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[a new card.]| pvR. C. DE LACY MACCARTHY, Graduate in Arts, Medicine, and ?UROKRT, Triuity College, Dublin. First Gold Medalist and Prizeman in Midwifery. Over Nine Months Retident Physician in the Children's Hospital, London, Likewise in Rotunda, Dublin, and St. Mary's, Manchester, two most renowned Midwifery Hospitals. Holdß over 180 Testimonials from Patients for Actual and Wonderful Cures in New Zealand alone. Can Now bb Consulted at his Residence, ADEriiioE-ROAD, Newtown, From 8 a m. up to 2 p m. At his Rooms in Willis-ituest, From I r m. to 9 p.m. Visiting Fee Dnriug Day Only 7a Cd, which includes Mcilicino. In Midwifery Ca9es Patients will Kindly Make Arrangements Beforehand. HAS ERECTED TURKISH BATHS AT BOTH PLACES FOR QUICK AND CERTAIN CURE OF RHEUMATISM, COLDS, AND DYSPEPSIA. Post Office Box 315. HOUSE EURNIBHINGB. FURNITURE. FURNITURE. I BEG to return my sincere thanks to the inhabitants of tho city and suburbs for the very liberal patronage bestowed on me since opening my Retail Promises in Manners street. As it is my intention to always keep a LARGE AND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK, the publio can rely on getting the very beßt value for their purchases. My prices will bs fonnd to compare favourably with other houses. A visit to my premises is solicited, and a share of your patronage, I feel oonvinoed, would follow. As I mannfaoturo all my own goods at my Faotory, Dixou-street, with the most modern wood -working machinery iv the city, pnrohasers oan rely upon getting a first-olaßs article. Ploase note my Addreas— 0. MOELLER Retail Furniture Warehouse, Manners-street (Adjoining Allan Smith, Grocor). Faotory • Dixon-Btreet. pJtA N X GRA DV , Hi^h-ckca Artistio Jowollory Novelties in Elootro-pktod Goods, suitable for Wodding Presents JEWELLER Choion Selootion of Fanoy Goods Noveliic-B received monthly by Diroot Steamers AND IMPORTER, Watch, Clook, and Jewellery Repairs done on the promisos by skilled workmen and at moderate prices. WILLIS-STREET. " PUBLIC NOTICE. EIGHT HOURS' WORK EIGHT HOURS' RECREATION EIGHT HOURS' REST! ON and aftor Monday, the 30th June, J. King, the Jeweller, of Cuba- street, will Close his Establishment at bix o'olonk in the evening, Saturdays exoopted, and hopos that hi.i numorous customers will do their business with him boforo that hour. /CHARLES REDWOOD'S PATENT NON-POLSONOUS BLTGHT SPECIFIC Will infallibly oure all kinds of Blight, and at the samo time promote the growth of the tree. With a Cyclone Nozzle, the largest tree oan be thoroughly sprayed, at a oost of one shilling. Fnll particulars from tho Solo Agents, KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO., Wellington. T. PRINGLE, 49, LAMBTON'-QUAY. THE ART NEEDLEWORK DEPOT. Wholesale Prices for Cash. Mkssrs. Briggß & Co 's Patent for Transfer Designs having now oxpirod, wo are able to do their patterns at a reduction of 83 per cent, to 50 per cent, off former prioes. T PRINGLE imports from the Mannfac- • turer direct, thus saving intermediate profits. A very pretty series of Fel£ Brackets at Is 4d Felt and Plush combined , in the following new styles :— "Agra," ''Moorish," " Kingfisher," "Crazywork," "Butterflies, &0., from 2s 4d to 2s 8d Theso aro the pick of the present eeaaon's designs. The abovo all in six different shades. Pongee Silk. N.D. Bags, at 3s 4d. B. and C. Bags at 2d lOd. Thesa are new and vory attraotive Dnster Bags, in Felt, at 2s, 2s 4d, and 3a ; Pongee, 4s 3d ; Silk Velvet, 4s 3d New Beaded Footstools, from 4s 3d to 5s lOd per pair. Beally good valne New Slippers —Of these we always hold the largest htock in New Zealand. Buying in Germany, we offer most exceptionally low prices Five o'clock Table Covers, on superior quality Oatmeal Cloth, at Is lid. Four new dpsigns juet opened Congress Threads, 2d; extra large balls NEEDLEWORK. Generally we hold at present a very full etook, and it will be our constant endeavour, as in the past, to cut all prioes down to the very loweat margin, consistent with bafb TRADING. Onr facilities for purchasing in London are so unusually favourable that onr customers will find wo are able to sell at wholesale PRICES FOR CASH. T PRINGLE, Lambton-quat, Directly oppositn Grey-street. JJUXLEY, THE TAILOR, No. 1, LAMBTON-QUAY, FOR OVERCOATB Tho Best and Cheapest in Wellington. HIALTH AND COMFORT FOR 30/PRODUCE STORE. S. ROWE AND SONS, Manners-street, BEG to inform the inhabitant* of Wellington and its surroundings that, having erectod a Pair of Mill Stones (specially imported), they are prepared to crush all descriptions of Meal, to suit the requirements of their numorous patrons. All kinds of Meal kept on the premise*, of the very best qnality. Hay, Chaff, Bran, Pollard, Wheat Meal, Barley Meal, Maize, Straw, 4c, always in stock, and delivered free to any part of the oity. All goods guaranteed very best qnality. Yours truly, S. EOWE ft SONS. PRIVATE ENQUIRY AND COSFIDENTJAL AGENCY. Evidenoe procured npon any sabjeet. Citations and other Legal Documents Berved. Ronts and Debts collected, and General Commission Work undertaken. Highest references. Address by letter to SECRECY Care Box 318, Foat Office, Wellington.
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Evening Post, Volume XL, Issue 67, 16 September 1890, Page 1
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830Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XL, Issue 67, 16 September 1890, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XL, Issue 67, 16 September 1890, Page 1
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