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WILLIAM DAWSON & CO., IRON MERCHANTS AND IRONMONGERS, IMPORTERS OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Have now on view in their various Show Rooms a Large and Well-selected Stock, comprising — MARBLE AND ENAMELLED SLATE MANTLE PIECES, MINTON'S PATENT TILES, STOVES, AND REGISTER GRATES) CLOSE FIRE RANGES AND GAS STOVES, FENDERS AND FIREIRONS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY (from the most celebrated makers), CULINARY UTENSILS, BRUSHWARE, BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS, ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS— TEA AND COFFEE SERVICES, SALVERS, CRUET AND PICKLE FRAMES, CAKE BASKETS, BISCUIT BOXES, ENTiIEE DISHES, TEA, DESSERT, TABLE SPOONS, AND FORKS, &c. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF KEROSENE LAMPS (in Silber's, Dietz's, and Rowatt's Patents), CONTRACTORS', CARPENTERS', AND CABINETMAKERS' IRONMONGERY, GASFITTINGS, consisting of ' GASALIERS, BRACKETS, AND HALL LAMPS— Crystal, Bronzed, and Ormolu WILLIAM DAWSON & CO. * Warehouse, Show Rooms, and Implement Yard, Featherston-street, Wellington. ,OMB WUUTTLE BBWlNft MACHINE. mHEQOLDEN FLEECE HOTEL, i PAKUSATAHI, Tills Machine, lor family use and light mans- Is a large commodious house capable of acfacturing purposes, ' commodatlnff forty persons comfortably. Is I* supuiofc to aict othbk HACHivi, beautifully situated at the foot of the hill, And ior all practical working expenses, Rimutaka, thirty miles from the Empire city, SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH, & BEAUTY, and at present the terminus on the Wellington it Is unapproached by any other Machine and Masterton Railway, offers every conveinvented. nience to visitors. This establishment is under It is con»tructed on sound mechanical prm- the personal superintendence of the proprietor. ciples, tbe result of the efforts of the most whose long experience ofiera a substantial talented inventors in America, r 'tending over guarantee that his patrons will be properly a long aeries of years. ' attended to. The inducements this hotel offers it will Hem, Fell, Bind, Cord, Braid, to those who wish to spend a few hours of Seam, Tuck, Ruffle, Hemstitch. Gather. - sweet repose from the cares of a busy life, is And Sew on at the same time, and will second to none hi the (Jolony. • Work equally well on Silk, Linen, Woollen, The scenery is grand, the bush magnificent, ana Cotton Goods, with Silk, Linen, and abound with all the choicest ferns. The or Cotton .Thread. - sooting (hi season) is first-rate— hundreds visit ciuplb, compact, BFtficißKT, Duiiiki. it. To bathers: a rare opportunity for every and compibtb. one who is anxious to indulge, in a luxury that Equally Good for Fine or .Heavy Work. every white man considers a blessing, ablution IT IS A TBIOMPH OF MECHASICA gratia. , GENIUS. Visitors will be able to leave Wellington In Tho only Practical Low-Priced Lock-SUtob the morning and return in the evening. (See 1 ' " Sewing Machine ever invented. time table). *• . Each Machine is sent out, threaded, Tetdy foi A Coach will be running to meeta every ' : operation, and the directions are so complete train, at a very moderate fare. Stable ccomthat any one can run it successfully. - ; modation for seventy horses. Good secure JACOB JOSEPH & CO., paddocks. Bol* Agents for Wellington and neighboring Wines, Spirits, Ales, &c, of the very best Provinces. . brands only. '. — All kinds of games indulged to. Rifle and CAOTIOJT TO THE PUBLIC. Carblne prac tice. * „ a W. H. MONTGOMERY, THE deplorable effects which hays followed - Proprietor, the use ofvfle compounds, sold under tiie ftTTanl^ t nw WAT »^ — aOTgT name of " Schnapps," should prove caution PfiINOErOF WA LBB HOTEL. W the public to purchMe only that bearing ti» MASTERTON.,name of "UD6IPHO WOLFE," to which ' four thousand physicians have certified iU ex- j, E . THOMFSON, cellence and purity over all other stimulants. Pbofbhiob. "UDOLPHO WOLFED SCHNAPPS" > hv LJ* m jfu qila ? tor * of ™ ?^ ry l^ for S J i? 8 HAVING made considerable improvepublic, and its sale steadily increasing-, whil* , H . • ,< . * HUNDKBDS OP III ITATIOITS ** "T^ . , " . "" '. • i., . have appeared and disappeared, leaving only «"«nta and enlargements to \ho abov« ruin and disgrace to all connected with them. The public should no> longer be duped by in- Hotel, the Proprietor la now in a position lurious, cheap, fiery compounds with forged certificates, manufactured in the colony. to offer accommodation equal, if not supe- j To protect consumers against imitatiohs of I J ! [ATIC ri ° r ' *° "^ *° *" ta tbe Provlnoe ' SuheSSS y bu?Sy ttrChß8 * WtOPr °" WU!m ' SPLRITST^MALT LIQUORS Om«iwALUKOPB«BDBoTTLBsoaCA»BB, OF THE BEST BRANDS ALWAYS ' and thus secure the full advantages of this ON HAND. EXTBAOHDISAmT MBDICAI BBVBKAOB. — Z, * ,-. . „ ~ Tb* Proprietor has also obtained • first. DO.LX Ati-KJNTa . .' ,j ' 7 7.', , For Wollfa ton and neighbor!"*. Provmcw. Made expressly to. order, and whioh ho can WAIBARAPA STEAM BISCUIT AND confidently guarantee as ono of the best in BREAD MANUFACTORY^ _ ' ' Main Stbbbt, Gkb?towx: Wairarapa. D WATSON/ Fancy Bread and Biscuit GOOD STABLING AND PADDOCKS. . Baker and .Confectioner, having recently ~ ' ' ' — ~— — ' erected a large tiven and added to his plant the n F. F v > «? h* ntn t k t latest improved machinery for the manufacture (j v fi Bfl s n v.* js J* f of bread and biscuits, begs to inform Hs *%/ T .„____ OnAT w BITT1 ,aTn* customers that he ia now prepared to execute „, Lambtom Qpat, WgLLinwoy. order* to any extent. pjrsUclass,* Accommodation for Visitors. PUBLIC NOTICE. . _„,„.,„ „ Hot and Cold - ' rriHOMAS M'ARTHY, of Masterton, be^ . „ . X to inform the public that he has opened PLUNGE akd SHOWER BATHS, branch Livery Stables In rear of Shirley,'* . ¦ . ' Hotel, Featherston. . • - Billiard Room.. Good Buggies and Saddle Horses always - „ • . •;.-¦> ready for hire. JOHN ROBERTSON, Telegrams from town, ordering buggies or r . : ¦ horsosto be ready at » fixed tune, carefully , , Proprietor: attended to. 1 ' ~ FAMILY HOTEL, . LOWBB HUTT. LA GRANDE MARQUE BRANDY A/fRS. A. M'MILLAN (late of the Army is now reeogniied as the purest and best in IVX and Navy and Prince of Wales Hotels, Wellington) begs te inform her Friends and the the market. Public generally that she has leased the Family Hotel, where she will be pleased to see her old patrons The Family Hotel -has just ~ — ; ¦..-,-> it v tt<->t tia undergone a complete renovation, no expense /» f," J jii ii-i nVS ? ? having been spared to make it the, most com(From Davis and Holhs', Oxford-street, f ortab le house in the district. Excellent pnBK nnTrnußSANn pottttrhprs accommodation for boarders. Suites of apartPOBK BUTCHERS AND POULTBKJiKB, ments f or ftmUies m d private parties. Manners-street, Wellington. gample rooroß hmrd Toomt good BtaWlßg> J*wTk xi t> uTvTTia *i, A and all necessary convenience. ?' PSH^J** %?&£"¦ ?* Wines.'spirits, &c.» all of the best brands. • inhabitants of Wellington that they in- !_i '. 1 : tend openmg a Pork Butcher's and Poulterer's THE OLDEST HO USE IN THE DISTRICT Establishment in Manners-street (next door to ¦ is thb Mr. Campbell's), and trust that by strict atton- T> AILWAY HOTEL, MASTERTON. tion to business, and keeping the best quality it only, to morit a fair share of support. A dry Skittle-alley is attached to the premises. Ft -a aw nti a c FrTvnwonv First-class accommodation for boarders and IRS T-C LASS LOfiCoEOfl gio travelling public ; and a hearty welcome to all. at thb Good stabling, loose boxes, and secure paddocks. ' ¦ QUEEN'S : THOMAB LOWES, Vroprintor. Daily, fromjl2 tiil 2 p.m. VICTORIA — HOTEL, HOT axb COLD JOINTS, _.LBX a"d?J?M ACFaSIaHB, SOUPS, fa. f is. 6d. Proprietor. fn w iff H rTnv ft t<? n w mHE above Hotel having undergone extenJOHN ROBJSKI&OW J_ sive alterations and additions, ia now equal to any in the city, and visitors will find pbopribtor. everything that can be desired for their com- , fort. TAFNER'S TEMJ^RA^HOTEL AND only COBA-STRBBT, WELLINGTON, N.Z. kep< in "*"*• . . (JLUB HOTEL, MASTBHTOA, mHE above Hotel and Restaurant has ' . WAIRARAPA. X every convenience for Private Families, — — Boarders, and Commercial Gentlemen; having Mka. G&ahau, Proprietress, urge and well-ventilated rooms, with spa- —— cious Dining and Drawing Rooms. Tourists fTIHIS Hotel offers superior accommodation and Wedding Parties will find this unequalled X to Settlers, Travellers, and Private by any hotel in the district. Families. Families and gentlemen favoring the proprietor with their patronago may rely upon BATHS. SAMPLB ROOMS. obtaining every home comfort, combined with _~ cleanliness, civility, and moderate chaVge*. or Btabla« and well-erassed Paddocks. Ordinary daily at 1 p.m., and luncheon at any post „ppin? hatr! hour. A conveyance from the Hotel will POST °FFILi. HOTEL, attend all steamers and trains. , mart i n . i~»T~Li » ji_ j N .8.-Hot and cold baths. T HE ab °™ H °td having changed hands, r- ta nvnn iw^, *¦ , h&8 ontocly replenished with a new C. TAFNER, Proprietor, stock of the best brands of Wines, Ales and f ate Chief Steward Government s.s. ,-tolla spirits. The proprietor will use every eideaSTAR AND^GARTER HOTEL, "^^ftj^^'Sg"™*' Cuba and Wbbb Stbbbts. w - r - oV£R p^ l J| mHOMAS URWlT"begs to inform his One of Alcock's Tables. X friends and the public that he has leased X A R O R I HOTEL, this splendid new Hotel, which is situated in Tinakori Road. one of the bast parts of the city, and has boon furnished as a FAMILY HOTBL, regardless T HINGE, of expense, and in a manner unequalled in t) • Pbopribtbess. Wellington. THE CHOICEST BRANDS First-class Accommodation for Boarders and Of all descriptions of Liquors have been laid in Country Visitors. stock, and Mr. Urwin confidently appeals to tho publi'* to test the capabilities and con- Good Stabmno. veniecccs of tbia splendid new house. mH E RAILWAY HOTEL, T> A N A M A HOTEL. X lower hott. Mr. H.J.WILUAMis late of the National N.VALENTINE Pkopribtob. Hotel, begs to inform his numerous friends _ ~~ and the general public that, having purchased Th ? most pleasant rule ny road or rail from the above well-known Hotel, he will be very Wellio*ton. Unsurpassed accommodation, #lad to see thon there nt a'l time*. und everything of the test The Hove « specially, adapted for Travel- BANK HOTEL, MANNERS STREET, lers and Boarders Alfred Wakeford, proprietor. A first-daw Thurston's Billiard Tabla en a W. wishos to inform the public generally tho premises. ±\^ m that the only Booking Office for Cobb PROVINCIAL HOTBL, UPPER HUTT » u d Co.'s Coaches for the West Coast is in the » above-named hotel, where every convenience WALTER BrSFIOP (late C.T.) has much for Travellers will he found. pleasure in announcing that he his MELBOURNE HOTELS entered into possession of the abovo hotel, and promises that nil who favor him with their ]V/fR. JNO. OWEN (late of tho Clarendon, patronage will re«-ire every possible attention IYJL Palmer*ton Worth), having purchased at his hands— romfort, cleanliness, and civility, the above well-known Hotel, begs to inform boiaar bis motto. Excellent bedroom accom- the public that it is his intentiou to supply the modation. A firet-ckss table is kept, end the best liguours of all kinds, and to afford all the wines, spirit, &c, a-e «11 of the test brands, comfort and accommodation that can be had Go-jd stabling aud paddocks. ' in a first-class hotel.

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume XVI, Issue 211, 5 September 1878, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XVI, Issue 211, 5 September 1878, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XVI, Issue 211, 5 September 1878, Page 1


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