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Mark the wonderful result! I had taken but three doses withiu twenty-four hours'when I was seized with a fit of and; threw 'up .thephlegm and mucus oSyiny my blood and joints, soon left me entirely, and I felt like going to sleep, and I did sleep sound and quiet. Then 1 felt hungry with a natural appetite, and as I ate I soon got strong and well. I felt I could leap through the air with delight! In a week I was able to go to my -work again. It doesn't seem possible, yet it is true, and the neighbors know it. There are plenty of witnesses to prove it. 'And, therefore, when I say I preach the good news of the great power of Seigel's Syrup to cure pain and disease far and wide nobody will wonder at me. ' \ Thomas Canning. 75, Military-road, Canterbury, Kent. Mothers Seigel's Curative Syrup is., for eale by all chemists and medicine vendors; and by the Proprietors, A. J. White, Limited, 35, Farringdon-road, London, E.G., England.

M U SMITH, n Ihemist. HASTINGS. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B« PILLS Is warranted to ciire all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex (acquired or constitutional), Gravel and Pains in the Back Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in Boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World. Proprietors: The Lincoln and Midland Counties Deuo Company Lincoln, England. CONTAMINATIONS Of the Blood, whether the after-effect of Contagious Disease, hereditary taint, or foul matter of any description, are positively earned out of the system by taking "Cx.4eks'B Woeld-Fambd Blood -Mix. titbk," the great Blood .Purifier and Restorer. For cleansing and clearing the Blood from all impurities it cannot be too hijrhlv recommended. For Scrofula, Sonrv/ Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It is the only real specific for Gout and Rheumatic Pains", for it removes the cause from the blood and bones.-,Of Chemists, &c, everywhere at 2s 9d and Hβ per bottle. Thousands of Testimonhlg.

WHY HE DID NOT GO TO THE HOSPITAL. HE COULD LEAP THROUGH THE AIR. My object in writing is two-fold : to express my gratitude for a great benefit, and to tell a short story which cannot fail to interest the feelings of many others. It is all about myself, but I have remarked that when £ man tells the honost truth about himself hi is all the more likely to be of use to his follow-croatures. To begin, then, you must know I had long been more or less subject to attacks of bronchitis, a complaint that you are aware is very common and troublesome in Great Britain in oertain seasons of the year. Some months ago I had a very severo turn of it, worse, 1 think, than I over had before. It was probably brought on by my catching cold, as wo wero all apt to do when we least expect it. Weeks passed by, and my trouble proved to be very obstinate. It would not yield to medicine, and as I also began to have violent racking pains in my ohest by the mouthful. The Syrup had loosened and broken it up. Continuing with the Syrup, the nicking pain, which I behove came from the bitter and poison humours in limbs and back, I became greatly alarmed. I could neither eat nor sleep. If I had been a feeble, sickly man, I should have thought less strangely of it; but as, on the contrary, I was hearty and robust, I feared some new and terrible thing had got hold of me, which might make my strength no avail againstit. Isay, thatwastho waylthought. Presently I could not even Ho down for the pain all over my body. I asked my doctor what ho thought of my condition, and he frankly said, ' I am sorry to have to tell you that you are getting worse!' This so frightened my friends, as well as myself, that they said ' Thomas you must go to the Hospital; it may be your only chance for life /' But I didn't want to go to tho hospial. Who does, when ho thinks ho can possible get along without doing it ? I am a laboring man, with a large family depending on me for support, and I might almost as well bo in my grave as to bo laid on my back in a hospital unable to lift a hand for months, or God only knows how long. Right at this point I had a thought flash across my mind siko a streak of sunshine in a cloudy day. I had heard and read a good deal about Mothers Seigel's Curative Syrup, and I resolved, beforo consenting to bo taken to the hospital, I would try that well-known remedy. On this I gave up tho doctor's medicine and began taking the Syrup.

T>RICK FURNISHING STORE. TENNYSON STREET. W.M. NEWMAN,." PROPRIETOR, Latk LANGLET AND NEWMAN, Begs to call attention to his large. and superior stock of general HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c, Comprising—

CAUTION. PURCHASERS of CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE should sea that they get the genuine article. Worthless imitations are sometimes palmed off by unprincipled vendors. rt » *'?iJ>J The words " Linoonvand* Midland Conn. ties Drug Company, Lincoln, England," are engraved on the Government Stamp, Bottle; without which none are genuine.

Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, -with and without borders Kidderminster and Tapestry Carpet Squares Plain and Fancy China Mattinga Window Hollands all'oolors Perambulators with reversible hoods Linoleums and Floorcloths Fire Screens, Japanese Trays Iron nnd Brass Bedsteads Wove Wire and other Spring Mattrasses Bedding and Household Furniture of every description. ■ ■ .■ , X)T A A few First-class Jl Jl JIJL X iv/ O . InstrQmente to clear at a slight advance upon cost, for Cash. CALL AND INSPECT. W. M. NEWMAN, CABINETMAKER, UNDERTAKER, AND VALUATOR, TENNYSON STREET.

imit/cerwe < Is the most perfect Emollient Milk for i < SOFTENING AND BEAUTIFYING . < THE SKIN ; < EVER PRODUCED. > i It keepi tho Skin Coot snd »BnuesaKD in the Bottut * i Weitukr. I i Entirety removes and prevents all > < ROUGHNESS, REDNESS, SUNBURN, TAN, At. > < An 4 preserves the THE SKIS froni the (Sect* ol > l oipcsure to tho t < stto. wiiro. or hard -water, » < «. .Wore eflectnally tbnn Mir other preptntion. • I . ItfadeUßhtlnU.rCooMsoanil IttVMainKo a»p»Ueoto , ' the J*ee or H«nd« after being oat to the fit*. Tennii- ' < pUying. Tftcbtini;, &c. It remmea ell Hettuid Irritation ' < erased by the s<m, Stings cMntectt, etc.. and tanmrtt ► < UuitsottTClTotyfeelimttothiiSMn.'WhfchJiißOdelißhtlßl. > , rrico in England, ]9.4 2«. r.d. Sole Ueken: , SHARLAND & CO, Auckland; and FELTON, GRIMWADE & CO., Weiington.

THE " HORNSBY " REAPER AND BINDER TESTIMONIAL FROM JOHN GRIGG, ESQ., LONGBEACH, CANTERBURY. LongbcHoh, Canterbury, N.Z. June ilth, 1889. Messrs. Hobnsmt. I have need savoral of your Reaping and Binding Maohinrs this season, and I have much pleasure in stating that they {,'avo mo eiitixo satisfaction—ia fact, I prefer them to any other Machine I have Been. I found two horses quite equal to the r required draught. ■.•:■:, . : Yours truly, ■■ (Signed) JOHN GHIGG. As is we'd known, Mr. Grigjr ie one of the largest growers of grain in Now Zealand, and he owns .21 Reapers and Binders including i> of the principal makes, and often at ono time no has in use on his estate 36 Machines. 'Thus the above Testimonial i' jloquout as showing that tho " UORNSBY " BINDER is the lightest in draught. ">"° l in work, and of the most solid and honest construction, the cost for repairs on soveml machines at Longbench during tin. >..•.■!. .'iLason having been nil. Practical irill thus reoognißo tho Superior Qualities of tho " HORNSBY " REAPER AND BINDER. warmers

HAWKE'S BAY TESTIMONIALS, HARVESTERS, Fernlnll, Tanoka, Napier, rji e «■. January.22nd, 1889. January 23rd, 1889. January 24th 1889 Mksshs. Mtouu*. EoHKwe, * Co. Mhbsbs. Mubbay, Rodebts, & Co, j> i^f^ , *,*™** 1 imported tfala Sx-,-1 have just finished cutting 1.10 »■**•. . *&£ SST&g? J^CM acres of Oat« and Barloy with Hornsby's Deab Sibs,—l am quite satisfied with the the greatest satisfaction gVea Reaper and Biuder, and it gavo every satis- Horusby Binder bought of you thisi Season, ' fnotion and am very pleased with the work she «• ■*>■ CHAMBERS. KENRICK HILL. doing. _ . Yours truly, v , . Omahu, T. W. LEWIS, l-ndsleigh, Havelock. January 22nd, 1889. . (TAHA HO TENE.) Msssw - Muß^ sr '. Kobem*, & Co., Messrs. Mueiuy, Robkbts, & Co. -no Dkak Si«e,-I am very please to the Karamu, wt W ™i™ii™ W^. and Biaaer «e Hornsbv Reader and Binder, the Hornsby January 23rd, 1889. °nd wTeuttVoh.fnZ^ entUe faction, s,f J - «*_ Mro ,«, h™, *a. H^wtrsjtTrj^ |}j,i(ier. Db»k Sieß,—l'm glad to inform you that * u "™""*«t" TURANGA KARAURIA (Xnt'u-cJ, I'm very pleased to see thia Hornsby Binder HUGH CAMPBELL working well, and to my greatest satisfao- 24t " January, 1889. * Haveloek, tion. . January 22nd, 1889. Yours truly, .» , r — —— Mbssus. M UBJ uv, Robots, ft Co. __TOKO PANOPA. >*«■ ft 0,, Deae Suss,— lam very well ploaaed with «■«»,. ovi, i • T r the Hornsby Binder, it is giving everj satie- Hastings, Hawko's Bay, New Zealand, uwavas. xiKoJano, Jiawko's Bay, faction. 2-ltli January, 18S9. D |at Februery, 1889. la,D ' J. HARVEY. MK SBBS . Mtmuv, KOBHKXS, ft Co. Tffi£ 2 £ Deak Sibs,- I have workod the Hornsby Hornaby's Reaper and Binder hae been a Meanee, Binder 1 bought from you, and it has cut thorough success. I have just finished January 23rd, 1889. 200 acres without any mishap, and has cutting one hundred acres of Wh P «f T , - n tfiven overy satisfaction to every one I cut «arley, and Oats without a sinsln hu.l Messrs. Murray, Robeets, & 00. for i OX ppot lo.cut another 100' acres this It outs well, leaving,, a nice, clean etubW Dkau Sins,—lhavo fouuel tho Horusby season and can recomrae.nd jt as sjinplo and and the binding is perfect.' In fact vnu Reaper and Binder to be the best I have durable. / , could not « et a machine to do better work overworked. She doea her work neat and JTours trul}', Yours truly well, and gives every satisfaction that is C. FARMERY. A S a niT>TXTnx+ desirable. _- ' _ ' Yours respectfully, Hastings, Hawked Bay, Grcenm ea doiv ß G MILLIGAN Now Zoaland. "icenmeaaows, v. iu.xijAii.wAw. February let, ISB9 Olive, MBBBBS. & Co., Messes. Mukbat, Robeeib, & OoV ' January 22nd, 1889. Sffi3 _j Lave p , Qasure |n informillg GwiMopw.-In «na,ver to your onqmW Messhs. Mukuay, RoitiiEra,. & Co. you tliat the Hornsby Binder I got from you ".'" I,o « , l »ke my Horusby. Reaper and Napier. has cut and tied about 110 acres, and lias '.Jf 1 ?' L m:l y B ' i y l "*t lam much pleased Dkab Sibß,-I have tised all the Binders given me no trouble or no expense. I ex- ' *™> mainly for its simplicity, lightnese made and I Hke the Hornsby whicli I pcot to cut another 120 acres. lam well JW' , ™™ ho ™>* work put i nto CoukM S year better than any Machine, atirfled with the machine, and believe it *»■• «ork it does leaves nothing tobe It has given perfect J cunnot be beat. ■ FaithfuUy yourß> • W. RUDDICK. ' 24th January, 1889. OARTWRIGHT BROWN" SOLD BYMESSES. MURRAY, EOBERTS, AND 00., NAPIER, AGENTS.

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5576, 13 July 1889, Page 6 (Supplement)

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5576, 13 July 1889, Page 6 (Supplement)

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5576, 13 July 1889, Page 6 (Supplement)


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