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LAST NIGHT'S MEETINGS. The annual meetings of householders were held last night, for the purpose of hearing reports of outgoing school committees and electing new committees. The weather was inclement, but, nevertheless, there were fair attendances, and in some schools much interest was taken in the election. A resolution from the Teachers' Institute as to the , promotion of teachers was discusßed at some meetings, and the proceedings are noted in another column. The following' are short reports of last night's meetings :—: — MOUNT COOK. There wero over one hundred householders, including a number of ladies, at the Mount Cook School meeting, over which Mr. J. Danks presided. The secretary, in a comprehensive report, stated that the schools had, if possible, attained a higher degree of efficiency during the year, and great progress had been made all round. At the boys' "school the attendance had increased materially, the grade which had been lost the previous" year having been regained, which necessitated the reappointment of an additional teacher, as well as increasing the capitation grant. The number on iho roll for the quarter ending March was 322, as against 280 for the corresponding period of the previous year. i Out of 309 boys presented for examination, there _were only fifteen failures. In the girls' school the roll number had fallen below 300, and the school had thus lost a grade, and consequently a teacher. Nevertheless, good work had been done. In the Infants' School, at the end of last quarter, there were 384 on the roll, with an average attendance of 333. Last year 104 children had passed Standard I. Receipts amounting to £227 2s Id were shown, and; after meeting expenditure, there was a credit balance of 3s 4d. The election of the committee resulted in the return of Messrs. J. Danks (chairman), T. Murphy (secretary), J. H. Helliwell. W. Burbidge (treasurer), R. Simpson, B. Nolan, J. Lodge, J. F. Kucb, and H. A. Parsonage. TERRACE SCHOOL. Mr. T. Ward presided at this school. The annual report and balance-sheet, which were adopted, stated that the roll number at the end of March (657) was practically the same as at the same date last year. The attendance during 1910 was only moderate. During the second and third quarters there were a good many cases of illness. Since the holidays the health, of the pupils has been very satisfactory on the whole, and the attendance had been good. For many years the committee had striven to have the section behind Wellington Club included in the school grounds, and arrangements had been made whereby the Education Board took over the 1 lease from the trustees of the Greenfield estate. The balance-sheet showed a balance in hand of £30 16s 4d. The following committee was elected! :— The Revs. W. J. Comrie and H. Van Staveren, and Messrs J. J. Mallard, A. P. Webster, J. A. Thomson, A. Johnson, T. Ward, H. W. Lloyd, and J. M. Geddis. The Rev. j: Comrie was re-elected chairman and Mr. Gold secretary. NEWTOWN. About one hundred and fifty householders and parents attended the meeting of the Newtown District High School. The report was generally favourable. The attendance, it stated^ had been good, easily the best in the history ot the school, and the general health of pupils was good also. Unfortunately" the teaching staff had suffered from sickness, necessitating lengthy leaves of absence. There had also been a number of changes in the personnel of the staff. The inspectors' reports wer© generally of a highly favourable character. The secondary department showed a fall ,in numbers, but not in efficiency. The committee further mentioned the success of the annual picnic, the matter of a fir a escape for the school, and the establish ment "of a miniature rifle range. The committee began the year wifli a credit balance of £32 7s Bd, and closed with a credit of £26 9s 9d. The following commitee was elected : Mrs. Boxall and Mrs. R. A. Wright, Messrs. J. Castle, W. Gilbert, A. R. Hornblow, S. Martin, G. P. Phillips, R. Brown, and W. Craighead. SOUTH WELLINGTON. About eighty householders attended at South Wellington, Mr. P. C. Watt, chairman, of outgoing committee, presiding. Though this committee (says its report) has been in office only six months, it has done a great deal of work. Various inside and outdoor improvements had been effected. The headmaster and staff were congratulated on the high standard tho school still held for proficiency. Last year a larger number of proficiency certificates — including three scholarships — were awarded than in any previous year, notwithstanding a great deal of sickness amongst the teachers. There was a credit balance of £1,8 10s sd. Laudatory references to the work of the outgoing committee were made. The headmaster's report made reference to different phases 'of school life and work, some of which are noted elsewhere. Of a school roll, at 31st March, of 839, the average attendance was 810 — equal to 96.5 per cent, of the roll. The following were elected a new committee: — Messrs R. J. Barne*, J. G. R. Clarke, A. B. Duff, R. A. Ferguson (secretary), E. C. Hayton, S. Howan, W. J. J. Morton, P. C. Watt (chairman), G. Startup. The first eight were members of the outgoing committee. TE^ARO. Mr. Wm. Miller presided. There was a large attendance. About half of those present were ladies. The report showed that the, committee started the year with only 6s 2d in hand, and finished up with a credit of £3 3s 'Id. Mr. A. R. V. Lodder gave a ton of coal, and £3 3s given by another resident had been placed «> the credit of the library tund. The net proceeds of an entertainment organised by Mr. C. Watson (headmaster) and his staff amounted to £25 4s. The electric light had been installed in the school at a cost of £7 12s, and the buildings had been reyainted and repaired. Under the new Act the school would benefit to the extent of £20 a jear. and it wae not expected that there would be any serious trouble during the coming twelve months. The receipts amounted to £129 2« 7d, and the expenditure to £125 19s 3d. The report and balancesheet were adopted without discussion. A new committee was elected as follows: — Messrs. W. J. Lankshear. W. J. Thompson, C. J. Hill, T. L. Churchward, M. C. Crane, G. E. Brown (reelected), H. R. Power, J. o'Kane, and G. Remington. At a meeting of tho new committee Messrs. Churchward and Crane were re-elected chairman and secretary respectively. t.I,YDE-QUAY. At Clyde-quay the chair was taken by Mr. D. Robertson. The Teport stated that the work of the school had been carried on in an efficient and satisfactory manner, due to the untiring energy of the headmaster and hie staff. Acting on § «Bolu£xcm passed at the lost meeting of

householders, in reference to a reduction of the capitation allowance, a deputation from the City Schools Committees Jiau waited on the board. In the matter of education and sport the school was welt to the fore, as in previous years. One of the scholars had. obtained a scholarship, the school had secured second place in the inter-schools cricket competitions, and the swimming trophy had been again won by the school. The commit/tee congratulated tho headmaster, Mr. W. T. Grundy, iipon his appointment as actinginspector during the absence on leave of one of the board's inspectors. The report was adopted. A very satisfactory report from the headmaster of the school was also read, which stated that thfe number on tho roll is 706, and the average attendance for the year ending 3Lst March, 635. There was a considerablt increase in the average attendance for the last quarter, which was 655. The following committee was elected : Messrs. D. Robertson, J. W. Fossette, T. Forsyth, W. B. Strong, W. M'Donakl, Jae. 'Mitchell, J. G. Duthie, J. R. Burley, and. W. J. Gaudin. ROSENEATH. [ \The report from this school stated tnat tho average attendance for the year was 141 out of an average number on the roll of 161. The matter of finishing off the school ground was under consideration for some time, and it was eventually d<Jcided to finish the work at a cost of £30. Twenty pounds of this amount had been paid, and during a recent stcrm the work nad been destroyed. The committee appealed to the Education_ Board for assistance, and the board decided to fix matters up. The following committee was elected: Chairman, Mr. J. Smith ; secretary, Mr. A. E. Khull; Mrs. A. Low, Messrs. H. M. Morrison, W. Brook-Taylor, W. J. Belyt-r, and W. H. M. Stevens. MARANUI. Over sixty householders attended the meeting at Maranui. The report stated that during the year the committee wiped off debts amounting to £30 by means of "socials," and £300 was collected, a great deal of which had been spent in. improving the school property. There is a balance in hand of £52 14t>. The election of the committee for tho coming year resulted as follows : messrs. J. Matthews, T. Fathers, W. Millar, F. Just, J. Gellatly (chairman), ,W. S. Bedford, D. Carman, and W. S. Brace (secretary). KAIWARRA. There was a very large attendance at the Kaiwarra moetingj and twenty-one nominations were received for committeemen. The ballot resulted in tho election of Messrs. R. E. Flaws (chairman), Mr. \V. H. Bow-Jen (secretary), A. Wison (treasurer), W. J. Bowden, J. W. Carrick, L. Dixon, and W. Harris. It was decided to write to the Gas Company and City Council regarding terms for the installation of light for the school. ISLAND BAY., Six nominations only were received for the Island Bay Committee : — Messrs. W.. Rose (chairman), W. H. Pott (secretary), J. Mills, J. Osborne, J. Condor, and Mrs. T. A. Millar. The other three members required to complete the committee will be elected' later. The balance-sheet showed a Jebit of £20. MITCHELLTOWN. Mr. C. D. Robertson presided. The past year -at this school had been a satisfactory one, both as regards attend' anea and the work carried out by tba committee. Tho sum of £68 '18s 6d had been spent on improving the play^ ground. The committee pointed out that it would be unable to make ends meet on the subsidy received from the board. The programme of works sub. mittec l U> the board was estimated to cost £100, and the board, attar consideration, forwarded £10 106. Tho board is to be asked to make provision for increased shelter sheds. The new committee consists of Messrs. ■ A. C. S. French, C. D. Robertson, H. D. M'Carthy, D. M. Andrews (re-elected), W. H. Hampton, and W. Warner. MrRobetoson was elected chairman and Mr. Andrews secretary. WADESTOWN. At the Wadestown meeting, presided over by Mr. ]£.' Wiffin, there were only about a dozen householders present, an election meeting in another building adversely affecting the attendance. The report stated that the roll number of the scholars had reached 160, of whom 151 were present at the annual examination. Inspector Bakewell had reported favourably on the condition and discipline of the school, which he considered reflected credit on the teachers, especially the preparatory staff. Deputations had waited on the Education Board and the member for the district (Mr. J. P. Luke, M.P.) to point out the urgent need for better school accommodation, the present building being old am 1 badly lighted. It was hoped the new committee would be successful in getting an up-to-date school erected on a better site. The year's receipts totalled £74 15s 4d, and there was a credit balance of £14' 16s Id. The re port and balance-sheet were adopted. Votes of thanks were passed to the Headmaster (Mr. C. R. Ooplin) and his assistants for their efficient work, and to the retiring committee. The following committee was appointed :— Messrs. E. Wiffiu (chairman), Flight, Woods, Swift, Ross, (secretary), Gayson, and ISeely, j KARORL Mr. F. J. Liesdngton presided at Karon. On the motion of the Rev. J. R. Clark, the following motion was carried by acclamation: -"That this meet-! ing desires to place :>n, record <t& great appreciation of the work done by the headmaster (Mr. Bennett) and his staff in the conduct of the school during the past year." The committee elected for the ensuing year is as follows:— Rev. J. R. Clark (chairman), Messre. E. Sunley (secretary), J. A. Frost, D. Burn W. H. Nimmo, G. J. Eagle, E. J. Standen, A. Halliday, and James Smith. KILBIRNIE. Mr. J. W. Callaghan presided at Kilbirme, and, in moving the adoption of the committee's report, said that the result of two concerts organised for the purpose of raising funds for the annual picnic and for the completion of the rifle range .resulted in £60 being raised. The committee had arranged the lease of a quarter acre section on the Town Belt for the erection of a rifle range. Improvements to the playing ground and the installing of drainage had been made at a cofit of £250. The mncb-needed alteration and extension to the school was now in progress. The headmaster (Mr. Worboys) reported in average increase of 80, and said they would be entitled to an additional master when the alterations were finished. One scholarship had been secured, and the tennis club was successful in winning the championship for the third time. Messrs. W Pryor, A. G. Wallace (chairman), J. Cheeseman, A. Giblin (secretary), F. Martin, A. Pemn, A. T. BaHlie. J. Lewis, and J. Bettany were elected as a committee. BROOKLYN. Mr. H. J. Willis, chairman of tne committee, presided at Brooklyn. The balance-sheet showed a credit balance of £15 16s Bd. It was resolved that some scheme be arranged in the case of teach■era calling in the services of a doctor, in ease of accident, that they be relieved from any responsibility with xeg aid to [ iteM. It wa» also xeeolved that a depu-

tation should wait on the City Council re forming swimming baths for Brooklyn. The election resulted as follows : — Messrs. C. H. Baker (chairman), H. M'Keown (secretary), J. A. Short, 0. B. Almao, W. A. Drury, T. J. Mulcahy, E. Hendricksen, J. W. Burwood, and A. Smith. On behalf of the outgoing committee, Mr. Willis presented Mr. H. R. Vile with a case of pipee in recognition of the very able services rendered to the committee. NORTHLAND. The report at this school stated that there had been a high percentage of passes, bringing increaised capitation. There is a credit balance of £4 10s Id. A resolution was carried to the effect that a change is desirable in the procedure of the election of. school boards throughout New Zealand, and that new boards should be formed to embrace the whole of our educational system — primary schools, secondary schools, and universities ; these boards to be elected by direct vote of the parents who send children to school ; the board to include representatives from the masters and professors. The resolution is to be forwarded to tho Education Board foe transmission to the Minister of Education. The following were elected as the committee : — Messrs. G. Gapes (chairman), J. Donaldson, W. Gortley (secretary), J. Bowcock, G. Eaton, A. S. Needham, and A. H. Wickens. MURITAI. There was a large meeting of householders at MuTitai last evening. Mr. J. P.* Kelly presided. The report showed a satisfactory state of finances, and school buildings and equipment were well up to date. The conduct of the school by the teaching staff had been highly satisfactory, as evidenced by the inspector's reports. Tho number of children on the roll at 31st March was 73, average attendance 57. The coinjnittee began office- with, a credit balance of £10 10s lid, and the balance of receipts over expenditure on general account alone had increased this credit to £17 9s 4d. Surpluses in hand :: — • School picnic, £3 8s 3d ; concerts, £14 14s; total, £18 2s 4d ; grand total to credit, £35 11s Bd. Of this £17 9s 4d is available only for school purposes, and £18 2s 4d is available for special purposes. Out of the latter amount a treadle sewing machine had been purchased for instructional purposes. Thanks were accorded tue Ferry Company, Mr. Zohrab, Mr. Sanson (head master), and ' Miss Haslam (mistress). The committee was re-elected as follows : — Messrs. J. P. Kelly (chairman), Chitty (secretary), R. L. Button, W. Hobbs, S. G. Ross, J. D. Avery, F. Wills. A vote of thanks was accorded the committee. PETONE MAIN. The meeting of householders of the Petone Main School was very largely attended. Indeed it would be difficult to find a public meeting in which more interest is taken locally. Mr. D. M'Kenzie, chairman of the retiring committee, presided. The annual report and balance-sheet disclosed a substantial credit balance, and, generally speaking, a highly satisfactory state of affairs. Interest iv the election ran high, and during the rather long interval entailed by the counting of votes a programme of musical items was rendered. Therewere seventeen candidates, and the nine elected were as follow : — W. C. Burd 181 votes, D. M'Kenaie 174, W. Cox 10b, J. Abrahall 105, W. Hill 103, W. H. Hewson 101, Rev. A. Thomson 96, R. Kirk 93, A. H. Medhursi, 93. For the ensuing year ' Mr. D. M'Kenzie has been re-elected chairman and Mr. W. C. Burd secretary. HUTT DISTRICT HIGH. Thero was an attendance of about fifty at this meeting, and considerable interest was taken in the proceedings. A .short discussion on the Bible-in-schools is mentioned elsewhere in this issue. The committee was elected as follows — Messrs. H. Baldwin (chairman), T. L. Barker (secretary), Harman, Stoupe, Webly, Palmer, M'lllvride, Anson, and Holman. OTHER ELECTIONS. The following are the results of other elections in this district : — Johnsonville. — Messrs. G. T. Hall (chairman), F. T. Moore (secijetary), Revs. Petrie and Perryman, Messrs. A. Mills, W. 0. Cooki J. J. Eason, G. E. Manson, and F. T. O'Neill. Taita. — Messrs. M. Welch (chairman), Cleland (secretary), Cottle, Kilminster, Mabey, August, Evans. Epuiii.— Messrs. England (chairman), Howard, Stewart, Pilcher, Ward, Burn (secretary), and Swain. Petone West. — Messrs. Castle (chairman), Cotton, Maynard, Johnson, Lebezett, Parker, Shardlow, Morris, and Rev. A. Seamer. Pahiatua. — Mr. J. D. Wilson (chairman), Rev. Speer, Messrs. J. J. Boagey, O. Johnson, J. A. Walsh, G. A. Bengens, P. T. Kewatt, J, IT. Fox, and C. E. Clifton. Masterton. — Messrs. R. Brown (chairman), A. W. Chapman, A. Hendry, W. C. Perry, E. H. Waddington, T. J. Thompson, J. L. Hughes, E. Pragnell. and G. Hyde. Lansdowne. — Messrs. E. Hale (chairman), J. E. Perry, E. Welch, D. A. Pickering, A. J. Cooper, A. Jackson, and F. P. Welch. Mauriceville East. — Messrs. G. Braggins (chairman), W. Palmer, J. Goodgame, H. Hopley, C. Jensen, W. Martin, and C. Brooks (secretary). Opaki. — Messrs. Pierce Cotter (chairman), A. J. Stone-Wigg, R. Perry, J. Bourke, W. Henson, W. Mowbray, and T. Cooper. Miki Miki. — Messrs. E. W. Payton (chairman), W. Tankersley, A. Reader, A. Searle, J. Nicholson, E. Johnsen, and H. Dakin. Taueru. — Messrs. G. R. Garatt (chairman), W. E. Chunn (secretary), W. B. Ingram, J. P. Leader, J. F. M Rae, M. M'Kenzie, and H. Barton. Greytown. — Messrs. Beard (chairman), Walden (treasurer), Humphries, M. Maxton, Tate, Brunton, Henry Fisher, Shan ley, and W. S. Maxton (secretary]. Normandale. — R. B. Bell (chairman), J. Harris (secretary), H. Adams, W. Barnes, J. Doyle. NO COMMITTEE AT ASHHDRST. Our Palmerston North correspondent telegraphs that as a protest against the treatment by the Wanganui Education Board, no committee was elected at Ashhurst last night. A resolution was passed protesting to the Wanganui Education Board against the inadequate amount granted to the committee for the carrying out of ordinary necessaries 2 and that the unpaid account for last year be forwarded to the board with a request that it pay th© same. Under the circumstances no one would accept office on the committee.

LIFE'S LITTLE THINGS. i If you were able to live just right all the time there would be little need for medicine, less need for doctors. But some little thing is constantly coming along to put us out of balance — exposure, change of diet or drinking water, irregular meals are little things that will at times upset the best of us. Nothing particular the matter, but we don't feel good. At such times the wise | among us will take a 'few doses o,f Chamberlain's Tablets with, certain knowledge that they will put us right, right away. — Advt. tfar Bronchial Cough* t*k» Wood*' Great Peppermint .Our*. Is 6d tied 2t 6d.— Adn..;

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 96, 25 April 1911, Page 3

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SCHOOL COMMITTEES. ANNUAL ELECTIONS. Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 96, 25 April 1911, Page 3

SCHOOL COMMITTEES. ANNUAL ELECTIONS. Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 96, 25 April 1911, Page 3


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