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O DAMS' SHEEP DIP. XTI O R S A L E. TOLUiLIKUi. ; TUX . nreliloa, JD ,|^ KEY JL=- '». A ft Fire-brickß, HFATjTHY FLOCKS liIPKOVED ONE TWO • FKKPKR WHABKDAM? rg-\ENDKRS arc mv.'e 1 . to clo^o noon of %j( TfTeTn H rr "~t'At iVd^T^™-^ «™«l«v HIiALrHY & XAPLR PKINTINU MACHINK. with two Bats «.f I Wednesday, 11th H»ptein.«-i , t..r the ] VALLEY --I^l LE -^^Lg[_ *ire-olay, Rollers ami Wonldw, !•> L>awnon ACo , ni:d Erection oi a 1(< «i<>m-.\ ili.u'n- H <-'i. . t , na^~ : " atmSsßi^a=ga^a~a^p Coke, The Odama Company, who for the last 50 in tir B t-olass condition. TVi <tcra to bo dui-ositort uud plan, so., - _ *-—* - -J&^i^i^^J^M. and years have been the premier nmnnfacturera Ihe undersigned will bo glacUo re- pive a seen at the offioo ot (Limited), fc^-gTS^^g- 1 - 1 I X %< -"-^^^^^s. Firewood (ow ot Foitilisers and Dips in the Old country, Cash Offer for the same. WM. C. CiiATFIELD, MM > mtpi^ &-^^=3fr'gp! . P." ,. t ~ V^gggg^^^^ vloncth) and whose preparations have for more than HENKYKfMBER, _ _ _ _ _ Arct ltpot. Have on sale ¥ y 40 years been the sUnd-by_ of^ th^Royal _2S, Lambton-quay. - TO BUILDERS. ' ~\ Coalbrook -^^^iht'lJ^l^^f^^^^^^PlJ^^^a & tt &^ I «£fii£.r w BP £™ K s. or ::dii,m.° urt xrss ™0 3 . to™ll, f *.i.b.a.. B "t,r'' i>iwta - "*• bearing country in the neighbourhood, and Architeot. Greymouth $sl&sSg3&££i?e&^^ _ "?~~- •*** pq Box 171 HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN— has Bpccial advantages as a site for working Cuslomhouse-quay. .Coal. ■<gsSf — ■•" — — — . ..— • • Andrew Blake, the same not procurable on any other part _ TtnTTT>vw<s " Farm Steward, Osborne, Cowos, 1.W., of the gold-bearing area ; also lor suburban u> JSUUdJJUSb. WESTPORT COAL COMPANY .„ TT M „ „ n^n TW n^nT writes. 18th September, 1893 :— building siteß it cannot be beaten for grand ___--____ . 77,, , , f Limited) TJUMBKR CYCLE DEPOT, "I a^pleaßed to report moßt favourably view, varied scenery, and healthy neigh- rpENDEES are minted, to dose ■* noon (Limited). £f of Odams' Fluid Dip. It is fatal toinaeot bowhood ; cent per cent, can be obtained floti ° f n WW f d a ne t °* a ? oo^ COALBROOKDALE COAL. 40, Wilmwthkt. Wellington. life in any animal and as a Sheep Dip it is for the front for building sites, and the baoK ireonon or a ten-roomea. Kesiaenoe, iaia- ___ not surpasoed by the beat I have tried, and part reserved for gold-working purposes vera-terraoe. nnHE public are cautioned againflt inferior J&=^_ -»_ so easily mixed." " Terms (open for one week)-^5OO deposit on Plans and specification irt my office. ± Coal bemg sold as Coalbrookdale. This /^=^^ aooeptanoe.thebalanoe, .£l4OO (in all JEUHH)), WM. CRICHTON, nnlnhi-afAii TTnnaMinlH Pnal pun hn had nf the -~/\ 7f\ HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE on completion of the deeds. The property Architect. ffidS? cS Santa l an be had . of the /^T7M\ /W^v OF WALES t- originally CoBt and is now offered at No. 12, Grey-street. n*T A^ ... Tnk» Wnrr» /^\v' '^ .\ /' Is in regular use on the farms at Sandring- the present low price. Reason for selling- mmm-m ' ?" M T*nrn« E McC™ /PS^'' "^ ' \// - ' ' ' ?\ h 6 The gold fever interferes with buainess, and TO BUILDEKS. T.M.Burns i. M Oluggage p^^ _ -__i (\ ( \ \\ is contagious. All acoeptanoes sent and de- . —7-. . Alex.Bnrnß ParkeA Hughes \C^h\\\:^ J fe,^"' p-?»^f<>^<^K l toiK P^jyS Colonial Bank, tS^ g^SSSS" WIW — - Welhngt ° n - B.G. KNIGHT, Vendor. Thursday, sth September at noon^ J%J£ ta ff^owel. -' C h& w D i??P P 1?T d ps cd FT nTn fnon ooisonoua) I N Y. E ?T ORS . a I? inTi A ted to J^i o } Architect R^hard Duignan W. T. Queroe The Fastest Mile ever ridden in Anatralia SHKKP I £*-™° £° i n P° B \ BOnOU } -1 division of Town Acres 776, 775, into avomiom. PitzGerafd W. Rees was accomplished by Mr. RW. Lewis, of f« »-»u fnffi^nvlnrtXndardnnalitv a large number of Building Sites, corner of =====:=== - ==:== W. Futter J. Saundera Sydney, in the marvellous tima of 2min of the highest efficiency and standard quality, Mem and Daniel streets. Their position is W J Gandin Mrs. Scott 8 l-sseo' on a HUMBER. and, as thoroughly practical men, submit on an elevated level. Natural drainage, Grey VaUey Coal Co Thompson Bros. BlMeo '° lflull^' them with complete confidence to their with iok aCOeBB to tram make them (Smtteffl and Co. ' m „ o fellow farmers throughout the world. exceedingly desirable and healthy. Prioes Holm ACo Job Watts East T, ME Patments, Small Deposit. spun mnIIvTPmPTO are ext / emelv low « * nd termß oan be _ „ „ „ T „ „„„„„„,„ Jones ACol J.Wilson ' Balanck in 12 Monthly Patm.n-js. SEND FOR PAMPHLETS, arranged TTEALTHIS EVERYTHING. R. W . Keyes J. L Young J 12 Months' Guabakte.. Jno. Holmes ft Co., Wellington Detailed ln.ormation on apphoation to XL T. Marshall ' W. Chrtstall & Co , Christohnroh. Thos. Mitchell, Owen-street, Newtown, or BUCKEYE HARVESTER COMPANY, Fred. Mitchell, Arohiteot, Abel Smith- The Colonial Laboratory reports show that All Requisites in Stock. DUNEDIN. street, Wellington. WEAR BIRI^BAIJMS the evaporative power of this coal (the real Repairs a Speciality THOS. MITCHELL. test of value) is far superior to all othor WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. " ooals. It is from the high plateau, the ooals T\rrjTT<! -rrh^ -n O -R SALE from whioh oonUin a smaller percentage of ijnui.i& jjku^., In the matter of " The Mnnioipal Cor- W 1 " a * .mJ^^^t^ water, and are well-known to be superior to Willis-btekkt, WaLLiNaTOM. porations Act, 1886 " and of "The ABeBidenoeA Be8idenoe on 40 x 160 land, in Willis- Jfi&Mmm*. »??.«. the low level ooals in the Regulation of Looal Elections Aot, "w^i ™ • p § distnot. „„«., 1876." street ; 10 rooms and offices ; fitted with the J^^^^^B^B»WR' > i Consumers are requested to order" COAL- . usual conveniences. W BROOKDALE," not merely Westport H^.^- *^V ° h I HEREBY give notice that the following »„„,_ fri m ,^^iil^^iS«r' H Coal. 7, 1 "- Jb?7Trtis> 3£§ two persons have been duly nominated -appiy to WATERS ra *-S^^^^H^i^^»i S The Company have registered " COAL- gA 9 AmM&A /%^ /£» aZM as Candidates for the office of Councillor for b. WAItKb. « '^^^S^^flßT S BROOKDALE " as a Trade Mark, and will B-g-g, /^^Jffl//^(^J Sg? Cook Ward, viz. :— — — « «««s2^SSiw^w^B» ra take proceedings against any person using fio.g nep»l^3=ffl} \^^^^3) H^J Higginbottom, Wilfred M OTELB FOR SALE. H TRADEMMARK g the name without their anthority. SS® -J^MSa^^^^ o ° Penty, Franois XI 3 <^$^Bs» X <^fl^§> ► WM> SCOTT, g"^ «'= tew<a^ B S^^^^^^^ m» As there is only one vacancy to be filled, Hotel, Eketahnna 2500«b 2q § Agent ' J. B. GEOVE, L&s"S^^^i2lLS! on * JP^^^N^ U rp HE WESTPORT COAL COMPANY WELLINGTON CYCLE WORKS. THTTPQnAY +110 I9fl» H».v nf Sfintember Hotel, Wellington, trade JbtJo, dSooU caBH W •■ - S^£tF^.WHaufTo« y TSK ' Hotel, Makurf, cash — AND DISPLAY or " SWIFT" ANI Polling hours, 9am. to C p.m. Also, numerous other Hotels in all parts nnl? . BEST fjT « RAPID " CYCLES, Dated this 30th day of August, 1895. of the colony Pc rson "short. ot neoessi *ry WAI lilli'iiOOJj 8. TDRnnTTTI ATT?PH A T- AT JAM US AMES, capital aßßisted. DWAN BKOS. UOA.LU KUUiV UAJjUi VjUAIj CITY CYCLE WORKS, Returning Officer Delivered from nhip's tide by the oartload. 68, MaNNBB«-BTRKT. for Cook ward. X^OR SALE, real bargains in Pianos, Rwrmrim PHTPtfS — — * thoroughly good, all latest improve- Thst Will Pb.vkst You Taking (Nei Cash on Dkl.vebt) • Design and Best-finhh.d NATURAL USE OF THE VOICE. ffi6 nts , guarantee given with each instru- Oou,. UnB J^l Z2OL *" Ton. "*" 1^ * ment. To be Been at Spiller's Hall, __ **\J\ _ JJB. JOHN W. HILL, BouloottBtreet Best Sc.eene. ... 25/- ** En " M " T =V Thea,. -"■*- Specialist HOSIERS, *■'«*/ Chanokable Gbab, Ac (In Voice Production and Singing). xn O R^ S ~L L" E — Switt "I P«r Ton V J^iutt oAi^ci HATTERS, Skai ' 1 ' !#/■ er lon - TH E PERFECTION OF GRACE AN! Mr. Hill, in his studies in London and on Town Acres 155 156 157 173, 240, 241. 243, To whioll haa to b8 wharfage (li per SPEED. ' 244, 248, 24t>, subdivided into building DB.APERS, TOn \ an d oartage. _. . ZZT ™ l the Continent for 8J years, was associated allotments (as per plan), fronting In- Pnoe, from £20 iasy terms. with Herr Torsleif, of Leipzig (a pupil of g-gj. >™*££g S!^L-er m Jjg^jgUfr Ireoted^boje thoß 7^ o prefer Importe Vanucinni), George E. Thorp, of London Espie-st., and Marion-st STOREKEEPERS THE 'COLON/ within the reach of all. JJg^.S^SJSSS t£* (whose work on voice production is reoog- The above are situate in the very £eut ■ rt s d d through M y dealer men- oolony. nised by contemporary sincere) and W H i^Ho'n fZti Btocb Thkm - t loo^ « above •dvatttaSnentf who delivew J L. CERCHI, Agknt, msed by contemporary smgersj, ana W. a. late Hon. J Martin. at theße prioegi oftrtage added gg^ Mannibs-stbbit, Wkllinoton. Cummings, the well-known professor at the 1^ O'CONNOR, WM. BCOTT, Royal Academy of Mnsio, London. Ghuznee-street. Agent. wfilO REWARD. Terms on application at his residence, 79, P-O- Box 37. Telephone 115. WFBTPORT - C !KD! XV TT having come to~our knowledge tha Upper Ingestre-street. Telephone, 769. vvnouuiu w_xja/»jx j_. chbaP and INPi! ; BI oR brands c TO NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS. C O A L Tobacco, UNLABELLED, are being offere LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND " .._,„„ to the public by some unscrupulous trader GLOUE INSURANCE COMPANY. r „„,, ATJD f . T wANFST COAL IN as JUNO, the above reward will be paid t GIRLS' COLLK.GE, PRINTING MACHINERY. Kbtabubhed 1836. B NEW ZKALAND. any person or person, giving such inform. Invesied Funds jE6 673 204 tion aB will lead to a conviction of any perao MELMERBY HOUSE, Claimß Paid ."' '.'.'. 19,'616!178 FOR STEAM it is unsurpassed, being all °* personß perpetrating this fraud. ri^HE Proprietors cf the Evening Pobt Fire Reserve Fund ... 1,500.000 pure coal, free from sulphur and other im- SKERRETT & WYLIE, *»,..«««.».. l • riS'sassffiisrJUxstef srSSet«™ d :£'i4;rr tt l 1 » m*..,.!..^™™...!,. _ r VERY WEALTHY PROPRIETARY. tains less ash than any other coal, as Bhown ' ' — — - — ~ — 2 Dawson's Foub-fekdbb Wharf- By ft Speoial Aot o£ the New Zealand by the Museum Analyst :- Notb— Smokera of JUNO, and their nam imOtnOn 111 Kfl*OnfiTn dalk Printing Machines; eaoh Legislature, the Company is in a position to Coalbrookdale 351 ash is legion, for their own COMFORT an UCll 1 1 CU 181 OIICIIUUB prints at the rate of 6000 per hour aueor be sued in this oolony. HAPPINESS, are requested to see tha pran ia/uat Thiß Conipany has ever been noted for ita Westport-Cardiff ... 0 t>2 ash each plug of Tobacco bears the followin READ WHAT 1 Dawson's Two-fkkdsr Whakfual* promptitude and liberality in settling olamiß. n i B no t mined from a plateau with a cover label:Ayer's SarsapariHa pi«™ maohi..; prints 3000 jLSS^**-««a*~«*» j L SS^**-««a*~«*» did for the Invalid Daughter of a Prom. per hour LEVIN A CO., Agenta. others, igniting quickly, bums with a /l3flOßlfctf\ "My rghter^^ra^Tumebeen These Machines are in good working ™^RIA INSURANCE COMPANY bsfffi fif|i|^|l|i . troubled with violent headaches aud sleep- order, and are only bomg disposed of as » (Limited). fire at iegBi eg8 008t tnan any otner ooa i ; no lessness. She was .pale, had no appeUto, they are not fast enoueh to cope with the Established 1849. ReoonßtniotedlB79. dnat , dirt, or snlphur fumes; almost as clean CJSoTrJS^^lifft&l^^ rapfdly increasing circulation of the EV.N- Ca P ltel - JIL.,'" ci '° 00 ' 000 - as gas atoves and more healthy, therefore ceived no benent until she commenced using INQ Potm Ey?ry Deßoription „£> Fire| Marine , m £ 0^ c e 8 n nltable for awin K- room . offioe ' or W . M . BANNATYNE & CO. Tttß _„ ... , .. . , ... FideUty Guarantee Risks effooted at the c b # h^ f m Bhip . 8 side from any ooa i ZS"MT) rr TO CtUf iWiT^R Full particulars may be obtained at the Lowest Rates.l ___..__ . , dealer at the following prices, with wharfage g-Nl> TT TO BHOK iT"B. iffl^^^^ Evening Post office. LEVIN & CO., Agents. an d oartage added :— * 'dNJJJf^msJmvffl " rpHE north British and mer unscbbbnbu 20s WT CRAB TREE & SONS, J- CANTI^» I^l S i y^ ANCE Bbst Scbebned 25s * vKTPTMii'vnq London and Edinburgh. Small 17s WM Ji*iWSII!,J!.B3, Subscribed Capital, Paid-up, H E HAEaBEAV ES, Boilbmmakerb, Iron & Bbasbfoundkes, X6 MT?^w/^ Bi^8 i^ e RW l HTci'l 1 'm ts44 ' 'Secretary Cardiff Co^l Co., 1&V MURRAY, JfOBEKTS 4 CO., Christchuroh. fl^ '"rfF HAVE ON SALE— : AgelK3 - Wellington Agent— H"V A r-k f% m a OO r BmtT \ dM$ ~'>t& i w -*•* v i r, i "ORITISH AND FOREIGN MARINE SAMUEL BROWN. l/il X M flf 1 1 1 Rimuvfoi \ rW*' -mtP 1 second-hand 8-h.p Mmtitnbular Boiler J£J INSURANCE COMP AN V (Limited) — l/llAjlllll/ \ V^Mar Ido 3-h p Vertical Engine and Boiler OF LONDON COALS i' 11 ! 1 l ¥ LIVER and V *f*'" <$$){ 1 do 3-h p. Engine and Vertical Tubular Capital, .£2,400,000. ' * Nu^a^gP^ , 3^°, iler^ „ ,t, • With whioh is incorporated The Universal rifnnrTlON IN PRICE ""**• *< ID NEY COMPLAINTS }wh PVP V V «r h «^ E »B" ie Marine Insurance Company (Limited) J^ EDU C T I O_N_ IN F 8 1 0 Ji . Bheumatk 1 12.h.p.Vertioal Engine All classes of Marine Riska aoeepted at -*-* 1 wFWCAqTTF -r, t>-i- ». ■ «• . * I»Jn^g«E^^> 1 »Jn^g«E^^> 1 4-h.p. Robey Vertical Engine and Boiler ioWeßti 0WeBt onrrent rateß . POATTIROOKDALF Fever « BlboUB Attaoks . Gout » 6to ' fs^2|Pja^Llp£l«^. , 1 Streamlet Churii suitable for factory , MUBRAY, HOBEBTS * CO., Agenta, Wl^T PO RT G ATMDIFF '4&SFHZBr^&™&* ' 100 ft second-hand Steel Shaft, 2im diameter Featherston-atr eet. WeUington. At theffiucfd PrioM adveSed above.i The pure vegetable remedies made up Ayer's SarsapariHa. After taking half a • ~ - Lv Mother Mary Joseph Aubert wil. bottle, she began to feel better. By a. con- CITY FOUNDRY "XTATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY CHAFF • aithfullv oerform ai FOUNDRY. ft OF NEW ZEALAND gJ^HOLE and cbu.hed color, she gained in strength, headaches n? D ™.» TT o»™ ims i FIRE AND MARINE. POLLARD I #^J Mother Autxrt person tKi^M^W: [Established 1865.1 ~*S%j™ Ac, & c. X /fr% Sly suptrinJ the H^cLyo,, St^owe... J^URSERY STOCK SSfiSSICK Undoubted SeeS Good quality.'and at very low rates. Ul\ \J manufacture and pact AVDP'C NURSERY STOCK. Loweßt Cnrreut Kateß of Premium, and n . „ ,, T T ""«« «wxt 1 ing of all her remedies HYCr O -c, n 7:p; T) t ? -R b«ng a New Zealand institution its con- BAMITKL BBOWN, and warns the public ,!.„„» imi»»i nil— ._. „, -*• • v/UvJJ: i: Xt tinned success is a matter of interest to COAL AND PRODUCE IMPORTER, that none are genuine without the fat Has Cured Others, Will Cure You Begs to announce that he has one of the eT^I 0 0 0 ° lon A 8t - T . nmaß » Cn ,B, B t> ns i d ; ni , fl Office Telephone. 88. rinuU of her signature on both ends ol M adeb y D, J .c.A y ev*co..l^l^r^ MOST SELECT AND VARIED WelHng^ "&° " ° ' ' cardboard wrapping. STOCKS ANDREW CAMPBELL, itl& of^. INVENTIONS Patented and TRADE Of the above in New Zealand, all in good Manager. TILACK BALL COAL VIV I A m _^_ healthy condition, FOU SALK, in large or . -■-* M 1 ** 75v>fcMARKS Registered in all parts of the small quantities, at the most reasonable STTiVER PTiATFI IS BRIGHT AND CLEAR and GIVES M l iJJ/jf/ffrt//Ts WM. REEVE HASELDEN, THING, and our selections are altogether &(J See my usual prices marked in the Price ... 7/f» Per Quarter Ton Amost valuable remedy for the cure 0 too numerous to parttoularise. We keep in 1 / now allow i ng 4 , in the £ off ' > , X ' DIARRHau and Vomiting at any age Patent Agent, stockeve rything -^^J"-^ aUthese P-es. Phiok ... 14/6 P» Hal, Ton especially in children, and even younj Wellington. • herb root to the regal orchid. Bottom of Cnbrftreet Ml , o FRUIT TREES AND BUSHES of all N.8.-All manufacturTdlry Walke? and Pbi « - 27/" Pbb ToN t,^ 80 f °" S^ULA, Eachitism anc NOTICE OF REMOVAL. kinds, by the single plant, dozen, or hundred. Hall. No unsaleable travellers' sampleß. t, c DbBIUTA 1 £D CONSTITUTIONS, M DO „-_,„„--. a HEDGE AND SHELTER PLANTS.- Double bCBEENED, RS DODWELL has removed from All the best and hardiest varieties. [TiTuPwovit 1431 DELIVERED INTO COAL BINS. CUM^^^nJ^^JffSaSJ: SS H ° ICE t ? P T E^ W • W » Cash day afternoon. Adult Class on Monday Ornamental, Foliage, and Flowering Plants Xl> evenings. Minuets tanght. Private leHSons of every description^ TATTON & ERSKINE, STEAM COAL SCREENED NUTS given in Dancing. Full descriptive and priced Seed and Plant (Pbopbietob, P. REIMER) SLACK FIREWOOD "OLACK LACQUER for Stoves, Chairs, Catalogues poßted free to all No. 11, Coubtknat-placb, Wellington Always available. tWnJftt^" Hatßl ftnd 10 ° oth6 ' r applioantß.- Bottlers of the well-known _ __ ifif / TV things, is in stoc^ jTHo ~ „ DUNED IN BED STAR ALE 0. W. TUB.NER WM ( T\ 60, Cuba-street. a foremost position to give advioe on all BULLHEAD NELSON ALE, Agent, $|§|$f L •* [ Horticultural mattera, whioh will be freely BULLHEAD DUNEDIN STOUT. Waterloo-quay (opposite Railway Wharf.) «|H i^SißSsk I V^ NX. Telephone 960. 17, Lambton-quay. given to all enquirers. P.O. Box 117. Telephone No. 936. mmm }M. \^*^ Best Bbands of Wines and Spibits. ■ — - ffmgHfflL,,^" HENBY BODLEY P. COOPEB., o „ . -rr. _. W. J. GAUDIN, T BODLhY, FLORIS Sparkhng Rhine Wine. p,OAL, WOOD, & PRODUCE W* DAIRYMAN. " " Sf£AS^3^.°^ ' Pilsen Beer^Key Brand. Ghu^sTb'ekt JMPOR T A N T_T E STIMON V Special Deliveries of Black Swan Butter, BIJQU NURSERI^ LOWER HUTTi _^EDJT AB_STORE_^ 0N SA Ti_OoA I .s i^' P ° TTER ' Plym ° Uthl P" 6 " 1 ' fa™ the Factory. Ten minutes' walk from Railway Station. n T „ T . ~ „-„ „ T CoalbtooMiile "I have tried your BALSAM OF HOKET HE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIAL Telephone, No. 839." BE B E! T ANNIA HOTEL, Westp^Card.ff Z^£&£2£?£& £?£££ ZEn/we tpEiKS^OR^ELF?- Inspection invited the year round. J ffll Reduced Rates) &%£?_? M^VelTo^ Wooloombe-street, MB. ROBERT REID (Same° terms as the Company) • Prioe, Is 6d and 2b 6d per bottle. ,« ™ 20th Apri1 ' 1895> A DnnBdm Wmt6r S W ' WARDELL (For nine years Steward of the Wellington Nuts, Coke, and Charcoal * MB. WM. 0. FITZGEBALD, canM Working Men>a clnb)> Dry Firewood, all lengtha Consulting Chemist. Desires to announce that he is now Licensee „ , n P ,. BB i 0D / H C^ R - AY RES, Dear Sir-You will be pleased to hear HAMS, against aU-oomers. of the above well-known hotel. CWand Bye Hay \ BOTANIC CHEMIST, that my Uttle Girl has got rid of no less Prices:— Hams 7Jd per lb Oats, Maize, Beans, whole or orushed 90, Cuba-strket. than 114 worms, after treatment with your s , doa ' 6d lb A full supply of the Finest Brand of Bran, Pollard, Wheat Branoh ShopsChocolate Worm Tablets. ' Liquor in stock. The patronage of the pub- ?*& Krb^anf Bltnhe^ Jliddifobu-bp. a" d'Molkbwo«th.BT._ Youra truly, Ho ie confidently requested. Potatoes "All who would achieve success ahould M «s- L- Insist on having Orders Promptly Dehverod. endeavour to merit it." _. , „ -r»v/-ir>/-vrw»n TiTonrtTma STAPLES' XXXX BEER ALWAYS ON Telephone 271 Price, la 6d per box, post In* TJY CROFT'S BISCUITS, TAP. -.-,„, . , . .. . TOar .„„, • ■*-* nr»AT rnM«TTMT?R<S PTPA^P VOTP \I7E have dnring the past year epared AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT And Take No Other. COA - L CONbUMER^ PLEAbE NOIE. ff no expenßo {„ endeavonring to ..... iFiS^T" „_ FOX & RIGG, T rtKT»fiW taaW A ATT> THE Best Firm in the City for you to our Beer seoond to none in New Zealand, _„ Q MONhY TO LEND. WholesXAgeßts, JjO^^Oi^ LOAN AND i buy your COALS and FIREWOOD Md now oonnd ently assert vfe have auoIhis Sooiety has Money to Lend on First- Mercer-street. IiTS-Tt > fT^T "« \ ATTT from ia J° NE S & CO., Lambton-quay. onedad in doinir ao olass Freehold City and Country Soouritiea, *-' - c B v'V? U3S i ±5 AJN SL Shall we tell you why t oeeaea in aoing ao. at 5J per oent. You oan always depend on having your "~~ Apply direot to the Sooiety. Kbtabushmd 1875 Weight (exclusive of Backs) and Measure, Wo invite all who enjoy a Good Glaas of EDWARD W. LOWE TILED GRATES. H.BTABLIBHLBD 18/5. and also rely on getting what you order. — Resident Secretary. T ANDED per sa. Buahine, a splendid n n Note the Address™ * ™ AI " -r w nAMTmT JU assortment of TUessomeVeally grand £10 to £10,000 advanced at moderate 1 '~L P, nr. To aak for ftAMUEL DANKB & SON P a 8 ' '?c? c , ludl ?8r Hand-pamted .Views, JONES & CO., STAPLES' BEST, ELECTRO-PLATERS, ' interest, for abort and long ..erloda, on per Next Kir \ c 0 0 * n d >%^ O n Draught at almost all Hotels in the City BRASS FOUNDERS, and SANITARY ° E ChSeX Ironmonger, aonal aeourity, deeda (no mortgage coata), Coalbrookdale, Newcastle Westport- and Burrounding Distriota, 10 ZSr* B°ttOmOtCUbft-BtroatB ° ttOmOtCUbft - Btr0at - -es,bil,of-Ud., &C .,*c. oHSSoES invite ijy^STSJ Stock of 8»> IT T ° **™*" ' Bills Disced Dailx. Telepgs^" Boer co .llclassesof SANITARY GOODS specified ~ — P A gft TtPOOMg n» — inder the existing By-Lawß, and for the I W XJEST VALUE" KNIFE-CLEANERS OFFICEB ... Panama-atreet, Wellington JftAbß J3KUUMB OR STAPLES 4CO (Limited) requirementsoHhetradegeneraUy. , They beat anything else. Get THE~MANAGEB , A P,JP? O ? MBt Moleswor.h ANn Mubpht Streets. _, I, Addreaa— THi, MANAGKK Purohased at Auction, 150 Baas Brooms, liLECtro-Platino in all itb Buanchks. I! one at 60, Cuba-Btreet. Beware of oanvassers. larcrest size made, 56 knots in each, honestly __. T „ ™ n „ , » w n n \i n ft \ wo £ th 3a 3d now soUinß at la 0 - d< A down . V HTOBiA buun v n x BICYCLES A SPECIALITY. rjpAKE WOOD'S GREAT PEPPER- right cheap lino. T — -*• MINT CURE Rw Aff ?* w. M n mm GEORGE WINDER, o-n a /-» at» Makers of Copper Washing Boilers. , For Coughs and Colds Appointment ?9Mb&9 Jixoeuenoy Cheapest Ironmonger, EDWARD SiiACiAii, ~i ! Sold by all Grocers. Is 6d and 2s 6d bottle *o Hi « Governor. Bottom of Cuba-street, EHfIINME , Iron iKD Bbass Potodib, PHN WALKER, JJEWARE OF CANVASSERS selling NOTlcfof^MtvAL. LOANS AND_MORTGAGES. Bo.lermak.r, and_G.nebal Smith. FLORIST, I Knife Cleaners. "Best Value" only sold TAMES ~CURTIS, \ D 222S ffISTSS aJS?ftSJ ■*?■? HnV* «-«•»«« of 'ANCY BIRD and POULTRYDEALER, jatC O,.Cuba.stree, ftJjftt^SS °^ »— "* Cuba-street Wnrrm™ ' Customhouse-qu at, Wellington. Mercantile and Bankruptcy Gazette. Status VICTOKIA AND MANNaBB tTKEET, , -LLiiiuiuK, T^TEW ZEALAND EXPRESS COMPANY P.O. Box 108. Telephone No. 9. Enquiries answered, reliable reports fur- Wili.inotoh md Model Poultry Farm , Mount Albert -I^l (CAMPBELL & CBUST.) Furniture removed with every oare and nißhed, and general Trade-protection BusiAuckland. Wellington, Dunodin. ChriEtohurch, Auck- •'*»« ° n - „ „ . tflrfl to .. on fl . mMfl neSB attend ° d A . BARNETT, MPORTAKT TO FARMERS. WinnerofGolda^SilverMedals, Ch al- f&ttffiStiSSr "^ " CHEAP ID gc Cups, and over 1000 other prizes W °S!^lJ^^SaoS^Sf'' of ttftriS Kfi. taSitf "^ — — ithin three years, for Poultry, Pigeons, , SSi^SVo?l^&^l&' r r AKK WOOD'S GRBAT PEPPER- rpHE Prioes of the Wellington Meat anarieß, Parrots, &c, whioh he can always I The Forwarding Systom is the moat oom. IJYDROLEINE SOAP A MINT CURE JL Kxport Company's Manures have boen ipply from the above addreea at moderate P loto in tho Colony. O- The Great Labour Sa /eb. For Couoks and Colds. reduced, and are now as follows :- rices. Qooda and Parcels Cpllooted and Forwarded Sold by all Grooers. Is 6d and 2s 6d bottle On Truoks at Ngabauranga, or f.o.b. ! to any a Idreas, at lowest through ratoa. Try it pnr* washing day . Wellington— DEAR'S WHlSKYr^^^il^&c-a^r 8 - M EM ORIAM CARDS, in great variety. G. JNL E V'Y ' %&££- *"^ Z gl«e!Son _ ,SSSSE- UNDERTAKER, — M p^^S N o^cSJiEp B VY T 5S PHOMPTITUI,,." at Ev.N.NO POST office. 63, MANNERS-STREKT. V^.^S^^S^SZ'^R ANIMALS. t _ . - ' attention. NOTICE. rpAKE WOOD'S GREAT PEPPER. Private Reßidonoe— ' Samples, and oopies of analyses, on ap" lis requested that all oommuuioations for JL MINT CURE „ , ,_. ,_ ~ . . „ plioation. .the Sooiety which will bo regarded as For Couohb an,» Colds. Tonks Grove (off Cuba-street). % L EOD'S HYUKOLEINE SOAP can a^^S'Cyiag^^ A NY PCrH ° n fO " nil ' >O9tin(? n '" 8 °" Sold by all Grocers. 1b fid tl ud 2s 6d bottle. T AKE W TnT CuT ****** M"c used in hot or cold water. n-Btroet.'' j ! -EVENING POST HOARDINGS without p m Pnuniin and Coma The King of Cleanskbb. J. S. JAMESON, 111 1 I |\FWAI!'S \Vlimi{- Coughs and Colds. j ANDERSON A CO.', Hon. Sec. l'jpermißSionl 'jpermiBSion will bo proßeou j^ > 11 ioiv . Sold by all Grooers. Is 66' » nd 2s Cd bottle Wholesale Agenta.

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 53, 2 September 1895, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 53, 2 September 1895, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 53, 2 September 1895, Page 4


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