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The usual two-monthly meeHnir of the Council was held in the Council Chambers, Clyde, on Wednesday l ist the *2.> rd instant. There were present—Councillors Jolly (in the chair), Naylor, Pitches, M‘Ginniss, Colclough, Fraser, and Greenhank. Jho minutes of previous ordinary and special meetings were read and continued. Cr M‘Ginniss moved—That the protest lodged hy Or Coleiough re the Alexandra Bridge, he expunge* from the minutes. After a lengthy ami desultory argumen* - , the motion was carried on a division by 5 votes to 2. r lhe schedule of inwards and outwards correspondence rea l. A letter fiom the Chairman of Maniototo County Council, re Chinese, was read and recei veil. Constable bell, of Cardrona, was appointed Inspector of Slaughterhouses for that division of the Couutv, vice Constable Cameron, removed. Air Williams wrote asking permission to ictain the use of the l.oring rods for an extension of time of six weeks . drained. Correspondence relating to a difference of a few pounds between the Lake and Vincent Councils, for repairing bridge at Kirtleburn, was read r lhe A lucent Council having paid for the repairs, the Clerk was instructed to demand payment of balance due. ilie Clerk of the borough of Alexandra wrote suggesting a conference of the various Hospital boards in the County, having for its object the amalgamation into one central Hospital. The Council deoiled that it did not see its way to interfere in tho matter. A letter from Messrs Al’Latuthlan and MThurson, re money due on account of Kooky Point punt, was road. It was decided that further particulars of the claim be furnished. Mr Drummy again wrote a-king payment of balance due on account of Macandrew Brilgo. The Council declined to entertain Air Drunimy’s claim. Cr Jolly presented a memorial signed by about KiO ratepayers, praying that the Council would set apart certain works to be undertaken by day labour.—Keceivod. A report from the Engineer and Committee appointed to report on the suitability of a site for a bridge over tho Upper Ciutha Kiver, was read ami received. Tiie Engineer’s Reports on Contracts and Roads, were read and received. Iho Hanger's Report was read and received. The Engineer’s Report on the Difference in Cost between Contract Labour and Day Labour, was read and received. The Treasurer’s Report, showing a balance of LOOS2 12s Od, was read and receivc.k A Report on Punts and Ferries was laid on Ihe table. I he Council then adjourned. On resuming at ", The Standing Orders were suspended to allow of Notices of Alotion taking precedence of other business. 8. Cr. Colclough moved : That there bo laid on the table at each regular meeting of tho Council a tabulated statement of all cheques issued against tho County account, shewing date of issue, to whom issued, vote of the Council, and whether under contract m otherwise. He said lie thought Lie motion should commend itself to the Council, ; s by it the Council, cither collectively or individually, would have

grounds tor making any remarks they ' 1 thought proper on any of the payments. : a Ho did not propose any definite report, hut | simply that the information should be bud ■ on the table. | c Or. Greonbank seconded the motion.--Carried i 1 it. Cr. Colclough moved : That 6 months j nnrico bo given to the Bank of New Zea- ; 'I land to terminate the existing agreement, I an I that the County account be again of- 1 1 fered by tender. I f Seconded by Cr. Pi'ches. i Cr. Colclough saiil it was not a long time 1 since that a similar motion was tabled by ' him and lost, but as that since then a rad- i ical change had taken place in the money 1 market, he thought the Council might be 1 inclined to view the question differently to what they did on the former occasion ; he t argued that as money is now more valuable ] than it was when the existing banking ar- 1 rangement was entered into there was every ( I possibility of getting better terms. The credit balance of the Council had been, still was, and there was every possibility of it < remaining good, and there was little doubt t of more favorable terms being made to the i extent of an extra L3OO or L4OO. He said ( if it was to the interest of a private indi- i vidual to shift bis banking account, it was equally so with a public body such as the County. i Cr. Naylor thought there was a great , sameness with all the banks just now, and k though particlar stress had been laid on the - extra interest on credit balance, nothing had been sai l on the other side, as to the extra to be paid for accommodation. Considering the depressed state of the money market be did not think the time opportune for dealing with the question. Cr. M'Ginnis did not agree with the motion ; lie understood the Council was jin communication with the Bank of New Zealand regarding the account, the question could not therefore be dealt with until they had more information—He would move as an amendment—“ That the motion stand over till next meeting.” Cr. Green bank seconded the amendment. Crs. Jolly and Fraser thought it would be bad policy to deal with the question. The amenment was carried. Councillor Greenback moved That the petition of I homas Spain, and others, from Matakanui, be taken into consideration, with the view of comparing tire cast of road works done by day labor, as against similar work done by contract.—Withdrawn by consent. Councillor Fraser moved :—That it is desirable that all works constructed by the j Council be let by tender when practicable. Seconded by Cr. Greenback. Cr. Fraser urged the motion on the ground of economy, and also, as an expression of , opinion of a considerable portion of the j ratepayers of bis riding. Cr. Greonbank thought, considering the vast amount of money expended by tlie Council in day labor there could be no proper supervision. Cr. Colclough supported the motion. Cr. Pitches was in favor of day labor, thinking that as goo 1 and as cheap work was done by day labor as by contract. Cr. M'Ginnis supported the motion, and sai l the Council should discourage the day labor system, which was acting detrimentally to every other interest by drawing away all laour to seek for County work lie moved as an amendment—“ That no works to cost more than LSO be done by day labor ” I Cr. seconded, and said it was necessary there should be some limit, as by the returns it was shewn that out of LIO,O 0 spent during last year on road works as much as L 7,500 was done by day labor. Cr, Naylor was in favor of the contract system, but, wh'le admitting that day labor j could not be dispensed with, there should i be a limit to the amount so expended. Cr. Jolly thought thee should be no such restrictive motion past ; he had one Memorial before him signed by thirty ratepayers in favor of the co itract system, and another signed by 151), praying for day labor : be said the words “ when practicable ” in the I motion thoroughly met the case. The amendment was withdrawn, and the motion carried. 1. Cr. Naylor moved : —That tenders bo forthwith called for the erection of the Clyde bridge. He said ten months had now elapsed since the bridge was washed away, and nothing had boon done ; it was evident after all the expense that had been incurred over the punt that it did not meet the requirements of the traffic, which, according to the returns laid on the table was con siderablo, and bo hoped the Council would agree to bis motion. Cr. M'Ginnis—Thought before the Council pledged themselves to this or any other work it should have some information as to cost. The Engineer some months since was instructed to have plans and specifications prepared, and be wished to know if they were ready. The report of the Engineer on the Clyde bridge was laid on the table and read —it was to the effect that be had been unable as yet to prepare the plans, but he estimated tbs cost of the structure to be raised 2-1 feet above the old one would be LSIOO. Cr. Naylor, in reply to a question by Cr. Fraser, said bis motion was for a light traffic bridge. Cr. Fraser was glad to hear it, as he thought it would answer every purpose. Ho gave several reasons why the bridge should he built, one being that Parliament had voted money to repair damages by the flood, and he thought if a bridge could be built for some L3OOO it should be done. He would second the motion. Cr. Colclough was astounded at the traffic returns, he never having the slightest idea it was so great, and would support the motion on consideration of a promise of support for a bridge across the Upper Clutha. Cr. M'Ginniss said that considering the amount of traffic, and following the expressed wishes of ratepayers • in his riding,

ho would support the building of a bridge j at a cost of L4OOO. j e Cr. Greenback would have voted for the a morion had plans been prepared. A prin- In eiple of the Council was that no such work i should be entered upon without plans being : v first prepared and agreed to by the Council. ! Cr. Colclough moved as an amendment, j a That the Engineer be instructed to prepare i plans and specifications for a light traffic bridge, cost not to exceed 1/3500. Not seconded. Cr. Naylor s-iid bn would press bis motion ; to delay it till next meeting was virtually shelving it, and as it was equally iu the interest of the Council as of the j ratepayers that the bridge should be built, . be would force a division. After further discussion, a further amendment, That the engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for a light traffic bridge at Clyde, and immediately on completion tenders be called for saiiie. i ] Seconded by Cr Pitches, and carried. 2. Cr. Greenback moved:—That a sum of money, being not Lss than one-half of the amount to be received by tins Council ’ from the sale of land within the County be expen do I in opening up roads to such lands immediately on the sale thereof. Seconded by Cr. Pitches. ; Cr. M'Ginniss did not think the Council ' should lay down any iron bound rule in the i disposal of their revenue. The policy of the Council was to do justice to all parts of the County alike, and it is like casting a ■ reflection on the Council. , Cr. Naylor thought it would be years before many of the roads would be required, and it would he a bad policy to lock up the revenue, as would be the case if the motion was carried. Motion lost. 3. Cr. Greenback moved :—That thirty pounds be voted for bye roads about Tinkers and Dry bread. Carried 4. Cr. Greonbank moved :—That fifty pounds be voted for mam road to Devonshire Gully. Carried. 5. Cr. Greenbank moved :—That four hundred pounds be voted for roadsiuSpettis Hundred, completing first the road, east side of Sections 2G to 3G, and road East of Sections 37. 38, and 39. Or. Colclough seconded. An amendment was carried, That the Engineer be instructed to call tor tenders for the work, cost not to exceed 1.400. 6. Cr. M'Ginniss moved ;—That after Contracts are signed by successful tenderers, the names of all the tenderers, with their amounts be published once in the two local papers. | Seconded by Cr. Fraser. I . Cr. M'Ginniss said tue present system I was unsatisfactory, anil if the mot-ion was carried it would have the effect of raising . the Council above suspicion. Carried. 7. Cr. M'Ginniss moved : That owing to i the price of deferred payment land having | been raised to throe pounds per acre, it is, I and has been a bar to the settlement of the | people on the land. Therewith, with the 1 view to facilitate settlement, and to enable people with small means to acquire homes for themselves on the land, this Council recommend to the Government the desirability of at once re luring the price of deferred payment land to its original cost, viz- -- i thirty shillings per acre. Seconded by Cr. Colclough. Cr. M'Ginniss hoped the motion would be carried, as it would show the Govern- i ment that they were iu earnest in thtdr ! prayer. | ! Cr. Fraser thought it a very important i thing the Conneil sending their opinion to i the Government on the subject, but he i thought the motion -should embody an i opinion on the .and question generally, and i further that the price should be according ; to the class of land Carried. I 10. Cr. Jolly moved : That owing to the . | severity of the weather, a number of men [ hj iveboeiitlirownoiitnf ernplovment, the Eni giuecr be instructed to lay off two Sections ■ of the road—Bendigo to Q iartz Beef Point i —the same to he completed by- day labor. Seconded by Cr. Fraser. ! Cr. Jolly urged the motion on the ground j of the great number of unemployed in the j district, and further that it was necessary ! j to open this road so as to ensure communication between Cromwell and Bendigo duri ing the time of floods. ; Crs. thought Cr. Jolly was drawing a ’ pretty long bow in the matter of the unein- , ployed. / Resolved—That the Engineer lay off two - or more sections of the road, and call for : tenders for same. Cr. Jolly said he thanked the Council for i nothing, as the vote was asked to supply a I pressing and immediate necessity. 11. Cr. Jolly moved : —That plans and • specifications be prepared, and tenders " called for the erection of a traffic bridge 1 over the Clntha river, at a site finally to be ‘ fixed by the Engineer, and the Committee - appointed to report upon same, f Seconded hy Cr, Fraser. After a deal of discussion, Cr. Jolly said 2 lie did not wish the work to he taken out t of its order, ho merely required the vote so 3 that the residents in the neighbourhood - might have a something to go upon in the 1 matter of building a flour mill iu the district. Carried. The Council then adjourned till the folt lowing morning at 10.30. 6 On resuming, The following votes asked for by the E En* ,'ineer were granted Clyde to Cromwell, 1.200. e Town of Clyde, Lino. e Track, east side of the Ffawea, LI 20. • Cromwell to Wanaka, L2IIO, Cromwell to Kirtleburn, LIOO. 0 A Ibcrtown to head of Lake Wan aka, L3OO. • The Engineer reported that the offer of t Mr M'Phail, to erect a light traffic bridge ,f a toss the l.indisfor the sum of LISO, bad r been accepted.' The Council deprecated the course pure sued in expending monies without the con- > sent of the Council, and hoped it would not ■ be continued.

Resolved—That a wire rope and chair be erected across the Molyneux between Clyde and Cromwell, at the Half-way House, cost not to exceed L2O. Accounts amounting to LlB7 ICs lid were passed for payment The Council then went into Committee, and on resuming reported that the following tenders be accepted : No. 57 J. Lithgoe No. 58— J. Remain No. 59 —W. Howard Cr. Jolly drew attention to the very great amount of inconvenience that arose to day labourers of the County thron ;h there being no system for payment of their waves immediately they are discharged. The Council came to no arrangement on the subject. Tire Engineer reported and recommended that the Bridge at Luggate Creek bo repaired and extended, at a cost not exceeding L2O. Agreed to. The meeting then adjonrne 1.

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Dunstan Times, Issue 901, 25 July 1879, Page 2

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VINCENT COUNTY COUNCIL. Dunstan Times, Issue 901, 25 July 1879, Page 2

VINCENT COUNTY COUNCIL. Dunstan Times, Issue 901, 25 July 1879, Page 2


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