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Tho sub-commit Ices which have been .set up in connection with the farewell lo Lord Itunfiuly have already bi-guii making aiiMiigL-meuts, and wrll hold a meeting to-morrow afternoon, subsequently reporting to a meeting of the GiMK'Kil Coininitti'u. l'rep.i rations jiro ulso well under way for tho illumination of the Post Office, Government House, Parliament Building,", and Government Buildings, although tho exnet design of tho illuminations hfi.s not yot been decided on. Mr. T. E. Taylor, M.H.R., speaking at the No License Convention at Chmlchurcli, said: "I lie Prohibition Patty should not go cap in hand to the Government in the matter of legislation needed. It Irul reached a position from which ii could demand aud it hed v right to I'xpict tint in ij[iiestions of public morality the Government would act cleanly, and not, a.s was uiiiial, oppcur to favour that whifli was opposed to reform. Jlia connection with politics, Mr. Taylor continued, had been a .strain upon his health jind over cilice he had entered political life, and he wished to say that should he npver again enter political life, now (hut the battle was practically over, the public should bo made to know tho value of the Temperance Paity. It wa.s strong enough to give the colony mi Administration that would not b>- tricky and that would bo in spirit national and not MTlioiml. The party had in ita ranks many men of sufficient ability to entry on the government of tho colony with entire success, and if the present Executive could not be awakened to a right feeling on moral questions it would huve to be sent to oblivion." The recent flood played sad havoc with the land in the vicinity of Wangaehu (says the Chronicle). A large nroa of the country was under water. Tho Waiieaeliu Rotol on the morning after the Hood presented a sorry external picture, surrounded by a dreary wasle of mud and slushy silt, in some places quite close to the building, four or five feet deepr The accommodation paddocks wero simply buried, not only the grass, but the Jencc.4 uf well in B onie of the more low-lying country, being covered with silt deposit. Several proper! y-owncrs suffered severely , nmong them Messrs. Fletcher, Ritchie, Blythe, M'Gregor, and Woodill, the latter liaving many i«crcs- of cauiifloweis, destined for the Wellington market, practically ruined. A considerable number of nbeepjuere drowned. As indicating the magnitude of the flood, tho lessee of nn accommodation paddock had to dig through four feet gf silt to find hiw fence-posts! It will tako many month* lo restore (he laud lo utility. About 9 o'clock on Saturday night, two men, ouo of mlioiii was stripped to tho waist, weiu found by a conshib.e fighting \io.ently in Johuston-tttiet'b. Ho toukthem inio custody, ,«nd this morning cimrgeU thum btlore Dr. A. M'Aithui, S.iVL, uuu having cumulated a breach ol the peace. John Bocke., whom the police de.saibed un a man of a violent disposition, was fined 4Qy, in default fourteen dayy, ami James M'Cann, who sot up a plea of "self-defence," was fined 2l)s, or soveii day«. Two hailors, named James Muiray and John Cody, belonging to the vessel Winded, uppearod with damaged fuces to answer a similar charge. Both men entcird picas ot guilty. The police stated that CoJy was so bad that a doctor had to do eal.od in to attend him. His face certainly bote evidence of a great dwil of attention, for it was bandaged tip to such an extent that he could hardly sou or move his jaws to «peak. A fine of 20s, in default seven days' imprisonment, was impos&d. Each man had to contribute to the doctor's fee. A case of particular interest to working mon wa.s that of Pe'niiavo v. Powell, docidod ut WV^tporl the other day. Plaintiff claimed redress under the Workers' Compensation for Accidents Act for injuries received while in defendant's employ, whereby he loat- the sight of an eye. For the defence it \vne contended that, aa tho claim had not been made within three months after the occurrence of tho accident, «m provided by section 12 of the Act of 1900, defemlnni was not liable. On behalf of plimititf it was argued that notice of tlio accident had, in accordance with the same &eclion, been duly served on defendant, and that this wua v. sullicient compliance, with the'udditioual provision as to notice of claim. The Magistrate, however, decided that there wan no et>cipe from the express provision of the statute, and decided against plaintiff accordingly. Plaintiff, therefore, had no redress. Adaptability is a characteristic peculiar ti> a racing crowd. Tf any exemplification of this assertion was required it was furnished at the Olaki races on Saturday. Early in the morning bright sunshineflooded the course, and cajoled the public into discarding its superfluous coverings. This shedding of garments, as events turned out, wa« unfortunate, for scarcely had tho .starting bell rung before- an aggressive southerly obtruded itself, and was accompanied by frequent, blizzard-like ram showers. The crowd hustled for shelter, but as the grandstand faced the squalls, the racing enthusiasts were* given the option of going out into the open and receiving 'their baptism in streams or sitting still and allowing the moihliire to iiutimiutc itself in pi'toneN. Tho fust alternative found mast favour, and tlto exhilarating spectacle was witnessed of a bedrnggltd crowd {gyrating unpicturesquely through mud — it was inches deep in places — in search of "a good thing." and collect ing 't* dividend in drenching showera, or watching the other fellow do so. Tho kreni'M revellers in the carnival were the native women, who, unhampered by trailing skirts', floundered through the qungintre with all the delight of a schoolboy Liking li>* first sea bath — the greater the splash tho wilder their joy. There w.s, in fact, a philosophic abandon about tho whole puicmlitu'.o that waf» vastly ainusinji. 'I'he climax was reached in the wild riueh for ronveyjnci'.s al Ihe conclusion of tlit. 1 day'w spurt. Kodden, mud••plashed people crowdul indiMcriminately mlo dru<rM, laughing and jostling each other as though discomfort and rlu'umati.Mn were .unknown in their expeiience. And yet tho British public is accused of Uiking its pleasures sadly. An order for a quarter of « million feet of knuii limber for England has been plaivd witli an Auokhiud linn. Tho persistent cough in soon stopped I>j- using Wilton's Old English Cough l.inctus. Try one doso, G. W. Wilton, O^em^w, k. Lwbßstieet.— Advt.

At the Mount Cook Police Com I this morning, befoie Mr. W. Hi.dreth, J.P., D.i me I South, alias Bouiko, aiiu Jam-j.s ltie.y were each fined 40s or fouueen da,vs' hard labour lor behaving in v disoidcrly liKinner whurt chunk in Hain-ing-strcet on Saturday nighl. Wi.liam Findhiy was fined 20s or seven days' imprisonment for a second otiVnce of umnktnness. Four firi=t-offending inebnutes were convicted nnd discharged. "A benevolent doMiiuL" is the opinion of Mr. A. W. Rutherford, on Mr. Ki'ddon. "Evciy I'iemier i^t ms to have been just its b.»d, from I can hour." he ti/.d hi« iiudlenix! al A»»berl«y on Moinhiy. -Mr. Scddim \vn» thi- autocrat uf tin* colony, nnd had all thy.- powers of the Pultun of Turkey, with the exception of "cut oft" your head." A witness named John Block was called to give evidence in the- Supreme Court this morning. John Bl<.ck hying tibsent, Mr. Myers cilltxl his next »vitn<.v., when n binile went round the Court-room. In tht> jibsence- of John Black, John White | g.ivo evidence. John Black subsequently .ippeidcd. Tlio theoretical examination in music of the Associated Board of the Ro -( al Academy and Royal College of Music weie he.d on Saturday under the supervision of Mr 11. A. Parker, the resident secretary. The practical oxamimir tions will be he'd Inter by Mr Graham P. Moore, \> ho is expected to arrive here in September next. j Regarding the reference made nt tho Masterton banquet to delegates of the Farmers' Union by Mr. A. 11. Atkimon, of Feilding, to dissatisfaction on the part of settle™ with (he administration of the Wel.ington Land Board, Mr. Atkinson is stating a, specific case for the Land Board. Mr. Atkinson desires us to corlect the statement that the incident quoted by him at the banquet took place at Taihapo. The district was-Apiti. The Chief Justice heard at Wanganui Kst week n ?uit for prohibition or mandamus to the Judge of the Assessment Court of Wanganui, who proposed to strike out of the valuation roll four of the ten acres included in tl °> Collegiate School rcs,orve as not being r-itable under subsection 7 of pection 2 of the Rating I Act. His Honour held that on a prc- | vious decision of the Court of Appeal 1 tho Judge of the Assessment Court had i no jurisdiction to exclude the area, and prohibition was ordered accordingly. The maiwger tif the Northern F'.our Mills (Mr P. 'irtue, formerly of Wellington) lmr. forw;irde'd n donation to the Auckland Trades Council in. recognition of its action in urging .iJUliaied unions to Mippmt his mills in the fight the Southern Tru»t. •Tudgment in the Court of Appeal aisea — Blockbiill Co. v. Shrive, a»nl VVhatmaM v. Udy — will bo delivered to-morrow morning. MesM.i. J. O. W. Aitken ond J. Duthie, M.H.R.'s, will deliver political addresses at the Exchange Hull to-morrow evening. Tho Chief Justice will hold a sitting of the Supivme Court in Chambers at 10.30 to-morrow morning. The gold dredges which have been built in Scotland and Germany according to ' designs prepared by Mr. C. A. Ulrieh, lof Wellington, are very powerful, and ' are expected to overcome the difficulties which drerigemasters have encountered in working the West Coast river-beds. Each dredge will 1>» dtiven by an eitpino of 100-horse power, and will be able to work to a depth of 50ft. Mr. Ulrieh hopes that they will be in operation about the end of the -present year. There w no truth in a report current in town that tho Roman Catholic Cathedral is to be erected in Sussox-sqnura. Tho building is to occupy the site at tlw , corner of Buckle-street and Tory-street adjoining Si Patrick's College grounds, belonging; to Mr Martin Kennedy. Ten1 ders for its erection will be called shortly I after Archbishop Redwood returns from Europe. At tlio conclusion of Saturday's sitting of the Supreme Court in the case W. Cook v. Union Steam Ship Company, Mr. Gray asked Mr. Justice Cooper if he would' make an order for the jury to lie taken to various points on tho wharves referred to in tho evidence, so that they .should become acquainted with the posi- | tions of the moorings, «tc, connected | with the case. His Honour said he did not uec hit* way to make nn brder of that kind, us it meant that an officer of tho Court must formally take tko jury in custody on their perambulations, a coupe to which lie strongly objected. But, with the consent of counsel on both sides, he would direct thft jury th«t if they chose lo visit- the various points nllucted to in the evidenoe, either singly or in sections of two or three, but not en masse, and not to converse with other people on the subject, ho would recommend them to adopt that course. Counsel on both sides agreed to this suggestion, and bis Honour directed the jury accordingly. Twolvo prisoners have been sent from Wellington to l)umgree, near Blenheim, where they will be employed in treeplanting. The number will be increased to 37. Business is not as good in Auckland as it whs. The Auckland Star sUitca that the sign "to let" appears in the windows of n goad many small shops. | The- settlers on the Argyle Estate, llawkes Buy, aro objecting to the payment of rat«s due on the property before they took up their sections. The oflice of the Soatouh Road Board is now in the New Zealand Accident Inoiuanca Building, Hunter-street. A knotty problem in relation to foreshore rights is likely to conic before the Courts presently, having particular reference to tv« right of tho Island Bay fishermen to the bcacli road to their dwellings. It is stated that on Saturday Mr. 6. H. ' Baylis, who churns tho freehold of a por- ' tion of the beach in the locality, erected j a substantial fence with the object of , blocking the right-of-way. Later in the day some of those who consider that long . custom has established a, legal user of tho roiuJ cho'ppi'd away so much of the obstruction as to give them the necessary ac-ce4-.s, and so pnv«d tho way to litigation. | Ihe Wollington Ciry Council is collecting the full amount of tho statutory fw ' from the Xewtown hotclkeeper.i fnr th«* period between the time when tho license* wore renewed and the end ol trt< licensing year, the 30th June." In most ' enses the amount has already been paid. The Corporation contends that the Act contains no power to allow any compromise being made- which will involve a re- j ductton of the fee. j Tho subscription which is being taken up on the West Coast in aid of the Brun- . tier Disaster Fund has been augmented by n- contribution from the commercial j traveller."* visiting the Cons*. Mr. John Myers, on behalf if the travellers, sent the sum of .€l7 to the Greymouth Ht;<r niflce In.^t week, and another donation of £10 his since Deen made, making v total of £27. The Matron of the Hospital adenow ledges with thanks the following gifts for the use of patients : — Illustrated papers, Dr. Alexander and Post Office; papers ! and books, Master Allen. The annual meeting of the New Zealand Kennel Club is called for Wedncs- \ day evening. You ought to obtain what you ask, as j you only a«k what » good when you ask j for Black Swan Batr-v.— A<ivt I

.± si.ort .siiuiig i.i J>..n lupocy w. i. :. .if by the thief .Juttlcv l-)-(!. y. W. Mi. .- w,..s gciiiud jus tn.sch.dgv. the*e bin j, i oppoti. am. in tiw c .--i uf J. W. J< t,i" l.ilii-uil A.-sfiic . giv-ed to an v i b^iiig nuul'j Joi tv- v,u.,<Ln,ii of the v. . inal jun{fnii!iil. .iiid Ins llonour oidn c! that if £15 i« J)hhl UV tin end of v teinbur. debtor will be deemed to hau discharged the jau>fiii«tit. -I he Cuun an joimied until tJie 251 h July. I his moimng a charite of '■shop-liftip^ 1 several jaticlef- belong ng to Geo. Winn i wns susiaiutd by J a A. M'Arthur, S .i... iig.niibi a wuaif luliO'iivr itiiined l*.<v I It tun, wlio Wild lniv'd 10s, with 18s cum , in defiiult fourU-on d.iy?" im{>n»>»init m 'J'lic hc-aring of the ci-»>v ugaiiit>t Puirioi Kvarney. clmrged witii liaving obtained £7 8» 2.1 from Stanley H. Brown bj iiH'Mir) of a valueless cheijue, was fur ther adjourned until JOUi .)une. Edward Botcher mms titifii 20.^, in defau't »ev<ri tl«y«' iiiiprisoionpiil, tur resisti'-'g Con oUble Nnsh whilst in ih- execution ot 'hu duty, and convicted s.nd (\it-< h.ii^d fui drtinkeiiii'w.s. T. Jijniiliieyh pioct^dtc Art-iiib&ld \\ m. ]Uiniphivj.« on v charge of il'sobedu-iico of a injmitenanr* order. It wsn .«tnt<>d that defoixiant luic? paid £6 of his £9 Dnvurs, mid his Wor fchip ouk-red him to pa> Si 7 ) forthwith, ii default fourteen days imprisonment. The second r'hV match, between teanu reprv.°<-uliiig the (inn« of Me-ws. G. IJ. llumphiies and L. &5. Humphries was fired at Miramar on and was wod by Mr. li. li. Huinplines' team by I pi>in'..s\ JL'he hcoivn w ere : — \\ inners : G J'-. Humphries 46, ii lljiiph 43, W. Hum phrit'K 37, Noedhnm 34, M. Cameron 34 I. Jfawke 30, 'Jhom)i.s 28, Young 26, A Cimeron 26, C. Peterwn 16. Total, 320 J/ost-rw: W. Kella 56, L. rlumphriea 4^» Jt. Cundy 37, J. M'Keand £6, J. Kemt 31, G. Oliver 33, H. Wrigle-y 25, A. Laiuc 23, IT. Trotmun 24, V. M. Cameron *d. Tot«l, ."Sl7. A few days ago a man named Richari Diivis died in tho Auckland Hospital from iujurie* newwd while working «on v building in city. His life was insured in an accident company under a policj taken out by his employer. As the man had no relative in Auckland no one "upl>eiired to claim the insuiance money. Owing, it is ixiid, to the insurance company aud the contractor being unable to come lo au understanding a* to r^ho ahould bc«r the cost of the burial, the body wa* allowed to remain in the Morgue for several diiy.s, when it was intenvd at the expetife of the deceased's fellow workmen. A meeting of the Executive -Committee of the New Zealand Counties Aj>sociatioa »'»» held ou tlie Ist inst. Nt the HuM County Council's ('ffiesM, Lambton-quuy, Wellington. The President of the Asso' ciatioii (Mr. Miuendie. Hutt), wa« in th<. <h.iir. It was d.-cidtd on the motion of Mr. yon Red en {Kketnhuiw), .-wconded bj Mr. H. Richards ( Hoi o when mi) that tin. d.ite for the ctnniu^ cntifetence of deleB«t« be fixed for 2olh July. The Secreliiry, Mr. H. D. Alltinaon, "was instructed to ksuo order pjpers to all afliliuted local bodies. '1 lm biUance-shect to close ol b.".t xinanciiil year uas submitted and dieclosed a sound ••'tato of things. Various accounts wore passed for payment, and sundry matters of detail dealt with. It. i.s probable that the ..conference will bo held in tho Chamber of Commerce, Wei lington. A .sailor named Patrick M'Ginii's, balonging to the steamer Buteshire, wa* anested by Constable Murphy on n charge of drunkenness, and when* searched was found in po.sjses-jion < . 2ib of to bacco, valued at 12s. Tkis mornint M'Giunis was brought before Br A^ M'Atthur, S.M^., on charges of drunken ness and petty smugglinj;, and was fined o6s, Ihifl amount hiir.g treble the valu* of the tobacco. In mitigation of the offence, defendant ».iid he ws« drunk and did not remember putting ths aiticles in his pocket. On charges of second offences of insobriety, Annie Thompson Wtis fined 20s. or seven days, Charles Duffy was allowed to rejoin his vevsel and jail from the colony, and Leonard Craig was con< victed and discharged. Six first-offending inebriates were also dealt with. At the opening of the proceedings in the Supreme Court this morning, when the caso pf W. Cook v. the U.S. B. Co., a claim for damuges in connection witb the sinking of the Jessie Niecoi on 19tl» December last, was called on, Air.* Justice Cooper asked Messrs. Myers and Giav how long the case would last. Both counsel said they had several witi nesses to examine, Mr. Myers stating that the remainder of his would be comparatively short. Mr. Gray,, however, stated that he had a number of witnesses, the examination of some of whom would be lengthy, and he did not think that th» case could possibly clos.e before to-morrow night. His Honour said in that case hti wouhl postpone the session of the Blen* heim Court until Friday, as tliere wa« no steamer leaving Wellington on Wednesday. Counsel could, therefore, proceed witk the examination of witnesse* with due precision, as it \raa not advisable in a case of the kind before thn Court that it should be taken hurriedly. At the pharmaceutical dinner in Dunedin, ono speaker said the Sale of Poioons Act was a- matter which the association had been continually bringing b»fore the Government, but without any effect. It seemed that the time had coin* when the Act should bo amended and brought thoroughly up to date. New Zealand was the only plaoe id the dominions where suck an Act was ia force. In other places the sale of poisons was controlled by the Pharmacy Board. Parliament had been blind .t.nd deal to all treaties for an amendment of the Act, but tho Pharmaceutical Associations and Ph.vmaoy Boards would soon be found pressing their claims. Mr. Arnold said that several members intended to get th« Sale of Poisons Act amended, and he also believed that Parliament would put through the Shops and Offices Bill, which would bo of benefit to chemists. An outbreak of fire occurred in th» loft over a, stable and bakehouse adjoining the dwelling of Mr. B. W. Wade, 14a, Aro-street, about 2 o'clock ycoU-roar morning. The contents of the loft wet* partially de&troyed by fire, and the bakehouso also -was damaged by fire aud water. Tho premises to which the tir« was confined wero insured for £150, and the contents for £80, in the Victoria office. Owing .to the tramway operation* in Aro-street the Brigade had a good deal of difficulty in getting, to tlu- 'lire A coffee-stall ignited on Saturday oven ing while being drawn to itA stand in Cuba-street. The flames were suppressed, by the Brigade after the stall Imd been considerably damaged. Mr. 1). M'Laren delivered an udiuc^t at the Socialist Partj's Hall ycsieidaj evening, taking the subject " versus Sentimenta.ium." In the cours* of his remarks he urged that the* movement had passed the stage of L'to . pianism, nnd whilst sociology js a scienc* wos somewhat exalted by an infus-ior. ol the sentiment of altruism, the socialists should bewuro of any attempts made to present their doctrine as one ol pur« sentrmentalis-m. Attacks made upon (he re.igious beliefs of ohurchgocrs wcrt ue precated as being outside the re«, vorii of the socialist movements The praci oa\ uork before socialists should lead tl.em to put aside speculative teaching on lbs line* of- pantheism, so-colied raeuhl science, and other abstractions to t rote their whole attention to the ir - problems of sociology, which v s*. rh«. true sphere for socialist activities to bt expended in. Merchants nnd importers are requ vW\\ lo send all their Customs papers to <W New Zealand Express Company, LO, Cwtom.iouse-qxw,). Telephone 92.— Advt.

\ I'lYMi Association telegram from Pali Mtua ilates that there w.i*» a heavy fall of anow on the ranges to-day. Mr. L. Juhu*toiMj lecturtd last evening on "Theoaophibts as Citizoius." The lecturer argued that while the I'heowphical Society must hold aloof <rom the' strife of parly po.iMc.s, it waa imperative that individual UK-inbera should tako an intelligent interitt m public affairs. Mr. Johnatone outlined tiw pros and coiii of somo of the piob'.ems of to-day, including land naUosi.ilLsUion, State bankusg, initiauv* and vtfoifiidum, ftu Without directly answering any of the** question*, the leeUuvr claimed that If a p<ir&ou Iwlicyed uiiicerely in the brolhei'houd of humanity (.wliioh ia tho only article of creed in the Society), tliat person would find it easier lo solve the varioiw problems than the man wlio behove^l in tlie prciwul sute of competition and htrifc everywhere evinced in our social, commercial, and national dealingti. In aiwwvr to qiu-Atioiut tlw. lc<_iuier said that while he was not willing Ku .(dinit that materin'. piu«jH'iity brought. |nu» advancement in th« light of p<u>t lu.«tory. yet he believed that moml,' viU'llict'ual" and spiritual advancement would solve all material problems. As yupular ldtvxls grow more refined there Ivould be an outward expression in tho gradual improvement of the material con'htious of the people. intending exhibitors are reminded thnt eutiiea for tl»* Manawatu Winter Daily Show and Poulti-y und i'igeon Kxlilbition at Palmorston North close on ThuiMlay next, 9th iiiht. Divisions compiisc: — termers' buttor, fruit, home- iudu^trioA, vegetables, farm rootct. hoeds and gruin. AIM), wpwittl conn>etition for public ■schitoU for best collection of agricultural |iioduct«. Entries in these sections have ho fur conic to hand from Huwken Jlay, I'oraruiki, and Wairorana. l'he poultry and pigwuu* will l»e fully reprosenUsd by ■ixltibilora from. as far North as Auckland, and down to Wellington ; South Island fjiJicier.s fi-om Blenheim and KVlsou trill fll^o bo showing. Tho indications vi* that tho «how altogether will be more than double the extent and interest of Hint of lust year. Munt, Cottrell, and Co., general carriers, Customs nnd forwarding agents. Storage a speciality. Furniture packed and removed. Office • Queen's Chamber*. Telephon* No. 23.— Advt. Winter. — ladies will do woll to visit C. Siuithi, Cuba-Ktroot, and inepoct tho fine :i»soitmont of winter undorc>othing which is on display. Warm woven combinations, 2s lid, 3» 6(1, lo 18s 6d ; woven uightdrcoMvi, 5a Gel, 8a lid, 13s 6d; flannol in nice . varioty ; woollon bloomers, in ntvvy and block, 3b 11(1, 4x lid, to 10» 6d. Everything for Union' underwear at O. Smith's, Cuba-«troot. — Advfc. OyolisU noto.— We o*n supply you with (amps from 3a 6d, inner lubes from 3a 1 6d, L'ycloa ciinmctiod and platod 30h. All ropairn executed promptly and at. a rououuble eh»rgr. — Oatos, Lowry and Co., Cubn-fltroet.—-Advt.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 133, 6 June 1904, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 133, 6 June 1904, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 133, 6 June 1904, Page 4


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