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IF YOU HAVE POORNESS OP BLOOD YOU CAN RESIST THE WINTER'S COLD HIS SYSTEM HAD QUITE secured a tonic?" " I did ; several doctors great anno3'ance to me. I tried various which had overtaken me, and was gradually !PEVER AND IN* the popular actor-manager of the Alexandra ansemia, induced in most cases undoubtedly Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People v agreeing ; that it was a tonic I required. But remedies, but without avail, when in- drawing me into the grave, I tried innumer- Theatre, Melbourne. Recently one of our by climatic conditions that it is satisfactory are a perfect blood builder and nerve "RTJJJ T)OWN tuev f aU " ed to su PPty iat much-needed cidentally a lady friend mentioned your Pink able so-called cures, and swallowed an uncon- JcIiIJENZA. representatives paid a visit to him at his 'a \ v restorer, curing such diseases as anaemia, • mental and, also, physical bracer. They Pills to me. As a forlorn hope I gave them scionable quantity of medical compounds, • * oftice, and he courteously granted a request ™ n °te a reliable remedy has at last bee,n y^e u m atisni > neuralgia, partial paralysis, « supplied plenty of them, both in quantity a trial, and was simply astonished at the but beyond giving me temporary relief ; for a few minutes' conversation. found iv Dr. Williams's Pink Pills for Pale locomaljor ataxia, St. Vitus' dance, A MELBOURNE MAN COMPLETELY and variety, but with no appreciable beneiic, beneficial results, instant relief following. occasionally, they none of them did me any MISS IDA HOLBEIN'S EXPERIENCE. "My life has been a varied one," said Mr. People to successfully combat this beauty nervous headache, general debility, ' the least business effort bringing about a re- "Should you care to make use of this good; in fact, I honestly believe that the Barry, and there are but few cities and destroying diseaso nervous prostration, the after, effects ltj^du V.hJNAIJ!/.L>. currence of the all-overish feeling." " What testimonial you are at perfect liberty to do majority of them only aggravated my suffer- Miss Ida Holbein whose private address towns in Australia that I have not visited. •»«■ T foQ^ + . of la grippe, influenza, and severe do you attribute the change to ?" "Well, so. ings. I was just on the point of giving up . " „.' . ' M,, . A theatrical manager has much to do men- Mrs. Lee, ot 380, bussex-street, bydney, is co ids, dengue and typhoid fevers, diseases Mr. A. Sayerg, of 57 Adam-street, South a barrister friend of mine, a great sufferer " Respectfully yours, in despair a few months back when I hap- ls 3>3 > Victoria-parade, Melbourne, is a tally, and as a result I commenced to feel one lady amongst many who amply verifies depending on humours in the blood, such Yivm v nwhmw nn ft nf tlm hp«t lfnr,wn from P aral y si *, mentioned to mo the «« MILLIE FINKELSTEIN " P ened to read in a newspaper of some talented young descriptive vocalist, who has the strain some two years ago. Frequently the latter statement. as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, &c. Pink . ' ' ] 7' ' "™ „" immense benefit he had experienced from a ' wonderful cures effected by Dr. Williams' won laurels at the Alhambra, Sydney, with I felt, mentally and physically, quite ex- «t m» m> mr »nr m )»i«f » <I.p wnliinpd Pills give a healthy glow to 1 pale and sallow mining men of Victoria. It would be a course of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Pink Pills for Pale People, and I determined the Coeill Brothers with Messrs York aud justed. I was also affected with neuralgia l was never very roDust sne expiainea complexiong) and are a specific for ,' all uiir.Miit thing, in fact, to find any mining People, and some two months since I in- SlirVTT I 'RTi 1 TVT'P'RVnTT^ to give them a trial. After taking the first B . ' . ' „. ' in the head, which often seriously interfered to a reporter who recently visited her, troubles peculiar to the female svs,tem, such centre where this gentleman has not with vested in a couple of boxes." "How did wljv-uxhj i^iuuuo box j feH considerably re lieved, and so J ones, aud with other companies. &he lias with my duties< At nigUt my gleep wag <« although up to September of last year las poor and watery Hood, female irM ' „„! ' " •.i •\ u 1' i , they pan out?" " Much better than some p-p n^JTT* A TTrVNT marked was the improvemeut I noticed iv my recently been nuhlling a seven-months eu- res t} ess an( j of no recuperative benefit, and p.vinvpd fairly ennd health From then regularities, &c. In the case of men they more or less success, assisted in the develop- of my mining specs like pure gold . A I'lUJbl.tlAllUJN . * gagement in West Australia, a place where iUnesß comraence / to tell on m e so Qd «°f ff h - lro * * n f°» e{ f eot a radl^ our 6in all arisin J ment of Victoria's golden treasures. At few J boxes strung me up properly, my . « *U^i the , Ban^ vy ai : riin £ e , me P nts a J e such M*° seriously that I consulted a medical man. bowe ™r, I gradually lost my good health from over work, or excesses Ballarat, Sandhurst, Maldon, &c, his name appetite improved, and work (before a _._ WTmiß , rTmATTnvtr wAO ■# \W \ , make visitors fearful of, and consequently He told me that my system had run down, and animation; I grew pallid in appearance, o f aQy natU re. and person are familiar. While awaiting heavy task) became a pleasure." "Taking HOW A FARMER'S VITALITY WAS ~- v/ I r// \ lL especially susceptible to, any epidemic. Miss and that I wanted a tonic. He gave me white about the ' gums, and I felt dull, fresh opportunities, and at the same time them still?" "No. A few boxes of RESTORED. : „ 1| 4 }}™^>T1 • : -nr l a l v t * some pretty extensive medical advice, which cWnv and Hpr>rfts«>rt Tn f-iofc the altera- ... ,.- recuporating-Athcre is nothing so wearing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for me _^Jf ,-Sr-> "Whilst m West Australia I was at- developed into a large-sized bill. I would \ P & ™vaSSSoe Jum so mXed tha\ /^^yfe^K on the sy>tem as a life on 'Change-he has what pounds sterling worth of doctors' „_, „„.,,„., t ' V-rnftSTT I- - lacked l)y influenza, and m I had heard so th * had any ob > otiou to the m i WI J ™ f^S^^\v no^Stl^ C^/C^SSI been so successful in the latter respect that stuff foiled to accomplish" "You are J Mr. Batchelor » said a reporter t>§||fe4 *t much about the sickness in the West I felt veceiyed auy b^ efl J t . but x had not . so "<?" to uSb- fe^^^^l one of our representatives, visiting him on perfectly satisfied of the merits of Dr. recently to that gentleman at his farm, vs 5s s fepav j ' /2|\ -I — - Ve «wi f - n ,-,,,. T I tried a second medical man, with no better me glass assured' me -of it 'i continually •* I 1 11 bUßinp<«. could not, help remarking it. Williams' Pink Pills for purifying the blood Horton River, N.S.W., " that you have just - SSSSSJ E^L Mf iVfiSYn IS iSthTl S/nnfdo result thall the consoliD g information that fe ft very '^pressed and despondent, and I lA I rr*f^tt«-immMm an< ! aB - aDerVe f° mC? " C f rtainl > r - , For experienced a remarkable recovery from a w •„£^'if o^ my work The fy evident state of debility and want of l os t my appetite comptetely.' I also suffered sff j I liEtpttslfflHra • re - t0 "^ a .^T FUn d TI L b^ : ov f vvork " very lon* illae* M 1 AM^IIC Coi^ould only riro nJ T the con^olat on ,°»^W"i'ed me to take an extensive rest. grea tly Sn headaches, with shortness of £ ' Wrt K"^&^ iSC^ "I have, indeed." • \^-Jsp£ffll that the attack must wear itself out and SK^SSI £3 LnTew ' <^W Ml T^Q^W, IW " !____ « Would you mind narrating the particu. /, ~ {§%S3?U Lnt Tnd rnVSnt eewVat £ *&&*** I sho V\ d te J Wi \ Uams ' SSJf ST SSted aTlr. 'TX 5^ Jtt JSI PW^SS! ' lars of your case to us for publication?" )/ f tfafg^W tamed no permanent benefit, however.. I 1 *! hr^^^^^M * one which should have all the pubhcitypos- <JVli/ // 1 I took Several hoxe? S^effect has been of Ability and its attendant ills, and fully tbeS e also proved quite ineffectual. Becom- , Ufe^^la^ • POSITIVELY CUREDOF NEURALGIA sible - Xam 65 * ears o£ **>> * nd bave been f^PIW t± U SatelToT ThXer md influenza rapid" fg?^ \Z ffim"in -' " % \° S "T dcSP ° nd6nt /7\^T? *" ifM >\J^JB2|W resident in this district for about 12 years. UL^^C l^ disappeared, and left no traces behind, ex- li tt ] ° A , ", d v^ 1 v «^,l?f 1L p» hope °tmy recovei 7 se ? med futlle > X ha P" ,r- „.„. .„ „, Prior to my coming here, I had always en- ss * ssfa * 3^ s= -2^^^*^ cept ray Kratitude to the Dr. Williams' And jou lecommeud them t 1 pened to read in. an evening paper one of the fc;gZLlJL^Sil 7 \r¥i W f$ Miss Millie Fmkelstem, who will probably joyed the best of health, and I had been ac Medicine Company, for having placed their I do. If I see any member of my cures o f anaemia by Dr. Williams' Pink %F IMIII^!O be best known as the young lady on whom customed to work very hard. About six strength that I decided to continue their use. ]) r Williams' Piuk Pills for Pale People com l )an .y saving me least signs or brain tag pi HB for pp a l c People. The symptoms VJ |||1| devolved the honour of delivering- the open- years ago, however, [all my energy seemed I did so, and up to the present time I have before the public of Australasia." Sr wflliims'PM PmfZd L havener de f rib f d ™ re f 8U ?/! ar to m J own, that I y.,, f J>Q - I lVr-1 better now than I have for many ing ode of West Australia's first theatre, the to gradually desert me. I suffered acutely taken five boxes. My inability has all dis- LnEnhiP' determined to ti-y tins remedy. I did so, HJRH^EHr rears »a-,L The last two months my whole Rov _, .p „ .. and constantly from pains in my limbs, lost appeared, and lam pleased to say that to-day JvUOWU "wmioiaii. and j can oanduily say that the results exSystem has been re-tuned— wound up to coa- T^irr ,7.. r, my appetite, and for months at a stretch I lam as strong and hearty as I ever was in AN EMINENT AUSTHA- ======= ceeded my most sanguine expectations. I cert pitch, as it were," was the reply. "You Dr - Williams Medicine Co. did not know wbat it was to get a good my life. It is no trouble to me to do a m^-r> SIT E WAS VATiTi TT> bou B ht three boxes , to art . Wltn » and I „,.„. , „, „ , Hultercd severely?" " Yes, but not so much " Dear Sirs,— l have several times been night's sleep. Work of the very lightest day's farm work now, aud I feel quite equal LIAN ACTOH. " aB xj^.ajajxx/, oare f u n y followed the directions. After Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People ijLiviLoallv as from an entire absence of tone going to drop you a line to tell you of the nature at last became beyond the question to the task of walking at least 30 miles a $ SLEEPY & DEPRESSED, using the first box I felt a decided improve- are sold only in boxes bearing the firms in the system. I ctfuld transact my business dee n debt of latitude I owe your Dr with me, and I could do nothing but sit by day. Everyone who knows me can testify DncTrmrrTV ,„ OTl , vm ™ t nient, which daily increased as I continued trade-mark and wrapper (printed in red ink). fairly well but tlio continual excitement of e f d , °\\ g"g "™ c X owe 3 ° ur Dr> the window and content myself by watching to the great cure these Pills have effected in POSITIVELY CURED OJ? NERVOUS rpPTrnfPWdvm awj?hti taking them. I took m all five boxes of the Experiencing any difficulty in obtaining the over three decades of mining life-prospect- Williams' Pink Pills. the otllers work the farm> i gave up a ll me, and in recommending them for similar PROSTRATION. ANOTHER TRIUMPHANT ANyEMIA pm Sj and I was then as well as ever Iliad genuine Dr. Williams's, send direct to the in" i.roruoiuiK, speculating) and Exchange " During the past 12 months I have been hope of ever being able to do any more work cases to mine I can honestly say that they t»UJil!i. been in my life. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Welhnglifo— had told on me of late years. The sojourning in West Australia, accompanied and almost believed that every week which are worth more than their weight in gold. There is no man with whom the theatri- ~~ . . have alone effeoted my cure, as with the ex- ton, N.Z., who will forward (post paid on By-stem' had run down ; that was about it." by a severe attack of neuralgia. I need commenced would be my last. Iv my en- If everybody knew their true value, there cal and theatre- going people of Australasia b0 many ol tne tair sex m Australasia cep ti O u of a laxative I took no other receipt of stamps or post order) one bor for " Why not have visited a medical man. and hardly inform you that this was a source of deavoura to stay the ravages of the ailment would be no other medicines sold." are better acquainted than Mr. Dan Barry, suffer from the distressing symptoms of medioine» M ' 3s, or half-a-dozen for 16s 9d,

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Evening Post, Volume LV, Issue 101, 30 April 1898, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LV, Issue 101, 30 April 1898, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LV, Issue 101, 30 April 1898, Page 2


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