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AQfcf ¥fHBBIO f ft ßr ) D^f k £_l SSID HSfi\ lUllEi l2S_Ui?£il ffwn ▼ 'I Via 3 X^XTva,, i) * SfX\ B /l\ \II.Z. INDUSTRIAL GAZETTE. _iy« ' I 'AApN B fjm\ m" The blending is entirely »tten- T. BSL I C-Lu M r&amsL \ ded lo by Mr. Nelson himself, S ▼ " rw JL TTT^ m yPg l j B _?JS m who is a Tasler of great Mperl- Q a /wksv?y\ % enc ?' * nd . bas bad B s P eclitl m-TLJ p 3 AiS^3S^k m training in the art." n B / HT£ljM!r\ % TIMABU HEBALD. Jj \a * B I l*TTpraTOr^l\ m "This firm deserves the sup- . V]/ r\ PI \ \J M / ySisJVSL \ % P° rt ofall purchasers of Te» * wU r\ l_> "^ _r i rT??SII?At J\ m M the ar '' cle the y ? fier IS 1 _r #/ Q L&3K*3SkL* to\ superior to anything we t — B i& (TPsJisSErl 7»\ m have seen in this Colony." k\v& £ iff nSliSttvA \ pBEBBI I vI P^ B i<o -*y|g^7f> <a\ • " Mr. Nelson it a pro- ! THOUGH /.^ .^^gfcjj A "PRICES: \ Mwp^l^BiißCßHßKi^mmrmm^ ii^ m '"^ P er PURE BLENDED TEAS. ' AUCKLAND, WE LI ;GTON, CHRISTCHURCH, DUNEDIN. ; AGENTS EVERYWHERE, < f^iOOV) NEWS for tho Babies! My advice to them is not to walk, us I am eellinß\Jf Rubbor Wheel Perambulators from .£2 7s 6d npwards; Iron Wheel, from £2 upwards; all Roversiblo Hoods. Can be had on the Hire Syhtom, if required. Invalid Carriages made to order, at different prices, with or without rubber .vheols. Lont out on hire by the day, or weok, or month. Chairs, Tables, Dress Stands, Cradles, Pionio and other Baskets, including Butchers, Bakers, Grocers, with patent handles. EDWIN ARNOLD, 90, Willis-street, Wellington.

rffIXHK UNION INSURANCE COMPANY g 'ORRUGATKD IRON. CORRUGATED .8. OF NEW ZEALAND \J IRON. CORRUGATED LBON. (Fiek and Marine) CAPITAL .£2,000,000 Sellers havo advanoed their prices ; we are Head Ojpici : desirous of clearing our present stock at Hereferd-ctreet, Christohuroh. Old Price. DrmscTOßß Hon. J. T. Poaoook, M.L.C. (Chairman) ; 6. Quantities to Arrive, G-. Stead, Esq. (Deputy-Chairman) ; J. Andorson, Esq. ; P. Cunningham, Esq. j BALLINGER BROS., W. Montgomery, Esq., M.H.R.j Josoph Address— Waring Taylor-stroot, near Palmer, Esq.; Hon. W. Reeves, M.L.C; Drillshod. H. R. Webb, EBq. Bahxksb: FELT, LEAD-HEADED NAILS, Union Bank of Australia. In quantities to suit purchasers. General Manager : W. Dovonißh Mearos. RIDGING SPOUTING, THE SPECIAL FEATURES that oom- From Oft to 10,000 ft. mend this Company to notioe of intending _ insurers are : that it iv a local institution ; Specially cheap, that tho capital is dctible that of any other PORTABLE BOILERS. [ New Zealand or Austrplian Institution ; and that olaims will be fauly aud equitably dealt Gardon Requisites — with, tho names of the Direotors being a HOSE, WATERING CANS, and GARDEN sufficient guarantee on this point. Rates SYRINGES. ohargod are tho lowest ourront. ellington Agents— Weights and Scales adjusted. Keys out. JOHNSTON & CO., Patent w.o.'s fixed, &c, &c. li.._. — A small quantity of damaged Corruf IVERPOOL AND LONDON AND gated Iron to clear. SU GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. <i^ > Established 1836. <. >$*k. v 4f* Invested Funds .£6,673,204 otS* >^>^^^^4l?-^5V Claims Paid 19,616,178 \V* ■^S2joV_^ ==^ST * Fire Reserve Fund... ... 1,500,000 ifij .o^!g^^^' - jjr*^vj^jf ThisCompanyofforßtoinßurerstheßeourity >v^^^t*sf\^^W. of invested funds amounting to over SIX II If 1 «R??\n» MILLION POUNDS STERLING, BESIDES WL lUli^ffi=s£l &Mm)j) THE UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF A VERY WEALTHY PROPRIETARY. * By a Speoial Aot of the New Zealand rr^ rZS^&r *Er Legislature, the Company ie in a position to *«^fck. J^s£X^*' sue or he sued in thie oolouy. >oJ^*^^ This Company has ever boen noted for its * promptitude and liberality in settling olaimß. <s*s» Lowest our rent rates for all olassoß of Fire BE WARE ! Insnranoe. EDWARD PEARCE. Agent. OBSERVE THE TRADE MARK. rMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COM- QOME UnprinciploT Person or Persons n vr v!i m' O have been trying to imitate our Ranges: Established 1803. but wo are ploaßed to find in tho essential Capital ... .£1,600,000 they havo failed. We hope this deceptive Paid-up and Invested... £700,000 practice upon tho public will have the effeot of sending buyers to our showroom or to our Bisks aooepted at Lowest Current Ratee. agents, in order toproteot thopublio, whose Prompt and liberal settlement of olaims. interests we desire to serve. We deoided a r „,r. 1^ „«m. „„„ short time ago to apply to the Colonial SecALEXANDER JAMES M'TAVISH, ro t a ry for a Trade Mark, whioh was granted. Offioea, M'Tavish, Tatum, & Co., This will confer a great boon upon all 0010Lambton Quay. nists, inasmuch as Luke and Sons' Rangeß «■ ONDON AND LANCASHIRE IN ? how . a Bavin f of t bou *., 5 .? P?F oent> in fe el « snDAOT PfWPAWY besides greater durability than any other JU SURANC^COMPANi. range (n ? anT , faotnred or 'imported) in the FIRE BRANCH. colonieß. Capita. "~ 41,000.(100 LOOK AT_ THIS! Head OJHobTlivmpoolu Sr YEAB WB SE I T OUT 0V1!R 500 ! Insurance o,gainßtlc7s by fire on every de. aEJfJ' * the pnbli ° wiU have Luke ' 8 soription of property, effected at current BB * 0&nBB they Bnpply a Btr onger and races. Trmxrcf nxr j. r<n a „„„«.. cheaper article than anyone else. JOHNSTON & CO.. Aoonts w £ ig it there ig Buch a rußn for Lnke , B T^TATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY Ranges? J3I OF NEW ZEALAND. Because there is such a irreat saving in FIRE AND MARINE. fuel. Capital (fully subscribed) ... £2,000,000 Paid-up and reserves upwards of £269,000 A Second and Enlarged Catalogue is Losses paid in 14 yoara £1,148,984 about to be issued. Dißtinotive Features. Undouhted Soourity. Inspection to their Showroom, MannerßLowest Current Ratoß of Premium. streot, invited. Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claims. S. LUKE & SONS. Offioos : Featherston-street, Wellington. _____ ANDREW CAMPBELL^ [PROCLAMATION.! mHE STANDARD FIRE & MARINE In exeroiso and pursuanco of the authority JL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW vested in me in this behalf by " Tho Trades ZEALAND. Marks Act, 1866," I, the Colonial Secretary Capital £1000,000 of New Zealand, do horeby certify that the With Unlimited Liability of Shareholders. Trade Mark heroin described, that is Wellington Branch : sayNational Mutual Life Association Buildings, Description of Trade Mark. i_ r *_sssa__ ?r *. Ai w-_s_ift____?-: tions of property at lowost current rates. * d ih lorta™ and abbreviation Marink.—Wool insnred from Bhecp'a mondare tho letters ana abbreviation, backs, or woolshed, to London. Open Poli- „ . V^' ,',.*' : . „.. . . cies issued to cover shipments to and from Nature of the Article to which it lsmtondod Great Britain, America, India, China, Aus- suoh Trado Mark shftU a PP lv> tralian Colonies, and Now Zealand ports. Cooking Ranges. Guarantee. — Fidelity of persons in — has been duly registered, and that situations of trust guaranteed. Samoel Luke & Sons, of Te Aro Foundry, Rates of Premium and all other informa- Wellington, in the Colony of New Zealand, tion may be obtained on application to the Engineers, Boilermakers, and Iron ana undersigned. Brass Founders, are entitled to the use of WILLIAM EVANS, the said Trade Mark. Manager. Issued from the Colonial Secretary's office, — —-; at Wellington, this fifth day # of July, one mHE GREY VALLEY COAL COMPANY th ° ÜBand eight bv ffi} ± (Limited). Colonial ' Secretary and j -B- a • i. i. Registrar of Trade Marks. Depot — Mannerß and Victoria-streets, near rr ,j w n Cn ]?f' B< £ oe^ -i. tt „ J TVT OWis the time to get a Suit of Wei (Includes Wallsend, Coalpit Heath and j\ lington Tweed to order, with an extra Brunner Collenea), pair Troußers, £2 10s. J. H. Dalton, Tailor, Having taken over the Brunner Coal Com- 43 Cuba-street pany's business on shore and afloat it will be _! ! our constant aim not only to maintain, but NOTICE TO LAW STUDENTS, also to largely extend the Eaid business. „,„„ TnnruvnmnmTAiiT' The possession of these three celebrated col- FINAL LAW EXAMINATION, lories enables us to do so most advan. ]\/I"R. C. E. MATTHEWS' CIasses for the tageously for our customers. -" . Final Law Examination meet at his There will also be a large supply of the residence, Wollington-terraoe, on the evenbest Coalbrookdale and Newcastle coal on ings of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in hand for all who prefer them, separately o each week. Intending candidates would be mixed with our own coal. Sales from th in ample time for the Maroh examination, combined mines hvst year was 160,000 tons. Terms on application. GREY VALLEY COAL COMPANY, . (Limited.) TjiOß Ladies' Handbags, Fitted Bags, W. C. GASQUOINE, -T Pnrse Bags, Work Baskets, Work Local Manager. Boxeßj Companions, Gentlemen's CHEAP PAPERHANGINGS. Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases, Match Boxes, Otr-OTT rm-mttT^RTNON *PO •<* Pri« BraCC8 ' Wtitin » Deskß - Blotting Cases, &c, S^FISSS^ iS S also Dolls - T °™ and °— ta * ondl^ ment in stock. Fifteen bales to arrivo per ™«ety, f?o to Inveroargill . These latter are a consignment -r -p tt>t> Tf j from this eminent firm of their newest and «• JolDiiAiliilJ t best designs. Prices and patterns defy com- FANCY GOODS AND ART NEEDLEpetition. WOBK REPOSITORY, R. DONALDSON, Agent, Ballance-atreet. 45, Cuba-street. VICTORIA FOUNDRY. COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO YOU ALL. 17\DWARDSEAGER, •I /"^OME and secure your Picture and cheap Engineer, Iron and Brass Founder, v^ Boilermaker, and General Boots, at FURNESS' Smith. Poneke Boot Mart, 151, Lambton-qnay. Estimates given for all descriptions of Buildera and Contractors Ironwork. \\7 ANTED KNOW N— Victoria and Manners-street, Every article at Slaughter Prices, at Wellington ; PEARCE'S GREAT REMOVING SALE, XF this should meet the eye of those abont r™. on.^™ • to marry, call and see H. FIELDER, Cuba-stbeet. che Universal Provider. The cheapest furniture house in town. A C()STLY REma ERSONAL.—WiII the persons who want o-* * ..,,.... . „_ ,. A TOOTH of Sir Isaac Newton's was Suits to order for the following price, £2 10s, _£jL no 00 - 00 , a- 00 ie -a. l Bold "* 1815 for the Bnm of -5730. It was £3, £3 os, £3 10s, £3 15s, with an extra . , _ , ' purchased by a nobleman, who had it set in pair of Trouserß, call at a ring which he constantly wore on his J. H. DALION o, Tailor, 43, Cuba-street. WALTER E. HALL, Dentist, A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY ™* M > 6ells New Artificial Teeth NEW YEAR. for 10s each, and guarantees them to be MCLEARY (late" of Manners-street) Perfect for eating and speaking and life-like • has muoh pleasure in announcing to - „„ _„„„ , his old customers and the public in general ln a PP earance - that he has taken those centrally situated aoduatt AonmTT premises in Willis-street, late Soffe's Bed- ASPHALI. AbiHALT. ding Manufactory, opposite Hoffman and -m-w-r t t i 1 a xr tpvPuquim Sons' Musical Instrument Warehouse, as \^ lLhl i^ KA^B,, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Newtown Avenue (late of the Corporation). FRUITERER AND CONFECTIONER. The greatest boon in the city for cheap- _,_,..„..• o 1 nees, durability, and for purifying backThe Choicest Fruits in Season always on d ' s _ Blocks lwd equal to the Corporation, hand at most Reasonable Trices. * WM TEVERSHAM. Will have a fine selection of Fruit for FOR CHRISTMAS RENOVATION. Christmas Eve. r Our New Stock op « 1 "OAPERHANGINGS Note the aaoress— Jj ig now opened up. 1 A Magnificent Stock, of Evert Wholebale and Retail Fruiterer, Vabiett. Williß-etreet, TUSTIN BROS., Opposite Hoffman and Sons. 79, Willis-street,

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Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 3, 4 January 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 3, 4 January 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 3, 4 January 1889, Page 4


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