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Careful enquiries relative to the report contained in a Press Association telegram received by ua on Saturday, to the effect that the Maoris had re-commenced "political ploughing" on the West Coast, prove the
whole tale to be a mere canard. Telegrams were Eent to various parts af the Weßt Coast requesting the fullest information on the subject, and all the answers agree in reporting native matters aa being in a state of the moat profound quiet, and not tho slightest symptoms existing of any inclination to resume illegal ploughing or fencing.
It ia the intention of the Government to release another batch of Maori prisoners this week from the Lyttelton Gaol, Probably from 80 to 100 natives .will be set at liberty. They will be conveyed by the Hinemoa to Taranaki. The Hon. Native Minister returned to Wellington yesterday, after a lengthened tonr in the North Island on business connected with the Native and Lands Departments. His expedition has been a very satisfactory one, eliciting the fact that native matters generally are in a very quiet and favorable condition. Messrs. T. J. M'Carthy and E. Baker, 'J.P.'a. occupied the Bench at the Eesident Magistrate's Court this morning. Peter Robertson, who was brought up on two separate charges of drunkenness, was fined 15s; and James M'Douj?all, alias Joseph Hart, in whose possession was founda shirt about which he was unable to furnish the police a satisfactory account, was remanded till Wednesday on a charge of having stolen the shirt. Henry Davis was again brought tip for desertion from H M.S. Alacrity at Auckland in January last, and was again remanded for a week, in consequence of the non-arrival in this port of H.M.S. Wolverene, which is shortly expected. The opening for traffic of the Courtenay Place tramway extension takes place tomorrow morning, and a time-table is advertised elsewhere. The tram s will run between Cambridge Terrace and Government Buildings, and will alternate with the ordinary trams from Newtown, so as to furnish a ten minutes'' service each way for the central portion of the town, in lieu of twenty minutes, as heretofore. They will be drawn by horses, which, we are informed, are of quiet habits and thoroughly equal to the work, having been specially selected for this service. The extension will form a great convenience, and is sure to be well patronised. Yesterday, being Easter Day, the great Christian Festival of the year ; held in commemoration of the Saviour's "resurrection, the Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches in this city were beautifully decorated with flowers, evergreens, &c, and the services were of an appropriately festal character. At St. Paul's, Thorndon, the Biahop of Wellington preached in the morning, and the Eev. B. W. Harvey in the evening. At St. Peter'B, Te Aro, Archdeacon Stock preached in the morning, and the Bißhop in the evening. Both morning and evening services were choral, and there were two celebrations of the Holy Communion. At St. Mary's Eoman Catholic Cathedral, Pontifical High Mass was celebrated by Bishop Eedwood, who also preached at Vespers. The usual procession took place. Similar services were held at St. Mary's Church, Boulcott-street. At the Wesloyan Churches the sermons bore reference to the event commemorated by the Eaßter festival. The number of patients in the Lunatic Asylnm on Saturday last comprised 76 males and 57 females — total, 133. The Wellington correspondent of the New Zealand Herald hears that private letters received from Sir Julius Vogel indicate the probability of his coming out shortly to pre«a hia claims against .the colony for remuneration on account of services in raising the last loan, but that there is not the remotest prospe'ot of his remaining in the colony, or re-entering New Zealand politics. On Saturday evening at about half-past ten as Mr. David Dalgetty, an old settler, was riding home from Carterton, he fe'l or waa thrown from his horse. After being brought back to Ray's Hotel, Taratahi, he was found to be insensible, and Dr. Watts attended, but gave no hopes of recovery. Yesterday morning at about 11 o'clock Dalgetty died, not having recovered oonscionsness. An inquest was fixed to be held to-day. Mr. Walter Reynolds and hi s new company opened at the Academy of Music on Saturday night with a dramatised version of " Oliver Twist." It; has long been a matter of comment that Dickens's works do not dramatise well, and Oliver Twist is no exception to the rule. The play on Saturday night excited but a languid interest among the somewhat thin audience. Mr. Walter Reynolds took the part of the old Jew, Fagin. It was evident that he had given the part considerable attention, and he brought out the repulsive traits in the old miscreant's character with considerable effect. The scene in the condemned cell was a powerful piece of acting. The brutality of Bill Sykes lost nothing at the hands of Mr Charles Hall, and Miss De Glorian's Nancy Sykes, although somewhat uneven, exhibited considerable power in certain passages. Mr. Harry Power took the dual parts of Mr. Bumble and the Artful Dodger. The former he had evidently studied but imperfectly, and the " porochial" love-scene between the beadle and Mrs. Corney waa not by any means given due effeot to. Mr. Power was a little more successful as the " Artful." Miss Lena Wyatt deserves a word of praise for the quiet, natural way in which she performed the part of Oliver Twist. A little more vigor, in some passages where it was required, would have been an improvement. To-night a double holiday programme, consisting of " The Corsican Brothers" and "Dick Turpin" will be preseeted. The a.a. Moa and steam-launchl W aiwera took excursionists to Lowry Bay to-day, and were crowded with passengers. The weather was tolerably fine in tho morning, but waa dull and inclined to be wet in the afternoon. A plain and fancy dress ball will be held at the Forester's Hall, Tory-street, to-night. The Juvenile Pinafore Troupe, which, according to the southern papers, has been delighting crowded audiences in Dnnedin, Christchurch and elsewhere, may be expected in Wellington three weeks hence, under engagement, we understand, to Mr. Walter Reynolds. The neceasary scenery has already been painted by Mr. J. S. Willia. A change has been made in the editorship of the Tablet. We learn from a correspondent at the Upper Hutt that a Mormon elder visited that village on Good Friday, and invited the residents to hear an address at the old school-house He failed to get an audience however, and mournfully took hia departure for the Wairarapa, in the hope of meeting with a more sympathetic reception. At the Palmeraton Police Court on Friday, before Mr. Ward, R.M., Joseph Hall and Christina Goodrum, father and daughter, were charged with the wilful murder of the female infant child of the said Christina Goodrum. Inspector James prosecuted, and Mr. Perkins appeared for the female prisoner, and Mr. Hawkins defended the male prisoner. Evidence waa given to show that the child waa born on the 21at February; also, that while the female prisoner was pregnanc, Hall made a very damaging admission to a neighbour, named Mrs. Oaborne, to whom he spoke on the subject. Mrs. Miller, a married woman living at Oroua, said that about the end of March hist prisoner came to her place. She asked him if his daughter had got over her trouble, and he replied — "Yes, she has a fine girl, and it is put out to nurse near Palmerston." Robert Walker, a veterinary surgeon living at Bnnnythorpe, deposed that about four months ago the prisoner Hall asked him for some medicine to procure abortion. Witness refused, but on being asked again two days afterwards gave him a prescription. It was only a simple medicine to open the bowels, however, and not for the purpose required by the prisoner. Robert North Xeiling, registrar of births and deaths for the district of Palmerston North, said that Hall came to him and wanted to register the death of a stillborn child. Witneea said, " If the child is stillborn, you need not have it registered." Prisoner then asked, " What about the burial ?" and witness told him it could not be buried in a cemetery without a doctor' a certificate that it waa stillborn. Mary Hall, aged 11 years, daughter of the female prisoner, gave evidence tending to disclose immorality on the part of the prisoners. The case was ultimately adjourned. Mr. Walter Reynolds requests us to saj that the statement about Mr. J. S. Willis having been engaged to paint the scenery for " TheDanites" is incorrect, this scenic artist being under his special engagement. An inquest was held recently at the Auckland Provincial Hospital, by Dr. Philson, Coroner, on the body of Charles Wegelieben, who waa found dead in the Domain on Monday forenoon, having shot himself with a revolver through the head. The evidence showed that though the deceased was not in a state of destitution, he had got to the end of his funds, waa not well enough to undertake laborious work in connection with his trade as a tanner, and had been suffering for years from a complaint which had made his life a burden to him, though the numerous medical prescriptions found in his purse from medical men in New York, San Francisco, and Auckland, showed that he had spared no pains to obtain relief. Theae circumstances told on hi 3 mind, and produced a depression of spirits, which is very well illustrated in the statement of his hospital comrade, Christian Bohm, and in his own note written before committing the fatal act. The jury returned a verdict to the effeot that the deceased committed anicide whilst in a state of temporary insanity. One of the jurymen out of the fourteen empannelled declined to agree to the verdict, being in favor of a verdict oifelod&se, but, as the legal number had agreed, hia oonsent was dispensed with.
A cable message informs us of the death of a nephew of the great Napoleon— Prince Pierre Napoleon Bonaparte. The deceased was born at Rome on 12th September, 1815 —within three months of the battle of Waterloo. Hia lif« has been one continual record of adventure and violence. At an early age he was, on account of his liirbulent Conduct, ordered by Pope Gregory XVI to quit the States of the Church. He resisted the oHer, and when an attempt was made to enforce it, he resisted, killing the leader of the force of police sent against him, and wounding two others. He was himself wonnded and captured, and waa confimad for a short time in the fort of St. Angelo. Next he visited America, England, Corfu, and Greece. On account of a murderoua fray, in which he waa engaged in Albania, the English Government ordered him to quit the Hellenic dominions. He then came to London, and on the outbreak of the Revolution of 1848, hastened to Pana, where he obtained tho rank of Chef de Bataillon, and a seat in the Constituent Assembly. His extreme democratic opinions and violent feelings then appeared to become more Btrongly developed than ever. Ij I . l^ he went to Algeria, where he was cashiered for insubordination, and on his return to Paria fought a duel with a journalist who had commented freely on hia conduct. With the restoration of the b'mpire, in 1851, he obtained the rank of Prince and Highneaa. From this time he lived in retirement at his country houae at Antehil, near Paris, andlittle was heard of him till 10th January, 1871, when he shot a journalist named Victor Noir, and attempted to shoot Uhic Fonvielle in the course of an interview held for 'she purpose of arranging a duel between him and Pasoal Grousset, who had described the Prince as a renegade Republican and a brutal Coraioan, capable of any act of violence. He was tried for the murder of Victor Noir, but acquitted, the Court, however, ordering him to pay ,£IOOO by way of compensation to the deceased man's father and mother. The Prince waß married to Mademoiselle Rifflin at Brussels, 11th November, 1871. This marriage waa the legitimation of a union contracted many yeara previously, but which was disapproved by Napoleon, who, by virtue of the laws of the Empire, declared the ceremony null and void. After the battle of Sedan, the Prince withdrew to Belgium, and in 1872 Mb wife, the PrinceßS Pierre Bonaparte, opened a milliner's shop in Bond-street, London, but the enterprise proved a failure. The deceased Prince has left two children, isßue of the marriage. The remains of the late Mr. A. D. Cowan, we learn from the local paper, were interred in the Maaterton Cemetery on Thurßday afternoon. According to hia wish, expressed before his death, he was interred with Masonic honors, no other service being read over his grave. The brethren of the Thistle Lodge, 647, S.C , of which the deceased brother was the 1.P.M., assembled at the Masonic Hall of the Masterton Lodge, 1430, E.C., where the coffin waa ljing, and after the ceremonies inaido the lodge-room hod been performed, a proossaion waa formed, conaiating of about aixty of the fraternity, who marched in full regalia to the grave, where the beautiful Masonic service was rendered in a moat impreasive manner by Bro. the Rev. W. E. Paige, P.D.G. chaplain (Canterbury). The coffin was borne to the grave by Bro. T. E. Price, W.M. Thistle Lodge, Bro. J. M. Girdlestone, W.M. Masterton Lodge, Bro. R. V. Smith, W.M. St. John's Lodge, Featherston, and Bro. A. Bish, I.P.M. Masterton Lodge. At the conclusion of the service a funeral hymn waß sung by the brethren, after which the procession re-formed and marched back to the lodge room. The Minister of Education in Victoria iB evidently somewhat of an " original." Not long ago, it being considered advisable to appoint a married teacher to a certain country school, he gave notice to the gentleman who held the position, that he would have to get married before a certain date, or be removed. The unfortunate teacher, thus rnthlessly placed between prospective want and matrimony, endeavoured to oboy the orders of his chief, and made strenuous exertions to induce some eligible female to share his lot. Sad to relate nobody would listen to him, and the fated day arriving, he was forced to acknowledge his ill-fortune, and was accordingly removed from hia position. The Duke of Manchester (according to the European Mail) is shortly to deposit his valuable collection of family papera in the Public Record Office, for use and consultation by historical students. Tho papera are at preaent in the custody of the Commiaaionera on Hiatorical MSS., to whom Mr. L. O. Pike, of the Record Office, haß made an exhaustive report on the contents of the documents, which will be printed iv the forthcoming Eighth Report of the Commission. Some naughty boys, who had been turned out of a Wesleyan soirds at Oamaru, avenged themselves by sprinkling cayenne pepper on wadding and Betting fire to it in the hall. The result was that the building waß soon cleared. Tne Oamaru Mail, commenting on the occurrence, saya :—": — " It was a cruel joke, and we hope that the perpetrators felt abjectly ashamed of themselves aa they saw the audienoe, consisting of old aa well aa young people, suffering from the moat distressing paroxysms, and ultimately driven to the Wesleyan Church. An asthmatio lady, who is in exceedingly delicate health, was almost suffocated, and scarcely had sufficient strength remaining to enabla her to leave the hall." A company has been formed at Home for the manufacture of Phormium tenax in Portugal. The plant ia said to grow luxuriously and spontaneously in the whole of the Azores group of islands, and an almost unlimited quantity can always be obtained, the long thin part of the leaf being up ed for the manufacture of cordage, and the thicker portions of the stalk being converted into pulp for paper-making, and it is estimated that the fibre, which is worth per ton in London, and the pulp £20, can bo manufactured and delivered there free of all chargea at a mean price of £17 per ton. It ia suggested that the supply of eaparto grasa is gradually being exhausted, and that by-and-by thiß will become an important branch of trade, situate, as the scene of production is, within five days' steam of England. The European Mail points out that the Phormium tenax is even more prolific in New Zealand than in the Azores, and suggests that some English capitalists paying a visit to the colony, with a view to bring the industry to profitable account. The Appellate Court in Paris has just quashed a sentenoe of three months' imprisonment for indecency, { passed on a man named Didier, it being proved that the defendant was a somnambulist, and irresponsible in that state for his acts. A doctor sent him to seep in an ante-chamber of tho Court by aimply looking fixedly at him, and then, retiring to a distance, pronounced hia name, whereupon Didier ruahed towarda him, despite the efforta of the turnkeys to prevent him. In the presence of the Judges, moreover, he wrote a letter, with hiß eyes shut, from dictation, and a large needle was stuck into hia neck without hia betraying any signs of sensibility. A fit of somnambulism, it waa stated, sometimes comes on him while walking out of doors, and when in a hospital he was observed copying music, having no recollection of it on awaking. The doctors there also noticed his automatic submission. The Court accordingly ruled that he waa not morally or legally responsible for hiß actions. Home papers contain particulars of the ratification by the Canadian Parliament of the contract entered into between the Dominion Government and a syndicate of English, French, and American capitalists for the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway. The significance of this intelligence is, perhaps, hardly sufficiently realised in England. To Australia and New Zealand the new railway will mean nothing short of a revolution in thoir export trade. By tho projected line it will be possible to carry dispatches from London to Esquimalt, the naval station on the Pacific, in 13 or 14 days, and New Zealand will be reached in less time than it has ever been yet.
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Evening Post, Volume XXI, Issue 89, 18 April 1881, Page 2
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3,062THE ALLEGED MAORI PLOUGHING Evening Post, Volume XXI, Issue 89, 18 April 1881, Page 2
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THE ALLEGED MAORI PLOUGHING Evening Post, Volume XXI, Issue 89, 18 April 1881, Page 2
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