f HASEB OI 1 1U& MOON FOR FEBRUARY. 'O»loul»t«d tot »«w Z«al»nd M«an Time). (first quarter *• m. ~ £ o l *,m< htlmboa.. -•*-.§? I§S'«' t«t fiuttritt M « - w 382 p.m. Mtv moon . « v •„ 8 ? a p.m. HIGH WATER. $fo*<d»y-4h a.m. j 4h 20m p.m. . To-Woirdw— 4H 84m a.m.; Bh 28m p.m. SUK. Sett to-day-6h 48m \mu to-morrow-Dh 26m a.m. j ««to, 6h 44m p.m. *»bruary aa—PateoM, t»,' MB ioti, Black, ?ebfuSr'y f ' 22-rali«en«, m, 660 toni, Kennedy, ttom »«l*)ft and Ptoton. ' i<flMieng»tki Paae. Hooker, Sitytn, Walker, Muciuuiti u't Murphy, CouJu, 'WUllttffl*, jnd oluW, Moyfe «od l ofiiid, Page,- Chaytior, At'Leod, -laySori rWttat. JJwwtw, Mwim. »fl*Wldg», WilXrnhiilttn, fiUtou, Ch*ytoj, Jones, Viy^k, '""itbtwy a^Jtokota, 'm t 2164. tm. tolth. itoia Sydney »1* Auckland atut Jiart C 6««. &MMtig«»i B*looa-Mi*i«» Btima (2), Dunn, l«nny, Ha»lett, Andei«o«, Jaolutou, Jford, Mu< ' Caplaltf K«al, Me»««. Oardlwif. Oome c, Kidttiii. MlnuM, .Clitfls, >Vebb r Archer, Ctrlmw«d«, JfebfUJiry 2i-Araliuta, «. 771 ton#, Lambert, tfroiu will Coast and Netoofl. Pa*wo«ewi faloon^Mtee* Wduauit, Ayiwley (Ji, Ham monL flyrw, ttoblmoa (2) r gfltlln, UMwm (3), aOmtt. flulet, Uwnl, WaUon r WalUoe, ttitiur, Ifoble, Baetbfook, Ctmiwn, Bradley, Mule*. Kitoliiug, Meedamea Kendall. Pooook, Durk#, Howe, Uuiuei'on, Hammond, I'ane and 4 ohlidMii, Cohen, BuUt, Rutledge, Pratt, Su««h and Infant, Jiorrta, Cameron, Smith *ml child, Soott'Oole. 2 children and ma d, TOlKon, R«v. ttihtt Malloy, Meptrt. MoblH, Cameron. Hamaiond, Redmond, Hurnn, Johnton, Rove, Smith, Oalvln. tiumn, Robuti, Jack, Udduoa, Hpictt, Manttlka, Noftli, Oow< iMhaw, Hughw, tftyobe, Jlula, Brttln,, Bte«d, ThomMon, Knyyett, WiUodi Hutlty, Durmt, Brag*, Stone, Brinfordi 3ff«te«nige. lebruury 23-M»rafoi», tv, Wb\ totu, Man. (nlng, from . tyttelton. Pmffigef. 8*Io«i— Devi*, Fnwoeit, Hogg, Wltaon. Miiftln, Ouon, Leader, Olds, KnowlM, Hurtlll. Pat on, Vty, HirtUnd. tiatku, Oarlton. M'Laughfn, Mm< dam«# Oliver. Ifenwlok, wataon, Walker, Tingty, Herapath, Olurk, Hood and child, Fay, Bsrka*, Pole and Z ohUdren, And«Mou, Reid, Mtwwove, Her. Jtmiuoti, MeMro. Houfthtou, ntSet, ckkM, aw&l*. Venvlok. Wtik, mon, Bo*d ,(2), flwegden, Aakley, walfctf, Thorns*; Mord r M'Kenaie, M'Ratr.v typm, AjidtMon, Bltlm (2), Tingey, orlenon, Hwtpaiih, An< dreini (Z), Hilllip». Hnnan, uugtiec, Brenden, Mty, Troup, CtUg, Bui-nip, ntudtttoti,' Mill, Moult, Pol*. And«Moii, Miwton, Mn«t«M KotikMn and WaUon ', 40 eieerajte. February 1 23-Petone, m, 388 toni, Ohrtotlao,from Qreymoutb February 23— Opawa, m, 64 ton*, Eokford, from Bl«nn«lffl. Yebrtiary 23—Stttawt, m, 708 ton*. , from tire/mouth. . - Februiu'y 23-Botolti, m, 629 toni. Bobertion, from Onehunga and New Plymouth. VAwengeHi Saloon— Ml«e« UaUroy, Rotlt, and Morn, M»daffi«« Mftlfroy, Colllno, Ourren, and Hooker. M«m. Maliroy, Oardlner, William*ofl, U'tttett. VtUou, Carte*: 11 ttaenge. Yebtutry 23— Hum, m, 69 tons, jDowoil, from If*uganut. , ~ ttbrmrf 33— Kalpara, «), 4680 toa», M'Relitt, from Waltrfra. ' DBPAtttORKS. February Sa-Monowat, m, 2137 toni, Mor< rl«by, iot Lyttslton, Dunedlo, Bluff, Hobitrt, and- Melbourne. , r PMtengetfr-Saloon i for irtteltsn'-MkMAt Cforidse, Atkinson, Wheeler, Me«r«, HutohlflM (2), Light, Barton, Mogrtdgt. nrtek, MwdiiinM Bunbury, Bond md two otilldren, Hftll nod ohiid, Iteon (2), Mlehle, Uetirt. flootti and Mlohle- Tor M«lbeufnc^ MUmm Flo*//, Bowdtn, Kmbury, L<«, Lyeiw, geymoiir. Un. Jtmsur. Umm Frank* Hftttli, *«♦«», .Moifatt, Morma. flu«, Wan, Whlt#, Bom, Seymour, Spier, Melifean. Febroafy 22~Botonwh«ni, m, 918 tow, Colllm, /or LyttelGon. Putettetn: Saloon— Wku |«nh»m, Bum, Turnbull. K'Befmotl, irWkrOurfmaA, BendaniMi Abiett and two ««1 IP*nx,1 P*nx, -Wright, .Mitenale, Farmar, Bethell, WitkifliQ fan Mirtlu; Unm. Btrti, Abiett Morton, Brtt, Farmw, Bethel!, Watklns, Green CMjr, Logjn, Kee«m, Msttliewi, Ufghtln/Ml* Bextjuinr, Fernte Broot, Buldook, Low*, Tay. ■itronj, for Platen. P«Men««ra: ««to«n^ni, »«»«ry t M««damM Hllljat. Hawk md thre! flfcUdren, Lewlo and aolfd, Btahop, M«ww! 4 OTehptVMnfe^ n6U fo/tenHoS' "' t0M ' GlbboM ' for Bl«ta«iiB SS ~lfßan(runi'~ lfBan(runi ' "' M tOM( Bt6lr « M » J&S3&* I?***1 ?*** "' M *"* «*»«' fo? e Aa U ollXfl^ ral((> "* Mf| *■' m * m> 9IMM for ? l&»f" 0114W *' "' M *»*.*»<* , M»«CTB» ABBI7AIA Afitittr, , Patea, 2Srd t Mani, Waltari, 23rd Klfipaki, Pa/ea, •&*& Opawa. Blenheim, 24th WfSlflui, Ploton; 24th Botomahana, tytteHoa, 24th , knaroa, Uotueka, '■■ etoi'mblrd, Wativanui, 24th Vfungnfu, Blenheim, 24th , , Blenheim, Blenheim, 24th To«auten, Onehungn, 24th Hah«tto, Merbourne, Hobart, South, 24th Whaniape, W«tpoH, 24th / Athenle) Lyttelton, 24th Maeourlka, Wett Coaad nnd Xelwn, 28th Tafune, Cunedln and Lyttelton, 28th Poherua, Sotrthejuj porti, 2fltli ' ■ CoMnna, Onehungtt and New Plymouth, 27th HaupirJ, Auokland and Ka«t Oeait, 27th' • m mihtrt, Auefcltnd, Okbotne, Htfa". 27th Wl«m«f* ( Sydney, 28th , v ' p _ , . . , Opfa-gnletr faetmen. t ,Co»Jnthlo, left London 11th Jmuuy, t!« Cwetown and Hobart; due »boni th" ama February. Papinul, ]e/t London 2nd January, rla Cape Sitr of Sodtland, l«ft London 26th Beoem. &tAT n po "* m Amittai > **• Kf/us, left Liverpool 11th January via Au»tfaii.n pflru and Au.kiand; due iboto ffi nn Haran. BuapehO, left Plymouth 27th January, via Mamarl, lef6 Liverpool 24th January via -Aookland-i dv« about irth March. J'wMlfhfr*, left Vtewrcttk 51«t De<wmti«r ti» Aitttrailin port* antf AuoWandi dU« abou? sui >iarcn. 4**a««^ iflra wrttf z¥™" Am - Mlmlro, l«ft London 27th *nu*v t lt Aim. 2nd lsk. ' AoflkUnd ' •«• *«torf diiJi rfort »on«t, ' left Liverpool ' lptb F«b««ry rJt Attrtrallan port« mS AueSknd { due -ibout era April. ' BUr of Vtm Zealand, left New T«rk'2flth ,t, t * y> , ialltor T«ael«^ E&f o *'* Je^ 1 $ f 'Jf^m. »<»emb«. TilHe X, fltarhaek, left New Tork I7ih tf«. tembor (at Auckland). ■ Caterlna, left MaritlllM 7th February, Sardhana, left Laimeeeton 10th February, Same* Onig, left Newcastle 15th February, PRoJEOTKD DEPARTURES, Ttttent, VeUon, 25fd Martroa, LytteUon, SSrd Huta, wengantifi Sard Tokomaru, Auokl&nd, 23rd Molwla, Lytuiton and flunedln, 93rd Paparoa, Lyttelton, 23rd ■ ' Kallu, napfer and Kaat Coast, 23rd Queen of the South, Foxton, 23rd Kennedy, Melton and We«t Ooaat, 23rd ' Paraora, oreymouth, 23rd Aorere, Paten, 24th Opawa, Blenheim, 24th Xapltf, Patea, 24th Botomahftfli, Lyttelton, 24th < OtormMrd, Wansanul, 24th NgUflguru, Blenheim, 24th Blentieim, Blenhclffl, 24th Manama. MotiMka, 24th Walnut, Ploton and Nelson, 24th ' Petone, Oreymoutti, 24t1i Maheno, Sydney, 24th ■ Arihura, Veltnn and W«t Ooait, 24th AyMhire, Ptoton, 24th / > Storm, Tlmaru and Oiman, 24th Kalpara, Auckland, 24th Botoltl, Nelion, »♦* Plymouth, and. On*. hunga, 2oth WakutUr LyttiUofl, via ooott, 26th Talane, XipUr, OWborne, Auoktund, 36th > Pohtrua, VfMpott *nd Oraymooth, mh , Taiwan, Notion and Motuekft, 26thWaverlcy, ««k«n and tf«at Ooat. 26th traponrlka, Ploton, Kalson, We»t Oowt, 27th Tfalkure, Lytteftort wd ©urtedln, 27th
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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 46, 23 February 1906, Page 4
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979SHIPPING. PORT OF WELLINGTON. Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 46, 23 February 1906, Page 4
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