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THE EMPrRF TEA COMPANY Pack the following standard brands of Caoice Teas, viz. :— "UEAGON," 3/- -ELEPHANT," 2/8 « "ORESCENT," 2/6 "EMPIKE," 2/2 ;§ and the "MIKADO," 2/J > ALSO, THE CELEBRATED! k "HOUDAH V " 3/ and "KANGRA VALLEY," 2/10 ID Th9?o latter are PURE INDIAN TEAS of robußt growth, possessing groat strenfrtk aad purity of flavour, especially intended for oonnoisfeurs. BOLE AGENTS FORJTHE CELKBRATKD -FIJI T E A 8 (ALPHA UUTi), W. & Gr. TURNBULL & CO. Pauj'Kiisi'Ofiß. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Mir'^ M^^'i\^^S^^^ y SPENDERS for the Erection of Presby- 1 %\\^W2^^^^^^^^^M Ml :. 2 terian Church, Lower Hutt, will bo 8p gj fcagffiipA <t j^^j^f^wJ7)Wa'ff ' s rpceived until noon 2nd April next, at my iß. Sj^^^raS^^i V^fnCT^^mJßCTwPßJH a office, where drawiugs and specifications can The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. rjUXLEY'S CHIMES. " C. J. TOXWAKD, XX • Architect. r\ BUSH FELLING. \ Ny, f I | S I—s?I — 5? ' 1 ' 'PENDE IS are invited for Felling 900 I'm Huxley, tho Tailor, ■* 1 acres of Bush, in one or moro blocks. n . g Tenders to close at Gillespie's Hotel, Tina- X I'm 0 i m kori-roaH, on FRIDAY, 28th Maroh, ad- | (jj * ' | I ! | = dressed to James M'Menamen, where parti- •? culars can bo obtained, or from One Lambton-quay ; JAMES M'MENAMEN, ,-f* w , ? \=&v r r z =f=w L '> TO BUILDERS. ' i ] f 3 TBIENDE RS are invited for tho Erection of I never make a failure, A a Villa Residence, Maarama-crescont, (fl m „ M — n for Mr. Simeon. Plans, &c , may be seen at Y/» 0 r 0 ZZ I my office, where tenders will be received on {$ ' itf | I | — -Gh_ \ or before Tuesday, 25th inst., at noon. Tho ~ I lowest or any tender will not necessarily be Give your orders to me accepted. THE /DORE B. JACOBSENT, f A rchitect. » rjpENDERS will be received up to 3lßt & ' |V\^\ \ b X March for the purchase of the property B II M Jfgtb- 1 1 • rtW 3 of the undersigned, known as the Cornwall m &&<£ Irl B d\' * t Nursery, contesting of about li acres, ■^ f ?J?^ Bill \2\ a b situated in Brook-street. The groiitor part I a jjk Qxl B tis planted with tho choicest fruit trees (in B s^-^ y^\w^ w hill bwiiing), importod from Melbourne, * f \\\, " comprising apple, apricot, pench, plum, nee- t\A\ \>T> tnrine, pear, mulberry, and ((uince. besides // l^~*^/t\ about 3(.'0 gooseberry bushes (best varieties), / —f^^ \ife^ nm *^~sb 8 black and red ourrunt, raspberry, straw- '^a . berry, &c. &o. J^^^ * Tenders to be left with, and further par- ' ticulars obtained from /^* y\ JOSEPH POLGLASE, / /V\\ Nelson, J \ > o/o J. Collins, Wordsworth-street. //'/ >v y» r BOROUGH OF PICTON. %|j/ ' npENDERS are invited by tho Pioton &(Jtt h& fl O S tit ' S So/Cr," 1 I Borough Council for a Slerigo Track, -fL~.^ u*U~, of about one mile and 60 chains, up tho //?/2//?,'/75 /V<7£ qO!Ttieni Waitohi Kiver, for Waterworks, including J?* t* *> ov f /?\ r)fith Inn ni~ Bridges and Culverts. Tenders may bo in ' Or QJ~tL, irJZJ/IL," one or in five separate contracts, nnd to bo J^jF J\ Txil* *5 deposited at the Borough Ofiice by 7 o'clock •*" -&*'*<**■ * *"' LJ^ w , p.m., 2nd April. CcoSq Sf, Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily ' accepted. ■»«- p. CAMERON & CO. opened 47 Plans and specifications can be seen during -L" 1 • Cases Household and General Ironoffico hourß at the Council Chambers, Picton. niongery last wet'k. We would enumerate them, but it would be too long a list ; you THOMAS YOUNGER, would not read it. Parties furnishing would Town Clerk. do well, however, to get our prices and see Pioton, 6th March, 1890. our Inovelties before purchasing elsewhere. M. P. CAMERON & CO. , Educatiou Board, Wellington, 17th March, 1890. \ nnENDERS for the erection of an Infant BLIGHT PAINT, ; i School at Clyde-quay will be received Registered. ; at tho Education Board office up to Tuesday, tß?s^ , the 25th inst. J Plans and specifications at my office. , -S.c&je-.-'c &&T-, T, . THOS. TURNBULL, £ . g 1 I Architect to the Board. M P **i^s£&?^** A ?& & mENDERS required for the Purchase of t» W i£&^y|p^| S X 100 Capital Shares in the Manawatu M _«r afj.. £ Permanent Equitable Building and Invest- 3 "\^^ \T* m > . ment Society. Each sharo represents ilO 1-, .— -^^s |ftsfcS ;^ ** fully paid up, and the Socioty guarantees j^&-&pj£zhAsh*Z^ interest thereon after the rate of seven _ . _„. „ . _ „_, pounds per centum per annnm. Persons TT'OR the Cure of Bliphtß in Fruit Trees, may tender for the whole or any number of r especially the bcale. I have used it the shares myßPlf for some time. The results may be The Society referred to is the Building seen in my orchard. It permeates the Bap of Society in the rising and progressive town- tho tree : B.yringinjr only washes the bark, ship ot Palmorston North. Treos should be dressed as soon as the fruit Theso shares afford a capital opportunity ia off ' as the Paint will go down with the sap for investment by small capitalists. and assimilate with it before the Spring. Tenders will be received at any time up One man will dress 100 old trees in a day, or to the 25th day of March now next, ad- 500 lf y°» n S- Ono dressing for old trees a dcessed to cnre - J. HERBERT HAN KINS, Sold in Tins of 10s, 20s, and 40s each. Solicitor, io a Tin will dress 20 old or 40 young trees Palmerston North. 20a Tin will dress 50 old or 100 young trees 40s Tin will dress 120 old or 240 young trees ri -IENDERS for Repairing Fencing round pi ease a dd for postage 7d for 10s tin, lOdfor X the Featherston School property will 20s tin, or Is Id for 40s tin. be recoived by me up to Monday, the 24th instant. Full particulars on application at Directions on each Tin. the Schoolhouse. __._,„ COUNTRY ORDERS ATTENDED TO xlJ!jiNl£jL xSU.N.Nx, Chairman School Committee. Mr. J. Hill. Sir— l am well pleased with Featherston. 13th Maroh, 1890. *£ c e u ffe f a of y° uv , Bli S h * Ptt , int - » mov . ea ' ' the bark, and oleans the tree of scale, THE GEAR MEAT PRESERVING AND poss, &c. I have had 30 Tears' experience FREEZING COMPANY OF NEW in my orchard, and I consider this the best ZEALAND (Limited). cure out.— William Hall, Yaldhurst, Christchurch. 14th Feb., 1890. TO WELL-SINKERS. Mr. J. Hill.— Sir— Enclosed find testimonial for your Blight Paint. Its use in our I-^.-----^,^ „,, . orchard will give us 40 per cent, moro fruit E RS will be received up to noon on tnis Beaßon than we had ]aat> while the treeß . . .lOtn April for putting down a 6-inch are showing signs of speedy recovery. Yourß Artesian Well at Petone, with option of trn i y A . H . Parkinson, Hampden, Hawkes having a second put down at same price. jjay, N.Z. December 20th, 1889. Tenders to be for price per foot, including pipes, and to state time required. „, m „ „,.', . , 1 « xi. . . „. Monß Testimonials in Circulars. Within a few yards of the spot where this artesian is to be sunk four 2-inch wells have been sunk, and splendid flows obtained at Agent for Wellington— depths varying from 102 to 112 feet. GE 0. MEE, W. H. MILLWARD, Chemist, Lambton Quay. Secretary. — — SOUTH AUSTRALIAN WINES. nPENDEBS will be received up to the sth h April, 1890, for the purchase of Goodwill of pitts of Sections 4 and 5, Native ~t i\f\f\ CASES PENFOLD'S FAMED Reserve, Motueka, containing 36 aores more A\/vJh/ WINES just arrived, consistor less, and known as "Banfield's Fruit ing of — Claret, Greenach, Coustantia Port, Ground." Frontignao, Hook, Chablis, Reisling, Tokay, The lease has four years to run. with right Sh»rry, Muscadine, and Old Tawny Port (15 of renewal for 21 years. The land is in ono years old). These wines aro all well matured block, 9£ aores planted in fruit trees — 6 acres and guaranteed, being bottled at the Vinein full bearing and 3J- two years old— the yards. They are sure not to be tampered whole of it consisting mostly of apples and a with. Will be sold in single or mixed cases, few of the following :— Nectarines, plums, at loweßt wholesale priceß. ' pears, peaches, and quinces. Planted between the rows of trees are the fol- T^^ r urtV lowing small fruits:— Two acres of rasp- JJ. U M.EI & SUJN, berries. 1£ acres of gooseberries, several ..ttxtti »vn on-mrm wnDnirnr™ hundred black currant trees, nearly WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, half an acre of strawberries (heavy 63 and 65, Willis-street, bearers), also two hundred grape vines, Wnii;».»,+nT, ready for covering and well-grown. Wellington. The whole of the orchard is in a high state of cultivation ; the remainder of the land is in grass. Also, a new House, with nine rooms, built of rimu, with slate roof ; also, barn and other neoessary buildings and conveniences. Connected with the property is "FfiOSR A TJTVB a rough piece of land with a quantity of £ - R^ OD ' a - li - U ° willows, ÜBeful for firewood and hop-poles. The property is near a school, and about three miles from a port. too /~it/~iat>o The highest or any tender not neoeßßarily Jii W 188 CIGARS. aocepted. * v-v -' For further particulars apply to CLEMENT H. BANFIELD. Riwaka, Nelson. DRAW FREELY AND ARE FULL «(|y§t #j4 FLAVOURED. IN THE SUPREMK COURT OF NEW "%.TBADE^ Z EAL \ND. \&7^W WELLINGTON DISTRICT. J (E3jJ k. "VTOTICE is hereby given that by virtue I.^ of a Writ of Sale directed to me on a I^rMAIW%g» indgment which James Jamieson, of Wol- ■«^^ r lington, Commission Agent, hath recovered against Thomas Meechwood Jackson, of Wellington, Hotelkeepor, and Francis Miller, of Wellington, 'Bus-driver, I have HIGHEST AWARD taken in execution all the estate and interest of Francis Miller in that piece of land containing approiimately thirteen perches, and •fcru'T TinTTTJ'NrR' 'C'X'TTT'RTTrrk'W being the lot numbered 21 on plan numbered MJIiIiBU UKJNUi JkX.I±LBIiIOJN, 15, and deposited in the Land Transfer Office at Wellington, and being all the land comprised and described in Certificate of 18 8 8 Title volume 5. folio 126, such land having a charging order registered against it. The said land has a frontage to Nelsonstreet of forty feet with a depth of ninety OBTAINED BY feet, and has an eight- roomed house erected on it. Tho said estate and interest of Francis Miller is subject to a mortgage for T T?prt«QAPTI * nn JE3SO and interest. And notice is hereby J • -C HUBS AitU & L»U., given that unless the said judgment together with interest from the 21st day of December, 1889, and, the costs of tuis eiecu- P A V F R N P tion be sooner paid, the said estate and interest of the said Francis Miller will bo cold by pubtic auction by Mr. Francis Sidey, at his Auction Mart, Cuba-street, Welling- Switzerland. ton, on Thnrsday, the 27th day of March, 1890, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. The solicitor for tho said James Jamieson iB John Sinclair, whose address for service is at the offices of Messieurs Sinclair and Fleming, 12, Grey-street, Wellington. „m-m tti <t> nmm • eb. baker, THE VERDICT ! Sheriff. "TkRINK ONLY " GOOD ARTICLES SELL THEM- *-* TTNTON' CO 'S SELVES " -i-vVJ.! \j\Jt o ' PUREBLENDED nn.HE shipment of " Prams " have cleared Taj AS. A^a^^A^aLSS _ Everywhere. reduction, as they are bulky, and take up the room required for the display of our new _, _. „„ ,„ . „„„ Mangles, ox ship Peri. |J<LASS SHADES, round, square, and x^T oval ; all sizes. M. P. CAMERON & CO. At R. MAETIN'S.

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 68, 22 March 1890, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 68, 22 March 1890, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 68, 22 March 1890, Page 4


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