TO-MORROW (THURSDAY), 20th OCT., At 2 p.m. sharp. ; SALE OF ICE-CHEST, MIRRORS, AND GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. MESSRS. SIDEY, MEECH AND CO. have been faveured with instructions from the Bailiff of tho Stipendiary Magistrate's Court and other vendors to sell at their rooms as above — One very large and up-to-date icechc&t, two very largo British pkte mirrors, suite in walnut, sewing machine, and lot of other useful household furniture and effects, bedding, etc. Also, Crockery, glassware, c.p. ware, fancy goods, curtains, drapery, etc., 2001b Nelson, Moate packet teas. • Absolutely Without Reserve. FRIDAY, 28th OCTOBER, 1904, At 2.30 o'clock p.m. | IMPORTANT TO CAPITALISTS AND SPECULATORS. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE VALUABLE BUSINESS SITES! VALUABLE BUSINESS SITES! GHUZNEE-STREET AND MARIONSTREET. MESSRS. HARCOURT AND CO. havo been favoured with instructions to sell,, by public auction at thoir rooms, 48, Lambton-quay, on FRIDAY, 28th October, at 2.30 p.m.— ELEVEN MOST VALUABLE BUSINESS SITES IN THE CENTRE OF THE CITY OF WELLINGTON, HAVING FRONTAGES TO MARION AND GHUZNEE STREETS. The land is Town Acre 158, with a frontage to Marion-street of 264 ft 7in and a frontage to Ghuznee-street of 188 ft Bin ; subdivided into business sites, with* frontages ranging from 29ft 3in to 35ft, with depths of 70ft to 90ft. Tho position is one of the best in the city, and tho rapid advancement which has taken place in Wellington during the past few years has undoubtedly made this part one of tho busiost quarters of tho capital city of New Zealand. Its future 6uccess as a business sito is so assured that property in this position must still further greatly onhanco in value. PLANS OF THE PROPERTY, terms of sale, and further particulars on application to HARCOURT AND CO., Auctioneers. FRIDAY, 28th OCTOBER, 1904, At 2.30 p.m.* PUBLIC AUCTION SALE. SUPERIOR SIX-rTJOMED RESIDENCE ELLICE-STREET. TyESSRS. HARCOURT AND CO. ITA havo received instructions from tho owner to sell by publio auction at their rooms, 48, Lambton-quay, on Friday, 28th October, 1904, at 2.30 p.m.— All that piece of land, having a frontage of 33 feet to Ellice-street by a depth of 96 feet, more or less, together with the six-roomed dwelling erected thereon, known as No. 12, Ellice-street. This property is situate in a delightful position, and commands an exceedingly good view of tho city. The residence thereon is a substantial one of six rooms, fitted up with all modern conveniences, including electric light, h. and c. w., bath, outhouse, etc. We can recommend this piece of property as a splendid investment. For further particulars apply HARCOURT AND CO., t Auctioneers. FRIDAY, 28th OCTOBER, 1904, At 2.30 p.m. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE. EIGHT VALUABLE BUILDING ALLOTMENTS AND A SUPERIOR SIX-ROOMED RESIDENCE, FERN-HILL-TERRACE, WADESTOWN. MESSRS. HARCOURT AND CO. have received instructions from the owner to sell by public auction, at their rooms, 48, Lambton-quay, on Friday, 28th October, 1904, at 2.30 p.m.— All those pieces or parcels of land, being Sections 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34, situate at Fernhill-terrace, Wadestown. * On Section No. 34, containing 20 perches, is erected a superior six-roomea residence, fitted up with all modern conveniences. See fuller particulars advertisement Monday's paper. HARCOURT AND CO., Auctioneers. J± m MELISS STUART, SHAREBROKER, LAND AND COMMISSION AGENT, . 4, Featherston-street. Telephones— Office, 190; House, 384. FOR SALE. KELBURNE — 5-roomed House. Price and further particulars on application. ClTY— Tennyson-street— 7-roomed Houso. Price £880. 613 ClTY— Hankey-stre&t— B rooms, all conveniences, gas asphalte paths. Let at 27s 6d weekly. Price £1000. 591 CITY — Mein-street — Up-to-date 6-roomed ! HoiiEe, with all necessary conveniences. Price £875. 615 SUBURB— Alicotown— s-roomed \ House, concrete foundation, artesian well. Price £550. 618 ClTY— Thorndon, Section, £13 per foot. CITY — Percival-street, 7 rooms, new house, all conveniences. Price £1300. 611 CITY— 3 Valuablo Building Blocks, few minules from Post Office. Particulars prico on application. 610 a CITY — Tinakori-road, 8 rooms, all conveniences. Prico £1300. 553 SEASlDE— Muritai, Rona Bay, Karaka Bay, and Maranui, Sections and CITY (Queen-street)— 2s x 112, 7 rooms, all conveniences. £800; bargain. 6u2 CITY (Queen-street)— 23 x 112, 6 rooms, all conveniences. .T700: cheac. 602 -I A/\ ACRE DAIRY FARM, all level. Lease in Perpetuity ; adjoining Railway Station and Creamery; £12 an acre. Cash lequired, £800. For further particulars, apply to JOHN HOLMES & Co., Ltd. HUNTER-STREET, WELLINGTON."'
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Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 95, 19 October 1904, Page 8
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707Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 95, 19 October 1904, Page 8
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