MR. W. RAYMOND, ripEACHER OF MUSIC, E UPI'KU GIiUZNKK-STKBIT, (uoar Wooloombe-st.), Foes on application. Tarin oomnionoos with Pnpil MRS. CRICHTON announces that sho has just rocoived a Caso of French GARNITURES, CAPS, AND FICHUS, Suitablo for Evoiiing Wear. Lambton Quay, GthJuno^lSS^ asTTyouu auocEß for 1 KITCHEN 4 SON'S PRIZE MEDAL SOAP, CASTLE BRAND Purest Soap in N»w eaUud. VICTORIA HOUSE WILLIS-STKEET. BEST VALUE FOR MONEY IN Now Sonnd Drapery, Millinery, Mantles and Jackots, Drcssos and Costnmes. M'DOWELL BROS., Willis-street. By »§ils2| to His Appointmont t^^S>* Excellonoy. m H 0 M A S MYERS, X Carver, Gilder, and Picture Frame Manufacturer, WILLIS-STREET, AVELLINGTON, N.Z. Old picturos and looking glass frames repairod and rogilt. Pictures of evory doacription framed to order.
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Evening Post, Volume XXVI, Issue 20, 24 July 1883, Page 2
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Evening Post, Volume XXVI, Issue 20, 24 July 1883, Page 2
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