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OPRING Season, 1884.— New and ohoioe *oods at Te Aro House. QPftING.— Millinery, finest assortment ever shown at Te Aro House. SPRING.— GoId Cord Bonnets, Chip and Fanoy Straw Bonnete at Te Aro Huxue. OPJillSG.— Ladies' and Child's Straw Hate, fashionable stylet, at Te Aro Houn. O PRlNG.— Feathers and Plumes, an admirable Beleotion at Te Aro House. OPElNG.— Oriontal ttibbons, Satin Faille Ribbons, Velvet Spotted at Te Aro Houn. OPRING.— AU the newest MUlinery Materials in profusion at Te Aro'.House. SPRINGT^DoImans in~Cashmere, Soloil Cloth, Broche Silk, Ac, at Te Aro House. ijPßlNG.— Visites and Capes, in Brooho Silk, Cashmoro, Beaded, ftc, at Te Aro House. Q PRlNG.— Sateen and Tennis Aprons, The Mary Anderson Apron at Te Aro House. QPftING.— Splendid lot of Washing DreßS Fabrios at Te Aro House, " OPRING. — Our new Zephyr Prints aro unequalled for Btyle at Te Aro House. iQ PRING.— Our French Sateens are on admirablo soleotion at Te Aro House. O PKING.— A varioty of Soft Wool Uresa Fabrios, all shades at Te Aro House. QPRING.— Beiges, Nuns' Veiling, Nuns' Cloth, Foulo Serges, fto., at Te Aro Houn. O PBlNG.— Tricot Serges, Andalnsian Cloth, Armuro Cloth, ftc, at Te Aro House. QPJSING.— Spun SilksTSotin, Merveilleaux, Broohe Silks at Te Aro House. O PHLNG.— Urosa Trimmingß to matoh all shades in Drossoi at Te Aro House, OPKING. — The new Feather Trimming, in aU oolonra and widths, at Te Aro House. O PRlNG.— Dress Trimmings, lolunthe Roaoltoa and~Modalluma at Te Aro House. PRlNG.— Dressmaking.— For this we are proominout at Te Aro House, OPRING. — Dressmaking. — Ladioa should givo thoir orders early at Te Aro House.

N E w JL °°" "X" X s - " "c'smiths" GEO. W. BUTTON IAI ,, 10 , LIST . Receives parcels of New Books by steamer from Melbourne every Saturday. Tapestry Carpots, 4-button Kid Gloves, GEO. WTDUTTON from la 1M l 8 lld Has for sale, Chambers' Readers. Royal Stout Holland, from 2-button Blk Glot Readors, and all other Books nsed in the 3}d Is lld College andjSlate Schools. mite {tQm BlksilkQlovoßilß6d SEEDS. SEEDS. 2s lld ' Thread Gloves, 9d From Jamkb Laiud's Egmont Nursery, Unblenohod Calico, Ladios' Hose, 6d Wanganui. GEO. W. DUTTON from Is lld Children's Hoso, Cd Has been appointed Sole Agent for tho Sale Table Damask, lljd Satin Sunshades, 3s of Flower and Vepretablo Seeds from t. „. . „,« «,, Mr. Laird's well-known Egmont Door Mats, Is ll^d lld Nursery. Lace Cnrtains, 2i lld Ladies' Umbrella*, Seeds at 3d and Cd per pocket. Any vane- cn.-_x! ju i tieß not in Btook will be proeurod at onco ow<">Br blurting, 4td Is 4td s^ from Wanganui. Double Sheeting, B}d Ladies' Laoe Gloyei, CRICKET. LAWN TENNIS. Twill do, Is 6d Gko. W. Dutton has just recoivod from Twill singlo do, 10} d Ladies' Corsets, ll Duko & Sons, Penshunt, Kent, thoir well Unbleaohed Shooting, lld known Cricket Bats— sinjrle cane, double oano, and all cane. Also, Practico Bats and W Boys' Knioker Salts, celebrated all cane Bats. These Colored <» 2alld <• lld are the favourite bats used in the Anglo- Toilot Covors, lOfcd Do do do, 0s lld A DBs n Mateh C8 Balls, P.K.D. Cricket Turkey Rod, 9d Boys' Hate, from U Stumps (Dnke's and Cobbett' b), brass tops. Now Cretonnes, Od Boys' Braoes, Od Leg Guards and Batting Gloves. Rugby Towelg nn bleaohod, Boys' Sox, Od and Association Footballs, No. 5. Boxing Gloves, &o. 2d Men's Molo Trousers, Ayres' Champion Tonnis Racquets. Regu. vfUito Tnw«l« Yd >ia lid lation Tennis Bolls. Lawn Tonnis N^ts . V^° 'p d „, .. _... (42 feet), with " Cavendish." Lawn Tennis Turkish Towels, 9d Men's workingShirti Polos, complete. Bush Hats, 4Jd la 3d GEO. W. DUTTON Zephyr Checks, 6Jd Mon's Flannels, 2a Specially invites Inspeotion of some Boauti- Print Drosses, 2s lld lld ful Works of Art amongst Mb stock, _, . „ _, „ , _ , comprising— Bedroom Carpet, 8d Mon's Drawers, la Japanese Vases. Heal Satsuma Ware. Men's Rogatta Shirts, Is lld Real Parian Marblo Figures. s ud Men's Braoos, 9d Japanese Hand-painted Screens. ,»„..«,.. .„, Z. 7 D ""~™ "• „. Heal Dresden China Vases. White Shirts, 4s Cd Children's Hate, 6d 1 Laoo Collarettes, fld The above having been purchased for below the ordinary value, will be sold a a DRESSMAKING ON THE VERY minimum profit, to mako way for New Goods. qwnPTPQT Krvrrnv GEO. W. DUTTON, SHORTESTNOTICE. Lahbtow pat, qnb Shilling in th« Pound Discount. AT : ri^HE HALL OF COMMERCE, I J. cuba-strkkt, THORNDON HOUSE. Can purchase DRAPFRY at half tho original prioo. » ip # STEELS T*TMT> * i\ a tvu Inviteß inspeotion of his largo and varied. la Coloured Lustres, for Sji stock, now replete with the Is 3d Coloured Lustres, for 71d 2>Cd_Coloured Lustres, for_ 9d " LATEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. 2s Black Silk Lußtrcs, for lljd Ex s.s. Desic. 2s 6d Black Silk Lustres, forls6d ___ 3b Check Washing Silks, for Is 9d Si Baden Cloth, fat 4d~ HATS Ladios' Mlbbob Hats, fanoy • and straws, in tho following; MARK MILLINERY, shape* !— Post Boy, Pjrra15s Embroidered Tunics, for 5s 6a £' gS^ j& Jm °" Is Lace Collars, for 6d Ladies' Straw and Millinery 6d Tarlatan Frilltnga, for Id B nd Millinery Material in 7jd Cotton Shirting, for 3d ondless varioty. Is Boys' Tweeds. for 6d STUFFS AU tho new shades to Nnn«' Is2d Striped Drills, for 7id and Cloth, Frenoh Cashmere, — SILKS. Merino, Cothmera, Sergei, LEARN • New Washing Bilks. To study Economy by purchasing your CO TTON Zephyr, Gingham, in all the DBAPIiBY from DRESSKS. newest designs j Galatea, A. G. PRICE, Prints, and Bateen«. At the Hall op Commerce, mDnrwrvno Tt.A>arp-t_., > .i_-.{_-n_ n .i ia htttia otpott TRIMMINGS. Dross Trimmings in Urocne. lUBA-STRfcET. flimpi p^^ 0 Lftoe> w( j JVBLSON, MOATB & CO. Buttons to match. ¦^ MANTLES Ladies* Mantlos of themost rrYRT»WTTfYNr.j and recherche description, in COUK^LIIONJ JACKETS. Ottoman, Broohe, Silk. We understand there is a l^Z?™™ 1 Clotbl ' "* report current that onr As- Coshmero. Bistants have some control in cnrnjTa <3 nmm «. oi,;.t. v.« M the Blending of our oele- SK T» TS 5 ™ ™Kwi nS? HnttAii PnmT«iu nhiMi n AND •* PfODB, Children S VTBBtOU , *i^faw!!£* UNDER- Blouses. Pelisses, Grannit desire tojwrreot. CLOTHING. Bonnets, and a full aaiorU Webegtoinformonrnumer. S.^KSmS ous customers and the pnb- dron • Underclothing, lio that onr assistants have ___ Bimply the selling of our Teas, as all our Blends are T m nmrmT n put together by Mr. Nelson, J. T. STEELE. at our Wholesale Establishment; packed and shipped t direot to onr Branches and Agents thronghont the Colonies. TV IRE C T IMPOR TE E. GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS FOR 17 TW T r\XKT A m?"R PURE-BLENDED TEAS. *¦• M * LO WAIEK, Drafbb, Owing to the great snoooss CUBA-STREET, of out justly oelebrated , Pure-blended Teas many Begs to inform his friends that this Seasons--' unprincipled traders aro Goods have been selected with uroat copying the Packktb and care in the London Houses. Naves of these Teas. To counteract this unfair pro- All the Newest Styles in the MiLMWXBT ceeding wo beg onr numer- Dkparthint in ous enstomers to be careful T»/-\xr\TT?rpcs a XTT* TT Amo not to bny any packet whioh BONNETS AND HATS does not bear the name of Are in Stock. onr Firm upon it. We aro — . the introdncers of and ours FLOWERS AND FEATHERS. are tho only Pubk-blxndxd — _ Tjeab inthe Colony. Mantles, Dolmans, and Capes in Ottoman iTTirnftv -»r/NAmT-\ n_ nr\ Cord, Broohe, Cashmoro, and NELBON, MOATE & CO., Beaded Lace. Tka Merchants, 'New Dress Materials in all tho leading - Christohuroh, Duned : n, Wellington, and shades. Auokland. ZEPHYR CHECKS. ZEPHYR CHECKS. TRY our Justlt Fahkd * KINGBRANDCOFFEE, * Is 8d per lb. Tb. e Clothing Depabtmbnt has been SAMUEL DANKB 4 SON. tM^£ff& W %&?** BTSSSSSf 8 ' KAIAPOI TWEED SUITS, IMPORTERS OP Algo a W ell.Belccted stock of Tweedi. Gas, Steam, and Water Pipes ~~~~" Chandeliers, Brackets, and Harp Lights CAB PETS. CARPETS. | Gas Globes and Stoves tj,,, newoß t styles in Brussels, Tapertry, Shanks' Patent W. Closet Kiddor, Felt, and Felt Bquarei Hopper and Traps, Copper, Cempo., Li no i onmgi iM d 2 yards wide ; Flooroloths, and Lead Pipes f rom ito 4 yards Sheet Lead, Copper, and Brass Mattings, Door Mats, Hearthrugs, in AxSteam Whistles, Tallow Cups minster, Velvet Pile, and Wool Looo. Balances, Steam Gauges ___ "* LACE CURTAINS. LAOE CURTAINS. Steam Cooks, Wheal Valves Indiarubber Hose, all sites SPECIAL Gas Hose and Patent Packing HrtUAJj< Asbestos, Millboard, ftc. Oar Dressmaking Department it under • really efficient manager, and to its style, lit, ». t, -noioo PAorrwn * irTWTSOTxrn and economy in charges we beg to oall Che N.8.-BRASS E <jj™gJ T * attention of the ladies of Wellington. 1 2-hone power Steam Engine for salt. Brandon-street. — — ~~ Wellington A 8K your Grocer for the Pure VnreoAß, TURN IT INTO MONEY. "^ manufactured by John Stbiki, Sen. —""¦, „ , Thii is guaranteed pure, well matured. fTTHENEVFR you have any odds and j v • • -*-* W onds kiokir.g abont in your way or ftnd nnsurpossed by any vinegar imported, laying about in out-of-tho-way places, and while the fact that it is a new colonial Variety Stores Mannen-rtreet, Work«— Upper Wfllia-Btieet, Wellington.

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Evening Post, Volume XXVIII, Issue 103, 28 October 1884, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XXVIII, Issue 103, 28 October 1884, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XXVIII, Issue 103, 28 October 1884, Page 1


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