The rumour to which we r«eently alluded as to two members of the Legislative Counoil who were not present at tho late session — one, indeed, bjing a rew member, and not ovon sworn in— having nevertheless drawn their honorarium, turns out to be correct. Tho members in question are, it is said, the Hon. Captiin Morris and tho Hon. j. B. Whjte. They a-rived in Wellington after the Council bad finally adjourned, bat before tho Proclamation proroguing Parliament was aotually signed. The payments are understood to have boon certified to under subsection 2 of clanse 5 of the Parliamontary Honorarium and Privileges Act, 188 i, which provides tliat deduction from tho h,onorarium for absence sha'l not be mad a "where Buch absence is C&nsed by reason of illness or from any other cause which shall by the Speaker of the Houso giving tho certificate hereinafter mentioned be therein stated to be unavoid* able." Still, it ia monstrous that full hollorat in m should have been paid to these honourable gentleman for tho late eeesion. Mr. Whyte'i absence was not unavoidable^ He could have been here in time had Krt ohoaen . Captain Morris probably oaWe as quickly as he could, and although Dothinight in f qnity be entitled to their expenses in coming to Wellington, they certainly Bhonld not have jrofc the h6norarinm in full 'yho HiJn. Sir George Whitmore, wh6 aje? arrived lato for the S9F&ion, althongh hb started by the first available djjpottunity, has declined to ask for more than bare expenses. Another singular claim for honorarium, said not to be ' yet decided, ia that of the Hon. M. Holmes. Mr. Holmes has resided for several years in Wellington, and has, of course, not reoeived any honorarium. Thiß year ho has claimed it on the ground that having determined in future to live in Otago, he had broken ttp hia Wellington establishment prior to the session, and remained here solely ta attend to his legislative duties.
Tho description of Saturday's raoing at the Atn&tenr Athletic Championship Meeting will T>a f&tthd 6n our 'fourth page together' With a quantity of other reading matter. LieutenantOolonel Stapp is to have oomina'nd of tHb volunteer tonoampment at Palme'ralon North tinting Easter week. The R.M.S. Arawa, from Plymouth, arrired 'Rt.Hobart at 5 p m. on Saturday, and as the •Jel t again at noon yesterday, eho should reach Wellington on Thursday afternoon. In aooordanco with a request msdi by a deputation of West Coast residents a tew days ago, tho Cabinet have deoided to replace thfoe uovernment officials, who are members of the Weatport Harbour Board, by a like number of gentlemen soleoted from prominent inhabitants of the district. A similar oourFo is to bo adopted with regard to the Greymouth Harbour Board, The Hon tuo Native Minister (Mr. Cadtnan) will not visit Auckland until the encLof j the month. His .intention at one time was to accompany tlb Governor in the tour through the^riwera oountry, but as His Excellency haa deferred this visit for a few months, tho Minister will remain in Wellington for about three weeks His Excellenoy loaves for Auckland overland to-morrow morning, and Mr Cadmtti will moet him in that oity about the last day of the month, in order to escort him over tho Thames andCoromandelgoldfielda. The Minister for Public Works (Mr Seddon) left for Picton by the Rotortta this afternoon, and will Visit the Mahdkipawa Goldfields duriug the next few days. The hon gentleman, who ife accompanied by !iis private secretary (Mr. T. Hather), has gone aoross for the purpose of settling a dispute in connection with a Government oontraot ati Mahakipawa, and hopes to return to Wellington about the end of the week. The steamer VVairarapa, from Melbourne, via Hobart, with an English mail, arrived at the Bluff at 645 this morning Her mills Bhould reach Wellington oh Wednesday afternoon. A ciftuse !e ttt be inserted in all future Government contracts to tho offeot that the Eneineor-ih-oharge, and the Clerk of Works, is not to recognise any sub- contractor ; that t üb-lettinsr work or having the same done as pieoe work shall be a ground for cancellation of the oontrKct; and that penalties on a percentage basis on the value of the work found to have been doce by Bub-contract or pieoe work shall be imposed. In connection with the Arbour Day proceedings which it is proposed shall take place on Queen's Birthday, it may b6 mentioned that Mr. W. T. L Travers and tho Mayor of Napier have furnished Mi-. G. Woodward with a lisfe of trees whioh they considered wonlu, if planted in the Esplanade, thrive notwitfr. standing the ealt spray. It is intended that the Children attending the oity schools shall take part in the planting on the 24th May; a percentage of 'trees being allocated to eaoh sotool. The Premier has given a dona* ion in aid of the expenses of tha day, and it is to be hoped fch&t Uie Hon. Mr. Ballanoe'a example will be liberally followed. The Civil Sittings of the Supreme Court were opened this morning by the Chief Justice. There are several cases dn the Hit. but for various reasons dnl V one of fchem could be taken to day; THe .tiideption was 'he suit of Sl»p!e§ v. London, ia lyhicn judgment was entered up by Consent for J6267 la lOd (balance on a mortgage) with interest at j,he rale, of 8 per.'oent. since the 19th of last September;. Mr.. Travers was for tho plaintiff and Mr. Gully for the defendant. Sayera v Wright was fixed for Thursday, while Shera v. Diion and Vaile v. Tanered were set down for Friday. It was announced that the case of Stewart V. Grace and Greenfield had been discontinued. The divorce Oaßeof Godden v. Godden ia to be heard on Wednesday morning. The following are the Wellington repreBontufcives who leavo to-day for the South, for the purpose of attending the Presbyterian General Assembly i —The HeV. C. S Ogg and Mr. J. Thomson (St. Androw'B Churoh) | the Rev. J. Patereoh ftnd Mr. J. G. W. Aitken (St. John's): the Roy. J. K. Elliott and Mr. J. M'Lean (Kent Terrace). t Themedioal and expert evidence given at the inquest held at the Hospital on Satnrday morning on the remains of Malcolm Fraser w,ould Beem to havo set at rest all donbt as to whether or not the katipo spider is venomous. It was conclusively proved that although in tho case of healthy adult persons the bite is not a 1 tended with fatal consequencos, it causes great pain, and the effects are lasting -that is, the sufferer does not ontirely recover. Seeing, therefore, the necessity that sotno precaution should be takon by people who are in the habit of visiting the seashore, we reproduce the description of the spider which was given by Mr. W. M. Maskell, Registrar of the New Zealand University, in his evidence. Mr; Maskell soys :—" The katipo ia a tlack spider, itB body about the siza if a pea. On the upper Bide 1 there is a r~d zig-zag mark. Sometimes tho colour of the mark is a dull red and sometimes yellowish. It is said there is another variety, with a red body and black mark. Spe'oimsns of the more common kind may bo seen at the Museum. Mr. J. E. Evans, saddler, of Lambton-quay. baa also made the habits of the katipo hia Btudy , and can famish information to enquirers. William Crowley was brought np on reman-^ before Mr. Robinson, R.M., this morning, on a charge of baring assaulted Fredeiick Cbaton, on tho Ist of February with int9nt to rob him Mr. Coate3 appeared for the defence. On the application of Sergeant-Major Ramsay, the accused was remanded until Wednesday, as another man has been arrested in Blenheim on a charge of being associated with him Several oases of drunkenness were ako dealt with. Elizabeth Adams was ordered to pay 403, or undergo 48 hours' imprisonment; Timothy Hotan was fined 10s, the alternative being 24 honrs in custody ; while Peter M'Millan was mulcted in a penalty of 40j>, in default of payment to undergo 14 days' imprisonment, his oaso being a bad one. Several | first offenders were leniently dealt with. At the meeting of the Harbour Board on Thursday, Mr. J. H. Heaton will move according to notioe,— " That eaoh member of the Board, at its ordinary meetings, be furnished with an order paper containing the general business and recommendations from the Secretary and Wharves and Quays Committee," &a., <to. A handicap bioyole raoe in conneotion with the Amateur Athletic and Cycling Club took place on Saturday, the course boing from Johnaonville to Porirna and back. Tho starters were— Hey wood, scratch ; Henley, 2min ; W. W. Baker, Christie, and ThompBon, 3min j N. L. Gurr, 4min. C. Pearoe and W. E. Bendall (lmin), White (2min) and Beid (soratoh) did not take part The race was won by N. L Gurr by half a jard from Henley, W. W. Baker, 2min 15seo behind, being third. The winner's time for the distanoe (12 miles) was 57min 15aeo. The fastest tinn, however, wag made by Henley, who accomplished the journey in 55min 15sec. Mr. and Mrs. Bannister, of Johnsonville, treated the oyolieta with great hospitality. A pionio organised by tho employe's of Messrs. Sargood, Son and Ewen and John Duthie and Co. (Limited) took place on Saturday at M'Nab'a Gardens, Lower Hutt and was a great success, thanks to the olerk of the weather and the exertions of Mr. W. Witt, the übiauitous secretary. The partyj numbering about 100, were conveyed by Mr! J. Lane in brakes to the appointed grounds where a vigorous onslaught was at onoe made on a capital luncheon served up by Mrs. M'Nab in a marquee erected on the lawn for tho occasion. The remainder of the day was devoted to athlotio sports, lawn tennis, bowls, rounders, and exploring the sylran retreats of Mrs. M'Nab'a deservedly famous grounds. The main interest, howaver, centred in the sports, whioh £ok place in an adjacent paddock, rha result 8 were : -100 yds Youths' Handi-sap-G. Williams, 4yda, 1; E. Duthie, 3yda, i; Salmon, 3yda, 3. 100 yds Handioap open)— First heat : Glover, 3yds, 1 • Gallofay. aoratoh, 2 ; Copeland, 2^d 8 , 3. Second teat : Gardener, 2jds, I,• Jjridson, syds, 2 : & Kerrow, 3yds, 3. Gary«er won the final jaUoway being a good second, and Glover, ose up, third. The JQOyds Handicap was ■too won by CWdentr, 6yds, with Glover, y. dB . second, »nd Robinson, 6ydß, third, be 4«jyda F jtndioap resulted, after a olob-j »pe. m a viotory for Bridson, 15yds, l Kerrow, and Galloway, scratch, ping secor, A and third respectively. By La w . in^. 'fl * wo ot >t of the three events >nstitntir the Picnic Handicap, Porcy ardener, w ith six points, becomes tha >lder of . the chillenge cup for tha fir.t >»r. U alloway, Glover, and Bridson, with tree p< 8 tied f or Becon d honours.
The most exoiting raoe of the day was the Married Men's Race, for whioh then were 14 entries. Copeland (soratoh) ju»t managed to secure first place, while Dißher (3yds), Stoddart (Byds), and Bishop (Byds) ran a dead heat for second honours. In running off, the Bret-named two again ran a de d heat, and as oxbaust d hnihan nature could no longer stand the 'Unwonted strain, tho committee decided that it was batter to give two prizes than run the ri-k of neccesskating a coroner's inquest. Iho sack race was won by M'JOrrow, with K. Dufchfo second; and (h<» three legged ratte \)y Galloway and Glover^ who Wire Cloßely followed by Gardtiier ahJ J. M'Farlano. The tug-r,f-wat resulted, aftei prolonged exertions, iv Sargood's representatives triumphing over the men of iron. A race for little girla was won by Amy Bishop, May Irons, and Nor&h Long, in the order named | and in a similar contest for boya tho Masters Twentjmftn proved themselves to be veritable chips of the old block by Becnrinp first and se'oond plaoes, With Willie Irons third. After again partak;ng of Mrs. M-'XaVa hospitality, all parties retnrned lo town, having thoroughly enjoyed themselVefi. Yesterday morning His Gf ice Ar'chbUhop Redwood proceeded to the Lower Hutt for the purpose of o\Jor.ihg the Catholic school in that plice, which is to be in charge of thi*ee Sisters_ of Meroy. The weather was most auspicious for tho ceremony. His Grace, accompanied by the Vicar-General, the Very Rev. Father Macnamara, arrived by the morning train in timo to attend mass at 11 o'clock. The Vicar was the celebfant, and an eloquent address was given by the Archbishop on the duties of parents to their children. Alter, the morning Bervioe Hs Grade proceeded to bless the anibodl aftd declare it open. He wds rpoeived by the Bisters and preßented witn an,address by the ohildrto. _ HIS Grace attended Vespers in thti eVehing, and again preached a,.mo;t eloquent ferra n An efficient choir, under the leadership 6f Mr. Mi P. Bunny. Bang very craditasly &t both Eervioes, and was materially assisted by Mra. McClean, of the Hutt, and Miss McClean, of Wellington, who in th ' evening gave a very beautiful rendering of Gounod's " There is a Green Hill Far Away." His Grace and the Vioar were the guests of the Very Rev. Father Lane, the parish priest. Information from Auckland states that sinoe hU retU-n from Wellington Mr. W. Voreker Bindon, late owner of the Maritaha, has opened up negotiations for the purchase of the Muritai, iVhidh is Regarded by many people as tbe faetesi yacht in the whole colony. Sne was built by Logan d fe* years ago for the late Mr. G. #.. Street;, .of Auckland, and ia a beautiful little oraft of 13 tpns. j S.h» has r clipper bow, and is vojry fast. For i the past two years she has been in the hands ■ of Mr. Lushing ton, an independent gentleman living at Mahurangi, and it is understood that he is willing to fell her. If Mr. Bindon secures her he intends to race h< r at the regatta in Wellington next Anniversary Day Thero were a large number of faromenaders; on the 1 horndon Esplanade ySsbrday afternoon, on which pOcaaibn the tJity Braasßand, under the direction 6f Mr. E. J. £ing, dts. oouraerl eotte excellent music Contribution a were solioited towards the fund whioh Mr, George Woodward has initiated for planting an avenue cor.ai-ting of bOO trees along the Esplanade, aud the appeal was responded to to the extent of £4, 10a lOtd. The Garriaon Band hive offered to givo an outdoor performanoe in aid of the tree planting fund, and have selected the night of the 24th inatint-when it will be moonlight-for the purpose. , Tnfl annilal Harvest Festival services at St. Peter's Church yesterday were well attended. The decorations were extensive. Tho Rev. W. C. Waters preached both morning and evening, tho lessons being read by the ReT. Mr Walker and Mr. Tripe, B A. Prooesaional and reoeßEion&l hymns Were snng in the evening, and the Efirfloe Concluded with Webeirs Jubilee overture by Mr. TalliS Trirahbll, the organiat, who also p'Oyed as an offertorium Haydn's ait," With Verdure olad." An able paper oy Mr. 6. Kemp, on " The First Introduction of Christianity into Europe," was the aubjeot of study e,l the meeting oJ St. John's Fellowßhip A&BoolaUon yesterday morning. Mr. R. Hopkirk, Benr., occupied the chair, aud there wa3 a good Attendance of members. Members were urged to be regular in their attendance, and to look up all members absenting themselves, as is in thi9 holiday season many were away for their holidays, in consequence or which tho average attendance of the Association suffered cdnsiderably. Mr. A. Wilson will furniahth'e Bubjeotforiieit Siinday mefning. , ProfeEaor Ahderson niade his Bocond atipfftranbo dk the Opera House, before a \ fairly large audience, on Satun.'ay evening, i when he agaiu gave a highly creditable expo- i sitiottof the magjo art, A new proffrAmme I is underlined for to-nignt. Ihh monthly mealing of the Wellington Horticultural and Flo.ists' Society ii advertised to be held at No. 11 Room, Exchange Buildings, on Wednoaday evening. It ia announced that several papers, contributed by members of the sooiety, will be toad at' the meeting. ThS annual meeting of the Cariton Football Club will be held to morrow evening. The ofllce of Mr. ,t. Drinsneld, stockbroket, Gre.y-Btr6et, has been conneoted with this Telephone Exohange. Wo are requested to remind our readers toab tuis is the last w.eek of the drapery sale at tho London House, Buckle-street; Special reductions are announced; .. rTobla Campbell Sc Co. will sell to-tuottow. fruit, &c. George Thomas' & Co. will sell to-mori»w fruit, &c. Towniend k Paul will 101 l to-morrow, fruit, *o.
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Evening Post, Volume XLI, Issue 33, 9 February 1891, Page 2
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2,788UNEARNED HONORARIUM. Evening Post, Volume XLI, Issue 33, 9 February 1891, Page 2
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