PORT OF WELLINGTON. HIGH WATER. j To-day— Oh 22m a.m.; Ch 26m p.m. To-iuorrow — 7b Sni a.m.; 7h ?m p.m. ARRIVALS. -lfr-Mapourlka, s.«. (4.50 p.mj, 1303 'toe*, McLeAn, from qrejwouUt, Weatpoi-t, and Helson, Faeaeiigers ; Saloou— Hisses Baker, Burns, Cheescmaji, Shaw, liosa, l'.ichardb, Wttsou, Blick, Moutiotoery. l)oyle, Mesdamca Anderson, Seirwass ajid infant, 8 dated, BwiudalA. '•HJmpaon, MAWhlin, Ross, Messrs. Evans, ttlehex, Jklorris, 'i'lngey, Lynch, Aigic, Clarke. Xvani. McLaraa, iJrittendoii, Scanlon, Steven808, Sniflted, Bradley, Davies, Williams, Moore, Lincoln, tfulton, K. Wood, Neale, Hodsetß, -Hjuhoq, . Citron, Swindale, Le Grove, Matchup, Williams, Duncan; «i steerage. May 13-Storwbird, a.s. (U. 46 p.nO, 217 tons, - Dowel I, from Wanganui. May 13— tfaplii, 8.8. (9.45 p.m.), 242 tons, "Sawyers, itoux AVaasantu. .-,,Ua.j- 18— £ fUeena, «j. (11.60 p.m.). 1212 ton*, Carey, from .Neisott and Picton. Passenger : SAWon— Missei) I'nce, Allen, Jdilsou, Cliisholm, Hanson, idnkhorn, Qeoi-gH, Lonsdaie, Chisholm, Stuart, Bog-wieK. Suttop, McKwuia (2), Laiip, OlMtf, Picketing, Ataflden, Kaynor, Onflith, Fair. , hall, tcn'j, Workman, Bayner, Brandon, Men- I dames KiMsit, Lrereton, Fowler, Fiuyerald. TirraJl and cinM. Wallace, l'earce atid child, Snfcton, I'Aekering, PUilpotts, Wabson, Johnston, lady Forbes, Messrs. Carson, lTowler, Smith, Jlibhz, W*oU. Jolui*, datum, JUilau, Cross, "jtfluljall, Loii&daJe, MeCulloagh, Pickering, -•itoiiißS^Frnscr, Gowan, Pearee, Gvots, Hopkius {$)„ Short., Ui'owu, JJiittaay, Sutton, Love and child, AndnUi, HeCusker, Clement, Mason, "••Pahnvtimlth, Browiloy, lrwin. JJrayton, Fiini, McChisnoy, Livingstone, Eazelwood, Bedford, Gains, Osmond, CottU, Duncan, Glover, Gordon, "•Cocthayne, Mount; to steerage. May . 13— Qua.w», s.s. (11.56 p.m.), 110 tons, " Jficholas, from Blenheim. May 14— Ngiitoro, 8.3. (12.15 a.m.), 1137 tons, Christian, Irom Greymouth. ATay 14— Mangapapa, s.s. (2.20 yum,), IC4 tons, -Ketcher, from Karamea via Wostport. " May 11 — Nora Niven, b.s. (8.15 a.m.), 50 tons, CouUie. from Kaingaroa, Chatham Islands. May 14— Queen of tho South, b.s. (G. 40 a.m.), ' 198 tons, Harvey, from Foxton. May 14— Maori, s.s, (7.80 a.m.), 8390 ton*, Aidwell, from Lyttelton. Passengers : Saloon— < Misses Morlaml, Caygill, Butts, McEeady, Rat- , tray, Mesdrines Burke, Garland, Spiers, Middleton, Bitclifl, Cronin, Edwards, McCarthy and ' infant, Fairburn, Bennett, Sawtell, Puynter, Russell, O'Connor, Godwin,, Jackson. Engelbert, Frouse, Fletcher, Lindsay and infant, Rod, Mandol, Nlccol, Captain G. G. Smith, Messrs. Batbgate, Wardsworth, Marshall, Grace, Warden, Swift, Hatch, Cronin, Dingall, Good (2), Wilson, Edwards, King, Fairbairn, Bennett, Sawtell, Weave, Kraeter, Fen'ir, Henrys, Matthews, Flavell, Payater, Steel, Seed, Dwyer, Ashwell, Barley, Burke, Wohlman, Robertson, Watson, Godwin, Prouse, Lindsay, Garland, Travers, Jackson, Colllngwood, Rutherford, Bngelbert, Fletcher,' Griffiths, Malcolm, Nicol, "Peterkin, Rod, Armstrong, Bracklebush, Keale, Eccles, Stewart, Plaisted, Walker, Lyall, Flyger, I>avies, Souniiess, Russell, Btiddcr, Bradley, ißiafr, Mason; 05 steetage. Max 14— Koouya, b.b. (10.60 a^m.), 1081 tons, ?latts, from Southern ports via tyttolton. ' 'May' 14V-Whangape, b.b. (11,15 a.m.), 2931 tons* Brown, from Newcastle via Timaru and Lytteltott. May 14-^-Hauroto, e.t. (1.80 p.m.), 1988 tons, Aagu«, from Dunedin and Lyttelton. Passengers '. Saloon— Misses Russell, Nicholls,' Fitzgerald, Fountain, Mesdames Barber and family, Huh", IJicholls, Balmer, Messrs. Greigg, Russell, Muiaford, Kirk, Bay, Adams (2), Balmer; 11 steerage. May 14— Ro&aniond, s-s. (12.30 p.m.), 721 tons, Xltchle, from iVew Plymouth, May IS— Man a, s.s. (3.60 a.m.), 134 tons, ■Biion, from Patea. May 15— Komaia, s.s. (9.20 a.m.), 1094 tons, White-Parsons, from Westport. DEPARTURES May 13— Breiz Izd, sj. (2 p.m.), 4838 tons, Collet*, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. May 13— Poherua, s.s. (5 p.m.), 1175 tons, iWhite-.Parsons, for Greymouth. May 13— Niktu, s.s, (5 p.m.), 252 tons, Hay, for Neltxm and Motueka. May 13— Himitangi, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 323 tonß, Jlanley, for Westpovfc. May 13— Kahu, s.s. (6.40 p.m.), 182 tons, Jones, for .Napier. May 13— Bi'araroa, s.s. (11 p.m.), 2598 tons, Mantting, for Lyttelton. May 13— Ptitiki, s.s. f11.5 p.m,), 409 tons, .■Wahlstrom, for Westport. May" 14— Kapiti, s.s. (3.5 aon.), 242 tons, Sawyers, for PUponga. May 13— Wtunwi, b.s. (9.15 a.m.), 93 tons, Shaw, for Pnponga. May 14— Huia, s.s, (4 p.m.), 127 tons, Burfc, for Wanganui. VESSELS IN PORT THIS AFTERNOON. 'Clyde-quay Wharf.— Aorangi. ' •Taranaid-3ireet Wharf .— Paparoa and ~ Ngatoro. Jarvois-quay Wharf.— Hawroto and Whangape' Queen's Wharf —(South) Koonya and Pateena; (north) Blenheim, Moa, Stormbird, and Maori. Customhouse-quay Wharf, I—Opawa1 — Opawa and Mana. Wool Wharf,— Nora Niven, Mangapapa. t Railway Wliarf.— Mapourika and Komata. Glasgow Wharf.— Tainui and Rosamond. King's Whar/.— Queen of the South. Pipitea Whan'.— Tutanekai. ' ' Patent Slip.— Manaroa. In Stream,— fL.M.B. Cambrian, Takapun*, end Amoktira. EXPEOTED ARRIVALS Ripple, Gisborne and Picton, 16th Mawhera, Greymoi'ith, 16th ... Mararoa, Lyttelton, 16th Blenheim, Blenheim, 16th Kahu, Napier, 16th Taviuni, New Plymouth, 18th Corinna,' Onehunga, Now Plymouth, Kth Huia, Wanganui, 16th Kiripaka, Patea, 16th Nlkau, Nelson and Mofcueka, 16th Aorere, Patea, 16th Puteena, Nelson and PJcton, 16th Kaitoa, i*oxton, 16th, Tarawera, Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, 16th Wakatu, Lyttelton and Kaikoura, 16th 'Morayshire, London, via Auckland and Napier, leth lonic, London vJa way ports, 17th Hinemoa, Chatham Islands. 17th '"'Kapuni,' Patfia, 17th Moana, Sydney, 17th Breeze, Lyttelton, 17th Arahura, Greymoutb, Westport, Kelson, and TJoton, 17th Moa, Motueka, 17th « KapiU^Jtoxtou, 17th lndrabaran, Napier, 17th 7 Victoria, Sydney via Auckland, GJsborna, and. Napier, 19th -'Mokoia,' Melbourne, Hobart, and Southern J2orts, ;i9th lath,. '""' ""PROJECTED DEPARTURES Koonya, West Coast, 15th Hauroto, Napier, 1 Gisborne, Auckland, 16th . 'M<k, Motueka, lGth -- Opawa, Blenheim, 15th Maori, Lyttelton, 15th Storjnbird, Wungunui, 15th Mangapapa, YVestport and Karaanea, leth Queeli' 61 the South, Foxton, 13th Blenheim, .Blenheim, 15th- i Mana, Wanganui, 15th Nikau, Nelbon find- Motueka, 16th Mararoa, Lyttelton, 16th Rosamond, Onohunga via ports, 16th Aorere, Patea, 10th Cambrian, Cdllingwood, 16th Huia, Wanganui, 10 th '""Kahu', Kasfr Coast: and Napier, 16th Kiripaka; Patea, 16th . Kaitoa, Nelson and West Coast, lCth Hippie, Napier and Gisborne, 16th " 'Jtafawera, Lyttelton and Dunedin, 16th Mapourika, Nelson and West Coast, 16th Alexander, Nelson and West Coast, 16th t ..Ua,natOi\, Motueka, 17th , Wakatu, Kaikoura and Lyttelton, 17th KupiU, Wanganui, 17th Eateena, Picton and Nelson, 17th Kapuni, Patea, 17th Breeze, Napier and Gisborne, 17th Corinna., Timaru aud Dunedin, 17th Moana, Southern ports and Melbourne, 18th Tainui, London via way ports, 18th Aorangi, Sydney dit'ect, 19th Victoria, Lyttelton and Dunedin, 18th Mokoia, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland,' Wth Arahura, Pieton, Nelson, West Coast, 20th OVERSEA VESSELS. StaonMfs bound tor Wellington. tonic, left Plymouth Ist April, via Capetown 1 tend Hobart; due on Wednesday. Delphic, left Liverpool 18th March, via Auckland; due about 19th May. Waitemata, left Calcutta 10th April via; Singapore, JavA and Auckland; due about 18th May. Morayshire, left Liverpool 4th March via Auckland; due about 16th May. John Hardle, left Philadelphia 12th March, via Auckland; due about 18th May. Niwarti, sailed from London 12th March, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier; due about Hit May. Pakeha, left London Bth April, via Auckland; due about the 22nd May. SWaniey, left New York 10th February, via Australia and Auckland; due. about tho 23rd May. Manuka, 3efo San Francisco 3rd May, via Papeete and Earo tonga; due about the 24th May. Drayton Grange, left Liverpool Ist April Via Capetown; dtte about 26th May. ■ Star Of Cnnada, < left London 22nd March, ■via Australia, Auckland, and Napier; duo about 26fch May. Star of Australia, sailed from Now York sin March, via Australia and Auckland; due .about Turaklna, lef t London' loth April, via Capetown and Hobart; due about 30th May. Wakanul, left St. 'John 26th March, via Australia and Auckland ; due about 3th June. 1 Matatua, left london Sth Juiio, w Auk'k- : taad>auo^bo.u.t-a»,-^uiio, '
■V YELEGRAPH. MELBOURNE, Wth May Arrived— Olfanaroa, from Blult. SYDNEY, 13th May Sailed— Moana (i p.m.), for Wellington; Star i4»l Canada, for Auckland. 14th May. Arrived— Volador, from New Zealand NEWCASTLE, 13tli Slay Sailed— Bellamhi, lor Auckland. AUCKLAND, 18th May. Arrived— Waiiemata (2.30 p.m.), from Calcutta ! NJwaru (8.80 p.m.), from Sydney Sailed— Morayshire (7.30 a.m.), for Napier and Wellington; Wanaka (5 p.m.), for Newcastle; I AYairtuia (7 p.m.), for the BluH. Sailed— Tarawera (1.20 p.m.), for South I 14th May Arrived— Delphic (7 a.m.), from Liverpool; Kia Ora (8 a.inj, from Gisborne; Whiunexa (10 a.m.), from Southern ports; Victoria (5 P-ib.), from Sydney. ' , NEW* PLYMOUTH, 14th May. Arrrwd— Corinna (8 p.m.), from Onehunga . . . 15th May. Anaved— Rarawa (S a.m.), from Onehunga. ...„,. , NAPIKtt, wth May. , AwaveH— Kaha (6.30 pun.), from Wellington 15th May Sailed— Kaau (8.12 a.m.), for Wellington. WANGANUI, 16th May. Armed— Huia (6.30 a.m.), from Wellington. . , * „,-, . PATEA, 14th May. Arriwd— Ktrlpaka (9.30 a.m.), from Wellington. a _, , , lfitn Mavr Arrived— Aorere (10-20 a.m.), from Wellington NELSON, 14th May. Arrived— Arahura (5 a.m.), from Wellington and PJcton; Nikau (5.20 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed— Arahura (8 a.m.), for Westport ._, ™ . WESTPORT, 13t)i May. Arrived— Eeguluß (4.45 p.m,), from Wellington „ . „ Wth May. Sailed— Komata (9.60 a.m.), for Wellington. 16th May. Arrived— Hlmitangl (2.80 a.m.), from Wellington. GREYMOTJTH, 14th May. Arrived— Kamona (11,30 a.m.), from Wellineton. Sailed— Mawbera, dredge (9.25 a.m.), for Wellington. 1 HOKITIKA, Wth May. Arrived— Jane Douglas (11.50 a.m.), from Wellington. MM . , LYTTELTON, 13th May. Sailed— Hlnemoa (2,46 p.nO, for Chathams. 14th May. Arrived— Brtea lael (8 <un.) and Mararoa (noon), from Wellington. I . . J , DUNEDIN, 13th May. Attived— Moerakl, from Sydney via northern ports; Breeze, from Lyttelton; Huanul, from Campbell Islands, Sailed— Koromiko, for West Coast. 14th May. Arrived— Kotare, from Catling River; Invercargill, from Bluff; Monowal, from Auckland via East Coast ports. Sailed— Moeraki, for Bluff, Hobart, and Melbourne; Breeze, for Oamaru. ._.„„, BLUFF. 13th May. Arrived— Kaltangata (2.80 p.m.), from Hobart. SHAW, BAVILL, AND ALBION COMPANY, LIMITED. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. * Kia Ora.— To. sail from Auckland for London 16th May; due London 26th June Tokomaru— Arrived Dunedin 30th April Leaves Wellington again for London about middle of June; due London about end of July. Tainui.— Leavet Wellington for London 18th May; due London 30bh June. Sails again for Wellington and Lyttelton 20th July; due sth September. Delphic.— Left Liverpool for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin 24th March: due Auckland 13th May. Pakeha.— Left Liverpool 13th April for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin, via Australia; due Auckland 3rd June. lonic.— Left London for Wellington and Lyttelton 30th March; due Wellington Wth May. Leaves Wellington for London '15th June; due London 28th July. Sails again for Wellington and Lyttelton 17th August; due 3rd October at Wellington. Athenic.— Left Plymouth 29th April for Wellington and Lyttelton; due Wellington 13th June. Matatna.— Left London 14th April for Auckland, Wellington, and Timaru; due 31st May at Auckland. Mamarl.— Arrived London 15th April. Left London again flth May for Dunedin and Lyttelton, via Australia; due Dunedin 22nd June. Waiwera.— Arrived London 29th April; leaves London again early in June for Auckland, Wellington, and Bluif; due Auckland 26th July, Corinthlc — Arrived London 3rd May. Leaves London again 25th May; due Wellington 11th July. Sails again for London 10th August; Karamea.— Left Rio 26th April; due London 11th May. Salts again from Canada 15th June for New Zealand mam ports, via Australia; due Auckland 22nd August. Kumara,— Left Rio 28th April; due London, 19th May. Rangatira.— Left Wellington for London 23rd April; due London 2nd June, Sails again from London for Dunedin and Lyttelton via Australia early in July; due Dunedin 20th August. Arawa.— Left Wellington for London 20th April; due London 2nd June. Sails again! for Wellington and Lyttelton 22nd June; due Wellington Bth August. Sails from New Zealand for London 7th September. BACK FBOM THE CHATHAMS. I One day overdue, the steam trawler Nora Niven arrived at Wellington early yesterday morning from Kaingaroa— the Chatham Islands fishing depot. Her cargo of 22 tons of Bsh I consisted of 740 cases of blue cod and 40 bags of hapuka. The vessel left Wellington at 2 o clock last Monday morning, and had a fine weather passage to Kaingaroa, which was reached at 6 p.m. on Wednesday. The return trip was commenced at 3.30 p.m. on Thursday, and for the first 24 hours the Nora Niven experienced high seas and a north-easterly gale, accompanied with heavy rain. In a, short time the trawler will cease making periodical trips to the Chathams. The Nora Niven left this afternoon to flsh m Hawkes Bay waters, MOANA LEFT SYDNEY. This week's direct boat from Sydney— the Moana— left for Wellington at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoom The vessel should arrive at Wellington early on Wednesday morning. IONIC LEFT HOBART. The local agents have been advised that the lonic left Hobart at 10 o'clock on, Saturday morning. The vessel should arrive at Wellington at noon on Wednesday. MORAYSHIEE AT NAPIER. __ Bound from Liverpool the Morayshire arrjved at Napier on Sunday evening from Auckland. Expected to leave Napier at 8 o'clock to-night the vessel should arrive at Wellington to-morrow afternoon. DELPHIC AT AUCKLAND. Yesterday morning the Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Delphic, arrived at Auckland from Liverpool direct with cargo for Auckland. Wellington, and Dunedin. Wellington should be reached about tho end of next -week. MAEJORIB 'CRAIG IN A HURRICANE. The -well-known barque Marjorie Craig encountered rough weather in Bass Straits while on the .oyage from Hoklanga to Melbourne. She lost her mainsail, lower topsail, and several other sails. The hurricane, which arose on the 23rd April, raged without cessation for two days, during which period the barque waa flung about hi an aJarrning way by heavy seas. At length a. change set in, and the vessel sped towards Port Phillip under comparatively pleasant conditions. The Arahura arrived at Westport at 1* pja. on Sunday, and continued her journey to Gxeymoubh at 8 o'clock this morning. The Tarawera was to leave Napier at 2 o'clock this afternoon for Wellington. The Kaitoa will not be at Wellington from Foxtoo until Wednesday. The Alexander is expected from WajiKanui to-morrow, and is to leave fhe same day for Nelson and West Coast. The Corinna left New Plymouth a.t 11 o'clock this morning for Wellington. The Poherua la expected to leave Greymouth this evening for Wellington. The Rakanoa is to leave Wcitport at II a.m. to-morrow for Wellington.
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Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 113, 15 May 1911, Page 6
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2,255SHIPPING. Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 113, 15 May 1911, Page 6
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