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Sir — To retain the hospital where it is, is also a mistake, affecting very largely the .value, of the city -and the appearance: ami character' of 'its pleasantest and most at* tractive part. It cannot be denied that any building we may put np here of thischaracter will, besides its primary function, perform that of a madhouse, as the present one does, for luratics haying- intervals of comparative saneness, or at least quietness, and, further, it is equally undeniable that, in ..the absence*, of ; unions c here for the destitute; sueh 1 a "building will also have, for an indefinite time, to supply the place of a union or workhouse. Now, I ask yon, sir, . is it a proper thing to advise the hospital Trustees to descend from the position they have taken to inflict upon us permanently, and in our midst, an institution, the most prominent characters or functions of which are those of a lunatic; asylum and *woik*i hquife? 'I* it go6d ta*te to pitcti a tnirfg of ! this sort upon the principal approach to our west end, and in a district admirably adapted for villa residences, and* which 'is* even now rapidly filling np with them ? In connection with this, it should aleo be considered that to continue an institution of this mixed kind among us is to render it certain that as now our ears will be at auy time Bubject to the most horrible and obscene language our mother tongue has in its vocabulary, is it, I ask again, right to advise Buch action to the trustees a*, if taken, would not only indefinitely continue this liability, but render it a far greater one, WiU it tend to keep on* children pure?
n;r women modest? or oor senators, as they pass by it to their daily taiks, in that serene state of mind which is essensial to taeir proper ]K-Tfortnance ? To tboso who, like myself, loak forward to the time v-hen foul language and fonl minds will be grown out by the noble and good ; to the hme when this onr city viH also have ita foulnesg removed,-* »nd i^ 8 rotten illJoplung^banties grown out by substantial nntl ornamental buildings j to those v?ho wilb. me are willing, iis? far as 3ur means gd to insist in this, to it ' ie metropolis of tbis colony may sj»t jiy be » city worthy of its name, ita *it«, ;«nd ite* nationality, it does indeed seottf »'Si moo* strous as it is disheartening that any dotS^t should be entertained as to the propriety of removing an institution from it? whose dominant characters, so far as we are cou« cerned, ara thoae I fetated forifc. Lastly," ifc'musV be considered that » serious pecuniary loss will follow tbe erection of the proposed building upon the site pf the present one ; land dose to this sitej has sold for nearly £7 the foot of f Mintage, and no\V i¥ worth more, and this with th« great drawback of the hospital, &c, clos« 3y. The hospital ground is Worth more r being in great part better placed. It iswell worth four thousand pounds wuen enfc tip properly, and after a 20 years' lease l»d expired over it would bo worth treble this amount at least. The bill ground would not sell for a tithe of tbis. A small portion .of this $4#oo wmld, with a little assistance from the City authorities, suffice to form a good mad to the hill.) .1 suppose the City to assist in this matter, t»8 a road to the property would be a great improvement to it, and is necessary for the proper utilisation of the Town Belt. As to tbe item of "cab fares'* mentioned, the greater .vahuMtf the contributions which would fall in support* of tbe> institution, removed. tnere would balance, this. . People cannot be expected to give when one of the effects of this is to keep up u> nuisance amonH them. I sup* pose there : would* be a .resident ;surgeon located there, sojthat cab ,f&re« .aibttld not often- be oharged to the ofßoers themfielves. If, however, the, why not sell botb it and* the hoßpital site and with a ( ,aman Ll part frofMtfteoprooeeds of this buy a few acres near Tinakori road or below the lunatic, asylum, either place ia easily accessible, Nearly level, and less subject to winds than the present site. ?ln t^mclusion^ I |wish*oj observe that I do hot* take upon myself lo offer any suggestions. f in this. mat Vet, toJihe hospital ' trtf«ee%3be c6urse' they seem desiroas to take indicating very clearly that they are npt.iovvery far behind the times nor so dead to publio feeling as to require them, but if I migbt be allowed to tender in a humble way my advice to them, I woald urge them ndt*o h^rr^to a decision upon this question which in adverse to the one they now incline to, for they may feel sure that time is on their side, and as it courses along their duty to the oily becomes more and more apparent, their present resolve more and-tnore fixed, until they themselvea as well as! those! Who oppose ttrfm, will wonder there ever oould have been two opinions upon tbe subject. I am, &c, CITTRKN.
The Reason Why. — A 'man said the only reason why his dwelling was not blown away in a late storm was because there was a heavy mortgage on it.
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Evening Post, Volume X, Issue 194, 3 October 1874, Page 2
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917SITE OF NEW HOSPITAL. TO THE EDITOR OF THE EVENING POST. Evening Post, Volume X, Issue 194, 3 October 1874, Page 2
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SITE OF NEW HOSPITAL. TO THE EDITOR OF THE EVENING POST. Evening Post, Volume X, Issue 194, 3 October 1874, Page 2
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