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Cn tho fourth page wo give particulars of yesterday's orickct match, the meeting of Colonial Bank shareholders, and the illegal operation case, besides a letter to the Editor. A smart shook of earthquake was felt in Wellington about 3 o'clock this morning. The name of Mr. J. G. Fildes has buen added to the rola of Justices of the Peace for the city. Mr. Fildes' commission dates from 1885, at which time he was manager at Blenheim for the Bank of New Zealand. Ho lately retired on pension after 31 years' service. The situation in connection with the Newtown School embrogliois that Mr. Hulke has consented to remain in charge until Clirihtmas, and will then consider what shall be done as to tho future. The Town Clerk went to Christchurch last evening for a holiday. The following changes are about to be made in the Customs Department: - Mr. Richard Carter, Landing Surveyor at Dunedin, is to be Landing Surveyor here, in place of Mr. Laing, recently retired ; Mr. C. S. Nixonj Collector at New Plymouth, is to be Landing Surveyor at Dunedin; Mr. J. P. Ridings, Landing Waiter at Dunedin, is to be Collector at Oamaru ; Mr. Bedford, First Clerk at Auokland, is to be Collector at New Plymouth ; and Mr. E. Dignan, Landing Waiter at Auckland, 13 to be promoted to the position of First Clerk at that place. Mr?; Tasker writes in referenoo to the meeting of the School Committees Association to state that a wrong impression of what she said is conveyed by our report. She did not use the wordr " notoriously " in reference to alleged excessive punishment at Newtown. She said she had often heard of undue flogging at tho school. She sympathised with the teacherß, who no doubt had a trying time of it, but that was no reason why they should beat the children as it was stated was done. Mr. C. M. Luke has been nominated for another term as Mayor of Wellington by Messrs. William Frederick Sichards, John Halley, Samuel Waters, and James Monntstephen. Mr. T. N. Horaley. Hon. Treasurer of the Christchuroh Exhibition, arrived by the Takapuna from the South yesterday, and spent some time with the President and Secretary of the Wellington Industrial Exhibition, explaining the working of the lvte Exhibition. The Southern society were most anxious to afford all possible information. A copy of the Christchurch Exhibition certificate was presented to the Wellington members, and will appear in the window of our office for a few days. A copy was also presented to Mr. Charles Calhs, who acted as honorary agent for the Christohurch Exhibition in Wellington. Tho passengers for Sydnoy by the Mararoa yesterday included Mr. Walter Brown, of the Australian Mutual Provident Society's headquarters staff, who is finishing a long holiday trip. Mr. Brown is one of the leading cyclists of Sydney, snd has made some notoworthy journeys on his machine. About ten days ago he left Auckland with the iutontiou of riding through to Wellington, but owing to his bicycle breaking down at Tarawera he was obliged to come on by coach and train. • Next year he will probably return to New Zealand in order that he may rido from Nelson to Invercargill via Greymouth. A meeting of tradesmen was held last evening, when strong objection was taken to the proposal to have a holiday next Monday and another on Thursday. Regrot was expressed that the Agricultural Show had been fixed for the same week as the Prince of Wales' Birthday celebration, as to close on two days would be a very severe tax on shopkeepers It is understood that a number of tradesmen who are in sympathy with tho objeots of the Agricultural ABSooiation have reluotantly deoided not to close on Thursday. The Hutt County Council will next Tuesday hold a special meeting to confirm a special order making a special rate of onesixth of a penny in the £, to provide for the payment of interest on No. 2 loan, Wainui-o-mata ; and also to hear objections to tho Council taking land for the purpose of a county road in the Whareroa Biding. Mr. Michael Daritt, SI.P., who arrived at the Bluff on Tuesday, has written as follows to Mr. W. F. Healy, Seoratary ot the Irish National Federation in Wellington :—: — "After going over maps and time-tables with Mr. Murray, of the Dunedin Tablet, who has kindly undertaken to guide me with his knowledge of the colony, I fear it will be impossible for me to visit more places in the North Island than Wellington, Napier, and Auckland. I must leave Auckland for San Francisco on the 30th instant, and thia oircumstanoe will oompel me to make my arrangements fit in with the date on which I can roach Auokland, either from Napier or New Plymouth. I will be accurately informed as to the Bailing of boats from theso two po'iita when I reaoh Dunodin on Saturday, and I will acquaint you by wire on Monday with my final arrangements regarding the tour in the North Island. Thanking you for your cordial welcome to New Zealand, I am, &0., Michael Davitt." Adi Frances Mitchell, baker, was to-day adjudged a bankrupt. Tho first mooting of her creditors will bo hold on the 15th inst., at 11 a.m. An old soldier named Peter M'Millen, who has been wandering about the city for some days past, and who receives a pension of sixpence per day, came before the Stipendiary Magistrate this morning, charged with vagranoy. He was remanded to allow arrangements to be mads for his admission to the Old Men's Homo. Robert M'Coy, who did not appear, was ordered to pay 3(Js a week towards tho support of his wife and children. One first offender was fined for drunkenness, and A. 3S. Freeman for his second offenon was fined 10s, in defanlt to undergo 48 hours' incarceration. At Mount Cook this morning two first offendors were dealt with. The Canterbury and Wellington representative cricketers are to be entertained by Mr. H. D. 8011, M.H.R., President of the Wellington Cricket Association, at his country house at Lowry Bay to-morrow. Tho Mana has been chartered to take them to and from the bay. Captain Simpson, of the s.a. Manaia, which went ashore on Tuesday morning while entering Rangitikei River, reports to the owners that the vessel is well inside tho Sonth Spit. Efforts to float her were ineffectual owing to the poor tides, and there is a probability of her remaining where eho is until the tides make. Captain Simpson states that there was no ohannel on the bar, and at the month it was not more than 50ft wide. The steamer was being kept dead in a line with tho beaoons when she stopped. She is uninjured. A faro well " sooial 1 ' was given last evening by the members of tho Petono Anglican Church to tho Rev. C. F. R. Harrison, who is about to become Incumbent at Coromandel. Mr. Harrison has for tho past two years aoted an assistant to tho Rev. J. Jones, and has won the esteem of all classoa of tho oommunity. The llov. J. Jones prosided, and there waa a large attendance, including tho Roys. Fyno, Clinton, and Tisdalo, of St. Paul's Pro-Cathedral. Mr. K. C. Kirk, on behalf of tho congregation, prosented Mr. Harrison with a pnrso of sovereigns, and tbo scholars attending the Sunday-school also sent a handsome inkstand, which was presented by Miss A. Packard and Master Kenai Mr. Harrison suitably acknowledged these expressions of good will. Musical items wero contributed by Misses B. Wolff, gladden, and Manning, Mesdames R. C. Kirk, Hislop, and Ronayne, and Mr. Par. son, Mr. Haybittlo alao contributing recitations. Tho annual sale of work iv connection with tho ladies' sowing bee of St. James' Presbyterian Church, Newtown, concludod last evening, with the satisfactory reßult that X7O has beon added to the fund for tho extinction of the church debt, as tho proceeds of the ladies' work for tlie year. Tho piano nsed for the musioal selections played during the progross of tho sato was lent by Mr. E. J. King, of Mannora-stroet. Tho Mayor of Christchurch has promised every assistance towards the carrying out of tho proposal that the Wellington Boys' Brigade shall visit the Cathedral City at Chrißtmaß. Monday being a holiday, tho fortnightly mooting of tho Citizens' Institute will bo hold on Tuesday noxt. fcir Robert Stoat will give an address on "A Seventeenth Century Man (Thomas Hobbas) on I'olitios." Tho mooting will bo hold in Room No. 5, Exchange Buildings, and will be opon to tho public. Tho Garrison Band is to play a programme of saored music on tho Diism Resoryo tomorrow aftornoon. A collection will bo taken up for tho benefit of Jupp's Band uniform fund.

Parliament lips been prorogued by Gn/.ette proclamation till tho Oth January. This afternoon J. H. Brown wob roarrosted by Detective Neill, on a new charge of having procured abortion at Wellington. Messrs. M'Lean, contractors for the drainage ontfall from Wellington to Kilbirnie, effected communication last night between tbeir tunnel from the side of tho Hospital road nnd the drive from tho shaft sunk on tho Wellesley Block. This completes tho work ot driving, but much remains to be done in the enlargement of the tunnel to its full width, and bricking it in, &c. Advantage has already been taken of the provision made by tho Harbonr Board iv the Queen's Uond for the storage of wool for inspection and sa ! e The first consignment was received a day or two ago. Thfi last of the present season's " Lintern Evenings," given by members of the Camera Club, waa hold in the Academy of Fine Arts last night, Mr. A. dn B. Brandon (President) in the chair. A large number of excellent slides prepared by members were shown, the exhibitors being Messrs. F. Harcourt, G. Criohton, T. Pringle, E. W. Daniel, F. Denton, K. Shaw, Stephens, and Ibbetson. The awards of last month's competitions were as follow :— Best set of three slides, Mr. R. J. Shaw. Best single slide, Mr. R. J. Shaw, first; Mr. Win. C. Stephens, second. Champion picture of the year. Mr. T. Pringle. Six pictures illustrating a holiday trip, Mr. F. Harcourt The subjects for tho next month's competition are throe views in tho Botanical Gardons and studios in animal life. The result of the whole of last year's competitions was that Mr. Denton cams first, Mr. Pringle second, and Mr. Crichton third. On Monday the olub holds its annual pionio at Day's Bay. A well-attended meeting of ratepayers was held in Mr Adams' room, Aro-street, last evening, when Mr. C. M. Lnko, who seeks re-election for the Mayoralty of Wellington, explained his actions of the last year and the prospects of the Corporation. At the close of his speech of an hour, Mr. T.T. Ryan proposed a vote of confidence, which was seconded .by Mr. Barnes, and carried unanimously. St. John's Lodge, 1.0. G.T., held its weekly session in the Frco Methodist Schoolroom last evening, the Chief Templar presiding. One candidate was initiated. The business for the evening was the " Sisters' cake competition." The following Sisters took the prizes : — Fruit cake, Sister Meston ; sponge cake, Sister Vince ; scones, Sistor Spiers, first prize and specially commended. All the prize-takers aro members of St. John's Lodge. Tho weekly meeting of tho Women's Democratic Union was held last night at the Psychological Hall, Ghuznee-streot, Mrs. Tasker (President), in the chair. The programme of the Union for this month was arranged. Three new members were proposed. Next Friday a debate will tako place on the " Unemployed Difficulty." Mr. L. H. Eilers, lato of Waitotara, has purchased Mr. Crossey's interest in the Porirua Hotel, and enters into possession at once. In lieu of its usual monthly " social," the Poneko Lodge of Druids, Petone, arranged a plain and fancy dress ball, which took place laat evening. The proceeds wore for the benefit of Bro. R. Oliver, who ia an inmate of the Hospital. More than 100 couples were present. Mrs. Spiller supplied the music, and songs wore contributed by the Misses Bond (2), Bros. Sims, Hntchinson, Broadway, Bradley, and otherß. Bros. Barnbury and Parsons aoted aa M.C.'s. The railway time-tables for the Agricultural Show next week aro advertised on the fourth page. The Fancy Fair to ho held in the Skating Sink on Tuesday next and following days promises in every way to be a great Buccess. The goods for sale, both in quantity and variety, have execcdod the expectations of the committee, and there will be no lack of attractions. The Garrison Band has promised its services on the first evening, and music on the following evenings will be supplied by the BoyB 1 Institute Band and Forrest's Band. The_ mambors of the No. 2 Co-operative Building Society of Wellington are n9 ked to pay their subscriptions on Wednesday, instead of Monday, next week. In view of the completion of St. Thomas' Chnrch, Newtown, the parishioners are taking active steps to secure a suitablo organ. A strong committee has been formed, and negotiations are being made for a two manual pipe organ, built by Henry Jones, of Brompton, England, which is at present doing duty in an Auckland ohurch. To augment the fund now being raised, a limelight exhibition and concert will bo held in St. Mark's Parochial Koom, Newtown, on Tnesday next. Mr. W. D Lyon will manipulate the lantern, and an excellent programme has been arranged. There is already a large demand for tickets. A conversazione is to be held in the United Methodist Free Church Schoolroom next Wednesday evening, in celebration of the second annivorsary of tho Wellington District Lodge, 1.0. G.T. The officers of the Heretaunga. Mounted Rifles have deoided to make systematic efforts to increase the membership. A meefing of residents of Mungaroa and the Upper Hutt willing to join is to be held at Upper this ovoning. Meetings will also be held at Taita, Petone, and Lower Hutt, next week, as per advertisement. Members of the dancing classes with which Mr. Fischer is conneoted are remiuded of thp plain and fanoy dres3 complimentary "social" to be given to him at Thomas' Hall on Monday evening. A social gathering will be held in the United Christian Mission Hall on Monday evening. Mr. T. C. Wobb, organist of St. Mark's Church, will give his next organ recital in that church on Friday evening next. Mr. John M'Glashan has fixed hiß ninth annual conoert for Friday, Isth inst , in tho Exchange Hall. It is notified that there is to be no meeting of the Loyal Wellington Juvenile Lodge, 1.0.0. F., M.U., on Monday evening. J. H. Bctuune & Co. announce that they will sell by auction, without reserve, at their rooms, Fcatherston-strcot, a valuable law library, the property of a gentleman who has left the colony ; also, a choice colloctiou of geueral literature, comprising in all upwards of 1000 volumes. An old-established Otago weekly paper, the Clutha County Gazette, published at Clinton, is offered for sale <it a real banpiiu price, .is the owner is leaving the colony. W. F. Shortt will sell [to-niglit/at T.SO, a gentle man's library, without reserve. The Victory sewiug machiuea, for which (lie D.I.C are agents, aro beautifully - finished machines, aud the range of work thoy are cap .ble of performing is wonderful. Every family requiring a sewing machine is invitod to inspect the Victory. W. Littlejohn & Son annnounce the arrival per s.s. Buapehu of a Bpecially selected parcel of diamonds, gold and silver presentation pencils, Queen Anne afternoon tea sets, &c. An advertisement gives particulars. The order of services at St. Peter's Church for to-morrow is advertised. Rossini's " Stabat Mater" is to be sung at St. Mary of the Angels' Church to-morrow evening in its entirety— for the first time in Wellington. At the Wcsleyan Churches to-morrow, services will bo conducted as follow :— Wesley Church, Taranaki-streot, 11, Rev. W. Bauuiber; 6.30, llev. J. T. Nott. Molesworth-streot, 11, Mr. C. M. Luke ; 6.30, Boy. J. Ward. Trinity Church, Newtowu, 11, Bey. J. Ward ; 6.30, Bey. W. Baumber. At tho Terrace Congregational Church, tomorrow, the services will bo conducted by tho Rev. J. Beed Glasson. At tho Courtenay- place Church the services will bo conducted by tho Bey. B.T. Halloa CB. The services in tho Primitive Methodist Church, Sydney-street, to-morrow, will bo conducted by Bey. J. Dumbell and Eev. E. Drake. The preachers for tho other Primitive Methodist churches are advertised. The services iv connection with the Baptist Church, Vivian - street, to-morrow, will bo conducted by Mr. R. S. Gray iv the morning, and the Bey. H. H. Driver iv tho evening. The Forward Movement services for to-morrow aro advertised. In the Forward Movement Hall, at 0.30 p.m., Mr. J. Mucphail will conduct the service. At tho Church of Christ, Dixou-street, tomorrow evening, Mr. Kruso will preach. A service will bo held iv the Gospel Hall, Herbert street, to-morrow evening at 7. A meeting of tho Wellington Ethicnl Society will be held at 20, Dixou-strcet, to-morrow evening.

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Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 114, 9 November 1895, Page 2

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Untitled Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 114, 9 November 1895, Page 2

Untitled Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 114, 9 November 1895, Page 2


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