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g WILLIAM DAWSON & CO., 3 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGERS, IRONMERCHANTS, ETC. S E Havo now on viow, a large and well-assorted Stook of 3 § GARDEN REQUISITES, S $ COMPRISING >¦ g LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN ROLLERS, BORDER CUTTERS, O « GARDEN ENGINES, SYRINGES, 3 gj DAIST AND OTHER RAKES, WEEDERS, TROWELS, LADIES' fe M GARDEN SETS, WATERING POTS, g £ SPADES, FORKS, HOES, SCYTHES, GARDEN SHEARS, LAWN CHAIRS, o £j GARDEN SEATS, FLOWER STANDS, SUMMER-HOUSE !* E TABLES, ETC. 3 X F. H. AYRES'S I 2 LAWN TENNIS RACQUETS, NETS, POLES, WIMBLEDON AND g 5 REGULATION BALLS, INDIARUBBER HANDLINGS, &c. 8 I FEATHERSTON AND GREY STREETS. § ROBT. GARDNER & CO., Limited, CRICKET SEASON 1883-4. Cricket Bat^— Cobbott's, Men's, from 17s 6d to 35s Cricket Bats— Page's, Ac, Men's, from 5s to 22s Cd Cricket Bats— Youths', from Is to lCs Cd Stumps, boat Shod and Tipped, from 14s Gd to 22a Cd por set „ Lanoo Wood, Brass Ferrule, from Cs Cd to 12s per sot „ Plain, from 2s to 5s per Bet Gloves, Batting, from 11s Cd to 13s 6<l per pair Gauntlets, Wioket-keoping. from 12s Cd to 14s Cd per pair Leo Guards, from 13s Cd to 17a Cd per pair Balls— Dnko's Double-seamed Praotise, 7a Cd eaoh Balls— Duke's Treble-seamod Matoh, 9s Cd eaoh Ballb— Dnke's Trablo-soamed Extra Match, 10s Cd each Nets for Praotise, 18 feot by C feet, 27s Gd each Scobb Books, &0., Ao. LAWN TENNIS SEASON 1883-4. Ayro's Champion Bats, BusHey'B and Page's Batß, Nots, Balls, and all other requisites. CLUBS SUPPLIED ON SPECIAL TERMS. ROBERT GARDNER AND CO., Limited, IRONMONGERS— WhoIesaIe Store— Featherston-stroet, Retail— Lambton Quay.

E. W. MILLS AND CO., LIMITED. EW. MILLS & CO. beg to inform thoir numerous constituents and the publio • generally that they havo formed their HARDWARE AND SHIP CHANDLERY BUSINESS into a Limited Liability Company, and, whilo making this announcement, they beg to return thsir hoarty thanks for the liberal support accorded them, and solicit a. continuanoo of the same for the Now Company. Freßh oapital having been introduoed, will enable the Company to meet tho steadily-inoreaaing reqniraments of the business, whioh will be carried on as heretofore, nnder tho management of Mr. E. W. Mills. E. "W. MILLS & CO. Wellington, 25th September.

MONEY I MONETMI MONEY 11 LOAN it DISCOUNT COMPANY'S BANK. Offichs— Lambton Quay, rjpHE operations of tliis Company embraoe JL the following branohes. 1. Promissory notes, acceptances, and bills of exchange discounted daily. 2. Mortgages effeoted on oity, suburban, and oountry properties, at the lowest ourrent rate of interest 3. Money promptly advanced on deposit of deeds (with or without transfer), ihares, sorip in pnblio companies, life polioies, bonded oertifioates, merchandise, or on approved personal security, payable by weekly, monthly, or quarterly, insuu. ments. 4. Reversionary interests, annuities, 01 life interests in estates, pnrohased, or ad* vanoes made thereon ns required. All oommunioations addressed to the Manager will have striot and prompt attention. BARNBTT'S LAND AND CREDIT AGENCY, Oddfellows' Building, Lambton-quay. CASH ADVANCES immediately made at amplo valuations on Deposit of Deeds of I Freehold or Leasehold Properties, Bank and Innuranae Shares, or other securities. LOANS arranged on porsonol application without ant sblat, and on terms of repayment to suit borrowers. MORTGAGES negotiated at exceptional low ratos of Commission and Interest. BILLS OF EXCHANGE, Drafts, and Promissory Notes discounted Daily. CREDITS granted to pnrohoao house property, town and country land ; and also for building improvements. Principal and intbbbst repayable by monthly, quarterly, or annual instalments, as per agreement. DEPOSITS received from £1 and upwards, bearing interest from tho date of issuo, at the rats of A por cont. per annum, and rePAYABLE ON DEMAND. ANNUITIES.— ProposaIs for samo entertained, and a liberal monthly allowance guaranteed for life. INVESTMENTS of a safe and reliable tharaoter made for persona having oither a email or largo amount of capital whioh thoy Are desirous of employing profitably. A. A. BARNKTT, Lambton-quay.

TtT ONEY TO LEND. The Proprietors of the ' UNION PAWN & DISCOUNT OFFICE, Willis-street, Lend monoy on the lowest terms on Personal Security, in sums to suit the borrower, repayable by weekly or monthly instalments. Money to Lend on gold and silver watches, chains, diamonds, jewellery, books, firearms, tools, household effeots, plated goods, *«. Please to note the address— WILLISSTREET, near the corner of Harbour-street. Private Entranoe, Harbour-street. Every description of clothing, w/atohes, Jewellory, Ac. bought or exohangedj Emigrants' luggage bought. , M. COHEN, k CO. NILSON SOAP 1 NELSON $OAP ! ) I ASK your Grocer for' Nelson Soap, the I best artiole manufactured in tl/io colony. { i Be sure, whon asking for N;ELSON SOAP, yon get the Gtnuino Artiole/. , NELSON SOAP snrpasta alljothor kinds. NELSON SOAP 'should be used in every Household, owinst to its isttat excollonoo.

THE NEW ZEALAND LEATHER MANUFACTURIJNG COMPANY (Limited). TANNERY ANd"7bOOT MANUFACTURINGf WORKS. NOTICE. THE Company'slioot Manufactory and x . Wholwalo Warehouse at Ghuuncestreet will be olosefc for Stock-taking from Ist November to 3rs November, inolusive. Tho Company's Betail Branch in Willisstreet will also De closed for stock-taking on Thursday, the Ist proximo. N.B.— A large Consignment consisting of Spring Goods, manufactured by Otto Hertz and other celebrated makers, has just beon reooived at tho last-named establishment. ICE. ICE. ICE. J& G. BECK desire to inform the • inhabitant*} of Wollington and BnrTounding districts that they have commenced businoss on Larfrbton Quay (opposite the Oooidental Hotel) as CONFECTIONERS. Ice Creams, Fresh Fruit and Refreshments »ay be hod daity. Sweets of overy dosoription and of the choicest make. J. and G. B. hope by striot /attention to business to merit a share of publio patronage.

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume XXVI, Issue 103, 29 October 1883, Page 1

Word Count

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XXVI, Issue 103, 29 October 1883, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XXVI, Issue 103, 29 October 1883, Page 1