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The latest and most novel phise of "Boycotting " has just been exemplified in a parish near Mallow, County Cork. A young lady, daughter of a well-to-do farmer, was engaged to be matried to the eon of a neighbour, also in comfortable circumstances, but who had the miufortune to come under tho ban of the Land League, and was undergoing " Boycottine " in its severest form. The night tefore the day appointed for the marriage the bride eleofc was waited upon by a number of members of the local Land League, who informed her that, should she marry tho inteuded bridegroom, both she and all her family would bo equally " BoycoHetl." So great was the persuasion brought to bear upon her, thit the poor girl has broken off, or at least postponed the match. _______________ A very painful accident happened on Wednesday to Miss O'Connor, sister-in-law of Mr. D., of Taieri, near Milton, which would, without doubt, have resulted fatally had it not been for the courage and presonoe of mind of one of the employe's on the farm, Mr. Hugh Sweeney. An infuriated cow broke from the mob and rnshed at the young lady, who, seeing her danger, and being unable to escape, threw herself upon the ground, in the hope that tho animal would run over her, and that she might be able to reach a placo of safety bofore it could renew tho attack. Unfortnnately no suoh opportunity was given, and she was tossed about the field in a fearfully dangerous manner. Mr. Sweeney, who was on horseback, saw from a diatance the critical situation of the lady, and rendered speedy assistance. He arrived none too soon, however, for the cow had gone down on its knees, as if dotermined to finish the deadly work. Hastily dismounting, he threw himself upon the young lady, and shielded her with his body. His action fortunately startled the cow, and caused it to spring back. In doing so it caught sight of Mr. and Mrs. fcinnott, a little way off, and charged in their direction, but all were enabled to escape. Miss O'Connor's right leg was fearfully torn from the ankle to the knee, the muscles in places being completely severed from their attachments. Mr. Sweeney sustained a few outs about the head, but they wore not of much consequence. Dr. Reid (says a Southern contemporary) gives a bad aocount of Miss O'Connor'a condition, but is in hopes that ho will be able to effect a cure of the wound, and that it will not be necessary to resort to amputation.

IN THE >.X';HAN«T': LAND AND MERCANTILE AUCTION BOOMS, Panama-sirbet. On THURSDAY, 15th DECEMBER, 1881, At 2.30 o'clock p.m. Important to Warehousemen, Fancy Goods Dealers, and the Gen«-ral Travelling Public. Great Sale of Trunks, Travelling Bags, Portmanteaus, &o. FIT KEKNkDY MACDONALD & CO. JL • are favoured with instructions from the consignee to sell by public auction, on the above date— 80 highly finished packing travollicg trunks, m assorted tizes 2<i ladies' specially-fitted trunks, complete with trajs, Ac, in assorted sizes ... 12 ladies' assorted brown trave-meg bajja, fitted, in assorted sizes 6 gentlemen's do do . 18 black railroad bags, in asported sizes, The advent of the Christmas and holiday season renders this teale specially oppcrtuna. Full catalogues at my offices. On vww on Wednesday. Boii/DiKo Sites fob the Millionaire. Building Sites tor the Merchant. Building Sites for the Tradesman. Building 'Sites for tiis Artiban. IN THE EXCHANGE LAND ANE MERCANTILE AUCTION ROOMS, Panama- street, ON FRIDAY, 16th DECEMBER, 1881, At 2 o'clock p.m. MPORTANT TO CAPITALISTS WHO DESIRI a FIBBT-CLABB Investment. Important to Speculators who Desiri to Make Money Quickly. Important to the Merchant who De BIRBB a First-class Residence. Important to Every Man in the Com hunity who desireß to build j House to Suit his Family on hii Own Land. GREAT SALE OF MAGNIFICENT ANI CENTRALLY-SITUATED BUILDINC SITES. In the Estate of the late Lipman Levy, Esq FOB. POSITIVE UNRESERVED SALE IN ORDER TO CLOSE THE ACCOUNTS OF THE ESTATE rg' KENNEDY MACDONALD & CO X • are favoured with instructions fror the Executors of the late Lipman Levy, Esq. to sell on Friday, the 16th day of Decembei 1881, at 2 o'clock p.m., POSITIVKL 1 WITHOUT THE LkAST RESERVE, i] ORDER TO CLOSE THB ACCOUNTS OF TH estate, the whole of the MAGNIFICEN' FBfckHOLD CITY ESTATE of the late Mi Levy, consisting of Town Acres Nos. 30t 307, 308, 315, and 316, on the plan of the Cit. of Wellington, subdivided into THIRTY ONE GRAND BUILDING SECTIONS, a follows :— FRONTING BROUGHAM-STREET. Allotments 1 to 3 inclusive, eac having a frontage of 34 feet by depth ot 100 feet Allotments 4 to 6 inclusive, eac having a frontage of 41 feet by depth of 100 feet FRONTING LEVY-STREET. Allotments 7 to 14 inclusive, eac having a frontage of 38 feet by depth of from 93 feet to 122 feet Allot ments 15 aud 16, ea"h having i frontage of 39 feot by a depth of 12 feet FRONTING LIPMAN-STREBT. Allotment 17, having 1 1 double front age of 4S feet and 78 feet Allotment 18, having a frontage of 4 feet by a depth of 78 feet Allotments 19 and 20, each having frontage of 83 feet by a depth of 14 feet FRONTING MARJOKIBANKS-STREEI Allotments 21 to 25, inolusive, eac having a frontage of 40 ieet by depth of 99 feet. FRON'J ING MARJORIBANKS - STREET and KENT TERRACE. Corner Allotment 26, haying frontage of 90 feet to Marjoiibanks ntreot, and 60 feet to Kent Terrace FRONTING KENT TERRACE. Allotment 27, having a fronlage of 3 feet by a depth of 99 feet. Allotments 28 and 29, each having i frontage of 39 feot by a depth of 14; feet. On allotment 29 there is 1 capital greenhouse, filled with vale able grape vines. RisiDENCK Allotment 30, having 1 double frontage of 99 feet to Ken' Terrace and Lipman-strhet b; the splendid deptli of 293 feet, an< oontainingnearlyTHßEE-QUABTER; oT AN Acre. Vn the Allotment i erected tho FIRST -CLASS MODERN FAMILY RESIDENCE with the commodious outbuilding and offices, formerly occupied by tin late Mr. Levy. The residence wil prove on examination one of thi most elegant and comfortable in th city, and should be eagerly com peted tor in oonsequence of its man] advantages and special value. Allotment 31, being that VALUABLI HALF-ACRE, portion of Town Sec tion No. 306, having a frontage o 100 links to KENT TERRACE, b; a depth of 500 links. The abov Half-Acre adjoins the residence am grounds of the late Mr. Levy, ani abuts immediately on the famil; residenoe now occupied by Mr. Keep It is without exception one of th most valuable buildinp sites in th City of Wellington. It iB sold sut ject to a lease, having four years t run, at a rental of £25 per annum No words of praise are too strong to us in reference to the value of tho whole of th allotments in thi3 Valuable Estate. Fror each of them an extensive and varied pros p«ot over the Harbour, City, and Suburbs i obtained, while their proximity to tho busi ness part of tbe city and the tramway lin gives them a daily increaeipg value. The; therefore offer an opportunity of real ion f.da buying, either tor immediate bulletin purposes or for holding for a rise, which considering the circumstances under whicl the sale is rendered necessary, is neve likely to again take placo in Wellington, am should therefore be availed of without th slightest hesitation. The terms of the sale will be 10 per cent cash deposit, balanoe by bills, in equa amounts at 3 and 6 n,onth3; but arrange monts can be made by the Auctioneers witl parties who desire to borrow a large propoi tion of the purchase money for a period o years. REMEMBER ! ABSOLUTE UNRESERVED SALE. . Complete lithographio plans of the ostat can be obtained at the office of the Auc tion ears, Mr. L. L. Harris, Financial Ageni Lambton Quay, the New Zealand Times and Evening Post, and at Messrs. Travers Cave, and Travers, t-olicitore, Featherston street, from whom all particulars as to title &c, can be learnt. SOTfTH BRITISH FORWARDIN( COMPANY & PARCELS DELIVERY Head Office— Fe^therston - street (Op posite Murray, Roberts & Co.) Wellington Forwarding, Insurance, and Genera Agenoy. Shipping and Custom House worl done. Goods sent throughout Australi and New Zealand. Pianos and Furnitur oarefully removed. Agencies in all Colonia aud Intercolonial Ports and Towns. W. BISHOP, Junr., Manager. IF this should meet the ove of anyon wanting to know where they can getth best and cheapest Confectionery in town, i is at G. H. Thornton's, Wholesale an Retail Confectiouor. Manners-street. \\ ol lington. Ordinary Boiled Lollies, from 60 p«r owt. Write for price liat.

IN THE EXCHANGE LAND AND MER . CANTILE AUCTION ROOMS, PANAMA-SI'KEHT. ON FRIDAY, 16th DECEMBER, At 2 o'clock p.m. Following the Sale of the Levy Estate. Great Sale of Valuable City Property. Under a Decree of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, dated the J 9th October, 1881, and made in the suit JFlyger and others v. Flyger and others. T KENNEDY MACDONALD & CO. • are favoured with imtructions from Alexander Sutherland Allan, Fsquire^ the Kegistrar of the Supreme Court at WeJl.ngon, to sell by public auotion, as above, the whole of the undermentioned valuable properties — Lot 1. That SPLFNDID "BLOCK of LAND, portion of Town Acre No. 169, having n frontage to WILLISSTRKET of 30 feet by a depth of 165 feet, on which is erected a TENROOMED DWELLING - HOUSE, and known as in the occupation of Mr. E. E. Wyett Lot 2. That SPLENDID BLOCK of LAND, also portion of Town A ere No. 169, having a frontage to WILLIdSTRK'fcT of 30 feet, by a depth of 165 feet, on which is erected that WEIL-BUILT and COMMODIOUS FAMILY I:Es>IDKNCE, containing eight rooms, scullery, and out-offices, and known as in the occupation of Mr. ijames Nioholls Tbe above lots adjoin each other, and as they are situated in the bffct part of Willisstreet, close to tho residences of K. M. ! Greenfield, Kt-q., J. Duthie, Esq., and other leading citizens, they are specially worth | attention, and should bo inspected by everyone desiring either a good residence or a first- class investment. Lot 3. That VERY VALUABLE and EXOBLLKNT VACANT BLOCK of LAND, portion oE Town Acre No. 207, and having a frontage to FARISH-STEKET of 139 links, by a depth of 82 links, and distant from MANNEBa-STJiEET 171 links, and at preset occupied on a temporary tenancy by Messrs. J. Duthie and Co. This Block of Land adjoins the well-known premises of the Welingtjn Biscuit Manufacturing Company, and, as a Bite for a WHO LES ALE STOK X OR FACTO KY, is POdSIBLY UNSURPASSED in tho City. The Sale of the above Properties offers a Genuine Opportuniiy for Investment, Building, or Speculation, bare to be met with. For full particulars apply to ME^SR^. IZARD & BELL, Willis-street, Solicitors to the Plaintiffs : Or to THE AUCTIONEERS. IN THE EXCHANGE LAND AND MER CANTILE AUOTION ROOMS. Panama-street. ON FRIDAY, 16th DECEMBER, At 2 o'clock p m. Valuable Property in the City. rjl KENNEDY MACDONALD & CO. JL • are favoured with instructions from the Executors of the late Lipman Lovy, Esq., to sell by publio auction as above, ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT RESERVE, following the sale of the Levy Estate — All that VALUABLE HALF ACRE, being portion of Town Section No. 306, having a frontage of 100 links to KENT TERRACE, by a depth of 500 links The Half Acre adjoins the residenoe and grounds of the late Mr. Levy, and abuts immediately on the family residence now ocpied by Mr. Keep It ia without exception one of the most valuable building sites in the City of Wellington. It is sold subject to a lease, haviag 4 yeara to run, at a rental of £25 per annum. Terms— lo per cent, cash deposit, balance fey bills in equal amounts at 3 and 6 months. IN THE EXCHANGE LAND AND MERCANTILE AUCTION ROOMS, ' Panama-street. ON FRIDAY, 16th DECEMBER, 1881, At 2 o'clock p.m. Sale by order of the Registrar of the Supremo Court. T KENNEDY MACDONALD & CO. • are favored with instructions from A. S. Allan, Esq., Registrar of the Supreme Court, Wellington District, to sell by publio auction, as above, under the provisions of the Conveyancing Ordinance Amendment Act and the Sales by Mortgagees Act — All that VALUABLE CITY PRO-PE'K-TY, being 1 the block of land part of Town Acre No. 744, having a frontage of 91 feet 4 inches to — — street, by a depth of 81 feet, abutting on the College Reserve; together with the exceedingly comfortable and pleasantly-situated FOUR - BOuMrD COTTAGE erected thereon For further particulars as to title, &c, apply to MESSRS. CHAPMAN & FITZGERALD, Solicitors ; Or to THE AUCTIONEERS. IN THE EXCHANGE LAND AND MERCANTILE AUCTION ROOMS, Panama-street. ON FRIDAY, 16th DECEMBER 1881, At 2 o'clock p.m. Following the Sale of the Levy and Flyger Estates. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND, WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Between George Hunter, Plaintiff, and Archibald Keith and Isabella, hia wife, Defendants. Under a Decree of the Supreme Court, Wellington District, made on the 20th day of June, 1879. rfli KENNEDY MACDONALD & CO. A • are favoured with instructions from A. S. Allen, Esq., Registrar of the Supreme Court, Wellington District, to submit for POSITIVE UNRESbRVED SALE, by public auotion, as above — All that piece or parcel of Land Bitnate in and being part of the Section No. 371 on the plan of the City of Wellington, and bounded on the northeast 95 feet or thereabouts ; on the south-east 40 feet, by a lane 12 feet wide ; on th 9 north-west 40 feet, by other part of the same seotion ; and on the south 95 feet or thereabouts, by ROXBURGH-STKKET ; together with the COMFORTABLE DWELLING-HOUSE, containing four rooms and out-offices erected thereon, and now known as in the occupation of Mr. Keith For full particulars as to title, &c, apply to Messrs. BUCKLEY, STAFFORD, AND FITZ HERBERT, Solicitors, Lambton Quay ; Or to THE AUCTIONEERS. IN THE EXCHANGE LAND AND MERCANTILE AUCTION ROOMS, Panama-street. ON FRIDAY, 16th DECEMBER, 1881, At 2 30 o'clook p.m. Unreserved Sale of Valuable Property, Greytown. rry Kennedy macdonald & co. JL • are favored with instructions from the Extcutors of the late Lipman Levy, Esq., to soil by public auction, as above, without reserve — ALL THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY, situated in the Township of Greytown, and being section 11 on the plan of the township, containing 1 acre, together with the buildings erected thereon, and known as in the occupation of Mr. Henry Giles. The above properiy is well situated and WORTH PURCHASE. FOR PRIVATE SALE. Magnificent Block of Unsurpassed Pastoral Land on the East Coast of the North Island, near Castlepoint. MESSRS. T. KENNEDY MACDONALD AND CO. are iavoured with instructions to offer for sale by private treaty, f«r a limited period — That splendid block of superior pastoral land on \he East Coast, containing b779 ncrea of unsurpassed pastoral land, being sections 178, 179, 180, ISI, 182, IS3, IS4, 185, and 186 on the plan of thd district, and adjoining Akiteo and Glencoe Stations, the well-known estate* of the late Jas, Armstrong, Esq.

IN THE EXGFTANGE LAND AND MERCANTILE AUCTION ROOMS, Panama-stkke r. ON FRIDAY, ICth DECEMBER, 1881, At 2 o'clock p m. Sale by order of the Registrar of the Supreme Court. •Win. First-rjlass "Cottage Property, South-road. rr\ KENNEDY MACDONALD & CO., JL • are favored with instructions from A. S. Allan, Esq., Registrar of the Supreme Court at Wellington, to sell by public auction on the above date, under the provisions of "'lhe Conveyancing Ordinance Amendment Act, 1860," aad " The Sa'.e3 by Mortgagees Act. 1870." ALL THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY, part of town acre 1020, having a frontage of 36 feet to South-road by a depth of 125 feet, on which is erected a Comfortable and wkllBUILT DWELLINGHOU&E. Thi3 property is a most desirable one, and known as in the occupation of Mr. G. Booklass, and is WORTH PURCHASE. For further particulars, a3 to title or otherwise, apply to Messrs. BRANDON, SHAW AND BRANDON, Solicitors for the Mortgagee ; Or, to THE AUCTIONEERS. TUESDAY, 20th DECEMBER, At 2 o'clock p.m. IMPORTANT SALE. "V|R. J. D. FnASEPv, having received instructions from the Mortgagee, will sell by public auction, at Anikawa, Queen Charlotte Sound, on Tuesday, the 20th December* at 2 o'clock p.m. — THAT (MAGNIFICENT SAWMILL PROPERTY, situate at Anikawa, and fitted up with all modern {steam appliances Also, THE BULLOCKS, HORSES, COTTAGES, BLACKSMITH'S SHOP, and OFFICES in connection therewith The right to cut timber from adjoining lands The above property and plant is distant about eight miles from Picton, and is one of the largest and most complote estates of its kind in tbe Province of Marlborough, and ia in thorough working order. Full particulars of the machinery, plant, and cutting rights, &c, &c, can be obtained rom Mr. ALFRED ROGERS, Solioitor ; Or from THE AUCTIONEER, At Blenheim. J. D. FRASER, Auctioneer. IN LIQUIDATION. In the matter of the Joint Stock Companies Act, 1860, and the amendments thereto ; And In the matter of the voluntary liquidation of the Pelorus Saw-mill Company, Limited. NOTICE ia hereby given that all claims against the Pelorn3 Saw-mill Company, Limited, or against tnyse'f as Liquidator in connection therewith, must be rendered to me, at my office, Courtenay Place, Wellington, on or before Thursday, the loth December instant, failing which they will be absolutely excluded from payment, as the liquidation is about to be finally closed. ROBERT GRKENFIELD, Liquidator. Wellington, sth Deoember, 1881. TO THE LADIES OF WELLINGTON. MISS RADFORD, MILLINER AND DRESSMAKER, From London, Bfgs to announce that she will commence business as above on SATURDAY NEXT, the 10th inst., in premises almost opposite St. George's Hall, Lambton Quay. Miss Rad ford having been connected for some considerable time with one of the West End Establishments at Homo, and being acquainted with all the Latest Fashions, trusts to merit a share of patronage. Ladies waited upon at their own residences if required. A good assortment of choice Millinery will always be kept in stock. Inspection Invited. Note the Address — Nearly opposite St. Geohge's Hall, Lambton Quay. EMPIRE SPOUTING AND RIDGING MANUFACTORY, AND CURVING WORKS, WILLIS-STREET. rrmOMAS BALLINGER, House and Ship A Plumber, Gasfitter, &c, having extended his promises, begs to notify to his numerous patrons and. tho public that ho has added the Painting, Glazing, andPaperhanging branches to his business, which will be carried on under the management of J. W. Ballinger All orders executed at the lowest possible rates. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. The attention of the Public is called to the following points : — 1. The Liability of the Company 13 Unlimited. 2. The Reports and Accounts fjr the year 1880 show : Net Fire Premiums for tho y0ar... £1,069,592 Capital paid up i> 5,640 General Reserve Fir 0 R a-in3nrance Fund 1,500,000 Total Accumulated Fund 6,321,965 3. The Company is empowered by various Acta of tho Imperial Parliament aud by separate Acts of the Legislatures of New South Wale 3, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, and Queensland — a feature wh.oh belongs to no other Insurance Company. 4. The large resources of the Company should impress the publio with a feeling of Security, the main desideratum in seeking for insurance. Proposals for all classes of Fire Insurances will be received by EDWARD PEARCE. Agent. I<HE UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (FIRE AND MARINE). Capital ... ... ... £2,000,000 Head Office : Hereford-street, Chrißtohurch. Directors : Tho Hon. J. T. Peacock (Chairman), W. Montgomery, Esq., M.H.R., W. D. Carrutliers, Esq., P. Cunningham, Esq , G. C. Stead, Esq. (Deputy Chairman), J. Palmer, Esq , \V. lieeves, Esq., John Studholmo, Esq. Bankers : Union Bank of Australia. General Manager: W. JDovenish Meares. THE SPECIAL FEATURES that com mend this Company to notice of intending insurers are, that it i 3 a Local Institution, that tho capital is doublo that of any other New Zealand or Australian Institution, aud that claims will be fairly and equitably dealt with, the names 01 the Directors being a sufficient guarantee on this point. Rates charged are the Lowest Current. Wellington Agents— BETHUNE & HUNTER, Old Custom House street. g ONDON AND LANCASHIRE INJLJ bURANCE COMPANY. FIRE BRANCH. Capital .£1,000,000 Head Office— Liverpool. Insurance against loss by fire on every doEoriptin of property effected at current rates. JOHNS TON & CO., Agents. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMi PANY. Establishes, ISO 3. Capital £1,600,000 . Fire risks of all classes in to wn and country accepted at iowest current rates. Prompt and liberal settlement of claims.

PAPaRHANGINGS. PAPERHANGIMG3. I IUST LANDED, ex " Auckland," one of the largest shipments of Paperhangings ever received in Wellington, consisting of the NEWEST and most F^SHIOXABLE DESIGNS, suitable for rooms of all deecrip* tione. 'I his shipment will be sold at the lowest possible prices, to make room for further shipments, ptr " Orari " aud following vessels. Other goods now landing, ex "Auckland." —Dado Papers, White Lead, Oik, Tube Colours, Varnishes of every description, Brushware, &c, &c. Ail other gooda connected with the trade in stock. W. TUSTIN. Willis-street. — Branch, Vivian-street. LION POUN DR V ~ WELLINGTON. MILLS AND CABLE, Engineers, Boilermakers, Iron and Brass Founders, "Vf ANUFACTURERS of all classes of -"*- Engines and Boilers, Wrought and i Cast Iron Work for Bridges and Buildings, Iron Fencing Standards, Boiling-down Plants, Saw Mill and Quartz-crushing Siachinery. Estimates given for all kinds of work Veaßels can come right alongside the works for repairs. FOR SALE, CHEAP. 2 20-horse power tubular steam boilers 2 engines, 18in cylinders, equal to new The above plant can be sold in lot or separate. ROISERTSON & CO., g^NGIKEUBS. IRONFOUNDEBS. AND Jt-J BOILERMAKERS. Old Custom House Sthjebt, Have for Sals, 2 SPEEDY'S PATENT WOOL PRESSES, J-paeks, with improved ratchet motion. oe9 16-horae power Cornish Boiler, in firat class ordor. Price, £$t>. Estimates furnißhed for all kii! r !o or -<v-r!t. Stnam^ra nan onnxa fnmir Wharf fnr r«ra'r=. r«pE ARO FOUNDRY. JL Wellington. LUKE, SONS, AND WILLIAMS, Iron and Brass Founders, Engineers, and Boiler-makers, Manufacturers of all classes of Engines and Boilers, Wrought and Cast Ironwork for Buildings and Bridgeß, &c. P.S. — Are manufacturing their most economical Ranges at reduced prices. The best and cheapest ranges in the market. DANKS & SON, BRASS FOUNDERS, COPPERSMITHS, GAS FITTERS, PUMP MAKERS, Importers of— Gas, Steam, and Water Pipea Chandeliers, Brackets, and Harp Lights Gas Globes Shanks' Patent W. Closet Sheet Lead Copper, Compo, and Lead Pipe Sheet, Brass, and Copper Steam Whistles (single and double) Tallow Cups All sizes of Wheel Valves and Steam -pipe One Gaa and Steam Engine for Sale. B RAN DON-STREET. ¦Z" I N G AND HILL CIVIL ENGINEERS, Licensed and Authorised Surveyors LAND & COMMISSION AGENTS. Offices.— Eveninu Post Chambors Willis street, and Foi'ding 1 , Manawatu. N.B. — Our Soalo of Charges is tbe Lowes in the colony, and wo <<nararitea to ifiv ulißfaffckm EFUHRMANN CLARKE • Mechanical Enginebr, Will make Drawings and Models, or under tako to supply and erect or inspect the erection and working of every description oi machinery. Agent for Ashcroft's Patent Quartz-crush-ing and Gold-saving Machine. Temporary Offices — Exchange Chambers Grey-street, Wellington ; care of Johr Brogden and Son-i. JR . BROWNE CIVIL ENGINEER, Authorised & Licensed Surveyor, Is prepared to carry out and supervise witl care any works required by County Councils Road Boards, Harbour Boards, Municipal! ties, Drainage, Water Supply, Tramway ane Railway Companies, &c. Crown and Native Lands selected. Offices — New Zealand Insurance Build ings, Wellington; and Cathedral Square Chambers, Christchurch. JH . PRICE & C . Mechanical ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS, Land, Estate, and General Commissioi Agonts. Offices — New Zealand Insurance Build nga, Lambton Quay, Wellington. T\/" .R. WATERS GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. Certificated Accountant in Bankruptcy HuNTKR-STItKKI* QTEAM PIANOFORTE AND CABINEI FACTORY, Lower Hutt." MOULDING S T U»C X . TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES J. H. SHERWIN, LOWE3L HUTT i AND T. MEEK MILLERS, A.ND FLOUR AND GRAIN MERCHANTS Oamabu ant* Wet.i.inrtov COAL. COAL. COAL. TIIHE undersigned is supplying best New castle Coal at the following rates :—: — From Yard, in bags ... 34a per ton From Ship's side , 23s per ton For larger quantities, aa per agreement. W. R. WILLIAMS. %&f F. P A B3 O N £ (LATX SASCOINS AND PAB8ON8), BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ANI UNDERTAKE B, PtPITKA 3TBBET. MPERIAL LIVERY AND LETTING STABLES, And Carriage Factobt, Opposite the Victoria Hotel, Abel SmithBtreet, and Branch Stables, opposite the Metropolitan Hotel, Molesworth-street. Carriages, Waggonettes, Cabs, Buggies and Saddle Horses on hire. Carriages built and repaired, &o. Horses shod by a first-class shoeing smith Horses broken to double and single harness, Horses bought and sold on commissisn. 1 K. SuMERVILLE, Proprietor.

I isXHIBiriON ALES. Phcenix Brkwert WELLINGTON. MESSRS. PASCOE & CO desire to call the attention of tho pnblic of New Zz aland to the buperlative quality and uniform condition of their Malt Liquor c , and beg to solicit their patronage, and a trial of their celebrated Exhibition Pale Bitter Ale and Extea Brown Stout, brewed from the choicest selection of Hops and Malt, on scientific principles, possessing the advantage of age to mature their characteristic qualities, a Tonic and Preservative condition, frae from Acidity, without Sediment, Equalling the best English Brands. W. H. PASCOE, From an extensive experience and success as a practical Brewer, having obtained Prize Medals — MELBOURNE, 1866 and 1867 SYDNhY, 1879 and 1880 MELBOURNE, 1880 and 1881 Can, with confidence, recommend their Palo and Strong Ales and Brown Stout in pints and quarts. N.B.— Stock on band for Bottling Purposes — 4.00 hhds (winter brew — May and June.) Also, 150 kilderkins, for Family Trade — other contents if required. City Offices at W. K. Waters', opposite Colonial Bank of New Zealand. THORNDON BREWERY. J . & W. STAPLES, Brewers, Malt and Hop Importers. X &W. STAPLES in returning thanks to the Trade and private persons for their liberal patronage hitherto, would respectfully beg to inform them that their supply of ALES, STOUT, &c, in bulk and bottle, are of the choicest quality, and would solicit a continuance of their former favois. fg" Private families supplied in quantities from two gallons and upwardp. All orders punctually attended to. THORNDON BREWERY. J. & W. STAPLES, Proprietors. NEWTOWN TEA GARDENS. Sports ! Sporbs ! ! Sports ! ! ! Games of every description, including Quaits, Dancing, Rifle-Bhooting, Swinging, Ac, &c, &c, AT THE "VTJBWTOWN TEA GARDENS, EVERY SATURDAY. ADMISSION FREE!!! The Tram stop 3at the entrance to the Gardens. N.B — A First-class Band in attendance. ROYAL TIGER HOTEL, Taranaki-strbet. f|^HE extensive alterations and improve' JL ments to the above Hotel being completed, the Propietor is now ready to receive Boarders, and assures them a comfortable home, every attention having been paid tc this department. Ihe house now contains 2o rooms, besides Bath-room, Stables, Outhouses, &c. The Billiard Room is furnished with one of Burroughes and Watt's Tables, which can be played upon by all with comfort and pleasure. Wines, Spirits, Beer, &c. — the same care and attention will be paid to their selectiou as heretofore. The Bedrooms are lotty and large, commanding a good view of n-sarly the whole of tha towr and harbour. Note tho Address — ROYAL TIGER HOTEL, Taranaki-steet. C. B. PRESS, Proprietor. /¦"CENTRAL HOTEL THOMAS J. GLEW Wishes to inform hia numerous friends anc the public generally that he has lea3ed th( above Hotel, and hopes by strict attentioi to customers to merit a fair share of theii patronage. The proprietor's long experience in th< trade is a sufficient guarantee that nothing but the finest qualities of Beers, Wine 3, aac Spirits will be kept in stock. Jinglish and Scotch Boers on draught anc in bottle. Superior Accommodation foi Boarders; Bath-room, &c. Ordinary Dail] at 1 o'clock. All City Trams pass the Hotel THOS. J. GLEW, Central Hotel, Lambton Quay. WALKLEY'S I COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY v^' HOTEL, Palmbrston North. Very superior accommodation for Boarders and Travellers. Teems Modbkate'. BATHS. GOOD STABLING. N.B. — The proprietor's long experieuca ii the trade is a sufficient guarantee for th< quality of the liquors. NOTICE. TATTERSALL'S HOTEL & TRAMWAI TERMINUS, Cambridge Terrace. MRS. IIANNY, late of Bay View Board ing House, Pipitea Point, and formerly of Greymouth, West Coast, wishes to inf orn her friends and the public generally thaii sh< has purchased the lease of the above pre miseß. The house haa been recently erected and contains all the requirements of a first class hotel. Private Sitting-rooms and Bedrooms for Families, One of Alcock's Full-sized Billiari Tables, Piano, &c. Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths. The Stabling is, without exception, th< best in the colony ; 34 stalls and 6 loose boxes, attended to by a oarefu groom. K. HANNY Proprietress. CLUB HOTEL, MASTERTON, WAIRARAPA. ALFRED ELKINS ... Psopriktor. •"inHIS Hotel offers superior aocommoda _S_ tion to Settlers, Travellers, aa Privat Families. BATHS. SAAIPLE ROOMS. &£&" Stable? and weii-erassed Paddock. npE WHITI'S IMPRESSION '3 is my impression that I do quite right When 1 with Wakef ord's customers unite ; In fact, I state it as my film conviction, In which 1 straightway challenge contradic tion. 'Tis my impression that the best-brewed all Is that at Wakeford's, and finds ready sale And you may well believe me when I say That this impression strengthens every day The more I drink of Wakeford's wholesom* beer, The lesß my constitution has to fear. But, is my favour to the beer confined; Are not the Spirits of the finest kind ? To this a ready answer I can give — A ready answer in tho affirmative. 'Tween brandy, whisky, wine, and beer I übo They're all so good, I don't know which t< choose. 'Ti3 my impression that the drinks are cheap As I know well the benefits I reap ; And this impression 1 shall long retain While Wakeford's Bank Hotel remains th( same. Indeed I won't complain, though placed ii gaol, While I can get a glass of Wakeford's ale. Te Whiti. Wakeford still solla five bottles for £1. ILL 1A M L~E CR E N Accountant Opposite Barratt'6 [letel, Lambton Quay.

rjPH'O WESTPORT COAL MINING i JL COMPANY (LIMITED). Capital, £400,000, in 80,000 shares of £s«ach Provisional Directors. DUNEDIN Mo^=rs. A. J. Bnrna, J. Davie, RDbert Gillies, Allan Holmes, Goo. Joachim. vT. J. M. Larnach, Jno. M'Gregor, Robert Paterson, and Eran P»"os2or. Melbotjrke. Hons. J. Balfour aad E. Lonjrton, Mes3ra Thos. Loiler ; <\ J. Ham, Kobt. Harper, Ji,o. M"llwraith, Jamns Ormond, George Kottertson, it. Mu.ray Smitj, au<l J. H. White. Banks rs. The Bank of Now ZeVaud. The Share L-st of the above Company will absolutely close on the 14th Uec^mber, and immediate application is necessary . Applications and deposits to be lodged with Bank of New Zealand. For full detaih, see Prospectuses published in New Zealand Time 3 and Evening Post, of 26th November and previous days. For full particulars and prospectus, apply T. KENNfc-DY MACDONULD & CO , Wellington Agents. FOR FALE. LOWER HUTT. T AND for Suburban Villas, free ftom floods, and 20 minut9s walk from the Hutt Railway Station, in lots to suit purchasers, from 01 "• to forty acre?. On the property there is an eight-roomed House, nearly new, large barns, cow-sheds, &c, &c, and three acres of orchard in full bearing. The owner is prepared to sell on very easy terms. For further particulars apply to EMANUEL ROSA, Lower Hutt, a/ 1 OR SALE, a faithfully-built 4-roomed t* honee, situat9 Arthur-street ; price, £225. £25 cash, balance on easy terms. For Sale— 3 allotments of land (separatelj or nil in one piece), 80ft frontage by 72ft ; Bplendid placa for a working man, as there are a quantity of fruit trees in full bearing and within two minutes' walk of To Arc House; price, £5 per foot. £1 per fool cash, balance on easy terms. A rare bargain Fur Sale — A freehold shop, doing a gooc business, situate opposite Tramway Station price, £325. £25 cash, balance on easj terms. Good investment. For Sale— A 6-roomed freehold cottago situate at Thorndon ;, £275. £25 cash balance on easy terms. For Sale — A 4-roorced cottage, situati Tasman-street ; ground, 36ft frontage by 1 depth of 264 ft; price, £325. £25 cash balance on easy t°rras ; worth £500. For Sale— Leasehold 20 yeara to run ; 1 brickyard, with engines and everything ii working order working men'soottages erectei on ground. A sure fortune for an energeti* business man ; price very low, aa owner i retiring from business. For bale— A section 30ft frontage by 1181 deep, with 4-roomed cottase and bathroom Thorndon Quay ; price, £200, on very eas; terms. For Sale— 4 superior cottages, Abel Smith street, always let to good tenants ; 15s pc week ; price, £250 each, or £900 for the 101 Terms easy. For Sale— s superior cottages, Subso Square ; cheap, on very easy terms. For Sale — 8 freehold cottages, oppoßit Tramway Station, rangins from £150 nj wards, on very easy terms. For Sale, in one of the main thoroughfare of tho city of Wellington, a freehold brie yard, in good working order, including kilr sheds, &c, now let tor £1 per week ; pric £650, on easy terms. For Sale — A Rsotion of land in Ker Terrace, on easy terms ; freehold, ver cheap. For Sale— A faithfully built four-roome house and stable, situate in Kent Terrace price £125 — £25 cash, balance on eas terms. For Sale — A faithfully built three-roomc cottage, situate Adelaide-road ; price £150£25 cash, balance on easy terms. For Sale — A freehold cottage, centre c the city, containing four rooms and stable price £175— £25 cash, balance on eaa terms. Apply H. ELLTOTT, Willis-street, nea door Empire Hot»l. FOR S \LFJ, by private contract, all tha valuable Freehold Property, measnrin 66ft to Wellington Terrace by 118 ft 6in t Bolton-street, with residence theroon, foi merly in the occupation of the late Di Bennett. Apply to C. Triugham, or Best Executors. LAND FOR. SALE, on easy terms, t Belmont, Scarbro' Terrace, Kilbirni and Bainesse, near Foxton, and Manner! street. For further particulars apply to L Mace, New Zealaadsr Hobol, Manners-stree Wellington. 171 OR SALE, a desirable Freehold Pn _ perty in the Taratahi, comprising 6( acres good land, Beourely fenced, divide into seven paddocks, mostly rabbit-proo and all well watered. Improvements incluc a new eleven-roomed house, every 001 venience, iron roof ; labourers' cottage, fiv rooms; woolshed, stabling, and other on buildings, good garden ana orchard, dip, &> Stock to go wibh property : 300 sheop, head cattle, 3 horses, pigs, aud poultry also, new dogcart, dray, and harness, farn ing implements, and the whole of the housi hold furniture. Price, £3500. Terms, £1000 cash ; balanc on mortgage if desired. For further particulars apply to F. H. WOUD & CO., Auctioneers, Land and Estate Agents, Wairarapa. 1?OR SALE, about 2000 acres of rich Pai ' toral and Agricultural Country, parti improved, about 15 miles from M aster fcoi with 700 sheep, milch cows, horses, &c. there is a good dwellinghouse, cowshe< shearingshed, yards, and paddocks, wit about 1 mile of fencing erected. For f urthi particulars apply early to Job Vile, Maste: ton. I7IOR SALE, that Villa Residence i : Upper Willis-street in the occupatio of the undersigned. Terms easy. For pa' ticulars apply L. L. HARRIS, Financial Agent, Lambton Quay. jgALSALINE The Great Food Preservative. This invaluable antiseptic compound TASTELESS, ODOURLESS, and perfect! HARMLESS. SALSALINE Keeps Milk, Sonp, Be« r, an any fluid food sweet an wholesome in any weather. SALSALINE Keeps Meat fresh and south and makes it tender an digeßtable. SALSALINE Keeps Eggs perfectly swei and untainted for a year < more. SALSALINE Keeps Fresh Butter quil palatable and free from rai cidity in the hottest weathe SALSALINE Keeps Fish fresh and vi tainted until required for us' SALSALINE Keeps Infanta' and Invalid Food sweet and wholesoini and prevents flatulence, gri] ing, and diarrhoea. Report by Dr. Hector, C.M.G., F.R.S Colonial Laboratory, Wellington :—: — " Salsaline. — This preparation has bee submitted to analysis and experiment. ] contains nothing that is deleterious, and ma be safely mixed with food. Jt possesses th antiseptio properties attributed to it, and t a very remarkable extent. A toa-spoonfi of a solution, obtained by dissolving for ounces in a pint of water, when added to quart of fresh milk, will arrest all chang except the rising of the cream, and preveni the milk from turning sour or thickenin when standing exposed to the air for a perio of at least five days in warm weather.Jaites Hector." Sold by the principal Grocers and Stor< ' keepers in Is and 2s packets. Sole Importer and Wholesale Agent for New Zealand — E . H . CREASE, Coffee Spice, and Rice Mills, Old Cnatoi House-street Wellington. I WELLINGTON DYE WORKS, CUBi 3 STREET, , Established 1863. Silver Medal and Two Certificates of iler: at Australian Exhibition. 9 f^YEING and CLEANING in all ii 1 a_r branches done in a first-cla3s sty] and with despatch. A Tailor being employed, gents can hay heir clothes repaired on the. premises. Dtb Wakraktsd Fasi. : W. BARBER. ¦ ON SALE, Custom]Hous3 Fora». Eve: ingiPosttOffice.

CHRISTMAS CARDS! CHRISTMAS CARDS NEW YEAR'S CARDS! NEW YEAR'S CARDS ! TYON AND BLAIK Have to announce the arrival of a shipment of CHRISTMAS CARDS, comprising ft large and varied assortment, selected from proof copie3 received by us from ths best London Houses. Prize Designs are tha predominating features of the shipment, and intending purchasers will do well to inspect our stock before investing elsewhere. DIARIES FOR 1882. DIARIES FOR 1882. Tho sauio steamer brought on our supply of Mercantile, Private and Domestio Australasian Diaries and Calendars for 1882, published by Letts, Son & Co., London. In order that oustomers may keep their Diaries uniform in eize and binding with previous years, we announce the above arrival for ensuing year. ART UNION OF LONDON, 1832, Forty-sixth year). Every Subscriber of ONE GUINEA will receive, besides a chance of a prize at the annual distribution, impressions of a series of Five Plates, engraved by LoopolA Flameng, THE ROAD TO RUIN! College— Ascot— Arrest— Struggles— The End. From the original paintings by W. P. Frith, R.A. LYON & BLAIR have proof copies of the above plates on view. Subscribers are reminded that we forward subscriptions to London by last mail in December. OUR INDUCEMENT LIST. The following Books are now being Bold UNDER COST— Leisure Hour, 1880— half-calf, 7s 6d ; cloth, 5s 6(1 Sunday at Home, 1880— half-calf, 7s 6d ; cloth, 5s Gd London Journal, vols. 59, 60, 61, and 62, 4s each Good Words— lßßo, 63 ; 1879, ss ; 1878, 4s Sunday Magazine, 1880, 6s Christian Treasury, 1880, 5s 6d Quiver, 1880, 6s ; Bow Bells, 4s PLAN OF PARIHAKA — TE WHITI'S STRONGHOLD. We have juat issued in a neat lithograph form, 20 x 20, a plan of the seat of disturoanca on tha West Coast. The drawing has has been entrusted to Mr. E. H. Beero, C.E., nnd every detail in the way of townships, native settlements, roads, tracks, railways, &c, is faithfully portrayed. Printed in fivo colours, Is ; plain, 6d. LYON & BLAIR, Wholesale Booksellers and Stationers, Bookbinders, Machine Rulers, and Account Book Manufacturers. Importers of Newspapers and MagaEines from all parts of the world. Lambton Quat. BOOKS. BOOKS. BOOKS. I () H N W A T T, Wholesale and Retail TOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Willis-street, Having been appointed Bookseller to the Education Board, would call the attention of Parents and Guardians to the great reduction he has made in the price of the School Books now in use. J. W. ha 3 recived a large stock of Books suitable for Day and Sunday School Rewards, which he is determined to supply at the very lowest prioe ; alao, a large variety of Sunday Schoo Reward Cards. ~VT EW SERIALS. Girls' Own Paper, 1881 8/6 Boys' Own Paper, 1881 8/6 Young England, 1881 8/6 Union Jack, 1881 8/8 The above four books are large 4to volumes, handsomely bound, and contain very interesting and instructive reading for boya and girls. Housbhold Words, Division 1 ... 2/(Edited by Charles Dickens). JOHN WATT, Willis-street. /CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CARDS. A Packet containing 24 Christmas and New Year Cards posted to any address for Is 3d A Packet containing a large assortment of Coloured Scraps sent by post for Is 3d Note. — J. Watt's is the cheapest house in town for Christmas and New Year Cards, also for Scraps, Scrap and Photographic Albums. A splendid selection of PRIZE, CHRISTMAS, AND NEW YEAR CARDS, WONDERFULLY CHEAP. DAIRY FARMING, being the theory, practice, and methods of Dairying, by Sheldon, 36s Dicks Encyclopedia of Practical Receipts and Procoßses, 25s The Fruit Manual, by Robert Hogg, 12s 6d Johnson' 3 Gardeners' Dictionary, 7s 6d Church Services, Prayer Books, Hymnß Ancient and Modern, Presbyterian Hymn Books, Wesley's Hymns. All the above Hymn Books, with and without music, in plain and elaborate bindings, JOHN WATT, Willis-street. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. THE Promoters of a Company, to be called "The New Zealand Tobaoco Growing Company," are desirous of communicating with Farmers and others willing to grow the Tobacco Plant*. The genuine Havana and American seed and all necessary information can be obtained at the Company's office, Panama Chambers. AUGUST VOLLBRACHT ON r SALF. Custom HouseForniß. Evening Pief oflS.-o.

jS^fc^* 1->F.N'INSULAK A ORIENTAL SESsS^ I STEAM NAVIGATION CO Tho company's st.-^m-'h'; 1"'1 "' ''i-tlt "^r'rruv ith the Victorian (1.-n'- w "Tn"v.t for tho ntiByi*nce of H.M. mul-t vr>tl b^ d"^'/'"-''''^''^ 3 under, from tho Wi'liam^tonrn IHskyitd ier, callmg off G'otiolk nit 3 a* Ki:3g Owrse'n onnd : — Name of T ( a^e of Salline. Steamship. ; j ioME I 5100 I 2\*t December j_ t_ - mA thenceforward every altorn-Ut' we«V. 'irst-olass fare from Wellington, via Sydney or Melbourne, to Southampton «7l> leocsd-clasa do, do, 6n -0-Vi "iret-olasa fare from Weli'iurton to Brindisi of Yer.ica ... ... .. -£"4 lecond-cIaRS do, do, do .£l9 Steamers lcavo Wellington to connect with ha above. Passengers booked by, and evary informa* ion obtained from JOHNSTON & CO., Agents. ¦q^ -V i~^ EORGE R. STEVENS A Co.'v UJLJ>*jr MONTHLY LINK OP to HONG KONO ?OR FREEMANTLE, JAVA, SINGAPORE AND HONG KONG, via MELBOURNE AND ADELAIDE. Pho s.s. OCEAN 1039 Tons Registor, about 25th DECEMBER. For freight or passage apply to the agents LEVIN A CO. WOOL SEASON. NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY'S LINE. Hkad l^ul!S^s% London Office HM3 Bbanch Christohorch fliTS^tfc^ 8i Bißn0 P>N.Z. l\ — fedi -*>^ « ato • Btreoi. SECOND WOOL SHIP FOR LONDON DIRECT, SAILING END DECEMBER. xji^ rpHE splendid iron CUppor Ship «S£9sS£w P I A X 0 100A1, 1075 tons register' W. B. Bow. Commander. This magnificent vessel, bnilt specially for tho New Zealand passenger trade, Una-, » Bplendid saloon, and her state cabins are,superbly fitted and provided with overy requisite for the ottmfort of passengero. A limited number of second and third-olass passengers will be taken, who will have* superior accommodation provided for them. The dietary Boale is most liberal. Cargo now being received at the Queen's Wharf. To be followed by the Company's Ship ORARI, 1050 tons. For freight or passage, apply at tho offioe of the Company, Custom llouße Quay. PASSENGER LINE OF PACKETS. FOR LONDON DIRECT. SAILING IN DECEMBER. , N £tjfev ra^HE Magnificent Iron Clipper v'jSßaK •¦- Ship PLEIONE, 1092 Toas Register, Cms. H. Rentaut, Commander. Cargo is now being rnccived for the abora ship. The accommodation for passengers is unequalled. For freight and passage apply to" E. PEARCE, W. & G. TURNBULL & CO., KRULL & CO., MURRAY, ROBERTS A CO., Or to LEVIN A CO., Agents. WANGANUI COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. THE Trusteoa of the above School are. about to erect a spacious house for th» accommodation of Boarders, which is expected to be ready for occupation at tho beginning of tho Now Year. Tho Claasrooins, built about throe yoara ago, are largo and lofty. Tho situation of the School is very good. It stands in a rosorve of about six aore», forming an excellent criokot field and play-around. The Rev. B. W. Harvey, M. A., Inoumbenli of St. Paul's, Wellington, haa boen appointod to the office of Head Master, and will enter on hia duties in January next. Mr. Harvey was a Scholar of St. John's Colloge, Cambridge, and has had largo aud varied experience as a teacher. The course of inetruction will embrace Religious Knowledge tha English, French, German, Latin, and Greek language?, History, Geography, and Mathematics, with special preparation, where desired, for tho Civil Service and other examinations. Facilities will also bo given for tho study of Natural Science. Tho School Year will be divided into Three Terms of 13 woeks each. Tuition Foes, for pupils under 12 years of age, 3 guineas ; and for pupils ovur 12 years, 4 guineas a term. Board, including washing, £14 a term. SCHOLARSHIPS. The Trustees propose to elect six scholars who will receive free tuition, two of whom, if resident at a distanoe, the Head Master will be prepared to receive as boarders at the rate of £7 a term. The first election will take place in December next. Examination will be held, if necessary, in Wellington, Grey town, and Patea, as well as Wanganui. Candidates must be under 12 years of age at the time of examination. For subjeots ef examination, and farther particulars, apply to THE REV. B. W. HARVEY, St. Paul'B Parsonage, Wellington. DAVIS \TE RTICAL FEED SEWING V MACHINE Was awardod tho only First Prizes for Family Sewing Machines at the Sydney and Melbourne International Exhibitions, 1879, 1880, 1881, over all other Sewing Machines. Skkino is Believing. Comb Onb! Cohk All! MACHINES SHOWN WITH PLEASURE. Samples of work given away. Fu.l instructions gratis, and a liberal time payment system. Every Machine guaranteed. We will show the Machine in operation making up samples of the following list of work, which the "Da via" does without TACKING : — Bind dress goods with tho same material, either Bcallops, points, squares, or straight. It will put on skirt braid and sew on facing at one operation, without Bhowing the stitches. Make Frenoh folds and sew on at the same time. Make milliners' folds with different oolors and pieces of goods at one operation, and sow on at the same time. It will gather between two pieces and sew on at the same time. It will cover the cord and sow it in between edgeß at the same time. It puffs. It will do felling, bias, or straight, leather on ootton or woollen goods. It sewfl from lace to leather without ohanging stitch or tension. For tucking, cording, braiding quilting, ruffling, fringing, embroidering, shoe fitting, tailoring, dressmaking, ana family use, it has no equal. It will make wide and narrow hems, horn all manner of bias woollon goods, as soft merino, crape, or goods difficult to hem on other machines. It will fold hems with cords enclosed, and stitch them down at one operation. It makes a more elastic stitch than any other machine. It will sew over uneven surfaces as well as plain. It will gather without sewing on. It will gather and sow on at the same time. It will gather between two bands, showing the stitches on the right side at one operation. Purchasers will be instructed to do all tho above work. H. C. FISKF, A CO., Chrietchurch, Sole Agents for New Zealand. ROBERT HOLLIDAY, Lambtou Quay, Agent for Wellington. WILL CLOSE 18th FEBRUARY. pvUNEDIN CONSULTATION. 10,000 Members at 10s. Each. 38 Performers, 27 Performers, Dunedin Cop. Publicans' H'caf. First £1000 First .£250 Second ... 500 Second 125 Third 200 Third 80 Othera (dived) 700 Others (diT'ed) 270' .£2IOO £725 38 Performers. 21 Performers. J. C. Handicap. City Stakib. First £500 First JS2SO Second ... 250 »econd 125 Third 100 Third 80 Others (dived) 350 Others (dived) 220 .£I2OO £675 " By Letter only," with two stamps enclosed for replies. Please send P.O. Orders, Bank Notes, or Cheques — with 1/ exchange added ; but under no circumstances will Registered Letters be accepted, and Address — ADA MANTUA, Care of Mr. Abraham, Box 351, Poßt Office, Dunkdik. Four first amount to £2000*) Each of which Four second „ „ £1000 > can b» won with Four third „ „ £460 J one ticket.

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Evening Post, Volume XXII, Issue 139, 13 December 1881, Page 3

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"BOYCOTTING" A BRIDE. Evening Post, Volume XXII, Issue 139, 13 December 1881, Page 3

"BOYCOTTING" A BRIDE. Evening Post, Volume XXII, Issue 139, 13 December 1881, Page 3


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