter, Davidson, Johes, Turton; vßtitterworth, Goodman, Wright. Milne, Hitchie, .Horrell, Lysnar, Olllver, Pricer Holts, Pettigrew, Wright, Jones. Kvans, Skeat, Paton, Wyllie, :!Firin, Carew. Nixon, Weehan, Budd, Murdoch, ,*iHodge, Talbot, Buchanan, and New Zealand (.Alliance party. July 28— Ngrthere, s.?. (s,lO p.m.), 1100 tons, tiDillner, for Greymotith. July 2B— Opa*a, s.s. (12.10 a.m.), 110 tone," "iNicholtts, for Blenheim. July 29— Arithurn. s.s. (12.65 p.m.), 1696 tons, [Lambert, for Plcton. Nelson, Westport. and "•Urcyfflouth, Pasoengei'B— Saloon : For Picton —Misses Bell, Morgrtn. Aehton, Vavasour, ■'Stevens, Holdsiway, Brooks, Helter, Me*dameß iViivusotir, Willitttus, Heifer, Messrs, Vavasour, "Sichardson, Scott, ptincnn, Lockhart. For Nelson— Misses Hooker, Hyland, Smith, EngHand, Slater, Coomlies, Thompson) Messrs, .LHumphries, Drumuiond, North, Walsh, Bennett, 'Bclandei'B. Whyle, Balch, Mawsen, Whyte, /CCor Wes'tport— Misses Boase, Boyd, Mesdumes full 1 . Cotfrell, Rowan, Brown, Messrs, Far. "WilHitJUB, Jamieson, Can 1 , Nash. McKafi, and tihampioti. For Qreymouth— Misses Russell, CMcGregor, Cashmati, Tomkies, Mesdames Pen- • riteton, 'fotnkies, fiat'otd, Messrs. Harold, Kel*«taui, Gomel 1 , McMuhon, Jlclntyre, Atkinson, lAfyers, Bilker, Pendleton. EXPECf^D ARRIVALS Mapourlka, Greymouth, Wegtport, Nelson, SEOHi Ie Anau, Nelson and Picton, 20th Blenheim, Blenheim, 29th ' Maori, Lyttelton, 80th Kennedy. Foxton, 30th Aorere, Pafcea, 30'n Hulst, Wanganui, 30th Kiripiiku, Putea, 30th Opawa, Blenheim, 30th Arapawa, Foxton, 30th Kaptmi, Patea, 30th Mitnaroa. Motueka, 30th Defender, Lyttetton, 30th Flora, Southern uorts, sotli Taraweru, Dunedin and Lyttelton, 80th Rosamond, Onehunga, New Plymouth, 30th ttlpple, Uisborne, 80th Sgatoro, Greymouth, 30th Sussex, London via ports, 30tb Wamika, Westpoi't, 31st Koiflatft, Westpoft, lsfe ■WakiUU, Lyttelton and Kaikoura, Ist Kaitoa, Wangaiaii, let. KapiU, Wanga'/iui, Ist • Monowai, Northern ports, Ist Pateena, New Plymouth, 2nd Waimea, Picton, 2nd Pateeaa, Ne« Plymouth, 2nd Hauroto, Northern ports, 4th PaCJECTBO D6PARTURI*, ' Nikau, Neleott and Motueka, 29th Mararoa. Lyttetton, 20th Bfee^e, WangoiniUi, 2fMi Knhu, Brtst Coast, 29th Kaipartt^.Port Plrie, Adelttldei Durban, 2oth KaitangAfca. Greymouth, 30th To Anmi, Picton and Nekon, 31st Maori, Lyttelton, 3is& Aorere, Patea., diet KirlpAka, Patea, 31sb Opa\la, Blenheim, 31st Stortnbtrd, Wanganul, alsti » BuAhine, . Lyttelton, 31st Kdpuni, Paten, 31st Kennedy, Nelson and West Coast, 31»b ffarawera. Northern potts, 3lst ltosamond, Plctoti, Nelson, New Plymouth, >!ssn\ Onehunga, 31sb Flora, Westport and Greymottth, 31sfc Manaroa, Motueka and bays/ 31sfc Arapawa, Wanganui, 31st> Queett of the South, Foxton, 31st .Tongariro, London via way ports, 31st> Blenheim, Blenheim, 31sB Mondwal, Lyiteltou, and Dunedin, Ist Mapourika, Nelßon and West; Coast, lot iUpple, Napier and Gisborne, Ist Kapitl, Wanganui, Ist tvdttoa, Nelefln and West Coast, isfc Hula, Wttngimui. Ist Wakatti, Kaikoura and tyttelton, 2nd Waimea, Nelsott and West Coast, 2nd , Pateena, Piclon and Nelson, 2nd / Hauioto, Lyttetton and Dunedin, 4th • Arahura, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, 6th OVERSEA VeSSELS ' STUAMEits bound for Wellington 1 , SU«wx, left Liverpool 27tli.May fop Auek« laud direct; due to-morrow night. Muritai, left London 31st May via Australia. Auckland, and Napier s due about tho dth August. BY TELEGRAPH. 4 t4 SYDNEY. 28th July. 'Arrived— Victoria (a pirn.), from Auckland, 29th July, » Sailed— Den of Glamin, for Wellington. , MBLBOURNIS, 28th July. Arrived— Marjorle Craig, from Kaikoura. t. .1 a . t « .^AIPARA, 28th July, Sailed— lnga, for Sydney, AtJCKLAND,2Bth July. Arrived— Aorangi (6.10,), from Wellington.; Squall, from, Gisbonie. AiTlved-Tatune'dl p.m.), from the Eastern' taeinu f«((indi<. Sailed— Susses (3,15 p.m.), for Wellington; ftoiiti, for Hokiaugit and Melbourne; Mary Isabel, lor Tauvnugd.. FOXTON. 28th July, Arrived—Queen, of the South (11,30 p.m. JLliursdity), from 'Wellington, 20th July. Sailed— Arapnwib 4(10 a.m.), for Wellington. 1 NAPIUK, 28tli July. Arrived— flauroto • (5.30 p.m.), from Wellingioli. Arrived— Laiiderdato (8.30 p,m,), from WeU litigton. PATEA, 20th July. Arrived— Aorere (10 t lfs a.m.). from Wellitiirton WANOANUI, 29th July, Arrived— Hula (5.55 a.m.). fpom Wellington. RAlßotJftA, 2B*h July, ' Arrlvcd-"Wakaiti (« fw«n Wellington. BLENHEIM. 2tKh July. Arrived— opawa (lo<<i,m.) and Blenheim (10.16- • itt.m,), from .Wellington. PICTON, 28th July, ArriVed—TeiAfliiu (0 p.m.). from' Wellington. PX)PON<M, 28th July. Arrived— Kapitl (10 a.m.), from Wellington, NBLSoN, 28th July, Satled-Nik'Mi<C.lo p.m.), for Wellington. 29th July. Arrived— fe Anau*<7.3s rf.m.y, from Pjcton. ArriVMl-WaverlejHMlErt.m.), from Welling "sailed— Mapaprlkn, (7 a,«U, tor ■W«Hlngtonj , To Aflau (lo.O" a.m.), for'Pieton iwid Welling' WB> LYTTlfcf(»r, Mtft .Tttty". Arrlvcd-Jfoana <Jtf.2o a.m.), ffom Wpt l Ar^'ed-KHt!a'sfar ) frtwft'ffwyttontB 1 } Oygffet,, from Kaikounfc _ . SaUed—McibMtfiieV Jof ffa4p«*: Mo*n» r lor* ttobarv and >felbourne, viar.DUneate a«d- Bhilf r W& fanArrived— 4t*wl (ft.SO * I ffl:)».*fl* Wdwoiera, (f a.m.), from WisffiagttHJ, To sail—Maefi- (8.30- p.m.) ofl* Tafawera (11,13 p.m.), for Wentttgton, s MTNfiDtN, 28th July, . Sailed— Tarawera, for Kiurt. Coast potts* itwl Auckland, Piisseiigef^ for Attelimgtoti : Sa-loon^-Mlii^ S. Blrw*k, iVTe«lani?t» Lord, and .f. AdHtfl.f, Messrs. lord', Faifincr, JV Adante, and Tewlienttkcr. mtmmßt mh My . Suited— l^gawo d l - 16 Jaßfc fl te nt >» for Yel ' lfll^ on> WESTPOn'f, 29th .fitly. AiTivetfu-KofflaM (t.aff «,«.), fto* .Welling toU> " POftf CffAS&EftS, asth July.
MURITAI AT AUCKLAND. Exceptionally fine weather was experienced throughout (he voyage of the Tyser liner Muritai, which arrived at Auckland on Wednesday from London via Australia. The steamer" made a recoid passage from London to Melbourne, the time occupied beiug 38 days 8 hours, the average speed maintained throughout being 13.1 knots au hour. Captain Lidskme, late of the Nerehana, it in com-" itiand of the Muritai, his other ofllcerss beingChief, Mr. W. 0. Whelpton; second, Mr. J. fi. King. Mr. J. Anderson is chief engineer, Sir. Mlddlemasa second, Mr. J. Gray third, Mr. J. Campbell fourth, and Mr. Henderson fifth. Ml 1 . Oetlt is chief refrigerator, find Bit. Alison second. From Auckland the Muritai proceeds to Napier and Wellington. She is due here about Friday or Saturday with 10W tons of cargo. TONGARIRO, FOR LOSDON. The NeW Zealand Shipping Company's s.s. Tongariro will sail fiom Wellington at. 0 a at, on /Monday for London via way ports. # NIWARU AT LONDON, The Tysef liner Niwaru reached London on Tuesday last from Auckland. The vessel went direct and she made the journey in. 41 days. The coastal steamer Kennedy is due at Wel« llngton to-fltorrow from Foxton. She will sail on Monday for Nelson and West Coast. Mr, P. ftunter, late of the Takapuna, has j j joined the Kaitangata as third engineer. The barque Duncrag cleared the fleads at 3 p.m. jiesterday for Dunedin to complete discharge of her cargo from Liverpool. Subsequently the vessel will load coal at westport for the Caroline Islands. The Feateral-floulder-Shire steamer SUBtex continued het* voyage from Liverpool and ports from Auckland shorty after 3 o'clock yesterday atternoon. The vessel is expected at Wellington on Sunday night, and will prob* ably berth at No. 1 South. Oueen'B Wharf, on Monday morflihg to' discharge 2SOO tons of cargo. She ' wilt leave to-day week for Lytteltott.and Duhedin. a Mr. C. Hales West, late second . engineer of the tfauroto, is at Wellington for the purpose of sitting for a chief engineer's certificate. The auxiliary- scow Echo, which left Wellington at 6.10 p.m. on Wedtietda.v, reached New Plymouth at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. The New Zealand shipping Company'/ steamer Kaipara- is timed to leave Wellington tonight for Port Pirie, Adelaide, and Durban (South Africa), for Homeward loading. The s.s Goeben, from Southampton and Bremen, arrived at Sydney on Thursday, and Messrs, CastendVk and Focke advise that her passMigerfi for "Wellington will arrive here by the Warrittloo tititt week. The Ifanna, the Union Company's new cargo steamer, en. route from Home, left BeirA last Saturday for Buubury, where she will load jairah for, probably, Dunedin and Wellington,
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Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 25, 29 July 1911, Page 4
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1,516SHIPPING. Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 25, 29 July 1911, Page 4
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