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Those new members of the House who never knew Mr. Seddon when he was in Opposition, and when he was the prince of stouewallers, had a taste of his quality on Friday nicrht and Saturday morniug. He baa been so accustomed to a big majority and to the servile obedience of the Party that supports tho Ministry, that the independence shown by some of his supporters on the Bank business greatly offended him. He rudely interrupted Mr. G. W. Russell by orioa of " Order," he blustered and bounced when Mr. Collins ventured to find fault with hia methods, and his personal attack on Mr. G. J. Smith was on the old Seddonian lines. We trust the " Liberal" Party now realises what sort of a leader the Premier is. If he bad had a small majority at his baok, he might have boen reasonable; but the vast number that follow him have made him blustering and bounoeable and rude, and he has had an apt imitator in the Minister for Lands. Never did any Premier in dealing with such an important maftor as the Bank Bill show less discretion und Icbs ability to lead. He lost hia temper, and that anyone should have any opinions of his own on the assistance about to be given to the Bank seemed to make him quite excited. Had it not been for the assistance given to the Government by many of its opponents, the measure would never have emerged from Committee. Our readors can judge of the rudeneßa of the Premier when we mention what happened between him and Mr. Montgomery—the son of on 9of his colleagues. Mr. Montgomery ventured to support Dr. Newman's amendment to make the Disqualification Aot apply to all appointments made to the Bank or the Realisation Board. The Sergoant-at-Arms inoident was mentioned, and then the member for Eliesmere (Mr. Montgomery) was told it was better he should not mention Disqualification Aots. What significance snoh a remark conld have as applied to Mr. Montgomery we do not know. It has been suggested it has reference to the fact that in 1873 My. Montgomery, senior, had to resign because his partner by inadvertence was a contractor for the supply of some timber to the Government. If this be so, it is a peculiar thing for a Premier to refer to a colleague in suoh a way. If that was not the meaning of the reference, the public has a right to know what it means. Tho whole proceedings in Committee during tho all-night Bitting wore not creditable to the Premier, and show his incapacity for his office as Leader of the House.

Our report of last night's proceedings in Parliament with reforence to the Bank Bill, and two letters to the Editor, will be found on the fourth page. A large numbor of letters to tho Editor have Btill to be held over. Last month it rained in Wellington on 17 days, and altogether 3263 inohes fell, the maximum ("74 in) on tho 10th. In August last year the fall was 5 614 in. The Customs duties collected at Wellington in August amouutod to .£38,911 7s Id, as against .£33,232 10s 7d in August of last year, and -£30,105 0a 2d in July of this year. There -were four bankruptcies in Wellington last month, making a total of 32 since the beginning of the year. It was deoided by the Hospital Trustees this morning, on the motion of the Chairman, seconded by the Rev H. Van Staveren, to send a letter of condolence to the widow of the late Dr. Whitehead, the deceased gentleman having been up to the time of his death ono of the honorary surgeons of tho institution. There are &till a. large numbor of unemployed in Wellington, and tho office of the Benevolent Institution is daily besieged by applicants for work. Many able-bodied men are willing to perform any kind of labour for 3s a day. The Chairman of tho Hospital Trustees informed that body a fortnight ago that a certain doctor had oharged a poor man 10s for a certificate that he was a fit subject for admission to the institution. At this morning's meeting the Chairman stated that no fewer than four medical men had during tho past few days admitted having made a oharge of 10s for medioal certificates. One box of bnlli> n containing 8390z, valued at and three boxes weighing 31550z, and valued at .£4300, came from Auckland by the Takapuna this afternoon, and will be transhipped to tho Ruahine at Lyttelton They are beintr forwarded to London by the National Bank. We have to record with regret the death of Mrs. Thos. Bird, of Thompson-Btreet, who arrived in tho colony with her husband and family in the .ship Honrab about 20 yoars ago The deceased lady is survived by her hnsbaud and family of five daughters and -four sons. The lambing returns of a small flook of Romney Marsh sheep, the property of Mr. T. P. Allen, Waiwetu, shows an inorease of 140 per cent., with a few yet to come. A start" will be made on Friday at the Wellington Meat Export Company's works, Ngahauranga, to chill the beef whioh is intended for shipment to London by the Gothio on her return from tho Sonth. Miss Bouloott, at prosent assistant tonoher at Taita School, is the successful applicant for the post of assistant at Kilbirnie School. The Treasurer of the Boys' Institute acknowledges receipt of substantial cheques from His Kxcollency tho Earl of Glasgow (Patron), Sir James Prendergnst (President), and Messrs. Duthie mid Hell, M H.K.s, the }■ ayor, and Mr J. G. W. Aitken (ViooPresidentri). Mr. Duthio has also ordered fivo gii'iieas' worth of books, whioh he has promised to present to the library, and the Mayor has sent a set of dumb-bells. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Riohardson oelebrated thoir silver wedding last evening, ontertaining a large party of friends. The health of the host and hostess waa drunk at the invitation of Mr. Wilson, Mr. Riohardson's business partner for many years. A robbery took place on Sunday night at the houso of a labourer named Richard Jackson, residing off Tory-street, who found his everyday olothes outside when ho woko yesterday morning, and Jt'3 10a gone from his pocket, while tho house had boon ransacked. An oJd feature is that Mr. Jaokeon was awakened dnring tho nii»ht and heard clothes being dragged along tho floor of his bedroom, but thought it was being done by the cat, and took no further notioe. Tho wrook of tho barque Thurso at Greymouth is to bo blown up by a detachment of tho Torpodo Corps, undor Captain Falconor, who will leave for the West Coast by tho Wainui to-morrow. " The Heart and the Circulation " was the titlo of tho locture delivered befco tho Boys' Institute last eveuing by Dr. Pollon Dr. Talbot will looturo uoxt Monday in tho same placo on " Tho Nervous System." Iv the Magistrate's Court yesterday al tornoon Mr. Martin, S.M , awarded Mm. K. Xd 1 okey .£7 6a, with £'i 2a costs, on her eUim of .£l2 5s against Mr. J. Milligau for nursing defendant and his wife. Mr. Gray appeared for tho plaintiff and Mr Dovine for the dofendaut. A claim mado by A. H. Briscoe, of Awahuri, against A. & C. Krandon and T. C. NVilliamn, for .£3(» I6n 4d, return of ratos paid by tho plaintiff, and whioh tho defendants wero said to have agreed to pay, waß adjourned nine die, after having been partly heard Mr. Gray appeared for tho plaintiff, Mr llinlop for tho defendants Brandon, and Mr. Had field for tho defendant Williams. The opening looturo of Frederic Villiors' series, entitled " War on aWhito Shoot, and with the Japs at tho Front," will bo dolivorod at the Opera Houso this evening. Tlie weekly mooting of tho Women's Sooial and Political League was hold on Monday oveninjr. A lettor front Mr. Mercier, organiser for tho Now Zealand Workors' Union, was road, asking tho support of the League to form a Domestic Servants' Union It was dooided that Mr. Mcroier bs asked to lay bis views bofore tho League An offer from Mr. G. A. Hohoch tj givo a publio addrot-s on " Freotrado and Protection " was at'ooptci, tho addrerfs to bo given on Monda ir.trlit noxt. Tho Soorotary roud a pauor on thu drink question, advocating moderation as against prohibition. A resolution was passed in tavour of women being olootod to Lioonsing C'omtnitteoa.

l'horc lias been a considerable increase in the number of Hospital in-patients during the past week or two, 181 persons (117 males and 61 females) boing now undor treatment. During tho past fortnight 20S out-patients wore treated. The Chairman of tho Trnsteeß I stated at the meeting this morning that the accommodation provided for the out-patients was now totally inadeqnato. When ho was visiting tho Hospital on the last out-patients' day, ho fonnd tho rooms crowded and the doctor and the attendant imrso working under great difficulties The Trustees would have to increase the accommodation at the earliest opportunity. A kerosene lamp exploded on Saturday night in a private bedroom in the Railway Hotel, Johnsonville, and set firo to porno of the contents of the room, tho damage amounting altogether to about J225. Tho premises and contents are insured with the Union and Palatine offioes. Mr. Wetherilr, late engineer to the Torpedo Corps, has been temporarily appointed Inspector of Machinery for the Canterbury and Otajjo districts, and proceeds to Lyttelton by the Takapuna this afternoon, to take over the duties of examining officer of candidates for engine-drivers' certificates. Mr. Hill, late Torpedo Instructor, goes South by tho same vesßel, to join tho e.s. Ituahine and return to England. Patrick Joyce, who was arrested last week for tho theft of an overcoat, was reloased by tho Stipendiary Magistrate this morning on throe month b' probation at the reoommendation of Mr. Garvey, Probation Officer. Elizabath Dark, oharged with the theft of a piece of dress material from the shop of C. Smith, and three pairs of shoes, for whioh an owner has not yet been found, was remanded until tho first Tuesday in March, so that she might be handed over to the oare of her friends. Two drunkards were also dealt with. An explanation of the oiroumstanoes undor which tho Chinese made their recent donation of £75 15a to the funds of tho Hospital was given at this morning's mooting of the Trn6tees. The Chairman said that Mr. Chang Luke, the Chinese missionary, took to the Hospital a countryman with a broken arm. The Steward (Mr. Wilkes) suggested that the Chinese residents should make a donation to £he fnnds, and Mr. Luke succeeded in collecting -675 15s. Another Chinaman, also with a broken arm, was taken to the Hospital by Mr. Allan Orr and some footballers. The fact that two Ohinamen had been admitted with similar injuries was not known when the recont letters to the newspapers were written, or elso there would have been no grounds for correspondence. A meeting under the auspices of the Women's Christian Temperance Union was held in the Oddfellows' Hall, Johnsonville. Mrs. Kirk presided. Songs were contributed by Misses Firth, Hatrop, and Eva Retter, and by Mrs. Wright, recitations by Misses Mildenhall and Ethel Taylor, and a reading by Miss E. N. Firth. The President and Mesdames Howitt and Plitnmer addressed the mooting. Thirteen pledges were taken. The Harbourmaster at Greymouth notifies the Marine Department that the wreck of the barque Thurso lies partly in the fairway, her bovr being 200 ft inside the west end of the North Breakwater, and 150 ft in the river. A bright light will be exhibited on the storn of the wreck from sunset to sunrise. An ordinary meeting of the Lower Hutt Borough Council was hold last evening. Present— tho Mayor (Mr. W. A. Fitzherbert), j Councillors De Kosa, Mellow, Lawton, and Allen. Letters from Messrs. John Bair (Waiwetn) and Gilbert as to road and drain works were referred to the Foreman ; a request by Mr. Nicholas could not be granted for want of jurisdiction. It was decided to take over a road at Bodmin's if it is put in proper order and dedicated. The Clerk was directed to write to the Railway Department requesting the abatement of a drain nuisance, and holding the Department responsible for any damage that may occur. It was decided to ereot the lamp presented by Mr DodgBhun in Bloomfield-road ; also, to request the Bank to renew arrangements as to overdraft for three months. The Foreman was instructed to reduce the working staff by two hands at the end of tb.3 prosont month. The agreement with the lamplighter was ordered to be renewed for 12 months. The tender of Mr. T. Coffey for the widening of the Back Waiwetu-road, at £7, was accepted. On the motion of Councillor Allen the resolution of Ist July, making a charge of 3d per yard for shinglo, was rescinded, and the gravel bod in Alioetown was thrown open free of oha r ge ; persons wishing to draw shingle from any other portion of the borough to pay the snm of Is per day per dray. The financial report gave the receipts to date aR .£404 16s lid ; expenditure, £824 16s lid ; debit balance, .£307 8s 3d ; accounts were passed for payment amounting to £132 Us lOd. The following debt cases were dealt with by Mr. Martin, S.M., to-day, judgment going for the plaintiffs :— Towneend & Paul v. H. and J. Ham, £11 3s Id, ooata £2 4s 6d ; Now Zealand Dairy Union v. E. lirenmuhl, £2 4s, costs Us ; Union Clothing Company v. T. Osborne, 8s 61, costs 10s; Commercial Agency v C. Boyd, £1 15s, costs 18s ; E. W. Mills & Co. v. W. Woolt, £19 13s 2d, costs £1 ; Wilkins & Field v. J. C. Davis, £5 14s 2d, coats £1 7a 6d ; same v. D. M. Hanna, £3 10s, costs Us ; Wellington Presß Company v. C. W. Langstone, St. Claiv E. Liardet, H. O. Sowmsn, and A. H. Logan, £33 11a, costs £3 la; Flockton & Co. v. G. Be van, £10 5a 9d, costs £2 9s; To Aro Loan Company v. K. G. Stone and C. W. Langstone, £10 Is 6d. costs £1 18s 6d ; same v J. Bid mead, £5 3s 3d, oosts £1 53 Cd. Judgment summons case— J. Tisdall v. J. A. Jury, £32 Us ; defendant ordered to pay forthwith or go to gaol for two months. The monthly meeting of the Bootmakers' Union was held in Richards' Rooms last night, Mr. Dnff presiding 1 . A report from tho Seoretary of the Entertainment Committee organised for the benefit of Mr. Noon, a member of the Union, showed a surplus of £12 0s 2d Ihe half-yearly reoort congratulated members on the sound financial position of the Union. The Countess of Glasgow with a party from Government House wore among the visitors to the Thorndon Fancy Fair yeßterday afternoon. The evening's programme comprised selections by Mr. S. Cimino'a Orchestra and Jupp's Band, the ohorns " B-aid the Raven Hair," from the " Mikado," by lady members of the Operatic Sooiety, a gavotto danced by children, a Bailor's hornpipe by Mr. Haining, and a Highland reel, in costume, by Messrs. Fulton, Gallic, Davidson, and Lawson, to music by Piper Campbell. Mr. R. P. Johnson aotedas direotor of entertainments, and Mr. Baldwin superintended the limelight effects. r lho takings yesterday were £104 5s 9d, making a total of £236 6s 3}d for the two days. Tho following is a list of winners of yesterday's raffles : — Mesdames Kennedy, Maher, Crombie, Duignan, Pitt, Truman, and Redmond ; Misses Sogrief, J3. Kvans, R. Martin, Kennedy, and G. Minogue ; Messrs. Stott, London, O'Meara, Walsh, Morton, White, PendSr, F. Lynch, C. E. Stevens, A. Truman, Reid, Johnston, and Dr. Grace. The Forward Movement Hall was crowded last night at tho weekly Temperance penny reading entertainment. Tho programme was fully up to tho high avorage, the following taking part:— Misses Butler (2) and Riohardson, Messrs. Butler, Burns, Beagleliolo (2), and Gain. Additional interest was given to the meeting by tho Chairman, Mr. John M'Farlano, President of tho Tapanui Prohibition League, giving some particulars of the working of Prohibition in tho Clutha district. Three pledges were taken. The Wellington Cyoling Club holds its third annual meeting to-night. The report states that tho present numbor of members is 57, an increase of 10 since the beginning of the season. The club-room opened in Ootober last was not patronised aB much as the Committee expeoted, and it will be for the incoming Committee to consider whether the lease should bo renewed. The Committee thanks Messrs. A. de B. Brandon, S. Kobe, J. Danks, Muir, Chegwidden, Christie, and Grove for donations and prizes, and Mr. Oates for a gold medal, not yot allotod to any raoe. The olub ritoos ware not satisfactorily attended. Mr. H T. Edmonds won the gold medal, and Messra Brand, Beekingsale, Arnold, and Fabian each scored tho same number of poiots for the silver medal Tho first-iiamed two, howovor, resigned their olaimtt in favour of tho younger members Tho most Bn<*censful competitor in bicycle events during tho season was Hunt, who secured Bix firsts, two seconds, and four thirds ; L. 'J. Herbert being next with fivo firsts and four seconds ; and Lucy third with throe firsts, six seconds, and a third. The balance-sheet showed a credit balance of £11 3a 4d. The ninth annual social gathering of the Melrose Football Club waa held at Thomas' Hall last night, about 60 aou;il s being prosent. Meesrs. E. T. Taylor and B. Warwick were M.C.'a.and Mes-irs Bourkoand Cimino (2) anppliod the danco music. The catering was supervited by the committee. Songs were Riven by Miss Lucas, Messrs. Clothier, Greenwood, Holdship, Mildenhall. and Woodcock. Mr. Kurr, of tho Alhambra Gaiety Company, (ravn an exhibition of triok bioyolo riding. Tho Management Committee consisted of Messrs. Laugh ton (Chairman), A. Campbell, Warwick, Carßwell,o. Ohurob, J. Bourko, aud J. N. Grant (Secretary). Tho first At Home of tho Wellington Liodorkranz, the musical sooiety of ladies formed a few mouths ago, took place in the Art Gallory last night. The hall was crowded. I'he stage had been very tastefully decorated with fern 3. Tho first part of the programme consisted of a presentation of Heale's pretty cantata " Water Spritos," in which a largo chorus of ladies, despite a Blight tundonoy to drag, evidenced tho careful training of Madamo Merz, the muhioil dircotrosa. Tho boat ronderod of tho choruses was tho brightly-written finale "Away! Away!" Tho solo parts woro well taken by Miss Parsons and Misa Mcc, Mibb Parsons' voioe being especially woll suited to the dninty " O'er the Flow'rots Trippinif." Iv tho Beoond part of tho programme Alias Moo Bang " Alia Stella Confidente," tho violin obbligato being playid by Misa Barber. In response to an enooro Mies Meo sang in aroh faahion " Another Day " Mrs. Paraona gave an admirable rendering of " Go, Lovoly Rose " (Piatti), and in response to an undeniable recall Bang with offoot Tosti's " Sloop on, Dear Love " Misa Pownall's rioh and powerful voioo was hoard to advantage in "Tho Valley by tho Sea" (Adams), and in Do Koven's " O Promise Mo," which sho added when encored. Mibs Rosa, besides acting aB a Bympathotio accompanist, gavo two delightful little songs by Goring Thomas—" Winds iv tho Troos " and " The Heart's Fancies "—both sweetly aung. In answer to an onooro she sang " One Moro." Throo part-songs by the chorus and a pianoforte duet by Missos Kirkoaldie and Hobs completed a very onjoyablo programmo. Light refreshments were banded round to tho guests. Mr. D. Hall, City Missionary, thankfully acknowledges rcooipt of tho following contributions in aid of tho Mission for August : — C W. and (i. K,£I;J.S, 5s :K. G. .)., 5-.; Mr-*. D , ss; If. and „ i?s (i I : J. D , 10s 0<; A. I, , £2. Mr ll.tll Ims qmto rooovpi o«l from tho UTVi't-. t influenza, and is aboul hiH work as usual. Ho oxproßtos luh gratitude for kinduesHPs received from io many f i lends.

Tho largest of the 36 estates placed in the hands of tho Publio Trustee last month were:-D. L. Fraser, Balfour, £1500; M. Sutherland, Coal Island, £800; J. Buibury, Lowor Hutt, £600 ; C. Henderson, Wuikaia, £500; M. O'Neil, Coolgardie, £100; J. K. Burns, Wadestown, £350; J. W Gull, Ngaruawahia, £340 ; Agnes Taylor, Invercargill, £270 : Mary Ann Saunders, Timaru, £2bO ; Mary Jann Dawaon, VVollinj;t >n, £160 ; C. W. Halliday, Grovo Bu-h, £155 ; A. Dodgo, Broadfielda, £140 ; J. Rue, < live, £140 ; barah Ann Doihl, Johnsonvillo, £115. The Hospital Trustees mot this morning, there being present — Messrs. F. H Fraser (in tho chair), C. W. Brown, G. Allen, J. Dauks, C. E. Willeston, R. C. Kirk, L. L. Harris, J. Collins, and the Rev. H. Van Stayeren. The Chairman said that the spoil from the relief works was boing deposited on a piece of land belonging to the Trustees, and it was proposed to obtain power from Parliament to exchange the section for a portion of the Town Belt of eqaal area. On the motion of Mr. Willeston, seconded by Mr. Brown, it was decided to sanction the proposed oxchange. Au application by Mr. Bastin for permission to take up a sootion of tho reserve on Talaveratorrace was referred to the Trustees' solicitor. Dr. James, who is an hon. physician of the Hospital, wrote applying for the vacancy on the honorary surgical staff caused by the death of Dr. Whitehead. He was so appointed, and hia position as hon. physician deolarod vaoant. It was deoided to offer Dr. Pollen the vacant position. It was resolved that a letter bo sent to each member of the medical staff, enclosing a copy of a resolution passed in 1891 to the effeot that no dootor bo allowed to charge foes to private or other patients in the Hospital. ' Captain Sowden, formerly of the Doric, has been appointed to the command of the Woito Star Co.'s now steamer Goorgio— the largest oargo steamer in tho world, built expressly for the Atlantic trade. Captain Harry Smith, who brought the Gothic out from London to Capetown at the time of Captain Ridley's illness, will have charge of the Dorio in her new running in the China. San Franoiaoo-Japan trade. There was a moderate audience in the Criterion Theatre last night, when a now programme was presented by the Alhainbra Gaiety Company. Songa by Missos Markbam, Moss, and Roberts, and Messrs. Prior and Walah met with due appreciation. Tho bicycle feats of Messrs. Kerr and Kingsley are still a distinctive feature, and theße porfermers wero promptly reoalled Professor Tyndalland his well-trained monkey afforded great amusement. The programme will be repoatod to-night. The charges for admistiou are now reduced. The yacht Girola, 18 tons, the winner of many raoes in Wellington, has been sold by Mr. Herbert Rawßon to Messrs. Munro Bros., who intend to take her to Napier for fishing purposes. She will sail in a few days. We have been shown a handsome exhibit which Frederiok Jones &, Co., music-sellers, intend to sondtotbe Christchurch Exhibition. It consists of a large framo containing specimens of the musical works published by the firm. Speaking at the opening of the Cbristchuroh Exhibition, Mr. Beiidix Hallenstein took a decidedly hopeful view of the future of the colony if it is givpn a chance. He said that provided they were not hampered with too muoh restrictive legislation, he ventured to predict a very great future for the manufacturing interest of this colony. , Unfortunately more than at any previous time tho whole community had beeen suffering from low prices for all our productions, but lately the heavy clouds whioh had been hanging over us so long wero breaking, oar principal exports— wool, frozen meat, and grain — had greatly risen in prioe, our goldfields too wero yielding much better returns, so that altogether we mijrht look for a reasonable return of prosperity, in which he trusted all classes will benefit. The fact that Parliament was that day legislating to put the Bank of New Zealand' on a safo tooting would give a stability to New Zealand such as it had not enjoyed for many a day. They were therefore no idle words when he expressed the belief that the opening day of this Exhibition would al-omark tho dawn of a new era of prosperity in 'Sew Zealand. Referring to the interesting extract we gave the other day from a private letter from Professor Giglioli, the following particulars appear in a copy of '" Natuie" to hand by the last mail : — " A ttrong earthquaLe disturbance of about five seconds' duration occurred at Florence at 9 o'olock on tne evening of Saturday last, and was felt at Bologna four minutes earlier. Two hours later another shock was felt. Many of the houses in Florence were injured by tho movements, but the damage appears to have been greater iv the surrounding villages—Grassina, Lapaggi, and San Martino, where the church was destroyed. At Orezzo the earthquake is said to have lasted ten seconds, and there were two distinct shockß at Siena. The movement was strongly marked at Parma, and to a loss degree at Pisa and Plaoentia. Router's correspondent at Spoleto reports that severe shocks were also felt there on Monday evening." Earl Houghton, previous to his departure from Ireland, exeroised for the first time during his tenure of office, as his last official aot, the power veated in the Irish Vioeroy of conferring the honour of knighthood. The two new knights are Dr. Christopher Nixon, Senior Physioian to the Mater Miserioordioo Hospital, and Professor of Medicine in the Catholic University of Ireland, and Dr. Thornley Stokes, the President of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and surgeon for 22 years to tho Richmond Surgical Hospital in Dublin. The distinctions are well deserved, and will be most popular. We have received a budget of musioal compositions of Mr. Maughon Barnett. now on sale locally. It comprises a book of " Merrie Rhymes for Ye Yonngsters," now in its 12th edition ; three contributions .to the Groavenor Part Songs, one comprising settings of nursery rhymes, and the others "Earl Haldane's Daughter" (words by Chas. Kingsloy) and " The Land of Joy "; also Mr. Barnett's " Intermezzo," " Serenade," and "Chansons sans Paroles," for the pianoforte. Herr Balling, Principal of the Nchon School of Music, passed through Wellington yesterday, on bis way to Christchuroh. His oonoert in Wellington in conjunction with Mr. Maughan Barnett, will pot take plaoe till next mouth, and after it he and Mr. Barnett will start on a tour to Napier and Wanganui. The next of Mr. Parker's series of organ recitals will be given at St. Paul's, Thorndon, to-morrow evening. Miss Gwen Davis and Mr. J Frouso have consented to sing. The recent improvements to the organ effected by Finoham and Hobday, of Melbourne, including a very fine new gamba stop, will bo exhibited for the first time, and the offertory wiil be devoted towards payment for the improvements, which have been done on the responsibility of the organitt and the choir treasurer. A speoial notioe to the guarantors of the Hon. ,f. G. Ward Reception Fund appears in another column. Mr. S. V. Burridge inserts an address to the eleotors of tho Lower Hutt Borough in to-day's issue. The 'Welliugton nnd districts ns;oucy of the Pkusnix Jiim, Biscuit-, and Confectionery MaimfucturiuK Company, Duuedin, has been transferred to E. ■\VilberfOßß, Harbour-street, who will bo associated in the business with E. C. Freston. A. Pullford, plasterer, 'Willis-street, notifies that he has admitted T. SmitU to partnership with him. Fullford and Smith will be the stylo of the firm in future. A. G-. Tame and Co. will sell to-morrow, at Lower Hutt, stock. Laery and Co. (Limited) will sell to-morrow, unredeemed pledges. Spring oleaning iB to tho ordiuary male ratepayer a time of sore trial aud tribulation. The best regulated household becomes thoroughly disorganised on thiß annual)vreourring oooasion. The smell of soapsuds pervades the dwelling, a>id oold dinners are the order of the day. It is with a feeling of relief, therefore, that we announce that our spring oleaning is over, and tho warehouse is now spick and span to receive tho lovely spring and summor goods which are pouring into the Wholesale Family Drapery Warshouse Te Aro House. It may be stated &t once that these goods far exoeed anything that has ever been shown hero. Thore is a rich treat in store for the ladios of Wellington when they come to inspeot the exquisite now dress fabrics, the very tasteful and elegant blouses and costumes, tbo brilliantly-designed Parisian millinery, and the bowildering display of noveltios in cotton pieco goods, whioh may no w be seen at tho Wholesale Family Drapery Warehouse, To Aro House. It has beon the oustom in years past to inaugurate the season with a grand promenade display of the new goods. This wil bo done on tho present oooasion, but on a Boalo far surpassing any previous effort. Tho entire establishment will be devoted to thia exhibition of the season's fashions, and it is quite safe to promiße the moßt brilliant display that has ever been made at the Wholosalo Family Drapery Warehouse, Te Aro House. — Advt. Without a doubt one of the moat magnificent displays of Eleotro-plate Gooda ever shown in Wellington is being made tbis week by Measra. Wilkina & Field. It oomprises a complete sot of samples (amonnting to several hundred pounds) from one of the best and largest manufacturers in Great Britain. As these gooda have been purohased at a heavy discount off English prices, they will iiowbesold at fully 33 por oent. below their intrinsic value. Inspection is cordially invited, and we would recommend intending purchasers to oall at an early date, so as to secure the first selection. See the display in tho window. — Advt.

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Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 56, 3 September 1895, Page 2

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THE PREMIER AND THE HOUSE. Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 56, 3 September 1895, Page 2

THE PREMIER AND THE HOUSE. Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 56, 3 September 1895, Page 2


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