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HEABMK'S BRONCHITIS CURE THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR v COUGH?, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AHD CONSUMPTION, HAS T \E LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. 4 Those who have taVen this medicir i are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, 'J[oaVßen;es« # Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience lelightful and immediate relief; aud to those who aro subject to Co ds on the Ch.*.t it is iuvaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is moat comforting in allayii 1 irritation in the threat aud giving strength to th© voice, and it neither allows c. Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption td develop. Consumption ' is never been known to exist where " Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should bo without itf as, taken at the beginning, a dose is gem- illy sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. , ... BEWARE OF C IWGHS I - that every «Jg^ o^ M^ o^^^ E SM^ioH to this rule. ■ROSrOHXTXS an* PX.BITBIBT. BKOMTCHITIB and ASTHMA. ARTHDCA. A Child Seven Months Old — A Suffer** ■ from 3Birth» A Severe Cas* Oared by Two Bottles of A Twelve Years' Caw with Bistxessinff Two Obstinats Ctise» Cured by Kearae'a Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. <*«**• M m , Sronchitla and Asthma Cute. cnwdDy aßottle of Heam.'S BronoMtlli Cuxed'byaeariae'Bßronoliitisand After other treatment had failed. ' Core. After other treatment had failed; Asthma Cure. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir— lt is with ' «,,„«. Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir— Pleane *end by post Iflutih thunltfultiees I write to let you know Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir— Kindly fo£ Mr. Henrnc, Chemist, Geelong. to Oopmanhurst a complete cnune of your that I have taken three bottles of your Bron- ward me a «mfiU bottle of your BrpnoluWi Dear Sir— Some months ago in Sydney, I valuable medioine, for-obstinate asthma. 'The chitis and Asthma Cure. I had pieriou«ly Cure a* soon ns possible, as I cannot «P«** suffered from a severe nttaok of influenza, aa" ] as t medioine you sent to me cured one ,man suffeied terribly from nstlrnm for about three above a whisper, owing to a cold. I had ft waa oonflned to my room for about a wttJi that had v distressing cough for twelve years, yeais, and had tried everything, and had ad- bottle from you t before for my «t«e '£«» nfc Hie end of whioh time, feeling somewhat Please find post office order enele&ed for pay- vice, but without avail. 1 had been for a when she was sever, months oM. bho Jim better, I got up • and tried to transact mi ment.— Yours thankfully, fortnight ' at a time without moving day or been suffering from bronohitii from Mr busineos as usual. Bst I get up too soon, fot WILLIAM' CANHAM, night out of ray chair, If I went to bed I birth, nnd now she 11 tnree years old, »no the very next day I had a relapse, anil Upper Oopmanhurgt, via Gisfton, N.S.W. was not able to lie down. We came to New "*» no* had a leturn of It since. it is » suffered 'tortures from what the doctor Wlrt r * r ;__ Zealand/ about thiee years ago from Tasmania, splendid medicine for bronclutil or cold! «!. me waa pkurisv and bronchitis. The pftan —„.._-..-—.. One of my unolts there suffered f ™ asthma ">y tort.— l remain, your* truly, from the former in my ohest nnd shoulders SRONCHITIB. f or a number of. yeais till he too. your cure «*•■ «*• BAM- «» b, was frightful, ■ and for Jong weeks I Van . — - about five years ago, and has never had the violet Town > *' e »°"«. confined tq my bed under the care of a well- > A Caxt*Brw*U Bealdent xxpraasec a6thma sinoe. f knew this, but It h»d known Sydney dootor, and all the time his Gratitude. passed ,out of ix»- mind until reading your ~ •nedioine'gave me but temporary relief. The- | Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir— Your Bronchitis advertisement ■ some Tasmaninn paper* _ __i«._Inndlady of the hotel (the Cleveland) wheie ou re has relieved my wife of a cough which brought it to my memory, I told my hus- *■ »*ven xeara uui, I resided, told me of a mrdioine— Hearne's followed on an attack of influenza. While band) and hfi got your cure for me, which . .. ■»■■_,.* __* w.*»«« Bronchitis Cure— from Victsria, which had i acknowledge that' all gsod comes from only I have taken with completely satisfactory re- Expectorating: sieoa ana >ami| cured her of a bad attack of bronti.itis and one source, ordinary gratitude bids me to of- cult. — Yours respectfully, Complctaly CUXOd. pains in the chest, and begged of me tt fer my earnest thanks to you, through whom W, M'COMBE, try it. I did so, and, in thanks anu this particular blessing has come. — I remain, ■ Mosgiel, New Zealand. Mr. W. G. Hearne. gratitude to you, tell you that, after the dew lir, yours very truly, ' ' Dear Sir.— Your medioine nil cured me or :ccond bottio, my oougli had ceased; but , GBO. 8. CALDWELt, ' bronchitis and asthma, from which I bad vhat is more astonishing, the 4 paitta from Camberwell, Viotorli. . XBG3TCKITIS. suffered for upwards of seven yearj, durinc pleurisy entirely left inc. and in about a wluoh period I wm scarcely ever free from week I waa nblc to attend to my duties, as CXBOKXC XROWCHITIS. A Sydney QenUenura is bo satisfied with coughs, and frequently the difficulty • oi breatn-u.uU-Yours Mt}.^ _ - Hearne . s Sroac M tlß that he %X)o f « Su Melbourne "Punch" Ofllce, Melbourne. S Bffcetive Cure. ' -•ndsasupjly.tol.Oßdon. acknowledgment from a sense of duty at Mr. Hear*e. Dear Sir-I hare used » Mr WG. Hearne. Dear Sir-I am in >" my «" "£g J 'ft^JS "U'tag SS? «o*chx«b. B^i&AK; ™i߀P3}%h\l^dd SU fo S avedh7H C a^ sß rouo M ti 6( y^"^'^,* SL^aT'SK STffi ££BJ LW V.Si if S^S"^^ A«erthec B ,eh C an;e tt ..We a .p.» , 328 L "SSJ*"? hav« o^£7 « p^^ mnny otheri.-YouM faithfully. • " by your own valuable preparation. My own ° c I we Snued the treatment, until TheMr. Hearne. Dear Sir.-We have- to thank THOS. OLIVER, experience, and that in connection With my " l ™ n ? Da .~ "!f q U ftV TeU -Touri lin. our bronchitis cure that we have one little Proprietor of "The Lilydale flxpress," two-year-old son, has been pre-eminently eatis- cam' M >■ am now ' I"" 1 " ioy spared to us, as we nearly lost him. Lilydale, Victoria. fantory. and I shall continue to highly re- oCTel >« fi WALKEB, BaUnaln, Bydntf. \tter doctors had given him up, we saw «\e commend it for both old and young, and I **• "*•""■•*» »»»«•««« »/»»•/ idvcrtisement for >our Bronchitis (Jure, and SEVERS CQTT&H. offer you thls letter should you deem it gave it a trial, with the ieeult above men- ' worth the usjng.-- Yquro . truly, tioned.-Youn faithfully, ->nti,letely Cured bK.Hoar»e'« Bronchitis m , HERBERT E WHITE, BROHCHITIB. (Mrs.) E. GRANT, !nre, after other treatments had failed. "Holmsdale," Bowral-Btrect, Kensington, Care Mr. Harrey, Baker, Chiltern, Victoria. Mt r w> Q _ Hearne , De ar Sir -Having Sydney, N.S.W. A Tery Ohstin&t* Cas*. Xiued yottr Bronchitis Cure with very speedy ifflTTl BSOVCBITIS Curod through persevering 1 in tllfe trMt> nn <.«»««. wn m - «.,v^w and good results for serere cough, and oold '""'" -■""*_«»"=• *•=>• , meat by Kearne's Bronchitis Cnre. <ra»tt4^»«W»nr. -JJ. „ U» *.vod, y HWs l^ Cure. fc Q h*™TW Si,* been From. Brisbane Wholesale Chemists. «aye used many cough medicines, and. can Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir. — I have much a sufferer from Bronchitis for a number of Unhesitatingly say that youis gave me the pleasure in stating that I have derived great yeais, and not being able to get relief from We often hear your Bronchitis Cure spokpi quickest relief, and I have not been troubled benefit from taking Hcarnc"s Bronchitis Ctue. Doctois, I started taking your Bronohitii Gnro well of. A" gentleman told us to-daj that he with the cough since. I have also given Oan confidently say it line savrd mv life, about two yours ago, and have been Ulcing it had given it to a child of his with most tto my little boy. aged 2 ye*rs, with equally I was a martyr to Acute Bronchitis "before on and off ever sinoe. lam happy to tell remaikable result, tho child being quite cured tood rcsnltß, and naw recommend it to my taking it. I trust this letter will induce you that I now feel thoroughly cured, «** in three doies.— We are. faithfully youn, 'riends. Wishing, you every RuccfSß.— l am, others to try it.— Yonre tiuly, 1 can bear testimony to its worth.— l am, THOSASON, CHATER. 4ND CO.. fours truly, , J. ERSKINE, E.->F. BROTHERTGN, yours truly, W. J. CLARKE, 69, Queen ttrect, Briebinc, Kllblrnlo, New Zealand. 283. Chapel-street, Prahran, Victoria. bedbank, via AVoco, Victoria. HEARSE'S BRONCHITIS CTr&E- Small Size, 2s. 6d.; Lar£e Size, 4s. 6d. . (old I>y Chemists and Mediciae Vendors, and by tho Proprietor, W. G. HEAR ME, CHEMIST, CEELOEyC, VICTORIA. » awarded lay. Pest to any Address wHen not obtainable Locally. New Sealana Bsraach Office -NO. 11 First Floor, HOME'S BTJIX-BINGS, WlltlS ST., WSL^XNGTOW.

CAPILLA ! fTEHE greatest HAIR PRODUCER and JL RESTORER. Lustrous Hair is/dc sired by all ladies who study (heir appearance. OAPILLA HAIR TONIC waeinventfor just that one purpose — the Strengthening and Beautifying of '"Nature's chief adornment." Sold by all Chemists, Hairdressers, and Stores. A. S. JOHNSTON AND CO., 6, Foathersto.i-streot, Wellington, Sold Agents for N.Z. SUFFERERS. J7KOM RHEUMATISM, T>HEUMATIO Gout, Lumbago, SeiaJt\j tica, and Jkindred diseases should try RHEUMO. Since it was first introduced in the New Zealand market its sales have i tier eased in a most remai'kablo manner. You can have no better testimonials in its fftvdur than those of Mr. H. J. Williams, late Grand Master New Zealand Free masons, and Mr. John Stbvens, M.H.R. These gentlemen are Known to every mem ber of the community, and their testimonj is bettor than that of 100 unknown person: frtfin another country. Rheumo is eolc everywhere fet 2e 6cl and 4s 6d a bottle. 9 I HAVE YOul W ho has 1 HAh O not at H tlAu f? one time I INFLUENZA • 8 This Insidious disease setsis to sap nil one's strength. In time the malady wears off, but, perhaps, leaves a cold or cough, which is very distressing. TAKE CARRAGEEN IRISH MOSS, 1 And if you have been careful to a get the genuine article, I One' Dose gives Relief. — ■ i YOUR IF you have a complexion that has a muddy or faded appearance, or be troubled with blackheads, freckles aud wrinkles, or uny akin blemishes whatever, you can easily exchange for a skiu without a blemish, a complexion ladiant with a transparent freshness, a clear, smooth, and perfect skin that is so tnuch to be admired. This is thf kind of complexion that we guarantee if you will give VAt/AZE a fair trial.' No matter how impoverished your ~sltin is from Ihc use of inferior skin-foods which injure the tissues. Try a jar and provt these assertions. Print */• oi large )a r ft/9 (cotitainhijt tlircc times th* nmoiuil) Trading Cheratßls.ot direct (torn Holctoa. Rutoinotoin a Co., 274 Co"lno 8t. t Melbourne. Or. LyUuokt'o Special Valnze BlacMHead and Open Pores Cure — euarnntecd to cure most obstinate cases —2/9 tin, by post 3/. Valeucc Herbal Soap, lasts six months, 2/3 cake. < Encloae 3d. In Stamps to cover postagttt. *nd we will rorwnrel you our Itttaet Edition' of the "NEW aUIOK TO BEAUTY," a. Book that is full />/ most valuable information cow cernitif tht skin and health, nnd will prove most use/ill dhii instructive to any cue. All "VALA3E" preparations obtain ablo from Mr. Salok, 17, Willis-street; th Doviis Pharmacy, Wanganui; Hharlant 00. \ nnd all leading Cliemistß. HOT Water Bacu, all rizos. at whole eale prices ; Scotl's Emulsion, 2s, I lOd ; Angier's, 2g 4d, 4s 4d » Bkud's Ides Tonio and Blood Pills, Is 6d per 10C second quality le j JTellows's Hypopho; phitcs, 5a 4d. We Would rerthid fresi customer* that oiii 1 compounding of Plij Eioians' Proscriptions and nil other die pensinir ia conducted with extreme car fchd absoluts fidelity, O. «nd H. Eveui Cfcomki, Tel. 1165.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 30, 4 August 1906, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 30, 4 August 1906, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 30, 4 August 1906, Page 15


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