ALFRED A. BARNETT xi. AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR, HOUSE AND LAND AGENT, Custom House Quay. Near the Bank of New Zealand, WELLINGTON. T ABOWTTZKY, GRAY AND CO., ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS, House, Land, and GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, Accountants and Valuators. Surveys and Plans executed on the shortest notice. Offices— Odd Fellows' Hall, Wellington. FOR SALE OR LEASE. FOR SALE, Six Allotments of Land in good positions. Also several Houses to Let. For further particulars, apply to LABOWITZKY, GRAY and CO., House and Land Agents, &c. Offices— Odd Fellows' Hall. April 22.
NOW LANDING PER MALLARD. 1 AA CASKS JEFFREY'S PALE ALE XUI/ 1 2 cases lobsters 50 do fresh kippered and red herrings 90 firkins white herrings 41 hall-barrels red do 4 cases arrowroot 2 do Borwick's baking powder 1 do liquorice 1 cask carraway seed 9 do white clover seed 2 cases twine 1 cask wrought copper boat naili 20 bales double demy, superfine newi and assorted colored printing paper 5 do drapers' paper 3 cases foolscap, writing paper and envelopes 7 do slates and slate pencils 2 casks ink 5 cases 8-4 and 4-4 floorcloth 6 bales tapestry and printed carpeting 7 do cocoa-nut fibre matting, door mats, sofa and bedside rugs, hearth rugs 1 do horse and bush rugs 17 do 9-4, 10-4, and 114 white and colored blankets 4 doWelsh and fancy striped flannels 5 cases printed flannel and Crimean shirts, tweed jumpers 2 do American cloth 3 do linen and paper collars 14 do men's and boys' clothing, suits, sacs, trousers, and vests, overcoats, monkey jackets, lnverness capes, waterproof capes, coats, and leggings, &c. 8 do fancy and striped tweed, Bedford cord, diagonals, doeskin, superfine indigo blue & woaded black, blue pilot, witney, mixed and fancy Meltons, fancy and diagonal coatings, all wool and union tweeds, &c, &c. 8 do white, black, fancy, straw, and crinoline bonnets ; plain and trimmed felt, velvet, plush, and Paris hats ; hat trimming, plumes, feathers, &0., &c. 12 do plain and fancy wincies, all wool cloaking, lustres, alpacas, coburgs, barathea, black and colored French merino, poplinettes, embroidered and fancy robes, skirtings, petticoai s, black silk velvet, black and fancy glaces, patent velvet, &c. 1 do mantles, jackets, paletots, &c. 2 do witney, seal, fancy naps, diagonals, mohairs, fancy ripples, &c. 3 do gimp trimmings, tancy buttons, ornaments, chenille, and cotd nets, goffered braid, &c. 9do ladies' under-clothing, wool boots, boas, scarfs, wool vests, mats,pardigan jackets.spencers, bodices, garibaldi's, fancy belts, cricket belts, German fringe, mohair, Russia and brilliant braids, black and colored velvet ribbons, fancy lutes and bonnet ribbous, steel, flexible, horn, and fancy buttons, &c,, 3do hosiery, gloves, merino, Shetland and lambs' wool pants and trousers 1 do shepherd and fancy longs 1 do kid gloves, black and fancy ties, scarfs, &c. 2 do reels, Chadwick's 14 do linen sheeting, Hollands, embossed and colored table covers, toilet quilts, jean, twills, moreen, plaiding, brown kersey, white and blue serge, camlet, Russell cord, croton, dimity, muslin curtains, book and lancy muslins, pocket hdkfs., blond, lace, &c, 2do portmanteaus and Brussels squats. W. & G. TURNBULL & CO. April, 1865.