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IPERIAL FIRE INSURAXUC ( PAN Y.LONDON. Kttablißhed IFM Snl.-urilK" 3 . capital ... ,(I\', (I \'- a "' I'l t;.l michlodtumkover il,< • •'> isks accepted at lowcpt c r rates mpt and liberal settlement „ Dffices — National Mutuul li n CubtomhoisFO-qu .^ . FRANCIS H. PICK 1 i, Re* i!: "t M ".igor. ONDON AND LAN'., Am! '„>. Ij\ I SURAXCK COMP^iN . FIRE BRANCH. PITAL i!l,ofK),ovi Head Okfioe: Livkhtootj. usurance against loss by fire on every iution of property, at onrror. c?. iPJLNJ s ! o^* CO. L Arcml* ih'E UNION INSUKANCi: COMPANY . OF NEW ZEALAND (Limited.) (FIRK AND MAKINJB.) pital, fully subscribod ... ■£'',0"0,' 1 0 pital paid tin .£10" o 0 serve and Re-insuranco Funds Head Ui'icicl : Hereford-street, Christchurch. DIRLCTORS : m. J. T. Peaoook, M.L.C. (ChairmitO ; G. G. Stead, Esq. (L>epnty-Chairin,u^ J. Anderson, Esq. ; P. Cnjiniiiirls-im. X i . Joseph Palraor, Esi. ; Hon. W. Kecvo-, , M.L.C. ; H. R. Wobb, Eaq. Bankkrs: Union Bank of Australia (Limited). General Manao^u: W. Dovonish Moares. rKE SPECIAL FEATURES that co*>ind this Company to notico of intendirg >urers are : that it is a local institution ; d that olainiß will be fairly asid equitab j alt with, tho natuoß of tho Directors being mifioieut guarantoe ou this point. Eat»B argod aro tho lowost cnrrcJit. JOHNSTON & CO., Wellington A?onts. IVKKI'OOL AND LONDON ANU J GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLIBPHBIW. Investod Funds X'C.OTo,? Claims Paid lO^ilU.lTi Firo Keaorvo Fund 1,500.n 0 This Company offora to insurera tie security invested funds amounting to over t^l \ ILLIi >N PQVXDS STh HI.ISG, BKSWI ',< iIE UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF A EKY WEALTHY PROPRIETARY. By a Special Act of tho Now Ziul.anl sgislature, the Company if in a position to d or bo sued in this colony. This Company has over boon noted for omptitude and liberality in settling clnims. Lowost current rates for all olosses of Fire Rurancc. EDWARD PEARCE, Agent. JRITISH AND FOREIGN MARINE y INSURANCE CO. (Limited). Capital J21.000.000 Funds in hand X917,t>20 Head Offices— Livorpool and London. 'ELLINGTON AGKNTB— • MABIN & BENDALU Queen's Chambers. ARINE RISKS AND FROZEN MEAT Takon at Lowost Curront Kates. r ool covered from sheep's back to London. LOSSES lyable in Wellington, London, or any of tho numerous Foreign Agencies. kTATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY X OF NEW ZEALAND. FIRE AND MARINE. AVITAL (full subscribed) ...£2fiWfiW lid-up and reserves upward 0f... 2l)!>,00U ossos paid in 14 yoars 1,148,05 l istinotivo Features. Undoubted Security, Lowest Current Ratos of Premium, rompt and Libotal Settlement o£ Claims, Offioos: Foathorston-etreot, Wellington. ANDREW CAMPBELL, Managor, MRS. a. A. BARKER, Lato of fostport and To Aro Hotel, Wellington. kfS RS. A. A. BARKER has piirchased tho iJL loapo of the old-established Bank iotol, Llannera-stroofc. Tho hotel has beou wroughly renovated, and possesses ovory jnvenionco for Boarders and the Travelling üblic. A Good Billiard Tablf. othing but the host brands of Wines and Spirita will bo kept. . Staples ii (Jo.'s XXXX BekronTai*. Good Stablinc for Country Visitors. l/|ASONIC HOTEL, CUBA-STREET. E. J. T. Price Proprietor. (Lato of Greymoulh.) E J. T. P. having finroha c od tho fibove ommodiouß and centrally Mlu-itod hotel, ipgrt to notify the public generally that he ntends making the Mabonic second to nono thor in thu city for comfort, convenience, nd aooommodiilion. Tho very be s t brand iof wines and liquors hat money can buy w ill only bo kept. A full-sized billiard tablo on tho promisos. Charges moderate. RAILWAY HOTEL THOHNDON-q-tTAT. DANIEL DEALY ... Proprietor. D. D., late licensee of tho Cricketers' Jjms, having pnrchaeed tho above-named Family Hotel, begs to inform his numerous "rionds, old ouatorne , and tho travelling public tbat ho has refurniehed the hoiieo rigLt through, and intends to leave nothing undone on his part to promoto tho oomfort 3f his patrons. As thh hotel is within two minutes' walk of both railway stations, it iffords all the comfort that travellers by rail nood require. GnestB 1 luggage delivered to md from both stations free of charge. Freq Stabling for oonntry farmers. Pnssengora sailed in time to have breakfast beforo first train leaves in Iho morning. Hot, cold, and 3howor Baths. All Alos, Wines, and Spirita jf the ohoicest bran Is only kept. Staples' XXX Beer alwayß on tap. Ono of Alcook's Billiard Tables. Nigiit porter in attondince. Travellers to Napier, Wanganui, New Plymouth can receive all information in regard to coach and rail fares, and time jf departure by applying at fcho above hotel. D. DEALY, Pronrietor. CLUB HOTEL. MASTERTON, Wairarapa, ALFRED ELKINS ... PBornatton, HPHIS Hotel offers Superior Aooommoda* JL tion to Bottlora, travellorH, and private iinilioß. Baths, Sav?ls Rooks. Btablo wfitt-ffHWBod paddocks. Viy CKABTEBK & SONS Enginkkrs and Boilermakers, HAVE ON SALE, Cheap— 1 12 h.p. Horizontal Engine, now 1 6 h.p. Horizontal Engine, second hand 1 24 h.p. Horizontal Engine, second hand 1 3 h.p. Multitubular Boiler Agents for Thos. Broadbenfc& Sons' direct steam-driven Hydro Extractor, suitable for wool -washers, woollen mills, and laundry men. Prices on application. . CITY FOUNDEY, EVA-BTRKET, WELLINGTON. FOOTBALL RESULTS. IT U the intention o* M. P. Cameron and Co. to continue tho piactico they originated la?t season of fixing a lamp _at their door every Saturday evening, giving the results of all Senior and Junior Jifatcheh. We ask the Captains or Pecietarien to furnish us the results by telephone, or otherwise, as Eoon after tho matches aro over as possible. No charge is made, and wo bolievo it was a great convenience to footballers last season. M. P. CAMERON & CO. aHE VEBDICT ! DRINK ONLY UNION CO.'S PURE BLENDED TEAS. Obtainable Everywhere >cJaH^J»fc». H H'3 G hraclvcn nniversalWaction In tho itfjjjjvrl TO D OAfS/y!"'( : .:re of Goncrilioca and not to Y, j_ ci _ prc^cr.oc Stand 6&/J f;clEafeiurcconmendKjSj irraoolybytbo ,^ uto alI £U fr crcr3> _aXn«Cicc!c3!C^^ , L# J# f,TOSEB, 31.D., ra^C— si— istS.fSJgj>& Docator, UK fttdT«i§_i[iS3**Js.»<- J Sold oy Braeslst3. Price, 5h per bottie. TaRNKB & Co., Agento. Mancers-streeta. SECRETS OF LIFE! AND HEALTH. fi'EEB by post for six New Zealand penny JP stamps, a Medical Treatise by a» eminent French Hoepital I'hjaiciac, 3J> yeavs a Parisian Specialist (now retired' showing Bufferers how they may cure them* selves of Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, &c, &c., without consulting a medical man. Addreßß- PA RISIAN , P .0. , Box 7CG, Sydney . " A boon to all desiring ' self-cure.' "— Medical Review. A SUFFERER from Nervous and Wast ing Debility, Loss of Vifror. <tc, was reoto-ed to health in such a RHMARK4BLB MANNER, after all ehe had FAILED, t'jat he will -receipt of a Fclf-addi-esfed, Btamped envelope, Fend the mode of cure FBKE to all fellow fufferera. Address, A Miner. G.P.0., Sydney. INVALID MEN, who aro Nervous and Depressed, without joy fcr tho 'rresent or hope for the future, and v, :.o ■ pa=t is a regret, may fully satisfy thpmpehos that there is at least one GENUINE CURE by sending an addressed envelopo for reply to J. W. Barnes, care of P.O. Box 4C2, Sydney.

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Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 101, 1 May 1890, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 101, 1 May 1890, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 101, 1 May 1890, Page 4