The Hawke's Bay Sheep Dog Trial Club's meeting is proceeding at Roy's Hill, Maraekakaho, to-day There is a very good attendance of sheepfarmers, shepherds, and of visitors, and the greatest interest is being taken in the gathering. As the entries in each class are very large, it will take some time for all the dogs to got through their work. Our special reporter on the scene wired at 4 p.m. that Class 1. was in full progress, but had not concluded when we went to press.
An application to the Supreme Court has been made for a new trial in the recently decided case of Cohen v. Whittington.
A divorce case, Barrett v. Barrett (a Wairoa action) has been set down for hearing at the next sittings of the Supreme Court at Napier. Two other divorce cases are mentioned as likely to be heard.
The remains of the late Mr John Beharrell were laid in their last resting place yesterday at Havelock cemetery, the Rev. John Hobbs officiating at the grave. A large attendance of the public and friends of the deceased were present.
Mr J. Maginnity, for his ensuing concert, has secured the services of Mr Charles Boosey, the popular tenor, and Messrs Dean, Davidson, and Swan. The box office is now open at Messrs Milner and Thompson's, where tickets for both parts of the theatre may be obtained, and seats reserved upstairs without extra charge.
There was another slip in the Manawatu Gorge yesterday, which necessitated passengers changing from one train to another. The coach road on the opposite side of the Gorge is stated to have suffered again very severely, as the road has absolutely slipped away for about a chain in one place. Surely the Government ought to take steps to deal with this matter, and learn if another route than the Gorge could not be formed for constructing a line of railway, and at a much less cost than the present most dangerous road.
Ladies' and gentlemen holding invitations for the Mikado Quadrille assembly, are reminded of the first dance, which takes place this evening in the Garrison Hall.*
To night the St. Paul's Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor are to repeat their temple service at the Baptist Church, on behalf of the funds of the White road Sunday morning school. They will be supported by friends, who will give vocal selections, &c, and a good gathering is expected. The meeting begins at 7.30, and admission is by ticket, 6d. *
Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 7402, 27 June 1895, Page 3
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