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THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR >!^^^^^^P! Hc^^w\ COWSO, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AHl> CONSUMPTION, H^^^KSP^WBi HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE (WORLD. f^!^^^HHp® Tlioie who li*Tß taken this modicinsj are Jimazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, vL ft^^^^^^^^lTS^W^ Pain or Soreness in the Chetit, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete V^^ffia^^fflff j I|»} Cure It is most comforting in allay ins? irritation m the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor f I«^*^ Consumption to develop. Consumption Ihw never baeii knowa to exist where " Cough* " have beon properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without itv \\E\\e\\mL^ as, taken at the beginning a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. 011^^^^!^ 1^ "BtTP^KTAWP OS 8 COUGHS ! remember that every disease has its commencement, W HANDY TO HAVE W JOXtWikXXiXM *JJ£ V\*wv<i**w. AND CONSUmPT |ON IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE. I |ft THE HOUSE. I BKOKCHIUIS and PriEtfßXSr. BKOBTOHITIS o.nd A.STHBIA. ASTHMA. A CHUd Seven Months Oia — A Sufferer W & A Severe Case Cn^d by Two SoHtes °? A TweXv Tfeaxa' Case vrith Di.tre BS In S Two ODstinate OM^Tonrea by SMme's rromßirtb. A t>Oso{ BEECH AM*B PILLS After ot'aev treatmejit Hafl foiled! „ * ou *" * Mr. w. o. iieame Dear su-it is witn — ■ moment of need much illness will ,„... — , *Mn . .3!nr«t . 'J^ Mml V much tlianlcfulness I write to let you lmow Mr. W. G. Henrne. Detr Sir-Kindly for- "be saved; Mr. Hcnrne, Chemist, Geelong. , to OanmanliurEt a complete coutbc of your that I have taken three bottlen of your Bron- ward me a small bottle of your BronoliitU i. ,*- > Pear Sir— Soibo rnontlia Ago in _3y<jney, 1 valuable meUioioc, lor obstinate asthma. The chltis and Asthma Cure I liad pieviouelv Cure as Boon as r poß3iblc, as I cannot speak ' 'Any trouble arising from derangesyfietod frftm <i severe atlaol: of Uriluenai, ana i aa t medicine ypu sent to me cuied one man suffered terribly from asthma for about three above a whisper, • owing to a cold. I had • » i Blent of the digestive Organs Is was confined to my room for nboUu a wecu, that had a distressing cough for twelve years. j-e«rs, and hart tried everything, and hod ad- botlle from yon bcfoie for Kf little till * gulckly set right by nt the end of which time, fceliPE somewlm- please hnd post oflice order enclosed for pay- vice, but without avail I had been for a when sha was seven months old. „,She lias^ "£?■** 1 ' » . better, I srot "P and tiicd to transact my ment.-Yours Uiankf ally . fortnight at a time without moving d»y or been' suffering from bronchitis ',fram her^ ,1 Sk ?*»-»» jgfoisam 0% SB » U isusinoCT us usual. But I pot up too soon, wr WILLIAM CAIiHAM, night out of my chair "If I went to bed I birth, and now she is three yoars old, »nd»- y H MfflT» W ' iCH ukfif 01 tho very next day I h«d » rel«p?e, and Upp er Oopaianhuist, via Grafton. N.S.W. was not able S lie down. We rame to New lias not had a return of it since. It is » f JW|7FI |J M ™ffl'K suffered tortures from what the «W«<> r . l °}" Zealand about three years ago from Tasmania, splendid medicine for bronchitis or cold* of /%P P S BnS RUB HPfia % me vras pleurisy and bronchitis. lne P aln S'S.n'ErCTtI'PTS no of m X uncles there suffeied from asthma any sort. — I remain, yours truly, E 1 Q ■ B BE B"«S HwH » from the former in my chest and shouldern o^vjx^a.i.i.j.a. fof Q mnnber o£ years tiu 110 tool your cure ji rs . h. RAMAGE, i ■ B_. H I MH. M'HvJR SnS^V SS JZcXI Xr^t IJS AC^orwelEc^tßzprwse. ffi.^ce?" T^ «,!. "but 'if haS Vi ° l6t i t^^S V»4i ©Sift^ t T& Mr. Hearne. Dear SirUour Bronchitis SSSft.^ S pa^ W %,»«»«» landlady of the hotel (the CHevel«nd) where Cure has relieved my wife of a cough whioli brought it to my memory I told mv hni A Seven Years' CM*. IBH 8 II ffW" I resided, told me of a medieine-Hcainc'B followed on an attack of :afluenza. While band, and he got your cure for me which L« 1 1 fl fcT Bronchitis Cure— from Victoria, which had 1 acknowledge thai all good oonjei from only I have tgk«n with completely satisfactory re- Expectorating- Bleod ana Mutter. W& M H ' M m cured her of a bnd attaolc of bronc'nilH" and one source, ordinary gratitude bids me to of- suit.— Tours rcspectfullv «>«.m»»j' « mmni«t«i» m«« Q fl 9 I « nains in the chest, and begged of me to f er my earnest thanks to you, through whom * W M'COMBE * Z: ** B KB BL_ Am ~M try it. I did 30, nnd, in thanks and this particular blessing Iks come.-I remain, - Mosgicl, New Zealand. Mr. W. O. Hearne. ' Mk ffifiWlW' sntttndf , to you, lell you that, after the dear sir. your. , very teuly. na - "Wr Sir.-Your medicine has cured me o! ® • *SL*^ fß^ « week 1 w,s able to attend to my duties as CHBOHZC BSO3TCHITIS. A Sydney Geatlem* a is so Satisfied with coughs, P «nd irt^My 'tt.^^dffflcuTy of breat" maintain it than nny other remedy. jlr. Hearne. Dear Sir — I have used « Mr. W. G. Heitrne. Dear Sir— l am in in m y ca3e every other treatment had failed. w ACHEi INDIGESTION, LOSS OF « tmn-vrnwr^Tr, number of bottles of your medicine for bron- receipt of your lavour of the 27th inst., in Fur a J' car previous I had been getting very g APPETITE, CONSTIPATION. B iiibUiHUXZXXXS. chitiß, wh'ch was a chronic complaint of mine, whjcli you acknowledge my order for Bron- much worse, and at the time I obtained youi R M -Tilia'aiyf««««»rtw^«^^,.'«-n w « r in«« and l must B *^. H" l^ of 1 the x n » edi0 ' ne » onitin Cure to be oent to my i>arents in Lon- medicine I was confined to bed suffering from jjl BEECHAM'S PILLS are unequalled. « Lire Saved toTsSearne'sßroncuitiS j have t ft i; en fincludins thooo from Drt.% don from your .Livei pool Depot. lam a most violent cough, expectorating blood and w ' W| Ctixe. none have proved so effectual as your Bron- B ure their Annual Bronchial' attacks will bo matter, and apparently beyond hope of reAfter tile case Jlad bsen, " BfiYen. up." chitis Cure. I have recommended it to gieatly relieved, if not cured or prevented, oovery. The first dose of the medicine gave _ Sold everywhere. Boxes Is. IJd. and 2s. Bd. © many other*. — Tours faithfully. by your own valuable preparation. Sir own me welcome relief, and I steadily improved "" „„, , , Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir.— We have to thank THOS. OLIVEE, ' experience, and that in." connection with my ns J continued the ticntment, until I be w^ fi^s— i«jJ rour bronchitis cure that we have one little Proprietor of "The Lilydale Express," two-year-old son, has been pre-eminently satin- came OB 1 am now > 9 ulte well.— Tours ihi- m>r * a *^ >oy spared to us, as we nearly lost him. . Lilydale, Tictsrla. factory, and I shall continue to highly re- ce rcly, '.fter doctors had given him up, we Daw tho commend it for both old and young, and I H> WALKER, Balmain, Sydney. UMHIMiWiUUSBagBBaBSIMBSXaKai^mm *dvcrtisemcnt for your Bronchitis Cure, and SEVERS COTTGH. offer you this letter should you deem it iyta«ignwre«OTCl«-,iji .. TJffWgMffs«M3 jave it a. trial, rith tho result above men- • worth the using.— Toum iruly, jS^. ' *Siß^ F*W iT^SI F ,ioned.— Tours faithfully, Mtipletely Cured br Kaarae'a Broncbitis „_ , HKRBEBT E. WHITU, HROwr.wiTTa 'I»_i'*-'3 i Jf 1 • Ji r t. (Jfra.) E. GRANT, «nr«, nfter otfe«r treatm«uts bad failed. "Holmsdale," Bowral-strret, Kensington, aaoiruarais. 8 Mfi Jl A J^J TT Care Mr. Harvey, Baker, Chiltern, Victoria. Mr< w , 0 . Hearne. Dear Sir.-Having * Sydney, N.S.W. j^ Tory Obstinate Case ■ ,j m 7 1 iMmaSlmliJL ji Sn ce d d gW i?surts hi for Sv^e^ußhTind l^! A CUT B iio^CHITIS. Cured tlxroujH peraeverin* in th. treat- "X - T »^>^.«^ Ssi^ er^^ --^ r fh n c p^ r r,n%x nc v,t D rha s vrde^d c^ PT^P J\KJ UK* O % Wo often hear your Bronchitis Cure spoken quickest relief, ana I have not been troubled benefit from taking Hennas BronehitU Cure ffi . 1«i t Ylt et ''Zl'?Z 1 '?- 1 £ om £> "iL well of.- A gentleman told us to-day that he with the cough since. I have also given O.m confidently say it has saved mvltfo" ?i? .? t'J taking your Bronchitis Cure )^ B^ Tjv 5^ fVffV CL had jr.ven it to a child 'of his with most tto my little boy, aged 2 yearn, with equally I was a martyr tc toi Bronohili? before «^ » J * y S °' and r haVe T" ta H' ng . \\ B& S \ fi\ /ft B 111 B*^fc rtmatknble result, the ch'.ld being quite cured ,!->od results, and now recommend it to my taking it. f trust th?s letter will indcop 11, fh off ever »'nee. lam happy to tell «uJ?^-'JL IJL lUii'Ll \Jf In (hree .loses.-We are. faithfully yours, friend,. Wishing you every «iroes».-I am, otheis to try it.--7o,irs tndv ?cnn bew t?rfl o v thoro >! gW - v c " red T ' an<! I I■■ i..n i*17nfV»..,.., , •J-UOMASON. CHATEII, AND CO.. yours truly. J. EHSKIKE, 'c. 1\ BTIOTHBRTON you?, tralv W T PT 7 ??!??" 1 aB . 63 .' «— "-et, Brisbane. EUblrnie, New Zealand. 223. Chapel-street, Prahran, Victoria. tlUlj ' nedb.nL-.'Vi/Avolf^tor.a. ; Its Popularity .. HEARSE'S BRONCHITIS CURE-Small Size, 2». 6a.; targe Size, 4s. 6d. has created a Jold by Chemists and BZediciue Vendors, and hj the Proprietor, HOST -f W. G. HEARVE, CHEMIST, GEELOfyQ, VICTOKIA. ' ihbtators. " 2 owarded by Post to any Address when not obtainable Locally. '_^" ■■imii«i..«h Ml Iffew Zealand Branch OSce 11 Pirst Ploer, HUMS'S BUII.DIETGS, WILLIS ST., WELLI^GTOH 1 Bljy WhOlcßottJCS..

SSlll \m\ <S°^S°'i*^' l ' ; *^3V\\ \ s nOw over 100 years since Dr. fi i&&iiff ifH4^y^^^^^^^L aye ma ' nta ' ne^ ieir position as the | J tFlXiSfSlßr^ \ v^^^^y merit, and not on, extravagant claims. H \JJ}eo'^^ I \ OCv^^^ ' yei 7 Ox °^ Cockle's Pills sold, proves ft V \vC\SS^^^ a as^ n S testimonial in its favour. H VV^^YSw^^ " One of the greatest achievements of medical ra \Svv\i!»rri& science," is the " London Morning Post'u" apprecia- n S^CvSSfaLgs?] Bj Equally good for immediate rplief and permanent beneGt, and rj vON^^SwSSrfM 1 S acceptable to all bilious temperaments. Of all Chemists and Stores, at H A. & T. BCRT (LIMITED), COUBTENAY-PLAOK, WELLINGTON, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND SANITARY JDNGINEERS, IJIPORTEBS OF EUBBI3R GOOD?, PACKrNGS, OILS, GREASE, BELTINGS, SHAFTINGS, PULLEYS, PUMPS, WIHI3 EOPlfiS, &o. MAKERS OF CHOECH"] SCHOOL [BELLS. FIRE J JUST LANDED— GAS FIRES, GAS COOKERS. INSPECTION INVITED. BEST INVESTMENT points to remember ON EARTH!! If you SIMPLE^— — -^STRON© fl W * \F!ra!?X/AV^M' vK I~ M YOU will receive careful instruction from A&vif Wi M\ »» H * com P° tont teacher at your homo. '^L^®^^!Jls?^^S*^S^ S YOU get an up-to-dato model, not some ' £ffifl^l4oWMHfflffi3NP<29,<v ancient type cheaply made to deceive Hi s,>m^ jGf P uo 'i c - Wo make but ono grade, i(wMlwillff»^r acknowledged tho world over bb being •>^^^^^ton^JHi^^^^ tho BEST; nothing poorer is good SILENT --*SP£lfliy enough to carry our name and tradeThey earn more money, in — proportion tO COSt, than SINGER NEEDLES and machine supplies r • *~ ,1 **■£ cau readily bo obtained in any part of any Other prOdUCt Of iho world, as our etoroa aro overyhttmnrt 3nrr/*nifi+V whore. Wo give caroful attention to niimUU ingenuity. all custO nicrs, no mntter whoro their &3INGER MAMUFACTURIMG CO. nuchiuoß may havo bccu i )UrchttScd EVERYWH ERt^j^M

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 148, 23 June 1906, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 148, 23 June 1906, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 148, 23 June 1906, Page 16


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