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THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COWGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AHD CONSUMPTION, HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Those who have taken this medicine' are amazed afc its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, •'J?ain or Soreness in the Chest, experience 'leliehtful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure It is moat comforting in ali&yinc; irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor to develop. Consumption luia never been known to exist where " Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it^ fas, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. ■»iniiir7A'iE»T) r&"D na\TTr*TEr& I REMEMBER THAT EVLRY DISEASE HAS ITS COMMENCEMENT, BEWABE O2r UOWG-MS ! «&"' ci » AND consumption is no exception to this rule. . BROHCHITIE aa.a PMTJSISY. BSOHCHtTIS ana ASTHMA; ASTHMA. A Child Seven Blonths Ola — A Sufferer A Severe Case CnieTfcy swo Bottlas of : A Twelve Tears' Case with Distress!** Two OJstinato Cases Cured Uy Hearac'o froinßlrtli. Hcar^ Bronchitis Cure. Cured , y E J^oncUtis and JES^JS^SS^SSiL «"** * Bottle^Hearn,* Bronchi, After otner troatanont had-faUea: Asthma Curo. Mr. W. G. Ilearne. ' Dear Sir— lt is wjth Mr Hcarne. Dear Sir— Please send by post much fchanTsirulncsj I write to let you know Mr. W. G. Hcarne. Dear Sir — Kindly forJirr Hearne, Chemist, Geelonc. to Oopmanhu'rst a complete course of your that I have taken three bottles of your Bron- \rard mo a small bottle of your Bronchitis Dear Sii— Some months- iifio in Sydney, fl I> yaiuaufc medicine for obstinate asthma. The chitis and Astnma Cure. I had previously Cure as soon as possible, as I cannot speak suffered from a severe attack of influenza, anil lasL medicine you eenfc to cic cured one man suffered terribly from asthma for about three above a whisper, owing to a cold. I had a \-as confined to ray room for about a week, t na t. had a distressing cough for twelve years, years, nnd l>ad tried everything, and had ad- bottle from you bcfoie for my little girl at the end of which time, feehng ismewhat Pi ease find post ofllco order enclosed tor pay- vice, but without avail. I had been for a when she was seve:; months old. She has better. I got up and tried to transact my- mcnt _.y O ura thankfujly, ( -"fortnight at a time without, moving doy or been suffering from bronchitis from her business as usual. But I got up too loon, forv WILLIAM CAN HAM, «'*"<• ""' of m y chair. If t went to bed I birth, and now she >v three years old, and the very nej.t day I had * relapoc, and Upper Copmanhurst, via Grafton, N.S.W. wns not able to lie down. We came to New has not had a return ot it srnce. _ It ia a suffered" torture j frem what the doctor told lx Zealand about three years ago from Tasmania, splendid medicine for bronchitis or cold* of me was pleurißV and bionchitia. The pain* --« w »«™t« One of my , uncl , es thero suffered f-om asthma any sort.— l remain, yours truly, fram the former in my ohesfc and shonlden' aBOMCHITIB. fer a number of years till ho tool' your cure Mrs. H. RAMAGE, was frightful, and for long weeki I wai - — - __„„_„„_ about flvo . - vcais aßo,a Bo, and has never had the Violet Town, Victoria. confined to my bed under the cue of «. well- A CaaOierweU BosiAeat Expresses a6thma since x , mew thu> bufc lt had known Sydney doctor, and an the time his orwawme. .passed out of mv niimi until reading your - medicine gave mo but temporary relief. The jjr.j r . Hearne. Dcnr Sir— Your Bronchihi advertisement some Tasmanian papers landlady of the hotel (the Cleveland) where cure Ims relieved my wife of a cough which brought it. to my memory. I told my hus- A Seven Years' CaM. I resided, told mo of n medacine— Hearne'n followed on an attack o{ influenza. While band, and lie get your cure for me. which _ Z^~ , ,„ „ Bronchitis Cure— from Victoria, wtiioh liad i acknowledge that' all g»od comes from only ■ I have taken with completely satisfactory re- Expectorating Blooa and Matter. cured her of a bad attack of bremihittß and O ne aouroe, ordinary gratitude bids me to of- eult.— Tourn respectfully, Completely cured. pains in th 6 chest, «nd bejrged at me to f er my earnest thanks to you, through whom w. M'COMBE, try it. I did so, and, Ui thanks and this paitioular blessing has come.— l remain, Mosgiel, New Zealand. Mr. W. G. Hearne. gratitude to you, tell you tnat, after the dear sir, yours very truly, Dear Sir.— Your, medioine has oured me ol ;ccond bottle, my cough had ceased; but- GEO. S. CALDWELL, _ -,__"" ~ ' bronchitis and asthma, from which I had .vhat is more astonishing, the pains from' Oamberwell, Victoria. • -, ■ HBOHCKI2JZS, suffered ,for upwards of seven years,- during pleurisy entirely left me, nnd in nbeut a which period I was scarcely ever free from week I was able to attend to ray duties as CHROITXC JBBtKBTCHITXS. A Sydney Gentleman is so satisfied with coughs, and frequently the difficulty of breathniual. — Yoms faithfully, — — Hearue's Bronchitis Care that h« in S was so distressing that for nights in euc .T. BRAHAM, Hearnfl's Bronchitis Curo tho Most uendsaiimivtnTm,*. oession I had to sit up. I write to you this Melbourno "Punch" Office, Melbourne. Effootdvo Cure. senas a to London. acknowledgment from a sense of duty, as Mr Hearne. Dear Sir— l have ÜBed a Mr. W. G. Hcarne. Dear Sir— l am in '" my case every other treatment had foiled. ___„__,„__ number of bottles ot your medicine for bron- receipt of your favour of tho 27th mat., in For , a > ear previous I had been getting very BEOJTCHITIS. v. chitj, .which was a ohronic complaint "of mine, which you acknowledge my oider'for Bron- much worse, and at the time I obtained your „ „., _„ _ „.—=. , „ ■u J «--'< and I must say tltat of nil the medicines chitis Cure to bo sent to my parents in Lon- medicine I was confined to bed, suffering from "nild's life Saved t>7 Hoarne'n Bronchitis .j ]lave taken (including those from Drs.), dan fronl 3' our Liveipool Depot I nm a most ' violent cough, expectorating blood and Cuxe. none llave _ p rove d 30 effectual as your- Bron- sure their Annual Bronchial attacks will be matter, and apparently beyond hope of reAfter the case liad 1*6631 "gfivea up." ohitis Cure. I hnve recommended it to greatly relieved, if not cured or prevented, oovery. The first dose of the niedicine gave many others.— Yours faithfully. . by your own valuable preparation. My own me welcome relief, and I steadily improved Mr. Hearnc. Dear Sir.— We have to thank THOS. OLIVKR, experience, and that in connection with my aB x continued the treatment, until I bevour bronchitis euro that we have one little Proprietor of ""Ihe Lilydale flxpreso," Iwo-year-old s4n, liai been pre-eminently satis- cam f as l am now > qu«e well.— Yours sinboy spared to us, as we nearly lost him. Lilydale, Viotorla. factory, and I shall continue to highly re- merely, „.,„„„ „ Vfter doctors liad given him up, we saw the. -— cemmend it for both old and young, and I n « WALKER, Balmain, Sydney. ndveitisement for your Bronchitis Cure, and SEVER! COUGH. offer- you this letter should you deem it cave it a trial, with tho result above men- ' worth . the using.— Ynurn truly, ' tioncd.— Yours faithfully, Cnrod br Heaxne's Broncldtis ' ' HEHBBRT E. WHITE, . BB.OITCHITIS (Mis.) E. GRANT, '.ura, after other Treatsnonts had failed. "Holmsdale," Bovnal-strect, Kensington, Mwataiaw. Care Mr. Harvey, Baker, Chiltern, Victoria. M ,. w> e> H , al . ne . Dear Sir.— Having Sydney, N.S.W. A Very Oostinatß Case. aM^uTs'tr • AC^TEBBONCKITtS. QTTEBI7SXJLKD TESTIUOXT?. ->n tl.e chest, lam sending you this te.H- llft «.„« to Wffl ,"3. „„ i 4 „ luent by Hcarne'e Bronchitis Cure. nonial to make any use of it you wish. I *■«• Sayed by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. — - «..„.. Prom Brisbane Wholesalo Chouiists. »aye used many cough medicines, nnd can . Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear W- 1 have much a "iffcrL'r fr^S B C ' hi" f ir -— HaTm X b e e n We often hear youT^onohltl. Curo spoken ?Sffi* S. "Jd TlJcTot Troubled 6 ESSTfrom ?ffl HeLL" BroS. SS.' SSS^.'f.Si *"" '°V S 1 >» well of. A gentleman told us to-day that he with cough since. I Have aloo given ©in confidently say " h/s saved mv me" about two years a~f '?Vh?v/w fl'f 1 '' 3 - CUr > had given it to a child of his with most tto my little boy, aged 2 years, with equally I was a maityr to AcuU Bronchitis before nld ff'mr £™ ™1, tak '^ ! rcmaikable result, tjie child being quite cured rood results, and now recommend it to my taking it. I trust this letter will indue! 1 thrfl J™ ??'», am happy jo tell in (hue doses.-We are, faithfully yours, .'riends. Wishing you every E uoccss.-I am, otheis to try it.-Yours truly! I can bear tcslimonv to «! V Z^i **" •J-HOMASOJT. CHATKR, AND CO. yours truly, ' J. ERSKINE E. P. BRGTHERTON, yours truly' 7 W Bm - 69, Queen-street, Brisbane. Kilbirnic, New Zealand. 223. Chapel-screet, I'iahran, Victoria. * >' Redbank, via Avocaf Vktoria. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS C'ffKE-Sniall Size, 2s. 6d.; Large Size, 4s. 6d. Jold by Ch«mists aua Medicine Vendors, and "by tke Proprietor, W. G. HEARSE, CHEMIST, CEELOPG, VICTORIA. 'awarded by Post to any Address when not obtainable Locally. New Zealand Branch Office -NO. 11 First Floor, HUME'S BUILBINGS, WILLIS ST., WELLINGTON.

BEST INVESTMENT points to remember r ON EARTH!! If you SIMPLE STRON© /iMS\ liv/CTvP^hk k a YOU will receive careful instruction from fl£ *ir \ X nJ||l' .TO/i n a c . om P etent teacher at your home. "tl A^^^^^^^^^l&i B YOU get an up-to-date model, not some JraW'^l.^^^rfflffiL^w^^ jW ancient typo cheaply made to deceive 1 B la^a acknowledged the world over as being W^^wjg*^ * Z^lmbcSS!?^^ the BEST 5 nothing poorer is good STLFMT > "" n ~~«.SPE£Oy enough to carry our name and tradeThey earn more money, in proportion tOCOSt 9 than SINGER NEEDLES and machine supplies * r , , *. /. can readily be obtained in any part of Sny Other prOUUCt OT tho world, as our stores aro everyhuman ingenuity. :tltkllr S fZ ■£$£ wKfSu* ?SLSIN6ER MAMUFACTURIM6 CO. macbines may havo beon purchased -

Why is it ? That Economical Housewives, Professional Ceoks, aad large consumers of Coal prefer " CoalbrooKdale M ? Because— l. It is the Cheapest— such a large percentage of it is burn-able. Because — 2. It nuckes tK= Kottest fire, and is easily controlled. 1 Because— 3. The low percentage of ash means cleanliness as well as economy. Because — 4. Poar, low-grade, low-heating; low-priced coal is extravagant ! Because— s. No good cooKing can be done witb/a coal that lacks " heat." Because— 6. The sale ot Coalbrookdale adds to the wealth of the Colony. Because — ?. " The Besj. is always the Cheapest in the long run." ON SALE BY ALL COAL MERCHANTS. (eXCEPTfKG THE STATE COAL DEPOTS.) BOTTLE STORE, LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON. J. DWYER, Proprietor. ' Telephone— lo23. Wines, Spirits, and All Kinds of Bottled Ales and Stouts. open daily from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. A SINGLE BOTTLE AT WHOLESALE PRICE. WHISKIES (Case). CrIN. Per Bottle Per Bottle 3. d. - 8 - d - Usher's (Special Reserve) 5 0 J.D.K.Z. (Geneva) ... , 6 0 Buchanan's (House of Commons)... 5 0 Gilbey's Dry Gin 5 0 Watson's (*** Blend) 5 0 Old Tom 5 0 Walker's . ... 5 0 Wolff's Schnapps 5 U Dawson's (Perfection) „., ... 5 0 Wolff's Schnapps, small " 3 0 p & O . ... 5 0 Flasks, large (Gin) „.. 2 6 Dewar's ... ... 5 0 Flasks, small ... , „, 1 6 D.C.L „, ... 5 0 RUHI. White Horse ... „., ... 5 0 p, „ . „ fi White and Mackay ?ine SilunV Z Z Z I I Crawford S O O l?lT=lr= lnrp-n 9 fi Canadian Club 5 6 ™ , ' °„ ' _ Buchanan's (Black and White) ... 5 6 lllasks ' smaU "• "• 1 6 Jameson's * 5 6 WINES. Jameson's *** „. 7 0 F cuer life G rd's V.O. Special Port ... 4 6 Thorn and Cameron's (Bulk) ••• * 6 Ditto V.O. Special Port, small ... 3 0 Flasks, large 2 6 jjitto Flasks, largo 2 0 Flasks, small „.. 1 6 jr}, 10 old Sherry 4 6 i "D-D AwnTT>e Claret (Hardy's St. Julien) ... 4 0 JSJX.A.JM UX±.S>. clarot (Hardy's Tintara), large ... 3 0 Hennessy's *** ...•• „, -.« 86 , claret (Hardy's Tintara), small ... 2 0 Hennessy's * 6 C j£ oc fc (Hockheimer), large 4 0 Bisquit Doubouche ... „* ».. 6 6 Hock (Hockheimer), small 2 0 Boomorang •— 5 6 Constantia ... i 3 G Hardy's (Tintara) 5 0 Champagno (Heidseick Dry MonoFine Old French Brandy .„ ... 4 6 pole), largo 13 0 Flasks, large „ *.. 2 6 Ditto, small 6 6 Flasks, small 1 6 champagne (Pomery Grono), largo 13 0 T t/VTTXitttb « Champagno (Pomery Grono), small 6 6 enracao LIQUEUK : St ... o o ALES and STOUTS. Benedictine, large ... „.., ,^9 0 Colonial Ales and Stout 010 Chartreuse, largo ... >„ ... 9 0 Staples' Sparkling Ale 010 Cherry Brandy ... - 9 0 Manning's Sparkling Ale ... „.. 010 Cherry Whisky ' ... ... „. 9 0 Spoight's 010 Crcmo dc Mentho ... 9 0 English Ale and Stout, large ... 1 G Kummcl 9 0 English Ale and Stout, small ... 1 0 ! Jp^¥/%k Better than ever— the best watches g | JKi^anu in the world. Behind them are | 3wV^?^ril half a century of high reputation jj v TSk^kiS&F aR d a strong guarantee, good ror g

Without exception, Cockle's Afatim^ff^ff^ff'^m^B^^^Mßr^B bilious Pills ?,re the finest medicine in w ra^^.'^B §w ESS S S rai c World for bilious and nervous 1* liA^^j^^^i I m feature °^ tliese famous P^ ls is that ffij!^^^^^^^^!^ they give immediate relief as well as permanent benefit, thus making the use fZ^ Ji of injurious temporary sedatives uniy, v A\>^^ Aa '>*i> „ -**(~i| necessary. They are no new untried v\\^"™*§Py^ C"o medicine, but have been praised, !s%£i^ z • **^O^ -^ \ prescribed and universally used for rM *^ H 'S %ft over a centur y- They kept your ■O^V*^^ I grandparents well and they will *v^!jlaSyK 3*^^^ il No home can afford to be without a ffijC^QlSW^ *^\ b° x of Cockle's Pills, for they suit every I^^^^H^^T | temperament that is inclined to any of jSSSwito^^^^^^ar /, hill the phases of biliousness. Of all chem ' sts< at prices from I/J - t0 22/ " There's SECURITY in DIZZINESS. SALLOW SKIN. tortm. They 8 OUCH the L»l V &n Small Prlcn.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 6, 7 July 1906, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 6, 7 July 1906, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 6, 7 July 1906, Page 16


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