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Sir Arthur Sullivan is composing tho luaic for a grand opera. _ One of the latest novelties in Paris is a iroua of performing cata. Horr George Ebers, tho novelist, is a hopo•Sβ and greatly sufiering invalid. The first boy born in Gnthrie.has been lamed George Washington Oklahoma White. , General Boulanger contemplates a visit :o Wales. His mothor was a Welsh woman. Lord Tennyson has so far regained his health as to bo able to take out-of-doors exercise. The filing of applications for office in Washington averages SOO per day. That is 20,800 per month, and 249,G00 per year. .On April ICth twenty hotels and board-ing-houses in the Catskill Mountains, N.Y., .entered into an agreement not to receive Hebrews as guests. .'... About ten million roubles will be expended in. constructing a large breakwater at Libau, ■which bids fair to become ouo of the principal ports on tho Baltic. The Countess Elizabetta Giustiniani, who lately died at Venieo, has left her magnificent palace to the municipality, to bo converted into a school for young girls. , The Russian Admiralty, it is said, has decided to innrtMHe tho Baltic and Black Sea fleets by foui largo monitors. The vossole will be heated with keroseno refuso instead of coal.

Henri Rochefort had to apply to tho French Government for a safe conduct to enable him to attend the funeral of his eldest son, who committed suicide at Boua, Algeria.

It is asserted that tho recent visit of Count Bismarok to England, ostensibly on a political mission, was really for the purpose of marrying a relative of Lord Londonderry.

Including policemen, postofßce offieialf, niarketmen and women, earetakors, hospital nurses, and newspaper writers and printers, it is estimated that fully 100,000 of the inhabitant* of London are night-workers.

A man wa* arrested in St. Louis the other day who had 194 door mats stored away in his barn, every one of which he had stolen and carried homo. Ho said ho intended to start a bench show of rugs pretty scon.

A French scientist says that allowing five acres for each inhabitant, Europe has room for 115,000,000 more people, Africa for 1,336,000,000, Asia, for 1,402,000,000, Oocanica for 615,000,000 and America for 2,000,000,000.

- Mrs. Lung try has telegraphed to tho manager of the Gaioty Theatre, Dublin, enquiring as to vacancies next autumn, when she hopes to return to Europe and play iv the Irish Capital. A reply has been sent that tho Gaiety will be at her disposal for a few oft' nights about the end of October.

It seems that everybody applying fer a season ticket for the Paris Exhibition must submit two photographs. One of these the Exhibition authorities keep. Tho other they sign and return to the applicant, so that it may fare badly with one's relatives if they insist on borrowing the ticket.

An extraordinary haul is reported from Biarritz, whore more than one hundred thousand sardines wero caught in a single oast of tho net. Tho fishing boat Petite Mario was not only crammed to overflowing with flfih, but a ftnall steamer which happened to bo near was requisitioned as well.

A strange bequest has been mado by a retired *ax colleotor, who died the other day at Grenoble, to tho town of St. Maroellin. Ho lihs left it £120 on condition that it should be invested at compound interest for a period of 600 years, wheu the testator calculated tho accumulations would amount to 49,700 milliards of francs.

The Emperor of Japan has taken possession of a magnificent new pulaco built f=>r him at Tokio. Tho style is a curious mixture of modern European and ancient Japanese architecture, but tho interior is wholly arranged in European manner. Tho archil ect is a native, and tho cost of the building and fit tinge £800,000. Nearly all tho furniture has been manufactured in Germany.

A paragraph™ going the round r in regard to tho number of Jews in the world. The Archives Judaique* of Paris, maicue tho number 0,300,000. The lato Vrofessor Olllvin £• Stowo in a lecture once dwelt with rnuuh emphasis upon tho fact that the number of the Jew« bus been from tho earliest times nearly constant. As far ns is known it has remained at just about six million". The dangers of hypnotism have been signally exemplified at Buda-Pesth, where a Bohoolbov hue be.on arrested for having TOemnorised" several of his nchoolfellows, and suggested to them whiln in that condition to rob their parents The boy'n preccptm proved that all the luda iv one clans luu: been thus operated upon, and that, in eao .

instance, they had stolon n»o»r>y from tin

parents, and bad given it to thoir prompter. An tiinusiug story comes from Ireland. As a Ktidical club baud was recently marchiua to hcudquiirtore, playing- " God tsuyt! Ireland," two nion, exclaiming '• Wα will teach you to piny thattuno," limdo im attack upon tho drummer and « banuer"~boarer, for which tbi-y wore each fined 20h and <:o«t«. It appeared that thoir mimical uduwitiun l"> !l| i Ijc '- ,n neglected, and that, they lm<i mistaken tlio uir fur another which was obnoxious to them.

The number of native* in Ireland who emigrated during the year 1888 wero 78,084. Tho number is smaller by more thun 5 per cent, than those of the emigrants of 1887, and this decrease is e«en to a greater extent among women thau among men. There were 41,310 men—a decrease of IB6o—and 37 574 women —a decrease of 2373—0f Irish nationality who went to irwke up the total of 78,084, which number may bo contrasted with the 82,923 of both eexes who emigrated in 18S7.

Fashion in dogs changes almost as quickly Bβ fashion in drees. The popular pet for 1880 (saye the London Daily Telegraph) is to bo the " echipporko," tho little skipper. Hβ comes from tho Low Countries, and_ is tho favorite companion of the Ilemish bargeo. He is a perky little fellow, coalblack, withaManx-cattaif, prickly ears, and a hard coat; neither smooth nor broken haired. He should weigh at most Within the last few weeks tho demand for these animals has exceeded the supply.

Undo Clearwater (noted temperance apostle, on a visit to his nephew, looking out of parlor window)— What a fine building that is across tho way! Nephew— Yes; yes; but the owner built it out of the blood, the aches, and groans of his fellowmen ; out of the grief of crying children and the woe of wailing women. Uncle C. —Ah! A rumseller, of courser Yes, yes ! Nephew OU, no ; he's a dentist.—Toronto Grip.

Some comparative statistics just published in Pxrits show that between 1789 and 1889 tho population of that city has increased from GCO.OOO to 2,3-10,000, and of Franco from 27,000.000 to 38,000,000; that the taxation wkich 100 years ago was C91,000,000fr. is now 311,U92,000fr.; that the valuo of land has risen from flOOfr. to 1700fr. per hectare; and the general commerce of the nation which, at the firstnamed period, was of the valuo of 1,017,000,000fr. is now 9,361,000,000fr., w'hilo wages have risen 100 per cent, in towns and cities, and about 300 per cent, in the agricultural districts.

A (luestionablo piece of information has roa<-hud us from America. In Kochestc.-, 7.J.Y., there is said to boa lady wbu prof'essee to bd a musical medium. Her namo is Mies Billings (it is not stated whetlier she is a relative- of tho world-famed " Jo»h "), and it is related of her that after she lakes her seat at tho pianoforte fho makes a few nervous movements of hor head, and pusses into a triinoo, during which she plays and sings with the greatest eacu and skill tho most beautiful and difficult aon«B. She sings in fivo different languages, none of which she understands, and s-hc performs well on various instruments without having learned them.

Sarahßcrnbardtlias returned toPari.*, and has reappeared sit tbo Varices in a four-act piece, taken from tbo English novel entitled As in a Looking-glass. Her death scene m this drama is described as being- more moving than anything of tho kind aho lms exhibited as Marguorito Gautiur, Froufrou, Adriennu Leeonvrier, or Fedoru, and as excelling them all iv naturalness. When eho falls, phicid and soft, liko a bundle of rugs, flat on the floor with ii glassy look in her eyes and beads of cold pompiration .standing on her forehead, cries of anguibh mid horror nso fcom tho' audience, which ar..< almost immediately succeeded by uu outburst of frensied applause.

It has been tho custom at Lyons for ODeratic debuluitt* to appear tLreo times, and after tho third performance, to receive from tho tho cheers or hisses whioh retain or difiniw thuin. Thia somewhat otudo pwMS* b«w Homotiines led to dinturb-ani-o in .-cveial wisos tho police eoinmi-sary havr'i"- bi en culiwl in to givo an opinion nh between tho -Ayes" mid'• Now. ' Iho municipal council have not ventured to abolish a pvivilego »o essentially democratic. They have, h«wcv..T, .uw.o up their miudH to regulate tho Homiure and for the future the fate oi debutant' is to be dooid-dby ballot, the audience boing supplied with tickets, which they may put into an am oh pafeiug out.

Tnrrangower—or, as it is now better known Maldoh—has been one of the prominent goldfields of the colony ever since the discovery in 1853 of a run of alluvial, close to where now stands tho leading hostelry of the village. When tie mount was comparatively deserted, gold was found in tho stone, the rush to tho old diggings was almost as extensive as it was at Bend'go, and so rich did some of the shallow workings prove to be that with crude appliances and wages averaging £6 per week fortunes were made. Au idea of the quality of the stone may be gained from the fact, that 25,0000z."0f gold wero taken out of a piece of ground 39ft 3in in length. From two tons they obtained 5600z. ; lj tons 2300z., and from a week's crushing with a small battery 1,'2500z. On another lino in the Eaglohawk Company's ground 2,0000z. wore obtained from a patch 10ft square,— Melbourne Argus.

Captain Sydney O'Daune, who was formerly the military preceptor of the present Emperor of Germany, has just been sontenced by a tribunal in Berlin, which sat with closed doors, to four yeara' and a-half imprisonment, and to five years' deprivation of his civil rights, for having supplied the Government with false and misleading information in his capacity as a spy. O'Daune, who is of Irish parentage, had been expelled from tho German army in 1870 for peculation and afterwards took up the profession of a gambler, thief, and spy. Passing over into I'rance, ho was sentenced to three months' imprisonment at Bourg, and obtained a commutation of his sentence by undertaking to furnish the French Government with information of an acceptable character relating to tho German army.

A horrible tragedy occurred on the 9th of April at Puy-Imbert, one of the suburbs of Limoges. A poor woman named Souhiu, whose husband had been sentenced to 43 hours' imprisonment for stoaling some lead, murdered tho whole of her five children, the eldest aged 11 years, and tho youngest only 10 months, by strangling them in their beds. Tho eldest, a boy, resisted for some minutes, but sho clutched his throat and stifled him. Then she lit a charcoal fire in

order to suffocate herself, but as this failed in its effect she stabbed herself in the neck and breast, but not mortally. When arrested she showed no signs of insanity, and fondly kissed her victims beforo leaving the house. She said sho wanted to save them from misery. Her husband, who was released from prison on tho same morning, was so oxcitod by horror and indignation that ho rushed at hie wife to kill her, but ' was restrained by the police. Blessed are tho poverty stricken, writes tho Paris correspondent of the London Truth, it longevity be a blessing. Tho majority of the eighty-four centenarians who were ulive in Franco at the taking of the ltint census were extremely poor. There were twenty-one of them living on alms as bcurgtvre or in alnishousee. The open air life of a shepherd must bo also conducive to long life. A beggar named Rives, at Tnrbes, wtis born in 1770, and a womtn who herded gouts in tho Ceveunes Mountains, had exceeded 118 years. Widows survive into a great old ago thoir husbunde more often than widowers pay such a bad compliment to their wives. The proportion of the centenarian widows as compared to the same class of widowers was as forty-ono to twenty-three in 1884. Is this because the ungentle sex are moro deeply sentimental, or tho gentle ones eat less and havo better regulated tempers f You know—or perhaps you don't know—that nothing hastens senility like habitual guzzling. Would it not be well to hang up tho above statistics in tho dining-rooms of tho city companies and at the Mansion House.

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Bibliographic details

Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5568, 4 July 1889, Page 4

Word Count

Scissors. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5568, 4 July 1889, Page 4

Scissors. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5568, 4 July 1889, Page 4


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