♦ PORT OF WELLINGTON. PHASES OF THE 3IOON FOR JULY. (Calculated for New Zealand Mean Time.) D. H. M. last quarter ...... 3 £ "J i.m New moon .. .. H 2 47 x.oi. First quarter _. _ — !=» 9 « '"• Full moon .... 25 4 0 p.m. HIGH WATER. To-day— lOh 54m a.m.; llh 15m p.m. To-morrow— llh Mm a.m. ; Ob p.m. SUN. lets to-day— 4h 43m p.m. jtioea to-morrow— 7h lam a.m. ; sets 4h 44m p.m. ABRIVALS. July 18— Manaroa, s.e. (7 p.m.), 122 tons, All>nan, from the Grove. July 18— Taviuni, e.s. (10.S0 p.m.). 146 a tons, late, from Westport. July 19— Penguin, e.s. (.2.30 a.m.), 824 tons, attwa'rt, fmm Nelson wid Pictan. Passengers : Baloon— Missta ■Newboly, Storey (2), Chaitcrs, BordoD, Crathere, Jlartui, Kitchener, O'Connor, Ham, H'-ggins, O'S'.illhau, Speed, Greenfield, Bridge, Flood* OlNeill, Watson, Ball, Meacham, Harrison, Fhilps Goulter, Mendnw*, Membcry, Meadame4 Carter, Simpsun, Kingston and two Bhi)drca, Bedell , child, Elliott, Martin, Hobbs and child. Weioh, Evane, Lyell, Satherler, Ward, Duncan, Sootfc and child, Martin, VniJps, Isaac, Goulter,, Synit3, C.irrick, M'leaac, Colonel Davis ' and orderly, Lieut. Ohesney, Jlesrn-. Ibaw. Forrest, Clark, ftdgecombe, Levicn, Talbot, Batten Bedell, Cbnpninn. Wright, Admore EH/ 'Weßb,'" Barker; Chaytor, Gunn, Scale, GalSsray, Fantham, Aulers, Smith, Calder, Gurtayne Uaftin, Eggeis, Drogemuller, Richardson, Bird. Wateon, Craig, Stevenson, -Parton?,- Rodd, Hall, Olemo, Churtoa, Leslie, .Higgles (2), M'Gee, Ichwaas, -Dalv, Boddinfttoii. ftutherlcrd, James. )uncan, Strafford. Barry, Fuller, Bary and child Junfcr, Bone, Miller,- Rene, Gordon, NiTcn, ito«9«4 M'lntosU, W'Kenzie, Scott, Greenfield, liddlemus, VaTasour,- Dillon, Livingston, M Lean Goodall, Sdiwrss, M'Xialay, Young, Fletcher, Waiiams, Livingston, Kergan, Taylor, Lands BttffeyrM steerage. <-■• - ..Jnly,.J9-,Roto;tl, ,«*., (2.36, a.m.), 1159 tons, 1. Holford, from Onehunga ami New Plymouth, passengers: Saloon— >lw. Hamilton and child, Messrs. Ktaff.and. Ishestcr; 6 etesrage. , July l&-HuiaT « J- (5.5 a.m.). 127 "tons, DoTvell, Irom WanganuU " • JUV 19-Jlar.aroa, e.j. (6.15 a.m.), 25?8 tons, Manning, from ' Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— illsses Harrop, Horrell, .Turnbull. Jenkins, Hoby, KUjk IZi, 9<snett, M'Ltnnan, Jones, Burkley, rhirkelU Kurse Hart. Mesdames Lfader, Fftrgar, Alcxandir, Geifei*, Pearce. Jenkins and Z children. King, Drisdoll- and 3 children, M'Grath, Nicholl, .and .2. .childieji, Bcpnett and 2 sons, favlor and infant, Bfiwril, AdiViMn, Barry, Dr. li^mgcf Sir Geo: Ol!ffo«f, Me«r9. Lucas, Tin: dill Beauchamp. JlaraHrtll, Smith, Kerr, Hartwan",- Bun-* -Field* Beitham, .HQfsley, Lees, Dunn: Leader, M'Qill, Piper, Bojcj, Alexander Kaswell, Ebbef ts, Dargir. Peorce, Bell. Jenkins Kicholls. TofhiU, ttins. Driscoll. M'Gt«th, Matthews, Martai, Kemp, Duncan,, King, Dick, Bueli, NichoU. Seager, lu-aetzer, Phillips, Taylor, Butiertrorih, Jones. M'Guiniie'js, Simpson. Harding, Hampstead, Edmonds, it' Commons, Robertson, Wilk*. Barry,' Robsnrr. M'HUlan, Quane, Erano J2). Brown, Crrsswcll, Sictirt'.b; 63 steerage. July 19— Defender, e.s. (ft.X a.m.), 130 tons, Jtmieaon, ' f rom Grcymoutli. • JMy 19— Pdtohe, ». (7J5 a.m.), 708 tone. Christian,, from Greyrcmith. Jumlv 19^-Rob Rny, «.;. (BJS a.a.), 95 ton-, Worth, "frdto 1 Puponjfa. • July 18r-Z«alandJ»; 5.%. (11 s.m.\ 2771 tons, Entwifilo, fjiom Sydney, Juciland. Gisborce, iind Kapier. Passengers' : Stlooii— W*-xa Packei. Hood, Buttle, ' Cress, Mcwliiptts Bnwon and child, Hortnn nnU b-">v, Wilocx and child, Brigadier' Albiston, Mtcn^. Bnwen, Turrell, Kc^ney, Jlborehqusc, Hobbi, Kolton, AVatcrhoitEe; 4 etcc^^c. July 19— Aramira. s-a., III.ZO, 1536 tons, Lomberfe, from. West C^Mt and Kelson. Paseenjers:, Saloon— M'sses- Chahnfr, Dnwling, Wright, Lake, Mesdamea Beard and 3 ch;ldren,"Shenrin. Jackson, Jamic*»h. T»ir«^ilt,' Aktriftcln. Mw^rs Brrmford, Holford. Atfcim>i». Miller, Tomkieo, Hatch. Bannon, Fugarty, Tetric. Goodall, Jack»on, Curtis, Catnerpn. Doric, Hardlr, Grange, Tacon. -Henry.' RvwseM. Tttmr-ull. Pa»3cy, Jenkins, Barkef/Carter, M'Kay; 30 «teer»se. . dkpahti'r'es., . July IB— Tasmatu «. (4.20 p.m.), 179 tons. Cox, "for Nehon and MoturVn. July 18-iAorere-, fa (5.20 p.m.), 77 ton 3, Fisk.'for Patta. July 18— WArcrtey, s.». (6.15 p.m.),, 157 tons, Wildman. for Ncl»-.n and V?c*t Coast. July 18— Kiripaka;'*^ (6-25. P-ns.). 133 tote, Corbv, for Fatta. July 18— Cnrinna, **. p.m.), 1271 tons. n«r*on. for Tiroaru.and fluncdin. Jiilv 18— Rntomahana, c*. (8.10 p.m.), 1777 loria, "CollTns, for LHteltoh. PasaengCTß : Salnon — MiasM W. Glen, Pardoe, Wsghorn, Ga. # .-ot, Phelong, Sc)lom»n, Ecattie, Utqdanieo Drake, Cullen.- Bertie, Hon. BcweJi, Rtv. Jo«<rtian." Rsv. J. O. M-irtin, Jfcsrs. Mien, M.H.R.. Everlss, Ebder, OaUen," Sullivan, TSoel, Grant, W. Grant, J; Stevenson, Vincent. ,Mann, Oamphell, Lock, J. Stevens. Crll, Barker. Mitchell, barber, *-. J. Shone. Clarke, Heath, Promyslav. ' July 18— Sl'nwero. s.f. (9.40 p.m.), 3393 tons, Newton, for SaDicr, Gisborne, Auckland, and Bvdneyj July 18— Wnrrimoo, s.s.' (10 p.m.), 3529 tons, Macbeth, for LytteHon/Bunedin. Bluff, Hohart, aod Melbourne! Passongera : Saloon— Fir Lyttelton—Miae Oibnrue, Me^damcs Ofboine, Miller, James, Murray, M'ller. E. O. Monldey, Cameron. For Diinerlfti-MU»? Mailli'ws, HcWamrt Collman, R. Hud-wn end rhild. Lindsay, Captain Lindsay. For Bluff— ?Jict Jachstn, Mre. Jaoobsen. For Hob.iri — 3fr. and^trs. Cecil Jones, Mr. A. Kcrr. For Jtclhournr— jn« St'jbns, Me«dKmes M'Hcr «nd c'lild. Woollan, Drfller Kn'gg, . Me»«rs., Driller, Woollan. July 19— Blenheim, ea ,(5 a.m.), 120 tote, Wttaon, (or Blenheim. expected Arrivals. Queen of the South, Foxton, 19th / Waihi, Blenheim, 19th -Rosamond, Ureymouth, 19th Maheno, Melbourne. Hobart, South, 20th Tasman, MotueVa, 20th Kiripaka, Patea, 20th Bltnheim, Blenheim, 20th Aorert Patea, 20th Penguin, Seisin nftd Plqton, 20th Rotomanarla, L.rttelton. 20ih Sijhraroa, Lytteltpn, 21st , Waikare, Dunedin an'l Lyttelton-, 21«t Ma'pourika, "VTe&t Coast dnd Xclson, 21st Ennerdale, Fl'.hdera'Ba.v, 21st Alexander Wmifjanui, 22nd Talune, Auckland, Gwborne, Napier, 23rd Moeraii, Sydney, 24th " Ocean going Steamers. Indian Monarch, left New York ISth May Tia Australian ports and Auckland ; due about the 50th July. Gowsnburn, left New York 12th May via Australian purt* and Auckland; due about 30th July. ' Kuniira, left London 6th Ju.ic via Auckland ; due about lOlli JiUy. Papanui. left London Jstlr June via. Capetown «nd pobart';"' due about 3rd August. Indralema, left London 13th May via Australian ports, ■AucUland, and Napier; due about ,sth Auguft. Drayton Grange, left Liverpool -l«t June, via Australian ports and Auckland; due about the 10th August. Athenlc, left Plymouth" 29th June, via Capetown and Hobart , due about 13th August. Marere, left London sth June via Australian port*, Auckland, and Napier; due about the 75th August. ' Buoentaur, left Vancouver I4th July via Suw and Auckland ; due 19th August. Stat if 'Soolland, left London 19th June, via Australian. poit.i and AurlclAnd : due about the 27th August. > TursKina, left London 12th July via Capetown ant} Hobart;' due'abduf 27th August. Hampton, left Sew York 16th June via Ann. tralian port* and Auckland ; due about the 30th August. Karamea, left London 3rd July, via. Port Chalmenr and -Lyttelton; due 30th August. , Indtaghlri, .Ult Jfe»V Tork 22nd June via Australian ports and Auokland; due about the' 3td September.' Katuna, left New York 11th June via Aus. tralian- ports and Auckland;, due about the 9th Setlcnrtfr. ■tfatantif; left'-Loritfoh SOtlf June, via Durban and-Aackinnd; -due nbmit 12th September. -Ki«h) leR- S€^f Yor.k Bth Jnly via Australian port* qnd Auckland; tlur 28th September. Devon, left Liverpool 29th June via. Capetown , due about 2nd October. J3u*sex, left Glasgow 39th June via Capetown and. Hobart.;- . due .abottt 2nd October. Terawhiti, left Leith 6th June, via Colombo. Soiling V««mls. Obero.n,,Utt Uvferpool r ,l2th June. -- " PROJECTED DEPARTURES. „ , SJealancJia, ,LstteJ>fln, ftj>^ P.untdln,.,l9th Mararoa, LytteUon, 10tii . ■Kapiti, P.itta, 19lh ■ ' fiahn. Ka^'er and Gisborne, -via. coast, 19th , Blenheim. Blenheim, 19th Stormbird, Wanganui, 19th ' fluia, Wanganul, 19th ■ ' Manaroa r lne> Grove, 19th ■ Petone ( Greymoutli. 19th Uahcno, Svaney, 20th Arahi(r«;Pictrtn, Keteo'n., West Coast, 20th ■Rob. Soy, Picton and Havdock, 20th Wakatu, LytteUon via. coait, 20th W.aihi, Blenhejm, 20th Defender', Grermou'th arid Hokltika, 20th Ttrraan,' Motucka. 20lh EiripEka, Patea, 20th Botomahana, Lvt^cltnn, 20th Queen of the South, Foxton, 20th ' Rdtoiti, Nelson, New Plymouth, and One fcung3,"2l*t Waikare, Kapler, Gisborne, Auckland, 22nd Pengu'n, Picton and Kelson, 22nd Alexander, Nelson and West Coast, 22nd Aorere, Paten, 22nd Talune, Lyttelton and Dunedin, 23rd Hapourika, Nelson and West Coast, 23rd
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Evening Post, Volume LXXIV, Issue 17, 19 July 1907, Page 4
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1,233SHIPPING. Evening Post, Volume LXXIV, Issue 17, 19 July 1907, Page 4
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