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Evening Post. MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1874,
If we way judge from, the contents of our contetnporary'3 leading columns this morning, Mr Vogel's mission to England is to put the world generally to rights. At least, this is all we are able to deduce from the extraordinary way in which Russia, Britain, Prussia, Disraeli, Bismarck, Sir Donald McLean, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Polynesia, America, Honolulu, Independent Tartary, Turkestan, British India, Affghaniatan, Beloochiatan, Bokhara, Khiva, Khdkand, Bombay; Madras, Calcutta, Canton, Scbleswig, Holstein, Denmark, Germany, Austria, and New Zealand are all jumbled up - together. It is just Within the bounds of possibility | that the ' writer had some object in viewy bub unfortunately he has failed to matte it apparent to readers, unless, as we say, it was to show that Mr Vogel and Sir Donald M'Leftn ' are quite thrown away here, and would only be in their proper position if governing the world. As a step towards annexing the rest of the globe to New Zealand, Mr Vbgel is it seems going to try' and float his South Sea bubble at home, although' he did not venture to invite discussion oa it in the Parliament of this colony. We expected as mticb, as such a proceeding is quite on a par with Mr Vogel's usual unconstitutional habits.
, A deputation from tlie Hutfc Local Board waited on 'his Honor the Superintendent this afternoon to ask when the Board would be able to obtain its share of the £1,200 voted by the Council for the purpose of snbsidisiog anch Boards, After some ,conversation r 'ifc was explained that the "amount would be divided amongst the Boards as- soon as the Government was in funds* and that it was hoped they would be so after the land sale this month, We regret to have to record a very sad accident which occurred to-day to Mr F. Foster of Manners-street. He was riding along the Ngahauranga road, accompanied by a lady when at one of the sharp turnings he-met Dr Taylor driving into town at a quick pace. One of the shafts of Dr Taylor's trap came into collision with Mr Foster's right leg below the knee, fracturing the bone, and indeed almost severing the limb. Fortunately Dr Taylor was at hand, or else Mr Foster would probably have bled to death. As it was, the unfortunate gentleman was conveyed to his residence in town and Drs Grace and France were quickly in attendance when it was found necessary to amputate the limb. The operation was at once performed. ]< T)fe> meeting ,o£ : the Education Board called .for this morning lapsed, in conse- , queues of the non-attendance of a quorum, the. only members present beside the Secretary being. Messrs Pharazyn and Brandon, No fewer than eighteen items were jefr down on the business sheet as requiring attention, and all, . as a matter of course, had to be postponed, at great general inconvenieneev Those gentlemen who undertake to act, as members of the Board surely might make ifr convenient to attend, its. meetings,.' If they occupy too moob, time; they always can be abbreviated , easily by .doing so much less talking. ' '' A f petition ttfhis Excellency the Governor praying for the; pardon of Alexander Macdonafd has been drawn upv and is now in coarse of signature in Wanganui, , >At the Resident, Magistrate's. Court this morning, no fewer than seven, drunkards ; were dealt with in the customary manner, George Wright, for refusing duty on board the barque William Akers, was committed .for, seven days with hard labor. Henry Jacobean was brought up on remand, charged with committing an assault on board, the 8.8, Tarawa, but as Captain Clark, who laid the information, was unable to ap>pear,(being(on f the high seas about midway bet^en STew Zealand and Australia), and tMe prisoner already had been* in custody for a week,, he was dismissed. There was only' one civil case on the list, | which was adjourned, *- We notice in our shipping column that the name ,o£; the Yen ; Archdeacon Stock appears in the outward passenger list per Alhambra, It is Mr Stock's intention, we 'believe, to visit Melbourne, At' the Koyal !English' : dpera on Saturday I night the attendance r was not, so large as usual, the opera* being in 'inferior one, -Offenbach's extravaganza "Gene vie ve de "Brabant/, T a. q vety ir miserable -production, bojh as J to' music'ana libretto, ' the former 1 being weak and the latter alow and dull to a- degree, utterly devoid of "wifc'or fun, and not to be rendered endurable even by the earnest efforts of tne' executants; Ihe _onlyj>iece of good music inthe whole thing is the pretty interpolated song written by -Mr Allen -himself. To*nigjit r however, a very ' different^ perforimanW will be given, Weber's splendid opera "Der Preischutz" Jbeing announced. This work not only abounds in beautiful music and favorite airs (we. majr instance "Through fhk* fy&kt,*' "Softly 'sighs the voice of evening." and ihe. huntsmen's and bridesmaids' choruses)'/ but "also affords scope for the greatest scenic and spectacular display ever attempted in this colony. The Incantation Scene, with its extraordinary effects, skeletons/ skulls,. -spectres, flaming serpenter thunderbolts, fiery rain, and so forth, in itself would be enough to draw a crowded -.hoose r : even, f without the exceptional attraction of the music. The efforts of our Acclimatisation Society have been very successful in respect of English song birds, Australian magpies, and Californian quail. The familiar songsters of home are now becoming quite plentiful in this neighbourhood, and so are the magpies, a most useful insectiverous bird. They are now pairing, and in various parts of the province the Californian quail are doing likewise. Some mischievous boys have recently been detected shooting magpies, and are, we believe, to be prosecuted. .. It will be seen from an: advertisement in another cblamnthat the Athenasnm library hafifjuafc received an addition, in the shape of 190 works^ from Madie's. ', % - Mr M. Mosley's letter on the subject of "A.Tree" Libra*?" it- unavoidably held over,' ' ' - -' - • A gentleman has offeree! the Marlborough Agricultural Society a special prize of £3 for the best , self T acting gate; fastener- and corresponding hangings, to be given at the April .show. _ 4 '/Augur," in the Australasian of the 26th > ,says:-r Since my return from Sydney I . have- visited ..Fiemiugton > several times, and on .Tuesday, morning ,1 saw a number of; the , horses training in the vicinity, go through their facings. *I saw The Diver and Presto walking over to Wbelan's pad* dock, where I believe they had' several short canters^ Mr Uakin, who is a thorough enthusiast, has both horses. looking .well, and by. the day nothing will strip better than these two/ /The Diver sometimes does his work with Luriifae, md, is is Customary among the best of judges, opinion* *r«
divided respecting the merits of the two, | a majority of tbe trainers averring that tbe New Zealander can give the colt any amount of weight and a beating too 5 bat as Mr Dakin has never allowed the boy to put The Diver at his top, I don't see how the trainers get their line. From this time forth fast work will have to be the order of the day, and should ljurline and The Diver continue to work in company, something like a reliable line may be obtained. Lnrline is a grand mare to follow, and her companion, Calumny, who was down with her, ia not half a bad one to look at. Papapa was reported as in the sick list, and was not on the course. After a short canter, with their clothes on, the two mares were stripped, and Lurline led the chesnnt three times round the hurdles, the former stealing along with beautiful close and even action ; while Calumny, who seems to be troubled in her feet, went like a cat on hot bricks. Ey the sa, fiefo which sailed from Auckland recently for Australia, a numver of experienced men who have been i engaged in mining pursuits at the Thames and Coromandel, took their departure. The Cross learns that swing to the depressed condition of the golrlfields in this province at present, many more of the bone and binew of the country are preparing to leave the above mentioned districts in search of a more remunerative field. The greater portion of those who have left and are preparing to leave contemplate trying their luck at the Palmer diggings. Many of those going away thepiovincecan ill afford to spare. The following are the purposes for which the Auckland Eeform League has been established '.—I. To obtain the abolition of the form of Provincial Government throughout both islands. 2, To secure an appeal to the constituencies before any important constitutional changes are made. 3. To obtain a readjustment of the representation, and reform of the electoral and registration laws. It is stated that the editorial charge of the Home News has, owing to the death of its late editor, devolved on Mr G. A. Sila, Amongst the exports by the s.s. Hero i from Auckland recently was a wedding* cake manufactured by Messrs F. G. Brown and Co, of Queen-street, to tbe order of a customer in Victoria, The Cross thinks it says a good deal of the local confectioners when people 1600 miles distant send to them for what could so easily be procured at home. The Auckland Star teller the following Story as illustrative of what it terms the blessings of our immigration system as at present conducted : — Per the Miltiades came a bricklayer with his wife and three children. Seldom perhaps has the building trade been brisker, or would there have been less ' difficulty in obtaining employment in this man's particular handicraft. Yet when the Miltiades sailed, he sailed too, for Melbourne, leaving his wife and children in the confident belief, no doubt, "that they- would not starve among the charities- of Auckland." They are utterly destitute, and are now applicants for rations and relief from the Provincial Government.
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Evening Post, Volume x, Issue 195, 5 October 1874, Page 2
Word Count
1,666Evening Post. MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1874, Evening Post, Volume x, Issue 195, 5 October 1874, Page 2
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Evening Post. MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1874, Evening Post, Volume x, Issue 195, 5 October 1874, Page 2
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