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CONCILIATION BOARD. 4 THE CLAIMS OF FARRIERS. Yesterday afternoon, the employers y\ "M T¥ *W T Usssf TV A "W" T/^ IB MT •V W '■^t called O. Ridding, who, in answer to 1 I |%| I 1/ I m\ k \/ L^ llßiifl B^ Mr. Peterseu, said he was v journeyman ■ Blml ■ «# fl ■ IB Wj B/| M fl fIJ? 1 farrier employed, by the City Council in fl fl I W fl fl "^ fl fl I B ■ Will HB ■* its Tramways department. He made and I II 1 I fl ■ fljf 1-4 fl 1 f IEI DIl 1 fitted shoes, and was paid £3 for a 45 \/l \ JLjl JL BJ JL JL JL W/ A. IM.\J JL mJsUssf 6 hours week. Was not a moraber of the union. Thought 10s a fair wago for a ' journeyman and 8s for a lloorman. ————————————— To Air. Sutherland— Had not been ap- ' prenticed, but had learned the trade iv VI I ■ I # ft! "VI I ■ ■ b^irtrtji^^r. The Lists for New Zealand must be winch no had spent in his father's employ. He now shod tram horses for tho . _ _ _ —^ _ Council under the direction of tho shoe- I" laffcAJtsfl 4%M #*aM I%J^*>^ sWlsf^ V«7%bV%W "I #4sU ssrt.i!s 4j4 jr J mK?2 uiosea on or Detore oept. i/tn. that he feared " getting the sock." Belioved in being paid for overtime, but ' thought it was not fair to ask payment w'^SSjS'iffJSS^'S A G»EAT OPPORTUNITY THAT IS PASSING. much for an apprentice in his first year, * • -„, 1' t 11 • • • 1 • • i»iibut that tho rise in wages should be . majx 1S never more vexed than ■when, he has just missed a tram, aud sees it moving out ot tho station, half-yearly, iristead of annual. taking other people to the place where he wanted to go. He did not know until that moment how keen he Re-examined by Mr. Peterson — Had wag to go, and in all probability he loßt the train because he had not made up his mind until the last moment. in respect to his joining tho union, but That is the framo of mind in which a good niany people will find themselves when the present offer of admitted that he feared his joining it the lilbvary of Famous literature has been withdrawn. The advertisements have appeared day might militate against the permanency after day. It you like to have the beat sort of books in your house, and like to get the best possible bargain °'n' Tu llle £ \a , 1 t i.v t, j, * or y our mone y» you must have said to yourself that you would like to secure a copy of the Library. But HaVseln a^tcKtu^by ?$£ W ° ther thi *g S to think atout > ™ d ?™ *id »«* ato P to <^ ° ut &* «*« *>**• horse, through which a man was laia ___ __ up for a woel with a bad hand. Thought NOW THERE IS NO MORE TIME TO LOSE. the accident was duo to want of judgment on the part of the man. If you delay, the train will have started without you— the train, so to speak, that runs through the varied -It was' become hTknow that tho City and be^ utiful domains of the world's literature, where the masterpieces of all the ages stand forth like Council was endeavouring to be exempt- mountains, where fiction and humeur and verse flow in ample streams, where harvests of pleasure and profit, ed from the award of the Board that he too, await your coming. It is a land of delights, to which, if you have hut little leisure, you may go for only was afraid to join the union. If the ten minutes at a time, always returning refreshed and stimulated ; a laud in which you may 'Bpend long cosy SS«/™ S LfTtl\ a u!L Uni °> evenings ; a land to which the members of your family may journey with you, and return with a thousand wST^^^^^by'.i' Peasant impressions and recoUections to diLuss. an employee of the Council in an awk- To follow out the simile, to-day you may for half -fare book your passage to this lovely country, which T M° P slt ™"w fmpTr.iv,,. N t ttnn,^ j 8 so easi^ veached > and 7©* B <> *« removed from the cares, and fatigues of daily life, and your ticket will not -When he left lirSAeri employ he b f for one iOWci OWem V onl J> but ? or life . e » ablin g V™ *° r^ aU the way up and down the line as often as you was not a partner in the Inn. He re- .P I *"*, stopping where you wish, ccived 9a 6d a day for his work in the pp 6w 6 w will liko to lose such an opportunity 1 If you do not wish to lose a great opportunity you must R. S. Rounthwaite, City Engineer, make U P VY 0 ™ "^ at once - said that in the general yard one smith ■ was employed, who did no farrier's work and was paid lls 6d a day for a week's irork of 47 hours and 5 minufcos — the aa ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ wmk mat m *^. awsaw ■ asskw. ■ same time as the other employees. In Al I T^ LJ Ca lA/llCcI || Q a largo concern like the Council it was F^ Ism Ism I I B tmm Vw.wriLiL/ 4k«7 in the interests of the public that the different departments should york the A*^. Wf^ ff 1 "" 1 BUL ■■888 ■ B WBB ■■■■ HPHfe JA Wmum ■ B flP*ta BaVßi same hours. The hours were reasonable m flijiP Bm j7a I I I H B B ~M m\ H X | B J and tho wages were not complained of. B Bfl ff^TA BBU H fl I ■ f li l » Mmßk I H I ■*"% ■* The employees were paid for holidays, fl B ■■■ M \ H dMBi fl I IsHB fl B fl%. I Xij^ fl B EBssssl and of late had been conceded several extra holidays. One labourer was em- ■ ployed at 8s a day, and worked the ' _ __ _ _—_--», - •mm-**.^'-** m _____ . same hours. Both smith and labourer A FEW NAMES AMONG 1 A THOUSAND. were good workmen, and their wages had recently been raised to the present ( t rate. As to the abolition of piece-work Thn Kf firv AT let Ar The -EBll'll6B*E 811 1 168* Llte - Mf\iitirC* Cornexlle, Eacme, Fenelon, Pascal, and the giving of preference to union- ■ ■"-' UIVI / VB I^*'* l l • ratui'e known ITH/lICI C> Montaigne, Rabelais iats, he objected strongly to any such interference with the employera' arrange- The Tale Of TWO Brothers. ----—-—--—---_—---_-_-_ mm^ mmmmmmmm^ mmmm^ mmmmmmmm Hampton— The City CouncU • fioPtHp Schiller, Heiue, Eichter, Hoffmann, had had no opportunity of considering Hrfcitinn* And the Q-lory that was Q-reece; vav^ 1 ' 11^ Pritz Eeuter, Schopenhauer nomer Ss d o i dd ueß' u eB ' ißch y lu8 ' x-°x -°p hou >nn ii g h«y'this fc wal SCOtt, $«* n^l Keats Wordsworth, To Mr. Suthevland-The smith who . , „ v . .. _„ <^^vm.« Sterne, Ohatterton, Colendge was paid lls 6d a day was an excep- Cff*Sar o t T Roma^ 8 I Vir & ll » Cicero » tionally good man, and one -who had Seneca, Horace, Ovid, Livy •—-_------—--—---—-_---———--—------. been in the service for a number of years. : ' D a |_ ar Victor Hugo, Dumas, Alfred de r^^rteLeWw^tS Marrus A»rplin« *• »^»i balzac ' "-"J*"*'^^ ft™ . The labourer was a very useful man,i and ITlCll VAX& iWWMVWXS Orriar, Juvenal, ™> aud Anatole French his- work was almost as general as that * Tamrnn Pliny _---_-~__-~_._-______-^__-_-__^_-_.^-^-__ of the smith. Still, he was a labourer, lacitUS, .TUny . and had learned all he knew in the aer- — — , • — T anni/CAn Newman, Disraeli, Dickens, "To Mr.^olHnSn an industrial agree- Dailte £* th ! g; Tasao Petx-arch, ■ COnySOn, Tl , k j . L ment entered into with the Drivers' ■^"■■t.^ Boccaccio, Eroissoi't, Pulci, Hafiz . fellow, Lowell, George Eliot, Union, a preference claußO had been ■ Browning, Ruskiu agreed to undor certain conditions, one ... of which was that the Mayor ahould be Chfl||CPr And the DaWn of Enfi^sh Llterathe judge of competency. v-nuuv.^l ture; Spenser . ' TV* I elm Tourgenief, Puskin, Gogol, SienkiMr. Rounthwaite applied again that _->»__-». ------------«-------------«--^— -««-«---. iUIoLUIj w i CZj Ibsen, Bjornson, Brandes, De the Council should be struck off the list Ami™ Guidon > ValoTß. Vfildflß of parties to the dispute. The union ShakpfcflAJirA Alld Glories <>* the AmiCl8 ' { * &l<i ° B> VaWe " representatives objected, and the Chair- OllCll\C»pcai C Elizabethan Age ; Bacon, T7T 7 JfLST J&SUFi al Z£ *«-. ,»*«. B*au- Emerson, S" 1 * iT^'r Po ?r *T Wm. Chas. Roberts was then recalled mont and Pletcher uirei^wiij thorne, Holmes, James, Howells, by tho employers' representatives, and, -——-—----—-—--—---—--——-«««—--_——___««_«««-. James Whitcomb Eilfey under examination by Mr. Rounthwaite, -_.- t, t , _ „-^, — — _— — — _—__—__ _. __ ————-_ — — — _— aaid he had occupied the position of sec- M||f fbfl Bun 7 an .' Jon nson, Boswell, Dryden, retary to the union since its inaugura- iviiitviij (Joldsmith, Gray, Cowper, Pope, |/gg%||gin Maeterlinck, Swinburne, Hardy, tion some three months ago. Could not Gibbon, Pepys, Eichardson, Smollett, ■"P""!!* George Meredith. Tolstoi, Bourget, give the date of the meeting at which Fielding Besant it was resolved to bring this dispute be- .wo^ug ojodo,ui» fore the Board. Could hot state exactly i >» " or approximately how many members # «•»% ******>*•• there were in the union. Would not say Arrangements for Payment of Monthly Subscriptions. that there were more or less than fifty -n i. • members. Would object to producing .For the convenience of subscribers under the Monthly Payments Plan an arrangement has been the books that would show these figures. ma <lo with the Bank of New South Wales by which payments may bo made at any branch of the Bank Mr. Rounthwaite asked that the .Board iv New Zealand. The subscriber is thus saved the trouble and expense of making remittances by P° Bt> Onl y the first P a y ment n e ed be sent to the New Zbjlland Times Office ; all subsequent payments t i m o. % can be made at the nearest branch of the Bank of New South Wales. The Chairman deolined to insist on ««■■»«»«■ MMH iii HMM __ if further reply to Mr. ORDFRS RY TFI FfiRAPH Rounthwaite, then said that the minutes , V* tSjJ Er Ka* D I 1 CLCU K/\l~ * * • of the meeting referrod to would give Th 08e who see t j )is annO uncoment at the last moment, too late to order by post, may telegraph, and a p^dJctnrthe B Afeattt cTuJt if 8^ will }l if any remain pending receipt of Order Form and remittance. Telegrams should be nocoaaary. Witness declined , to .state addressed "Times Library, Wellington." whether or not notices of the summoned . . ™ to L3hi7ti the un?on b6en Senb *° Intending purchasers art notified that, as this offer is about to be withdrawn, unless this Order Se Cha^an agai^ refused to press Pona is sent by return post it may arrive too late for acceptance. for an answer. # -■— < ' M^iKfer^ n .wS^ Library of Famous Literature. oath that the Act had been complied *^ with. ORDER FORM-Easy Payments Plan.

Geo. MTlvride, a master blacksmith at the Hutt, was generally opposed to the The Subsonber should fill in and out out this form and send it with remittance of 10/- (or union's demands. cheque in full, exchange added), to the " New Zealand Times " Office. Cheques or Money The Board roae at 4.30 p.m. till 10.30 Orders should be drawn to the order of the Bank of New South Wales, and sent with the this morning. Order Form. TILE-WORKERS' CLAIMS. T0 THE MANAGER, Publication Dipartmint. The following are the principal items THE NEW ZEALAND TIMES, WELLINGTON. 1901 in the demands filed on Tuesday by the Please send me the " Libbart ob Famous Litkrator* " at the special prices named below. Wellington Brick, Tile, Drain, and Other I enclose 10/-, and I agree to oomplete my purchase of the work as followß :— Pipe and Pottery Makers' Union: — Tho - For tho Cloth Bindings ... ... ... IS further payments of 10/- par month "\ „_«,.„„» week's work to consist of 44 hours' work, |A g - [ For the Half Persian Calf I*. „ / * r f./ to cease at noon on Saturdays. The *j{ *>r tuo """^J^ag^ .. . » "/■ .. g * minimum weekly wage in the various mZ) For tho mil Morocco , ... ... ..; „ „ „ 83/- „ ) Un "' classes of labour to be £3 12s to com- Ss^l'S . M y nß *twroont shall be due upqu the despatch of the twenty vommeai and mysuoeoeulnjf payments on the corresponding day of Ti*tAnt ■nnttfirv burners Dressers and 6> f aoh , month thereafter. Until buoli payments ure complete I engage that the volumes, not being my proporty, shall not be disposed of petent POttery DUrnerS, Preasera ' »«« „g» Iby sale or otherwise. I further ogre, that if, owing to T un fores«Bii circumstances, of which yoti shall %o the judge, the volumes osanot throwers; £3 to all men engaged as en- 55 § /be doHrered, the return of tho deposit of 10/- to me shall cancel this agreement. sine-drivers ; £3 to competent burners £ V . Please also send to me the SpeoUl Bookcase wade to ooutain the twenty volumes of The Library, for) Sfrik* out if Bodkcas* and finishers; £2 14s to assistant burners ; v whioh I agree to make on* farthw payment of 88/- one month after the payments for the books are completed, j i$ not dirtnd, £3 to competent letters and drawers; 5W Occupation orPro/itnon £2 14s to assistants, one assistant to be - - - *~ ' " " ' ■ allowed to each fully-paid setter and , tP . 14. Addvui drawer ; £2 16s to competent workmen- '"■ ' ■ r """ ■ " ■■'■ ■ '- who make salt glaze sanitary connec- pieau addreis the package to , tions } £2 16s to competent socketers ; - £2 12s 6d to comuetent off-bearers to and I'his Speoial Sditlou is sold at so low a price that tho cost of carriage beyond Wellington must be pnld by Subaoriber. The oomplete * vi L- ™n^;/f» D . X\9 RanR a +n i.nmnatenfc ••*> pno kod for uliipmont, weighs 831b., and the cost of carriago to any port in New Z«alaud is 3s Od ; the cost by rail to iuland points may bo from brick machines , *J<S Bs to competenc i oa mod at local railway stations. The subsoribor may, if he chooses, romit the cost of carriage with ordori otherwise the goods will be shipped, labourers. Casual labour to bo paid Is 4u carriage forward, from Wellington. per hour when the minimum wage is £2 8s per week, with proportional in- CQ>Bh Subscriptions.— The Prices for the Library have been fixed at the lowest possible point for the benefit crease in tho case of higher-paid work- " of thoso who prefer to make deferred payments. A discount of about 6 per cent, will be men The proportion ot boys to each allowed on Subscriptions accompanied by cash in full. Those who prefer to pay cash in advance should therefore remit fully-paid workman not to be more than as followa—Cloth £7 12e, HuU-Calf JtQ 14a, Three-Quarter Leyant J6ll 17a, Full Morocco Xl 6 17s. If Bookcase is one to four 5 in taking any new boy desired, the sum of 22/- additional should be remitted. the calculating shall be based on ft two- THESE SPECIAL PIUCEB apply exclusively to subicriptionareceived now beforethewitlidrawaltf the pretent LIMITED OFFER thirds' full time employment of men for TBB BOOXOASB.For tho convenience Of Subscribers to Th» Library ot Pamods Litboatoiib a convenient bookcase has b»en socially the previous twelve calendar months. prepared to hold the twenty volumes. It is nubstautlally mode in solid wood, and iitwenty inches in width by throe feet in height. The bookThat the following minimum rates of pay <="« »• » en t to th ° subscriber flat, and onu bo set up in five minutes. for boys shall bo — Sixteen yenrs of age, JTOTB Off BINDINGS.— The Library is bound in Cloth only in oonformityj with tho usnnl oustom. The Half Persian Calf is flraf viar 1R« nnr wfipk second venr £1 v vary attraoUvo and dumble binding. But we particularly recommend the Vhrei-Quarker Bed Levant Moroooo as the handsomost and 1 nrsD year 10s per w« e », b«h,uhu j«.«»«*j «.«»«* most artiatio form of the work.audottaoooiuitef itarelativtfoheapness. It is an ornament to any library or drawing-room. For presentation i\i per week, third year hi lbs per weeK, purposw, or for those who desire the flnast binding obtainablo, the sumptuous Tull Moroooo will be found to meet every requirement. fourth year full pay of competent work- y RB B pboSPUOTUbj.-A 100-Page Prospootus ii sent froe upon application. But those who apply for it should either send their aub- • men in each class of work mentioned in sociption at the same time or nsk for resertatiou of a set pending tho arrival of the Prospootus. the previous clauses. That no boy under df c a g y To^Trickma b C hint wed t0 . THE BOOKS ARE- ON VIEW r=r At -foe jj ew Zealand Times Office, Laiubton Quay ;H. Baillie and Oo.'b, Cuba Wada'i Teething Powdori foi babies are Street J and Q. W. HarVCylJ, NlßWtOWtt. ioothina, reduce fever and prevent blotoh- . " 91. PrTca, li.— Advt.

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Evening Post, Volume LXII, Issue 64, 12 September 1901, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXII, Issue 64, 12 September 1901, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXII, Issue 64, 12 September 1901, Page 7


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