HIOH WATER. To-day*-2h 5m a.m.; 2h 35m p.m. To-morrow —2h 58m a.m.; 3h 30m p.m. St'S. Beta to-day—6h 12m Bieos to-morrow —sh a.m.; seta on lorn p.m. AURIY4LS. October 16—Blenheim, 63, 180 tons, Clnrk, from Picton. „ _ , October 16—Echo, ecow, S3 .tons, Seeley, from Karamea. ' ' October 16—Poherua, es, 1175 ton*, Lindsay, from Southern ports. October 16—Rotomabana, es, 17T7 tons, Collins, from Lyfctelton. Passengers: Saloon— Hisses Crquhart, M'Connell, Black, M'Oormish, Sister Annie, Mesdames M'Lcati, Gallaghan, llander, Heich, Silas, Bird, Atkins,, WiUifuas, Duuoan, Jlenzies, M'Cutoheon, Paton, M'Oowan, Gow, Chillis, Hon. Geo. M'Lean, Hon. Sterera,, Meseto. Grogan, Morrison, Pe*e*», Graham, Heroin, Roberts, Callignan, Jlander, Oreuwine.. Uratibart. Williams, Venn. M«ns«, Foster, Andrews, »»ton, Tivirfl, Kins, Sterna, Vomaxe, Beoalpj, Thomson, Russell, M Donald, H'CJowan, Ctm«»n, Spring, Witty, Overton, Obampdonc, Breorford, Henry, Best, Alloo, 6o\r, Dave, O'Xeill. FlareU, Moore, Boag, Arlow, Wnitehead, Williams, Graham, Ohallia, EaU Stewart, Laycock, Walker, STPhcrson, M.H.R.. Buddo, M.H.R., M'Kenzie, M.H.R., Flit man, M.H.R. and Hon. O. O. Bowen ; 40 steerage. > October 16—Tulune, ~bs, 2087 tons, Berncch, ft-om Ancldacd, Gisbcme, and Napier. Pas* «grjgere: Saloon—Mesfiames Riid, Batten and •jro children, Mtssro. Smith, RccS) Trewby: 7 steerage. October 16—Tasraan, «s, 179 tons, Watson, trom MotueUa. , October 16—Himitangi, 6S, 323 tons, Manley, from East Coast. October 15—Alexander, bs, 377 too», Wildmao, {com New Plymouth. DEPARTDHEB. , October 15—Oxetij s», 215 tons, Poirellj Jor WmcKnuJ. ' October 15—Qiieeji of tho South, bs, 198 ions, Harrey, lor Tocrton. October 16 —Aorere, «, 77 tons, Fisk, lor October 16—Waihi, as, 93 tons, Carey, for Blenheim. N ' EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Penguin, Nelson and Picton, 16th Maniroa, Motuelca, 16th W*tatu, Lyttelton via coast, 16th Opawa, Blenheim, 16th Moeraki, Sydney, 17th Talitpurot, Ooehunga and Jfew Plymouth, 17th Mararoa, Lyteelton, 17th Hula, Wangauui, 17th Mana, Patea, 17th ' Queen of the South, Foston, 17th Oorinna, Southern, ports, 17fch Arahura, West Oo^st, Nelson, Picton, 18th Waimite, Timaru, lfith Victoria, Dunedin and Lyttelton, 18th Rotoiti, Onehunga and New Plymouth, 19th Mokoii, Sydney, Auckland, Giaborne, and Napier, 19th ■Wimmera, Melbourne, Hobart, South, 20th Occtn-gotnr Strameri Star of Now Zealand, left Liverpool 19th Auguit, vi* Auckland; due about the 16th October. ■Suffolk, left Liverpool 18th August, via Auckland; due about 18th October. Pakeha, left London 4th August via AuclcItnd; due about 19th October. Banffsnlre, from Durban, via Australian ports; due about 21st October. Tnrikina, left Plymouth Bth September, via Cbpetorrn and Hobart; duo about the 23rd October. Rtpptagnam Grange, left UiddleEborough 11th Auirot; due about 25th October. Oonrtflcia, left Kew York sth August via' Australian ports and AucVland; due about 26th October. InSradevi, Jeft London 23rd August via Austrsliin ports, Auckland, md S"ap;cr; due about 30th October. Bakaia, left London Bth September, via CSrpe&nrn, Hoburt, and Auckland; due about 3rd November. Wimbledon, left New Torfc 25th August, via Audklantl; due about 6th November. Athenic, left Plymouth 22nd September, Tia Capetown and Hobart; due about Bth November. Delphic, left London 13th September via Auckland; due about 10th November. Oomo> left New York 16th September, via Australian ports and Auckland; due about 18Eh Novetnoer. Dorset, left Liverpool 15th September, via Australian ports and Auckland; due about 2O£h NoTcatoer. Panama, left Plymouth 6th October, via •apeterwn and Hobart; due about the 24th Kavnnßer. Sussex, left Liverpool sth October, via Auckland; dua about Ist December. Pendo, left Vancouver 23rd September, via Lyttclfcon and Port Chalmers. SriltOß Veuela. Apollo, left Liverpool 20th September. Helen Denny, left Newcastle 11th October. WooUahra, left Newcastle 13th October. PRi.iJECTKii 'OETARTITRES. P«jierua, Westport and Greymouth, 16th Talune, Lytte'ton end Cuncjm, 16th VapeurSra, Nelson and Wcßt Coast, 16th lonie, I/rtkeften, 16th QoWmahana, tiytrelfctm, 16th Bltmbeim, Picton, 16* Xaaman, Nelson and Motncka, 16th Paicova, Greyamrth, 16th Alexander. Kelson and West Coast, 16th Opava, Blenheim, 16th Poimki, Greynroutfc, 16th tfckapnna, New Plymouth and Onehunga, 17th Pacruin, Pjcton and Nelson, 17th HtMni, Lyttett.n, 17!h Qmtoa at the Smith, Foxton, 17th Waiki, Blenheim, 17th Hcia, Wanganm, 17th Xasaroa, Rovd»«k and Sounds, 17th Mana, Patea, IWh ' Takatu, Lytttlton via 'coast, 17th . Humors, London, lfth M»eraki, S;mth, Hofoart, Melbourne, 18th C«rmna, Kcw Plvnwttth and Onehunga, 18th Tietaria, Napier, Girtoxne, Auckland, and gytfaer, ISth "StormWrd. W«n?anui. 18th A«rerc, Patea, 28th Kshu, Napier and East Coast, 18th Mokoia, trttclton and Dunedin, 19th Aymenc, Auclcland., 19th Arahara, Pictrn, Nelson, West Coast, 20th Wimmera, Sydney, 20th i
STDKET, 15th October. •Iho Sierra called at 2.10 p.m. to-day for tan Fracciscj, via Auckland. AUCKLAND, 15th October. Sailed—Manuka (H P-m.), for Sydney; Colonca. ship, for Newcastle; Vigcland, barque, for New Yorls. 16th October. Arrived—Hauroto (10. ».m.~), Itom Siji. •. Sailed—Suffolk (6, for Wellington. Sailed—Mokoio, tor South. Paaenger3 for Wellington—Mrs. Wilsen and party; Dr. Mill, Kcesrs. Bradford, Dalzlcl, Dcrenzi, Beamish.. ONEHCXGA, lfth October. Siiled^-Takapcna (6.35 p-m.), for Kew Ply- j couth and Wellington. Passfflyers — Hiss Enenson, Mesdames Kachau, Rnut and two children, Messrs. Boat, Part, Peak, Tacon, Salmond, Hyams, Sborland, Hi>sinbsttom, Kay «nd DoTTsett. 16U> October, Saflcd—Rarawa, for New Plymouth. Pessenear*—Misacs Brett, Holmes, Bewraann, Dewc, Oxley (2), Mesdamca Robinson, Hutdhtngo, Utasrs. Robinson, Leicester, Greiner, Somerrille, Lloyd, jrOlaehan, Trree, R-utherford. NAFIBtt, 16th October. Arrived—Tarawera (10/0 a.m.), from Wellington. NEW PLTMOUTH, lStb October. Sailed—Alexander (6.30 p.m.). for Wellington; flararra (8.30 p.m.), ior One'navcs. 16th October. Arrived—^Takapuna (4 a.m.), from Onehunga. WANOANUI, 16th Octoboiv Arrived—Huia (7.85 a.m.), from Wellington. PATEA, 16th October. Arrived—Mana. (8 a.m.), from Wcllinj^on. PICTON, lßih October. Arrived—Penguin (5.10 p.m.), from Welling ton. Sailed—Penguin (7.30 p.m.), for KeUon. BLE!«kEIM, 16th October. Opawa returned to wharf at 6.J0 a.m.; Unable to crcei bar outwards. KELSON, 16tb October. Arrived—Penguin (2.15 a.m.), from Picton. Bailed—Penguin (7.10 a.m.), for Picton. LYTTELTOS, 16th October. Arrived/—Miraroa (8.20 a.m.), from Wellington To eail—Corinna. (4 p.m.), for Wellington. Ttt sail—Mararoa (6.15 p.m.), for Wellington BLCFF, 18th October. Arrived—Wimmera (5.5 p.m.), from Melbourne ■md Hobart. PflS9engpr<i for, Wellington— Mi«os Ogilvic, Lynch, Mcsdamc* Morrison, flwan, Hardakcr, "Cook, Slc«r3. M3*oa (3)i Armstrong, Batcman, Broadstrect, Fagan, and Began.
The Union Company's uteanftr Hauroto, due at Auckland from Fiji to-day, i» bringing ihe fallowing cargo:—ror Auckland: 8600 bunche* bnnana» and 132 tons cose fruit. For Wellington: 24E0 bunches bananas and 438 lona taee fruit. For Lyttelton and Dunedin: 358 tons ease tm'it. Oapta^li Gcu. Hoi ford, of the Tasu\puna, has been transferred to the Tnviuni, ou* hjf place hM been taken temporarily by Captain S. QoJiofd, Oapl-ain Bloom, of the echooner Lily, is tt present 6n leave, and lii« place has been takf-n by Captain Watchlia. Mr. T. Carson, late third officer of the Wafkarc, has rcjlgncd from the Union Comftnr's icrvice. Mr. 3. Bincl\lr, cecond engineer ot the Wonata, has been transferred to the lame position on the Atua. Mr. Gordon, late seoend engineer, is now second, and Mr. B'ncs third of the Wanaka. Tiie Dnion Company tdrlfe that the Araliura left 'Westpert for the Qi«y it 7 O'clock last ia;rta!n LlnOuy, of the Poherua, reports tb«t wkea entering Welllngtsn harbour at 6.30 thl* m»rnlDe he pawed a «m«3l flat-bottomed Wat, painted salmon colour and tlie bottom Sleek, oft Barrett's reet Sbe boat w«
drifting to " eca. There was no one on board. Tho Tnliopuua, due from Onchunga and New Plymouth to-morrow morning, ia bringing 5000 boscs of butter for transhipment to the Kumara. Advice- received from Westport says the weather has changed for tho better to-day. Tho Waipori is to cail for Auckland at 8 to-night, the Kini for Wellington at 8 tomorrow morning, and the Kotuku for Nspier at 8 cm. to-morrow. the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Wftimate is not expected to arrive from Timaru until Thursday nojefc. The lotf.l agents of tho Shaw-Savill Company have received advice that tho Athenlo left Capetown on Saturday evening. The vefecl' is duo at Hobnrt on the Ist November, an* Wellington on the 6th November. Messrs. Levin and Co. draw attention to the coiling of the Kumara for London at daybreak on Thursday. All baggage mu3t be alongside the vessel by 2 p.m. to-morrow. Messrs. Levin and Co., agents for the Northern Compnny, advise thnt there will be no Steamer from New Plymouth for Onehunga •on the 19th, as tho Rarawa is preparing her boilers (or cleaning operations. The 6hij>~ Australia, is to be removed to the stream this afternoon, preparatory to sailing for Dunedin to discharge the balance of her cargo.
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Bibliographic details
Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 92, 16 October 1906, Page 4
Word Count
1,352BY TELEGRAPH SYDNEY, 15th October. Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 92, 16 October 1906, Page 4
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